923 resultados para Vessel element


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Foram analisados os rizomas de Bulbostylis paradoxa Ness, Cyperus giganteus Vahl, C. odoratus L., Fuirena umbellata Rottb. e Hypolytrum schraderianum Ness. O corpo primário é resultante da atividade dos meristemas apicais e do meristema de espessamento primário (MEP). Também ocorre crescimento em espessura, que é decorrente da atividade do meristema de espessamento secundário (MES). O procâmbio e o MEP originam feixes colaterais em H. schraderianum e feixes anfivasais nas demais espécies. Entretanto, todos os feixes que têm protofloema e protoxilema são de origem procambial. O MES produz floema e xilema constituindo um tecido vascular único. Elementos de vaso foram encontrados na maioria dos caules em estrutura primária e secundária, com exceção de H. schraderianum que, na estrutura secundária, contém apenas traqueídes, informação que respalda a ocorrência de crescimento secundário nas Cyperaceae. Os elementos de vaso apresentam grande variação morfológica; em estrutura primária, geralmente são mais alongados, com apêndices. Os elementos de vaso do crescimento secundário são relativamente mais curtos, apresentam apêndices e ramificações.


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The use of fertilization in forest stands results in yield gains, yet little attention has been directed to its potential effects on the quality of wood produced. Information is scarce about the effect of fertilization on anatomical structures of older Eucalyptus wood. This work aims to study the effect of fertilization on tissue cell size of wood from an Eucalyptus grandis stand at age 21 years, the management system of which is based on selective thinning and fertilizer application at the start of the thinning season. Factors to consider include: presence or absence of fertilizers, two log positions and five radial (pith to bark) positions. Results led to the conclusion that fertilization significantly influenced only vessel frequency. Vessel element length was influenced by tree height. Fiber length, fiber diameter, fiber wall thickness, vessel element length, vessel diameter and vessel frequency were influenced by the radial position of the sample in relation to the log. A positive correlation was observed between fiber length, fiber diameter, fiber wall thickness, vessel element length, vessel diameter, ray width and radial position, while a negative correlation was observed between ray frequency and radial position.


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This paper deals with the morphological features of the tracheary elements of the vegetative organs in four Portulaca species (Portulaca hirsutissima Camb., P. halimoides L., P. wedermannii Poelln. and P. mucronata Link.) occurring in Southeast and Northeast Brazil. The vessel elements are small (< 25 mu m) and with simple perforation plate. The pattern of wall thickening varied from bordered pitting (in roots) to scalariform and helicoidal (stem and leaves). Statistical methods show variation in vessel-element diameter in different vegetative organs; wider elements were observed in roots. Tracheids occurring in leaves of P. hirsutissima and P. wedermannii, have morphological features that are similar to terminal tracheids or tracheoid idiolasts frequently associated with xerophytes. The paedomorphic features (juvenlism) observed here may be related, in part, to aspects of water transport and storage as described in Cactaceae.


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Pilostyles species (Apodanthaceae) are endoparasites in stems of the plant family Fabaceae. The body comprises masses of parenchyma in the host bark and cortex, with sinkers, comprising groups of twisted tracheal elements surrounded by parenchyma that enter the secondary xylem of the host plant. Here we report for the first time the effects of Pilostyles parasitism on host secondary xylem. We obtained healthy and parasitized stems from Mimosa foliolosa, M. maguirei and M. setosa and compared vessel element length, fiber length, vessel diameter and vessel frequency, measured through digital imaging. Also, tree height and girth were compared between healthy and parasitized M. setosa. When parasitized, plant size, vessel diameter, vessel element length and fiber length are all less than in healthy plants. Also, vessel frequency is greater and vessels are narrower in parasitized stems. These responses to parasitism are similar to those observed in stressed plants. Thus, hosts respond to the parasite by changing its wood micromorphology in favour of increased hydraulic safety.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Projecte de recerca elaborat a partir d’una estada al Laboratory of Archaeometry del National Centre of Scientific Research “Demokritos” d’Atenes, Grècia, entre juny i setembre 2006. Aquest estudi s’emmarca dins d’un context més ampli d’estudi del canvi tecnològic que es documenta en la producció d’àmfores de tipologia romana durant els segles I aC i I dC en els territoris costaners de Catalunya. Una part d’aquest estudi contempla el càlcul de les propietats mecàniques d’aquestes àmfores i la seva avaluació en funció de la tipologia amforal, a partir de l’Anàlisi d’Elements Finits (AEF). L’AEF és una aproximació numèrica que té el seu origen en les ciències d’enginyeria i que ha estat emprada per estimar el comportament mecànic d’un model en termes, per exemple, de deformació i estrès. Així, un objecte, o millor dit el seu model, es dividit en sub-dominis anomenats elements finits, als quals se’ls atribueixen les propietats mecàniques del material en estudi. Aquests elements finits estan connectats formant una xarxa amb constriccions que pot ser definida. En el cas d’aplicar una força determinada a un model, el comportament de l’objecte pot ser estimat mitjançant el conjunt d’equacions lineals que defineixen el rendiment dels elements finits, proporcionant una bona aproximació per a la descripció de la deformació estructural. Així, aquesta simulació per ordinador suposa una important eina per entendre la funcionalitat de ceràmiques arqueològiques. Aquest procediment representa un model quantitatiu per predir el trencament de l’objecte ceràmic quan aquest és sotmès a diferents condicions de pressió. Aquest model ha estat aplicat a diferents tipologies amforals. Els resultats preliminars mostren diferències significatives entre la tipologia pre-romana i les tipologies romanes, així com entre els mateixos dissenys amforals romans, d’importants implicacions arqueològiques.


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Heterozygous germline mutations in the zinc finger transcription factor GATA2 have recently been shown to underlie a range of clinical phenotypes, including Emberger syndrome, a disorder characterized by lymphedema and predisposition to myelodysplastic syndrome/acute myeloid leukemia (MDS/AML). Despite well-defined roles in hematopoiesis, the functions of GATA2 in the lymphatic vasculature and the mechanisms by which GATA2 mutations result in lymphedema have not been characterized. Here, we have provided a molecular explanation for lymphedema predisposition in a subset of patients with germline GATA2 mutations. Specifically, we demonstrated that Emberger-associated GATA2 missense mutations result in complete loss of GATA2 function, with respect to the capacity to regulate the transcription of genes that are important for lymphatic vessel valve development. We identified a putative enhancer element upstream of the key lymphatic transcriptional regulator PROX1 that is bound by GATA2, and the transcription factors FOXC2 and NFATC1. Emberger GATA2 missense mutants had a profoundly reduced capacity to bind this element. Conditional Gata2 deletion in mice revealed that GATA2 is required for both development and maintenance of lymphovenous and lymphatic vessel valves. Together, our data unveil essential roles for GATA2 in the lymphatic vasculature and explain why a select catalogue of human GATA2 mutations results in lymphedema.


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OBJECTIVES To compare biomechanical rupture risk parameters of asymptomatic, symptomatic and ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) using finite element analysis (FEA). STUDY DESIGN Retrospective biomechanical single center analysis of asymptomatic, symptomatic, and ruptured AAAs. Comparison of biomechanical parameters from FEA. MATERIALS AND METHODS From 2011 to 2013 computed tomography angiography (CTA) data from 30 asymptomatic, 15 symptomatic, and 15 ruptured AAAs were collected consecutively. FEA was performed according to the successive steps of AAA vessel reconstruction, segmentation and finite element computation. Biomechanical parameters Peak Wall Rupture Risk Index (PWRI), Peak Wall Stress (PWS), and Rupture Risk Equivalent Diameter (RRED) were compared among the three subgroups. RESULTS PWRI differentiated between asymptomatic and symptomatic AAAs (p < .0004) better than PWS (p < .1453). PWRI-dependent RRED was higher in the symptomatic subgroup compared with the asymptomatic subgroup (p < .0004). Maximum AAA external diameters were comparable between the two groups (p < .1355). Ruptured AAAs showed the highest values for external diameter, total intraluminal thrombus volume, PWS, RRED, and PWRI compared with asymptomatic and symptomatic AAAs. In contrast with symptomatic and ruptured AAAs, none of the asymptomatic patients had a PWRI value >1.0. This threshold value might identify patients at imminent risk of rupture. CONCLUSIONS From different FEA derived parameters, PWRI distinguishes most precisely between asymptomatic and symptomatic AAAs. If elevated, this value may represent a negative prognostic factor for asymptomatic AAAs.


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Piston core M77/2-024-5 was retrieved during the M77/2 cruise of Research Vessel Meteor in December 2008. Total organic carbon concentrations were determined using a Carlo Erba Element Analyzer (NA1500). Prior to analysis carbon bound to carbonate minerals was removed by leaching the sediment with 1 M HCl. Bulk nitrogen isotope ratios were determined using a Carlo Erba Element Analyzer (NA1500) coupled to a DeltaPlusXL isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Major and trace metals were analyzed after microwave-assisted (CEM MARS-5) acid digestion (HCl, HNO3 and HF) by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (aluminum, titanium and iron) (Teledyne Leeman Prodigy) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (molybdenum and uranium) (THERMO X-Series 2).


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Vascular endothelial cells, serving as a barrier between vessel and blood, are exposed to shear stress in the body. Although endothelial responses to shear stress are important in physiological adaption to the hemodynamic environments, they can also contribute to pathological conditions--e.g., in atherosclerosis and reperfusion injury. We have previously shown that shear stress mediates a biphasic response of monocyte chemotactic protein 1 (MCP-1) gene expression in vascular endothelial cells and that the regulation is at the transcriptional level. These observations led us to functionally analyze the 550-bp promoter region of the MCP-1-encoding gene to define the cis element responding to shear stress. The shear stress/luciferase assay on the deletion constructs revealed that a 38-bp segment (-53 to -90 bp relative to the transcription initiation site) containing two divergent phorbol ester "12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate" (TPA)-responsive elements (TRE) is critical for shear inducibility. Site-specific mutations on these two sites further demonstrated that the proximal one (TGACTCC) but not the distal one (TCACTCA) was shear-responsive. Shear inducibility was lost after the mutation or deletion of the proximal site. This molecular mechanism of shear inducibility of the MCP-1 gene was functional in both the epithelial-like HeLa cells and bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC). In a construct with four copies of the TRE consensus sequences TGACTACA followed by the rat prolactin minimal promoter and luciferase gene, shear stress induced the reporter activities by 35-fold and 7-fold in HeLa cells and BAEC, respectively. The application of shear stress on BAEC also induced a rapid and transient phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinases. Pretreatment of BAEC with TPA attenuated the shear-induced mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation, suggesting that shear stress and TPA share a similar signal transduction pathway in activating cells. The present study provides a molecular basis for the transient induction of MCP-1 gene by shear stress.


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The use of the Design by Analysis (DBA) route is a modern trend in pressure vessel and piping international codes in mechanical engineering. However, to apply the DBA to structures under variable mechanical and thermal loads, it is necessary to assure that the plastic collapse modes, alternate plasticity and incremental collapse (with instantaneous plastic collapse as a particular case), be precluded. The tool available to achieve this target is the shakedown theory. Unfortunately, the practical numerical applications of the shakedown theory result in very large nonlinear optimization problems with nonlinear constraints. Precise, robust and efficient algorithms and finite elements to solve this problem in finite dimension has been a more recent achievements. However, to solve real problems in an industrial level, it is necessary also to consider more realistic material properties as well as to accomplish 3D analysis. Limited kinematic hardening, is a typical property of the usual steels and it should be considered in realistic applications. In this paper, a new finite element with internal thermodynamical variables to model kinematic hardening materials is developed and tested. This element is a mixed ten nodes tetrahedron and through an appropriate change of variables is possible to embed it in a shakedown analysis software developed by Zouain and co-workers for elastic ideally-plastic materials, and then use it to perform 3D shakedown analysis in cases with limited kinematic hardening materials


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Although various abutment connections and materials have recently been introduced, insufficient data exist regarding the effect of stress distribution on their mechanical performance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different abutment materials and platform connections on stress distribution in single anterior implant-supported restorations with the finite element method. Nine experimental groups were modeled from the combination of 3 platform connections (external hexagon, internal hexagon, and Morse tapered) and 3 abutment materials (titanium, zirconia, and hybrid) as follows: external hexagon-titanium, external hexagon-zirconia, external hexagon-hybrid, internal hexagon-titanium, internal hexagon-zirconia, internal hexagon-hybrid, Morse tapered-titanium, Morse tapered-zirconia, and Morse tapered-hybrid. Finite element models consisted of a 4×13-mm implant, anatomic abutment, and lithium disilicate central incisor crown cemented over the abutment. The 49 N occlusal loading was applied in 6 steps to simulate the incisal guidance. Equivalent von Mises stress (σvM) was used for both the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the implant and abutment in all the groups and the maximum (σmax) and minimum (σmin) principal stresses for the numerical comparison of the zirconia parts. The highest abutment σvM occurred in the Morse-tapered groups and the lowest in the external hexagon-hybrid, internal hexagon-titanium, and internal hexagon-hybrid groups. The σmax and σmin values were lower in the hybrid groups than in the zirconia groups. The stress distribution concentrated in the abutment-implant interface in all the groups, regardless of the platform connection or abutment material. The platform connection influenced the stress on abutments more than the abutment material. The stress values for implants were similar among different platform connections, but greater stress concentrations were observed in internal connections.


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This study proposed to evaluate the mandibular biomechanics in the posterior dentition based on experimental and computational analyses. The analyses were performed on a model of human mandible, which was modeled by epoxy resin for photoelastic analysis and by computer-aided design for finite element analysis. To standardize the evaluation, specific areas were determined at the lateral surface of mandibular body. The photoelastic analysis was configured through a vertical load on the first upper molar and fixed support at the ramus of mandible. The same configuration was used in the computer simulation. Force magnitudes of 50, 100, 150, and 200 N were applied to evaluate the bone stress. The stress results presented similar distribution in both analyses, with the more intense stress being at retromolar area and oblique line and alveolar process at molar level. This study presented the similarity of results in the experimental and computational analyses and, thus, showed the high importance of morphology biomechanical characterization at posterior dentition.


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Maxillofacial trauma resulting from falls in elderly patients is a major social and health care concern. Most of these traumatic events involve mandibular fractures. The aim of this study was to analyze stress distributions from traumatic loads applied on the symphyseal, parasymphyseal, and mandibular body regions in the elderly edentulous mandible using finite-element analysis (FEA). Computerized tomographic analysis of an edentulous macerated human mandible of a patient approximately 65 years old was performed. The bone structure was converted into a 3-dimensional stereolithographic model, which was used to construct the computer-aided design (CAD) geometry for FEA. The mechanical properties of cortical and cancellous bone were characterized as isotropic and elastic structures, respectively, in the CAD model. The condyles were constrained to prevent free movement in the x-, y-, and z-axes during simulation. This enabled the simulation to include the presence of masticatory muscles during trauma. Three different simulations were performed. Loads of 700 N were applied perpendicular to the surface of the cortical bone in the symphyseal, parasymphyseal, and mandibular body regions. The simulation results were evaluated according to equivalent von Mises stress distributions. Traumatic load at the symphyseal region generated low stress levels in the mental region and high stress levels in the mandibular neck. Traumatic load at the parasymphyseal region concentrated the resulting stress close to the mental foramen. Traumatic load in the mandibular body generated extensive stress in the mandibular body, angle, and ramus. FEA enabled precise mapping of the stress distribution in a human elderly edentulous mandible (neck and mandibular angle) in response to 3 different traumatic load conditions. This knowledge can help guide emergency responders as they evaluate patients after a traumatic event.