993 resultados para Viable Non Culturable


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The direct measurement of in situ respiring bacteria using 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC) shows that, especially for Gram-negative bacteria, large numbers of viable but non-culturable (VBNC) bacteria are present in finished water from a conventional water treatment plant, and the regrowth of bacteria along distribution networks can be seen rapidly by using this very sensitive technique. The level of bacterial inactivation with chlorine is much less important than has been previously supposed (based on experiments with non-injured laboratory strains of bacteria and classical culture techniques). Threshold values of VBNC bacteria leaving water treatment plants or regrowing along distribution systems have to be determined for better control of coliform regrowth and health- risks associated with the consumption of drinking water.


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Grateloupia turuturu, previously known as Grateloupia doryphora, has been widely reported to be an invasive algal species. There are no studies to relate the impact of its existence on its surrounding environment. In this paper, we present our results to show that about 70% of individuals collected from the field could turn Vibrio parahaemolyticus into non-culturable state on both selective (TCBS) and non-selective (2216E) culture medium in 24 h in the presence of light in live algal culture. Total bacteria counts on TCBS and 2216E plates dropped from the initial 565 (174) and 1192 (60) cfu ml(-1) respectively to zero in 24 h. This effect disappeared when the alga was grown in darkness. The same effect was not found in two other intertidal macroalgae Laminaria japonica and Palmaria palmata. Further tests showed that the settlement ability of bacteria in seawater was impaired significantly in the presence of this alga in comparison with three other algal species. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Treatment plants that operate either thermophilic or mesophilic anaerobic digesters with centrifugal dewatering processes have consistently observed densities of fecal coliform and Escherichia coli, both indicator bacteria, that decrease during digestion but then increase after dewatering and storage. The increases have been characterized as two separate phenomena to explain this observation: 1) “Sudden Increase,” or SI, which is defined as the increase that occurs immediately after dewatering and 2) “regrowth,” which is defined as an increase during storage of cake samples over a period of hours or days. The SI observation appears to be more prevalent with biosolids that are generated with thermophilic processes and dewatered by centrifugation. Both thermophilic and mesophilic digesters with centrifuge dewatering processes have observed the regrowth phenomena. This research hypothesizes that the SI phenomenon is due to the presence of viable nonculturable (VNC) bacteria that are reactivated during dewatering. In other words, the bacteria were always present but were not enumerated by standard culturing methods (SCM). Analysis of the E. coli density in thermally treated solids by SCMs and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) indicated that E. coli densities are often underestimated by SCM. When analyzed with qPCR, the E. coli density after digestion can be 4-5 orders of magnitude greater than the non-detect levels identified by SCMs, which supports the non-culturable hypothesis. The VNC state describes a condition where bacteria are alive but unable to sustain the metabolic process needed for cellular division. Supplements added to culturing media were investigated to determine if the resuscitation of VNC bacteria could be enhanced. The autoinducer molecules Nhexanoyl- L-Homoserine lactone (C6-HSL), 3-oxo-N-octanoyl-L-Homoserine lactone (3-oxo- C8-HSL), and norepinephrine were unable to induce the resuscitation of VNC E. coli. Additional sampling was performed to determine if autoinducer molecules, peroxides, or other as of yet unknown inhibitory agents and toxins could be removed from biosolids during SCM. Culture media supplemented with the peroxide degrading compounds catalase, α-ketoglutaric acid, and sodium pyruvate was unable to resuscitate non-culturable E. coli. The additions of bentonite and exponential growth phase E. coli cell-free supernatant to culturing media were also unable to increase the culturability of E. coli. To remove inhibitory agents and toxins, a cell washing technique was employed prior to performing SCM; however, this cell washing technique may have increased cellular stresses that inhibited resuscitation since cell densities decreased. A novel laboratory-scale dewatering process was also investigated to determine if the SI and regrowth phenomena observed in full-scale centrifugal dewatering could be mimicked in the laboratory using a lab shearing device. Fecal coliform and E. coli densities in laboratory prepared cake samples were observed to be an order of magnitude higher than full-scale dewatered cakes. Additionally, the laboratory-scale dewatering process was able to resuscitate fecal coliforms and E. coli in stored sludge such that the density increased by 4-5 orders of magnitude from nondetect values. Lastly, the addition of aluminum sulfate during centrifuge dewatering at a full-scale utility produced an increased regrowth of fecal coliforms and E. coli that was sustained for 5 days.


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The advent of molecular biology has had a dramatic impact on all aspects of biology, not least applied microbial ecology. Microbiological testing of water has traditionally depended largely on culture techniques. Growing understanding that only a small proportion of microbial species are culturable, and that many microorganisms may attain a viable but non-culturable state, has promoted the development of novel approaches to monitoring pathogens in the environment. This has been paralleled by an increased awareness of the surprising genetic diversity of natural microbial populations. By targeting gene sequences that are specific for particular microorganisms, for example genes that encode diagnostic enzymes, or species-specific domains of conserved genes such as 16S ribosomal RNA coding sequences (rrn genes), the problems of culture can be avoided. Technical developments, notably in the area of in vitro amplification of DNA using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), now permit routine detection and identification of specific microorganisms, even when present in very low numbers. Although the techniques of molecular biology have provided some very powerful tools for environmental microbiology, it should not be forgotten that these have their own drawbacks and biases in sampling. For example, molecular techniques are dependent on efficient lysis and recovery of nucleic acids from both vegetative forms and spores of microbial species that may differ radically when growing in the laboratory compared with the natural environment. Furthermore, PCR amplification can introduce its own bias depending on the nature of the oligonucleotide primers utilised. However, despite these potential caveats, it seems likely that a molecular biological approach, particularly with its potential for automation, will provide the mainstay of diagnostic technology for the foreseeable future.


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It is widely recognised that conventional culture techniques may underestimate true viable bacterial numbers by several orders of magnitude. The basis of this discrepancy is that a culture in or on media of high nutrient concentration is highly selective (either through ”nutrient shock” or failure to provide vital co-factors) and decreases apparent diversity; thus it is unrepresentative of the natural community. In addition, the non-culturable but viable state (NCBV) is a strategy adopted by some bacteria as a response to environmental stress. The basis for the non-culturable state is that cells placed in conditions present in the environment cannot be recultured but can be shown to maintain their viability. Consequently, these cells would not be detected by standard water quality techniques that are based on culture. In the case of pathogens, it may explain outbreaks of disease in populations that have not come into contact with the pathogen. However, the NCBV state is difficult to attribute, due to the failure to distinguish between NCBV and non-viable cells. This article will describe experiences with the fish pathogen Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida and the application of molecular techniques for its detection and physiological analysis.


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The isoleucine and valine biosynthetic enzyme acetolactate synthase (Ilv2p) is an attractive antifungal drug target, since the isoleucine and valine biosynthetic pathway is not present in mammals, Saccharomyces cerevisiae ilv2Delta mutants do not survive in vivo, Cryptococcus neoformans ilv2 mutants are avirulent, and both S. cerevisiae and Cr. neoformans ilv2 mutants die upon isoleucine and valine starvation. To further explore the potential of Ilv2p as an antifungal drug target, we disrupted Candida albicans ILV2, and demonstrated that Ca. albicans ilv2Delta mutants were significantly attenuated in virulence, and were also profoundly starvation-cidal, with a greater than 100-fold reduction in viability after only 4 h of isoleucine and valine starvation. As fungicidal starvation would be advantageous for drug design, we explored the basis of the starvation-cidal phenotype in both S. cerevisiae and Ca. albicans ilv2Delta mutants. Since the mutation of ILV1, required for the first step of isoleucine biosynthesis, did not suppress the ilv2Delta starvation-cidal defects in either species, the cidal phenotype was not due to alpha-ketobutyrate accumulation. We found that starvation for isoleucine alone was more deleterious in Ca. albicans than in S. cerevisiae, and starvation for valine was more deleterious than for isoleucine in both species. Interestingly, while the target of rapamycin (TOR) pathway inhibitor rapamycin further reduced S. cerevisiae ilv2Delta starvation viability, it increased Ca. albicans ilv1Delta and ilv2Delta viability. Furthermore, the recovery from starvation was dependent on the carbon source present during recovery for S. cerevisiae ilv2Delta mutants, reminiscent of isoleucine and valine starvation inducing a viable but non-culturable-like state in this species, while Ca. albicans ilv1Delta and ilv2 Delta viability was influenced by the carbon source present during starvation, supporting a role for glucose wasting in the Ca. albicans cidal phenotype.


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La presencia de microorganismos patógenos en alimentos es uno de los problemas esenciales en salud pública, y las enfermedades producidas por los mismos es una de las causas más importantes de enfermedad. Por tanto, la aplicación de controles microbiológicos dentro de los programas de aseguramiento de la calidad es una premisa para minimizar el riesgo de infección de los consumidores. Los métodos microbiológicos clásicos requieren, en general, el uso de pre-enriquecimientos no-selectivos, enriquecimientos selectivos, aislamiento en medios selectivos y la confirmación posterior usando pruebas basadas en la morfología, bioquímica y serología propias de cada uno de los microorganismos objeto de estudio. Por lo tanto, estos métodos son laboriosos, requieren un largo proceso para obtener resultados definitivos y, además, no siempre pueden realizarse. Para solucionar estos inconvenientes se han desarrollado diversas metodologías alternativas para la detección identificación y cuantificación de microorganismos patógenos de origen alimentario, entre las que destacan los métodos inmunológicos y moleculares. En esta última categoría, la técnica basada en la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa (PCR) se ha convertido en la técnica diagnóstica más popular en microbiología, y recientemente, la introducción de una mejora de ésta, la PCR a tiempo real, ha producido una segunda revolución en la metodología diagnóstica molecular, como pude observarse por el número creciente de publicaciones científicas y la aparición continua de nuevos kits comerciales. La PCR a tiempo real es una técnica altamente sensible -detección de hasta una molécula- que permite la cuantificación exacta de secuencias de ADN específicas de microorganismos patógenos de origen alimentario. Además, otras ventajas que favorecen su implantación potencial en laboratorios de análisis de alimentos son su rapidez, sencillez y el formato en tubo cerrado que puede evitar contaminaciones post-PCR y favorece la automatización y un alto rendimiento. En este trabajo se han desarrollado técnicas moleculares (PCR y NASBA) sensibles y fiables para la detección, identificación y cuantificación de bacterias patogénicas de origen alimentario (Listeria spp., Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis y Salmonella spp.). En concreto, se han diseñado y optimizado métodos basados en la técnica de PCR a tiempo real para cada uno de estos agentes: L. monocytogenes, L. innocua, Listeria spp. M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis, y también se ha optimizado y evaluado en diferentes centros un método previamente desarrollado para Salmonella spp. Además, se ha diseñado y optimizado un método basado en la técnica NASBA para la detección específica de M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis. También se evaluó la aplicación potencial de la técnica NASBA para la detección específica de formas viables de este microorganismo. Todos los métodos presentaron una especificidad del 100 % con una sensibilidad adecuada para su aplicación potencial a muestras reales de alimentos. Además, se han desarrollado y evaluado procedimientos de preparación de las muestras en productos cárnicos, productos pesqueros, leche y agua. De esta manera se han desarrollado métodos basados en la PCR a tiempo real totalmente específicos y altamente sensibles para la determinación cuantitativa de L. monocytogenes en productos cárnicos y en salmón y productos derivados como el salmón ahumado y de M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis en muestras de agua y leche. Además este último método ha sido también aplicado para evaluar la presencia de este microorganismo en el intestino de pacientes con la enfermedad de Crohn's, a partir de biopsias obtenidas de colonoscopia de voluntarios afectados. En conclusión, este estudio presenta ensayos moleculares selectivos y sensibles para la detección de patógenos en alimentos (Listeria spp., Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis) y para una rápida e inambigua identificación de Salmonella spp. La exactitud relativa de los ensayos ha sido excelente, si se comparan con los métodos microbiológicos de referencia y pueden serusados para la cuantificación de tanto ADN genómico como de suspensiones celulares. Por otro lado, la combinación con tratamientos de preamplificación ha resultado ser de gran eficiencia para el análisis de las bacterias objeto de estudio. Por tanto, pueden constituir una estrategia útil para la detección rápida y sensible de patógenos en alimentos y deberían ser una herramienta adicional al rango de herramientas diagnósticas disponibles para el estudio de patógenos de origen alimentario.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Incidence of Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome (EUS) has been recorded for the first time in freshwater fishes in the endemic area of Punjab, Pakistan. Survey of private fish farms, hatchery and natural water bodies was conducted in a radius of 14 Km from around river Ravi near Lahore (Punjab Province) Pakistan. Out Of 1628 fishes belonging to 18 genera, 517 fishes of 10 genera were found affected with EUS. The incidence of EUS in culturable fishes was higher in Cirrhina mrigala (15.4%) moderate in Catla cat/a (13.3%) and lower in Labeo rohita (5.0%). Exotic fish, Chinese carp Ctenoparyngodon idella and Hypophthalmicthys molitrix were not affected with EUS. In non-culturable fishes the incidence of EUS was highest in Channa punctatus (72.8%) moderate in by C. straitus (65.45%) and comparatively lower Puntius ticto (43.7%). A slow growing temperature sensitive Saprolegnia spp. was isolated from all of EUS infected fish species. Aeromonas spp. and Pseudomonas spp. were isolated from the diseased fishes. Ectoparasites viz. Lernaea, Argulus and Triclwdina spp. were also isolated from the skin and gills of infected fish species. The disease was more severe in water having low alkalinity (70 mg/1), hardness (75 mg/1) and low temperature of 10-12 °C.


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The aim of this study was to estimate the indoor and outdoor concentrations of fungal spores in the Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo (MASP), collected at different sites in winter/spring and summer seasons. The techniques adopted included cultivation (samples collected with impactors) and microscopic enumeration (samples collected with impingers). The overall results showed total concentrations of fungal spores as high as 36,000 per cubic meter, with a large proportion of non culturable spores (around 91% of the total). Penicillium sp. and Aspergillus sp. were the dominant species both indoors and outdoors, in all seasons tested, occurring in more than 30% of homes at very high concentrations of culturable airborne fungi [colony forming units(CFU) m(-3)]. There was no significant difference between indoor and outdoor concentrations. The total fungal spore concentration found in winter was 19% higher than that in summer. Heat and humidity were the main factors affecting fungal growth; however, a non-linear response to these factors was found. Thus, temperatures below 16A degrees C and above 25A degrees C caused a reduction in the concentration (CFU m(-3)) of airborne fungi, which fits with MASP climatalogy. The same pattern was observed for humidity, although not as clearly as with temperature given the usual high relative humidity (above 70%) in the study area. These results are relevant for public health interventions that aim to reduce respiratory morbidity among susceptible populations.


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A perfusão total do fígado e suas contribuições relativas, pelo sistema portal e pela artéria hepática, podem estar alteradas por vários processos hepáticos, como doença hepato-celular difusa, neoplasia e shunts intra-hepáticos. O estudo do comportamento do fluxo sangüíneo nos vasos do fígado por meio da ultra-sonografia Doppler tem demonstrado que este é um método viável não-invasivo e de grande auxílio, principalmente na avaliação da hemodinâmica portal. São duas as modalidades de ultra-sonografia Doppler com maior aplicação na rotina para avaliação de fluxo nos vasos abdominais, o Doppler espectral e o Doppler colorido. Na doença hepática crônica, ocorre alteração da complacência hepática devido à fibrose ou à cirrose, as quais acarretam alterações vasculares, levando ao aumento da pressão venosa portal. As principais indicações desse exame são os casos em que há suspeita de hipertensão portal. A hemodinâmica portal é avaliada pela mensuração de sua área, da velocidade média, do volume de fluxo no vaso e do índice de congestão portal. Esta revisão de literatura tem como objetivo descrever os princípios físicos básicos da ultra-sonografia Doppler e sua aplicação na avaliação da hemodinâmica portal nos cães.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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Centrifugal countercurrent distribution (CCCD) in an aqueous two-phase system (TPS) is a resolute technique revealing sperm heterogeneity and for the estimation of the fertilizing potential of a given semen sample. However, separated sperm subpopulations have never been tested for their fertilizing ability yet. Here, we have compared sperm quality parameters and the fertilizing ability of sperm subpopulations separated by the CCCD process from ram semen samples maintained at 20 degrees C or cooled down to 5 degrees C. Total and progressive sperm motility was evaluated by computer-assisted analysis using a CASA system and membrane integrity was evaluated by flow cytometry by staining with CFDA/Pl. The capacitation state, staining with chlortetracycline, and apoptosis-related markers, such as phosphatidylserine (PS) translocation detected with Annexin V. and DNA damage detected by the TUNEL assay, were determined by fluorescence microscopy. Additionally, the fertilizing ability of the fractionated subpopulations was comparative assessed by zona binding assay (ZBA). CCCD analysis revealed that the number of spermatozoa displaying membrane and DNA alterations was higher in samples chilled at 5 degrees C than at 20 degrees C. which can be reflected in the displacement to the left of the CCCD profiles. The spermatozoa located in the central and right chambers (more hydrophobic) presented higher values (P<0.01) of membrane integrity, lower PS translocation (P<0.05) and DNA damage (P<0.001) than those in the left part of the profile, where apoptotic markers were significantly increased and the proportion of viable non-capacitated sperm was reduced. We have developed a new protocol to recover spermatozoa from the CCCD fractions and we proved that these differences were related with the fertilizing ability determined by ZBA, because we found that the number of spermatozoa attached per oocyte was significantly higher for spermatozoa recovered from the central and right chambers, in both types of samples. This is the first time, to our knowledge that sperm recovered from a two-phase partition procedure are used for fertilization assays. These results open up new possibilities for using specific subpopulations of sperm for artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization, not only regarding better sperm quality but also certain characteristics such as subpopulations enriched in spermatozoa bearing X or Y chromosome that we have already isolated or any other feature. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Aim: We evaluated the effectiveness of high-frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) as a pain relief resource for primiparous puerpere who had experienced natural childbirth with an episiotomy. Methods: A controlled, randomized clinical study was conducted in a Brazilian maternity ward. Forty puerpere were randomly divided into two groups: TENS high frequency and a no treatment control group. Post-episiotomy pain was assessed in the resting and sitting positions and during ambulation. An 11-point numeric rating scale was performed in three separate evaluations (at the beginning of the study, after 60 min and after 120 min). The McGill pain questionnaire was employed at the beginning and 60 min later. TENS with 100 Hz frequency and 75 mu s pulse for 60 min was employed without causing any pain. Four electrodes ware placed in parallel near the episiotomy site, in the area of the pudendal and genitofemoral nerves. Results: An 11-point numeric rating scale and McGill pain questionnaire showed a significant statistical difference in pain reduction in the TENS group, while the control group showed no alteration in the level of discomfort. Hence, high-frequency TENS treatment significantly reduced pain intensity immediately after its use and 60 min later. Conclusion: TENS is a safe and viable non-pharmacological analgesic resource to be employed for pain relief post-episiotomy. The routine use of TENS post-episiotomy is recommended.