930 resultados para Vibratory Signal


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The communication strategy of most crickets and bushcrickets typically consists of males broadcasting loud acoustic calling songs, while females perform phonotaxis, moving towards the source of the call. Males of the pseudophylline bushcricket species Onomarchus uninotatus produce an unusually low-pitched call, and we found that the immediate and most robust response of females to the male acoustic call was a bodily vibration, or tremulation, following each syllable of the call. We hypothesized that these bodily oscillations might send out a vibrational signal along the substrate on which the female stands, which males could use to localize her position. We quantified these vibrational signals using a laser vibrometer and found a clear phase relationship of alternation between the chirps of the male acoustic call and the female vibrational response. This system therefore constitutes a novel multimodal duet with a reliable temporal structure. We also found that males could localize the source of vibration but only if both the acoustic and vibratory components of the duet were played back. This unique multimodal duetting system may have evolved in response to higher levels of bat predation on searching bushcricket females than calling males, shifting part of the risk associated with partner localization onto the male. This is the first known example of bushcricket female tremulation in response to a long-range male acoustic signal and the first known example of a multimodal duet among animals.


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The thesis analyze a subject of renewed interest in bioengineering, the research and analysis of exercise parameters that maximize the neuromuscular and cardiovascular involvement in vibration treatment. The research activity was inspired by the increasing use of device able to provide localized or whole body vibration (WBV). In particular, the focus was placed on the vibrating platform and the effect that the vibrations have on the neuromuscular system and cardiovascular system. The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of vibration applied to the entire body, in particular, it was investigated the effect of WBV on: 1) Oxygen consumption during static and dynamic squat; 2) Resonant frequency of the muscle groups of the lower limbs; 3) Oxygen consumption and electromyographic signals during static and dynamic squat. In the first three chapters are explained the state of the art concerning vibration treatments, the effects of vibration applied to the entire body, with the explanation of the basic mechanisms (Tonic Vibration Reflex, TVR) and the neuromuscular system, with particular attention to the skeletal muscles and the stretch reflex. In the fourth chapter is illustrated the set-up used for the experiments and the software, implemented in LabWindows in order to control the platform and acquire the electromyographic signal. In the fifth chapter were exposed experiments undertaken during the PhD years. In particular, the analysis of Whole Body Vibration effect on neurological and cardiovascular systems showed interesting results. The results indicate that the static squat with WBV produced higher neuromuscular and cardiorespiratory system activation for exercise duration <60 sec. Otherwise, if the single bout duration was higher than 60 sec, the greater cardiorespiratory system activation was achieved during the dynamic squat with WBV while higher neuromuscular activation was still obtained with the static exercise.


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Many studies have accounted for whole body vibration effects in the fields of exercise physiology, sport and rehabilitation medicine. Generally, surface EMG is utilized to assess muscular activity during the treatment; however, large motion artifacts appear superimposed to the raw signal, making sEMG recording not suitable before any artifact filtering. Sharp notch filters, centered at vibration frequency and at its superior harmonics, have been used in previous studies, to remove the artifacts. [6, 10] However, to get rid of those artifacts some true EMG signal is lost. The purpose of this study was to reproduce the effect of motor-unit synchronization on a simulated surface EMG during vibratory stimulation. In addition, authors mean to evaluate the EMG power percentage in those bands in which are also typically located motion artifact components. Model characteristics were defined to take into account two main aspect: the muscle MUs discharge behavior and the triggering effects that appear during local vibratory stimulation. [7] Inter-pulse-interval, was characterized by a polimodal distribution related to the MU discharge frequency (IPI 55-80ms, σ=12ms) and to the correlation with the vibration period within the range of ±2 ms due to vibration stimulus. [1, 7] The signals were simulated using different stimulation frequencies from 30 to 70 Hz. The percentage of the total simulated EMG power within narrow bands centered at the stimulation frequency and its superior harmonics (± 1 Hz) resulted on average about 8% (± 2.85) of the total EMG power. However, the artifact in those bands may contain more than 40% of the total power of the total signal. [6] Our preliminary results suggest that the analysis of the muscular activity of muscle based on raw sEMG recordings and RMS evaluation, if not processed during vibratory stimulation may lead to a serious overestimation of muscular response.


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This study aims to reproduce the effect of motor-unit synchronization on surface EMG recordings during vibratory stimulation to highlight vibration evoked muscle activity. The authors intended to evaluate, through numerical simulations, the changes in surface EMG spectrum in muscles undergoing whole body vibration stimulation. In some specific bands, in fact, vibration induced motion artifacts are also typically present. In addition, authors meant to compare the simulated EMGs with respect to real recordings in order to discriminate the effect of synchronization of motor units discharges with vibration frequencies from motion artifacts. Computations were performed using a model derived from previous studies and modified to consider the effect of vibratory stimulus, the motor unit synchronization and the endplates-electrodes relative position on the EMG signal. Results revealed that, in particular conditions, synchronization of MUs' discharge generates visible peaks at stimulation frequency and its harmonics. However, only a part of the total power of surface EMGs might be enclosed within artifacts related bands (±1. Hz centered at the stimulation frequency and its superior harmonics) even in case of strong synchronization of motor units discharges with the vibratory stimulus. © 2013 Elsevier Ireland Ltd.


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The aim of this study is to evaluate the application of ensemble averaging to the analysis of electromyography recordings under whole body vibratory stimulation. Recordings from Rectus Femoris, collected during vibratory stimulation at different frequencies, are used. Each signal is subdivided in intervals, which time duration is related to the vibration frequency. Finally the average of the segmented intervals is performed. By using this method for the majority of the recordings the periodic components emerge. The autocorrelation of few seconds of signals confirms the presence of a pseudosinusoidal components strictly related to the soft tissues oscillations caused by the mechanical waves. © 2014 IEEE.