502 resultados para Vibrio cholera


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Background: Cholera, a severe acute watery diarrhea caused by Vibrio cholerae is endemic in Nigeria with most cases occurring in the rural areas. In South West Nigeria, some individuals resort to alternative treatments such as Ogi-tutu, Psidium guajava and Vernonia amygdalina during infections. The effectiveness of these alternatives in the prevention and treatment of V. cholerae infection requires experimental investigation. Objective: This study was designed to investigate the ameliorative effects of Ogi-tutu, Vernonia amygdalina and Psidium guajava on intestinal histopathology of experimental mice infected with V. cholerae. Methods: Preliminary investigation of in vitro vibriocidal activities of these alternatives were carried out using agar cup diffusion assay. For ameliorative effects, adult mice were inoculated with 100 μl (106 cells) of Vibrio cholerae and dosed at 0 h (immediate prevention) and 4 h (treatment of infection) and their intestines were histopathologically evaluated. Results: The histopathological changes were the same irrespective of the treated groups, but the lesions varied in extent and severity. The ameliorative effects in decreasing order were V. amygdalina > P. guajava > Ogi-tutu. Conclusion: V. amygdalina gave the best ameliorative effects in the prevention and treatment of V. cholerae infection.


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Although known since the last century, Vibrio metschnikovii was only appropriately described and recognized as a new species within the genus Vibrio in 1978. Rarely is the organism linked to human disease. Only once has V. metschnikovii been incriminated as responsible for human diarrhea, and affecting an old woman who suffered from diabetes and had a hepatoma. During the first two years of the present cholera epidemic, which reached Recife in March, 1992, we screened for vibrio nearly 4000 diarrheal fecal specimens submitted to a private clinical laboratory for detection of enteropathogenic microorganisms. Now, we report six cases of diarrhea associated with V. metschnikovii affecting individuals not suffering of any apparent underlying systemic illness.


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The causative agent of cholera, Vibrio cholerae, can enter into a viable but non-culturable (VBNC) state in response to unfavorable conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in situ survival of V. cholerae in an aquatic environment of the Southern Caribbean Sea, and its induction and resuscitation from the VBNC state. V. cholerae non-O1, non-O139 was inoculated into diffusion chambers placed at the Cuare Wildlife Refuge, Venezuela, and monitored for plate, total and viable cells counts. At 119 days of exposure to the environment, the colony count was < 10 CFU/mL and a portion of the bacterial population entered the VBNC state. Additionally, the viability decreased two orders of magnitude and morphological changes occurred from rod to coccoid cells. Among the aquatic environmental variables, the salinity had negative correlation with the colony counts in the dry season. Resuscitation studies showed significant recovery of cell cultivability with spent media addition (p < 0.05). These results suggest that V. cholerae can persist in the VBNC state in this Caribbean environment and revert to a cultivable form under favorable conditions. The VBNC state might represent a critical step in cholera transmission in susceptible areas.


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TThe invention of novel antibiotics and other bioactive microbial metabolites continues to be an important aim in new drug discovery programmes. Actinomycetes have the potential to synthesize lots of diverse biologically vigorous secondary metabolites and in the last decades actinomycetes became the most productive source for antibiotics. Therefore in the present study we analyze the antibacterial activity of the actinomycetes isolated from grassland soil samples of Tropical Montane forest. A total of 33 actinomycete strains isolated were characterized and screened for antibacterial activities using well diffusion method against six specific pathogenic organisms. Identification of the isolates revealed that the majority of them were belonging to Streptomycetes followed by Nocardia, Micromonospora, Pseudonocardia, Streptosporangium, Nocardiopsis and Saccharomonospora. Among the 33 isolates, Gr1 strain showed antagonistic activity against all checked pathogens. Nine strains showed antibacaterial activity against Listeria, Vibrio cholera, Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella typhi and only 2 strains (Gr1and Gr25) showed antagonism to E. coli. The overall percentage of activity of actinomycetes isolates against each pathogenic bacterium was also calculated. While 63.63% of the actinomycetes were antagoinistic against Listeria, Vibrio cholerae, and Bacillus cereus, 60.6% of them were antagonistic to Staphylococcus aureus. Very few isolates (6.06%) showed antibacterial activity against E. coli. In general most of the actinomycetes isolates were antagonistic to grampositive bacteria such as Listeria, Bacillus and Staphylococcus than Gram-negative bacteria Vibrio cholerae, E. coli and Salmonella


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BACKGROUND: Specificities for carbohydrate IgG antibodies, thought to be predominantly of the IgG2 subclass, have never been broadly examined in healthy human subjects. OBJECTIVE: To examine commercial intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) preparations for their ability to recognize a wide range of glycans and to determine the contribution of IgG2 to the binding pattern observed. METHODS: We used a glycan microarray to evaluate IVIG preparations and a control mix of similar proportions of human myeloma IgG1 and IgG2 for binding to 377 glycans, courtesy of the Consortium for Functional Glycomics Core H. Glycans recognized were categorized using public databases for their likely cellular sources. IgG2 was depleted from IVIG by using immunoaffinity chromatography, and depletion was confirmed by using nephelometry and surface plasmon resonance. RESULTS: Nearly half of the glycans bound IgG. Some of the glycans with the greatest antibody binding can be found in structures of human pathogenic bacteria (eg, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Vibrio cholera) and nonpathogenic bacteria, including LPS and lipoteichoic acid, capsular polysaccharides, and exopolysaccharides. Surprisingly, depletion of IgG2 had only a modest effect on anticarbohydrate recognition patterns compared with the starting IVIG preparation. Little to no binding activity was detected to human endogenous glycans, including tumor-associated antigens. CONCLUSIONS: This novel, comprehensive analysis provides evidence that IVIG contains a much wider range than previously appreciated of anticarbohydrate IgG antibodies, including those recognizing both pathogenic and non-pathogen-associated prokaryotic glycans.


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As doenças infeciosas distantes de serem um problema do passado têm aumentado drasticamente nestes últimos anos, causando epidemias emergentes, quer de origem bacteriana ou vírica ou de outros tipos de microrganismos. Esta dissertação tem como objetivo uma pesquisa atual bibliográfica sobre o estudo de algumas epidemias bacterianas emergentes do século XXI, como a Tuberculose, Cólera, Staphylococcus aureus resistente à meticilina (MRSA) e Meningite Meningocócica, bem como os seus dados epidemiológicos. A Tuberculose é uma das doenças mais antigas, que apresenta uma elevada taxa de mortalidade e com o passar do tempo tem vindo a aumentar a nível mundial. A TB é causada por uma bactéria denominada Mycobacterium tuberculosis que normalmente afeta os pulmões e outros órgãos. O tratamento, a prevenção e o diagnóstico precoce são pontos essenciais, para ter um bom desfecho para o doente. A Cólera tem-se propagado pelo mundo desde o século XX. Esta doença caracteriza-se por uma diarreia aguda grave que é causada pela bactéria Vibrio cholerae. O seu tratamento se for realizado precocemente é tratado facilmente, com apenas hidratação com sais orais. A prevenção é uma medida essencial para ter um bom prognóstico, e evitar surtos emergentes desta infeção. Devido à sua virulência, Staphylococcus aureus é responsável por infeções graves adquiridas em hospital e na comunidade. Na maioria das vezes esta infeção é assintomática, mas pode causar infeções graves até mesmo fatais. Devido às resistências aos antibióticos β-lactâmicos e de outros tipos de antibióticos, e também devido ao aumento do número crescente de quadros infeciosos de MRSA, houve necessidade de novos antibióticos como o linezolide, as cefasloporinas de 5ª geração no combate a estas infeções. As medidas de prevenção são essenciais, visto que se não forem realizadas pode haver progressão da doença. Além de um estudo científico constante dos mecanismos de resistências desta bactéria, ser essencial. A meningite bacteriana é um grave problema de Saúde Pública devido à alta incidência em crianças. A meningite meningocócica é causada pela bactéria Neisseria meningitidis que origina um processo inflamatório das meninges. Há algum tempo atrás a mortalidade era elevada, mas com o advento da antibioterapia reduziu significativamente. As vacinas fizeram com que ocorresse uma mudança bastante significativa na epidemiologia desta patologia, e mais uma vez a prevenção é essencial.


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The efficient and correct folding of bacterial disulfide bonded proteins in vivo is dependent upon a class of periplasmic oxidoreductase proteins called DsbA, after the Escherichia coli enzyme. In the pathogenic bacterium Vibrio cholerae, the DsbA homolog (TcpG) is responsible for the folding, maturation and secretion of virulence factors. Mutants in which the tcpg gene has been inactivated are avirulent; they no longer produce functional colonisation pill and they no longer secrete cholera toxin. TcpG is thus a suitable target for inhibitors that could counteract the virulence of this organism, thereby preventing the symptoms of cholera. The crystal structure of oxidized TcpG (refined at a resolution of 2.1 Angstrom) serves as a starting point for the rational design of such inhibitors. As expected, TcpG has the same fold as E. coli DsbA, with which it shares similar to 40% sequence identity. Ln addition, the characteristic surface features of DsbA are present in TcpG, supporting the notion that these features play a functional role. While the overall architecture of TcpG and DsbA is similar and the surface features are retained in TcpG, there are significant differences. For example, the kinked active site helix results from a three-residue loop in DsbA, but is caused by a proline in TcpG (making TcpG more similar to thioredoxin in this respect). Furthermore, the proposed peptide binding groove of TcpG is substantially shortened compared with that of DsbA due to a six-residue deletion. Also, the hydrophobic pocket of TcpG is more shallow and the acidic patch is much less extensive than that of E. coli DsbA. The identification of the structural and surface features that are retained or are divergent in TcpG provides a useful assessment of their functional importance in these protein folding catalysts and is an important prerequisite for the design of TcpG inhibitors. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.


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Between March and July, 1992, we screened for Vibrio all fecal samples submitted for bacteriologic diagnosis at a private clinical laboratory in Recife. Of 1435 cultures examined only 1 (0.07%) was positive for V.cholerae 01, biovar Eltor, serovar Inaba, but 17 (1.2%) yielded non-cholera Vibrio (V.cholerae non-01; V.fluvialis; V.furnissii, V.parahaemolyticus and Vibrio spp). Thus, V.cholerae 01, differently of other enteropathogenic vibrios, spared individuals of good socioeconomic conditions even during the cholera epidemic, which made hundreds of victims in the neighboring slums.


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The objectives of this study were to detect the presence of Vibrio cholerae in tropical estuaries (Northeastern Brazil) and to search for virulence factors in the environmental isolates. Water and sediment samples were inoculated onto a vibrio-selective medium (TCBS), and colonies with morphological resemblance to V. cholerae were isolated. The cultures were identified phenotypically using a dichotomous key based on biochemical characteristics. The total DNA extracted was amplified by PCR to detect ompW and by multiplex PCR to detect the virulence genes ctx, tcp, zot and rfbO1. The results of the phenotypic and genotypic identification were compared. Nine strains of V. cholerae were identified phenotypically, five of which were confirmed by detection of the species-specific gene ompW. The dichotomous key was efficient at differentiating environmental strains of V. cholerae. Strains of V. cholerae were found in all four estuaries, but none possessed virulence genes.


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Sixteen strains of Vibrio furnissii recovered from 16 Brazilian patients with diarrhea were screened for virulence-associated factors. All strains were non-invasive, non-fimbriated, and did not produce either enterotoxins or cholera-like toxin. In contrast, most were hemolytic on blood agar and their broth-culture supernatants damaged HeLa cell monolayers. These cytolysins, as accepted for other enteropathogenic members of the family Vibrionaceae, might be determinants of pathogenicity in V. furnissii-mediated enteritis.


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The pathogenic O1 Amazonia variant of Vibrio cholerae has been shown previously to have a cytotoxin acting on cultured Vero and Y-1 cells, and to lack important virulence factors such as the cholera toxin (Coelho et al. 1995a). This study extends the molecular analysis of the Amazonia strains, detecting the presence of the toxR gene, with a very similar sequence to that of the El Tor and classical biotypes. The outer membrane proteins are analyzed, detecting a variation among the group of Amazonia strains, with three different patterns found. As a by-product of this work a polymerase chain reaction fragment was sequenced, reading part of the sequence of the Lon protease of the Amazonia strains. This gene was not previously described in V. cholerae, but its sequence is present in the TIGR database specific for this species.


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This study identified and characterised class 1 and 2 integrons in clinical and environmental Vibrio cholerae O1 and non-O1/non-O139 strains isolated from the Brazilian Amazon. The aadA2 and aadA7 gene cassettes were found in class 1 integrons in two genotypes of environmental V. cholerae non-O1/non-O139. Empty integrons were found in strains from the Brazilian cholera epidemic. A class 2 integron was detected in one strain from the V. cholerae Amazonia lineage harbouring sat1 and aadA1 genes. All isolates were resistant to aminoglycosides, indicating aadA functionality. These findings suggest that environmental bacteria act as cassette reservoirs that favour the emergence of resistant pathogens.


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Comparative analysis of gene fragments of six housekeeping loci, distributed around the two chromosomes of Vibrio cholerae, has been carried out for a collection of 29 V. cholerae O139 Bengal strains isolated from India during the first epidemic period (1992 to 1993). A toxigenic O1 ElTor strain from the seventh pandemic and an environmental non-O1/non-O139 strain were also included in this study. All loci studied were polymorphic, with a small number of polymorphic sites in the sequenced fragments. The genetic diversity determined for our O139 population is concordant with a previous multilocus enzyme electrophoresis study in which we analyzed the same V. cholerae O139 strains. In both studies we have found a higher genetic diversity than reported previously in other molecular studies. The results of the present work showed that O139 strains clustered in several lineages of the dendrogram generated from the matrix of allelic mismatches between the different genotypes, a finding which does not support the hypothesis previously reported that the O139 serogroup is a unique clone. The statistical analysis performed in the V. cholerae O139 isolates suggested a clonal population structure. Moreover, the application of the Sawyer's test and split decomposition to detect intragenic recombination in the sequenced gene fragments did not indicate the existence of recombination in our O139 population.