762 resultados para Vestibular schwannoma
Background Facial motor evoked potential (FMEP) amplitude ratio reduction at the end of the surgery has been identified as a good predictor for postoperative facial nerve outcome. We sought to investigate variations in FMEP amplitude and waveform morphology during vestibular schwannoma (VS) resection and to correlate these measures with postoperative facial function immediately after surgery and at the last follow-up. Methods Intraoperative orbicularis oculi and oris muscles FMEP data from 35 patients undergoing surgery for VS resection were collected, then analysed by surgical stage: initial, dural opening, tumour dissection (TuDis), tumour resection (TuRes) and final. Findings Immediately after surgery, postoperative facial function correlated significantly with the FMEP amplitude ratio during TuDis, TuRes and final stages in both the orbicularis oculi (p = 0.003, 0.055 and 0.028, respectively) and oris muscles (p = 0.002, 0.104 and 0.014, respectively). At the last follow-up, however, facial function correlated significantly with the FMEP amplitude ratio only during the TuDis (p = 0.005) and final (p = 0.102) stages for the orbicularis oris muscle. At both time points, postoperative facial paresis correlated significantly with FMEP waveform deterioration in orbicularis oculi during the final stage (immediate, p = 0.023; follow-up, p = 0.116) and in orbicularis oris during the TuDis, TuRes and final stages (immediate, p = 0.071, 0.000 and 0.001, respectively; follow-up, p = 0.015, 0.001 and 0.01, respectively). Conclusions FMEP amplitude ratio and waveform morphology during VS resection seem to represent independent quantitative parameters that can be used to predict postoperative facial function. Event-to-baseline FMEP monitoring is quite useful to dictate when intraoperative changes in surgical strategy are warranted to reduce the chances of facial nerve injury.
OBJECTIVE: To review the natural course of tumor size and hearing during conservative management of 151 patients with unilateral vestibular schwannoma (VS), and to evaluate the same parameters for the part of the group (n = 84) who were treated by LINAC stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS). METHODS: In prospectively collected data, patients underwent MRI and complete audiovestibular tests at inclusion, during the conservative management period and after SRS. Hearing was graded according to the Gardner-Robertson (GR) scale and tumor size according to Koos. Statistics were performed using Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and multivariate analyses including linear and logistic regression. Specific insight was given to patients with serviceable hearing. RESULTS: During the conservative management period (mean follow-up time: 24 months, range: 6-96), the annual risk of GR class degradation was 6% for GRI and 15% for GR II patients. Hearing loss as an initial symptom was highly predictive of further hearing loss (p = 0.003). Tumor growth reached 25%. For SRS patients, functional hearing preservation was 51% at 1 year and 36% at 3 years. Tumor control was 94 and 91%, respectively. CONCLUSION: In VS patients, hearing loss at the time of diagnosis is a predictor of poorer hearing outcome. LINAC SRS is efficient for tumor control. Patients who preserved their pretreatment hearing presented less hearing loss per year after SRS than before treatment, suggesting a protective effect of SRS when cochlear function can be preserved.
Objectif : D'analyser l'évolution naturelle de la taille de la tumeur et de l'audition chez 151 patients avec schwannome vestibulaire (VS) en suivi et d'évaluer les mêmes paramètres pour une partie du group traité par Radiochirurgie Stéréotaxique Linac (SRS). Méthodes: Etude prospective des patients bilantés par IRM et tests audio-vestibulaires à l'inclusion, pendant la période du suivi et après SRS. L'audition a été gradé selon l'échelle de Gardner-Robertson (GR) et la taille tumorale selon l'échelle de Koos. L'analyse statistique inclut l'analyse de survie de Kaplan-Meier, analyse multivariée avec régression linéaire et logistique. Les patients avec une audition utile ont étés spécifiquement analysés. Résultats: Pendant la période du suivi (moyenne 24 mois, déviation 6-96), le risqué annuel de dégradation de la classe GR était 6% pour les patients GRI et 15% pour les GRII. La perte auditive comme symptôme initial était un facteur signifïcativement prédictif pour une aggravation auditive ultérieure (p=0.003). La croissance tumorale était de 25% à la dernière observation pendant le suivi. Pour les patients traités par Linac, la préservation d'une audition utile était 51% à 1 an et 36% à 3 ans. Le contrôle tumoral était 94 % and 91% respectivement. Conclusion: Chez les patients avec VS, la perte auditive déjà présente au diagnostique est un facteur prédictif négatif pour l'évolution de l'audition. La Radiochirurgie Stéréotaxique Linac est efficace pour le contrôle tumoral. Les patients ayant préservés leur status auditif prétraitement présentent un rythme annuel de perte auditive diminué après SRS compare à celle-ci avant le traitement. Cette constatation suggère un effet protectif potentiel de la SRS, à condition que la fonction cochléaire soit préservée.
This study evaluates patient's short and long-term balance function after microsurgical tumor removal and gamma knife radiosurgery using an unvalidated qualitative questionnaire and the Dizziness Handicap Inventory.
For the prevention of postoperative CSF fistula a better understanding of origins and risk factors is necessary.
For postoperative CSF-fistula prevention a better understanding of its origins and risk factors is necessary. To identify the role of the tumor growth for the risk to develop CSF-fistula we performed a retrospective analysis.
OBJECTIVE: Meticulous sealing of opened air cells in the petrous bone is necessary for the prevention of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fistulae after vestibular schwannoma surgery. We performed a retrospective analysis to determine whether muscle or fat tissue is superior for this purpose. METHODS: Between January 2001 and December 2006, 420 patients underwent retrosigmoidal microsurgical removal by a standardized procedure. The opened air cells at the inner auditory canal and the mastoid bone were sealed with muscle in 283 patients and with fat tissue in 137 patients. Analysis was performed regarding the incidence of postoperative CSF fistulae and correlation with the patient's sex and tumor grade. RESULTS: The rate of postoperative CSF leak after application of fat tissue was lower (2.2%) than after use of muscle (5.7%). Women had less postoperative CSF leakage (3.4%) than men (5.6%). There was an inverse correlation with tumor grade. Patients with smaller tumors seemed to have a higher rate of CSF leakage than those with large tumors without hydrocephalus. Only large tumors with severe dislocation of the brainstem causing hydrocephalus showed a higher incidence of CSF leaks. CONCLUSION: Fat implantation is superior to muscle implantation for the prevention of CSF leakage after vestibular schwannoma surgery and should, therefore, be used for the sealing of opened air cells in cranial base surgery.
OBJECTIVE: The paper aims to define the parameters available before surgery which could predict immediate facial nerve function after excision of a vestibular schwannoma (VS). METHODS: Ninety-nine patients with VS operated consecutively by a single surgeon using an identical surgical technique have been evaluated retrospectively. Data were collected regarding patients' sex, age at onset of symptoms and at surgery, initial symptoms, neurological status at presentation, early post-operative neurological status and complications. The main radiological parameters included in the study were tumour extension pattern, diameters, shape, and volume, as well as extent of bony changes of the internal auditory canal. RESULTS: As the tumour stage and volume increase, facial nerve function is worse after surgery (p < 0.001 and p < 0.05, respectively). Concomitantly, larger extra-meatal tumour diameters in three dimensions (sagittal, coronal and axial) led to worse function (p < 0.01). Anterior and/or caudal tumour extension (p = 0.001 and p = 0.004, respectively) had more significant correlation than posterior and/or cranial extension (p = 0.022 and p = 0.353, respectively). Polycyclic VS had the worst prognosis, followed by the tumours with oval shape. The extent of intra-meatal tumour growth does not correlate with immediate facial nerve outcome. The different angles, lengths and diameters of the internal auditory channel showed no significant correlation with facial nerve outcome. Patients with headache as an initial symptom and those with gait instability and/or pre-operative poor facial nerve function had significantly worse immediate facial nerve outcome. CONCLUSION: Our data suggests that the analysis of the radiological and neurological patient data prior to surgery could give reliable clues regarding the immediate post-operative facial nerve function.
Objectives: We compare the dose parameters between 3 different radiosurgery delivery techniques which may have an impact on cochlea function. Methods: Five patients with unilateral vestibular schwannoma (VS) were selected for this study. Planning procedure was carried out using the BrainLAB® iPlan planning system v. 4.5. For each patient three different planning techniques were used: dynamic arc (DA) with 5 arcs per plan, hybrid arc (HA) with 5 arcs per plan and IMRT with 8 fields per plan. For each technique, two plans were generated with different methods: with the first method (PTV coverage) it was the goal to fully cover the PTV with at least 12 Gy (normalization: 12 Gy covered 99% of the PTV) and with the second method (cochlea sparing) it was the goal to spare the cochlea (normalization: 12 Gy covers 50% of the PTV/V4Gy of cochlea lower than 1%). Plan evaluation was done considering target volume and coverage (conformity and homogeneity) and OAR constraints (mean (Dmean) and maximum dose (Dmax) to cochlea, Dmax to brainstem and cochlea). The total number of monitor units (MU) was analyzed. Results: The median tumor volume was 0.95 cm³ (range, 0.86-3 cm³). The median PTV was 1.44 cm³ (range, 1-3.5 cm³). The median distance between the tumor and the cochlea's modiulus was 2.7 mm (range, 1.8-6.3 mm). For the PTV coverage method, when we compared the cochlear dose in VS patients planned with DA, HA and IMRT, there were no significant differences in Dmax (p = 0.872) and in Dmean (p= 0.860). We found a significant correlation (p< 0.05) between the target volume and the cochlear Dmean for all plans with Pearson's coefficient correlation of 0.90, 0.92 and 0.94 for the DA, HA and IMRT techniques, respectively. For the cochlea sparing method, when we compared the cochlear dose in VS patients planned with DA, HA and IMRT, there were no significant differences in Dmax (p = 0.310) and in Dmean (p= 0.275). However, in this group the V4Gy of the ipsilateral cochlea represents less than 1%. When using the HA or IMRT technique, the homogeneity and conformity in the PTV, but also the number of MUs were increased in comparison to the DA technique. Conclusion: VS tumors that extend distally into the IAC had an equivalent sparing of cochlea with DA approach compared with the HA and IMRT techniques. Disclosure: No significant relationships.
El relato describe la incidencia en la vida del autor de un diagnóstico: Schwannoma Vestibular (también conocido como Neurinoma del Acústico). A partir de ese momento, todo lo cotidiano, la tranquilidad relativa de la rutina diaria y la priorización de necesidades experimenta un cambio sustancial en su vida. El pasado y el futuro se funden en un apretado ramillete de especulaciones sobre lo que ha sido, es y será su vida tras estas nuevas vivencias que emergen de un replanteamiento esencial del sentido de la existencia. La decisión de narrar sus vivencias en este contexto contribuye, en gran medida, a la autoreflexión y, a la vez, construye un material narrativo que puede ayudarnos a reflexionar sobre situaciones parecidas a los demás.
OBJECT: The aim of this study was to identify patients likely to develop CSF leaks after vestibular schwannoma surgery using a retrospective analysis for the identification of risk factors. METHODS: Between January 2001 and December 2006, 420 patients underwent retrosigmoidal microsurgical tumor removal in a standardized procedure. Of these 420 patients, 363 underwent treatment for the first time, and 27 suffered from recurrent tumors. Twenty-six patients had bilateral tumors due to neurofibromatosis Type 2, and 4 patients had previously undergone radiosurgical treatment. An analysis was performed to examine the incidence of postoperative CSF fistulas in all 4 groups. RESULTS: The incidence of CSF leakage was higher in the tumor recurrence group (11.1%) than in patients undergoing surgery for the first time (4.4%). There were no CSF fistulas in the neurofibromatosis Type 2 group or in patients with preoperative radiosurgical treatment. Tumor size was identified as a possible risk factor in a previous study. CONCLUSIONS: Surgery for recurrent tumors is a significant risk factor for the development of CSF leaks.
OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to investigate the success rate of using the facial motor evoked potential (FMEP) of orbicularis oculi and oris muscles for facial nerve function monitoring with use of a stepwise protocol, and its usefulness in predicting facial nerve outcome during cerebellopontine angle (CPA) surgeries. METHODS: FMEPs were recorded intraoperatively from 60 patients undergoing CPA surgeries. Transcranial electrocortical stimulation (TES) was performed using corkscrew electrodes positioned at hemispheric montage (C3/C4 and CZ). The contralateral abductor pollicis brevis muscle was used as the control response. Stimulation was always applied contralaterally to the affected side using 1, 3, or 5 rectangular pulses ranging from 200 to 600 V with 50 mu s of pulse duration and an interstimulus interval of 2 ms. Facial potentials were recorded from needles placed in the orbicularis oculi and oris muscles. RESULTS: FMEP from the orbicularis oris and oculi muscles could be reliably monitored in 86.7% and 85% of the patients, respectively. The immediate postoperative facial function correlated significantly with the FMEP ratio in the orbicularis oculi muscle at 80% amplitude ratio (P =.037) and orbicularis oris muscle at 35% ratio (P =.000). FMEP loss was always related to postoperative facial paresis, although in different degrees. CONCLUSION: FMEPs can be obtained reliably by using TES with 3 to 5 train pulses. Stable intraoperative FMEPs can predict a good postoperative outcome of facial function. However, further refinements of this technique are necessary to minimize artifacts and to make this method more reliable.