994 resultados para Vespa - Fisiologia
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Many social wasps are known to use thermogenesis to warm up their flight muscles and are therefore able to forage under a broad range of ambient temperatures. However it is uncertain whether there exists a possible relation between ambient temperature and thermogenic capacity for tropical species, as we lack studies focusing on these species. Therefore, we examined the use of this mechanism in the neotropical Epiponini wasp Polybia ignobilis. More specifically, we used a thermographic camera to obtain data of the surface temperatures of three body regions (head, thorax and abdomen) of wasps during foraging activities (pre-flight, flight and post-flight) in cold [initial pe- riod of foraging activity: TAM : 15 − 20◦C] and warm [final period of foraging activity: TPM : 30 − 35◦C] conditions. Thorax temperature (Tth) was always higher than head (Th) and abdomen temperature (Tabd). In general, the lowest body temperatures were observed during the pre-flight period, while the highest values occurred upon the return of the wasps from the foraging flight. Except for the pre-flight period, Tth was always higher than Tabd, indicating that heat generated at the thorax was preferentially directed to the cephalic region. Therefore we confirmed the use of thermogenesis by a neotropical social wasp, although its magnitude was found modest compared to temperate species, which suggests a link between thermal environment and thermogenic capacity. We also showed that P. ignobilis modulates heat production as a function of ambient temperature (TA), maintaining a greater temperature difference (Tbody − TA) at cooler temperatures. Finally, we identified the cephalic region of wasps as an important route for the dissipation of the heat generated during flight
Many social wasps are known to use thermogenesis to warm up their flight muscles and are therefore able to forage under a broad range of ambient temperatures. However it is uncertain whether there exists a possible relation between ambient temperature and thermogenic capacity for tropical species, as we lack studies focusing on these species. Therefore, we examined the use of this mechanism in the neotropical Epiponini wasp Polybia ignobilis. More specifically, we used a thermographic camera to obtain data of the surface temperatures of three body regions (head, thorax and abdomen) of wasps during foraging activities (pre-flight, flight and post-flight) in cold [initial pe- riod of foraging activity: TAM : 15 − 20◦C] and warm [final period of foraging activity: TPM : 30 − 35◦C] conditions. Thorax temperature (Tth) was always higher than head (Th) and abdomen temperature (Tabd). In general, the lowest body temperatures were observed during the pre-flight period, while the highest values occurred upon the return of the wasps from the foraging flight. Except for the pre-flight period, Tth was always higher than Tabd, indicating that heat generated at the thorax was preferentially directed to the cephalic region. Therefore we confirmed the use of thermogenesis by a neotropical social wasp, although its magnitude was found modest compared to temperate species, which suggests a link between thermal environment and thermogenic capacity. We also showed that P. ignobilis modulates heat production as a function of ambient temperature (TA), maintaining a greater temperature difference (Tbody − TA) at cooler temperatures. Finally, we identified the cephalic region of wasps as an important route for the dissipation of the heat generated during flight
Orain arte eskaladaren inguruan dagoen literaturan, antropometria, heltze indarra eta erantzun psikofisiologikoak aztertu dira nagusiki eta kontraesan ugari aurkitzen dira autore ezberdinen artean. Ikerketa honen bidez, kontraesan guzti hauek argitu nahi dira eta balorazio proba berri batzuen eraginkontarsuna aztertu. Gradu amaierako lan honen helburuak, lau balorazio proba ezberdin diseinatu, gauzatzea (heltze indarra, gauzatze aldagaiak, erantzun fisiologikoak eta RPE neurtuz) eta neurketa antropometrikoak egitea izan dira. Ondoren, maila ezberdineko eskalatzaileen eta bi sexuen arteko ezberdintasunak behatzeko. Ikerketan hiru emakume eta bederatzi gizonek parte hartu zuten, uniformeki maila ezberdineko taldetan banaturik. 1.taldea (6.gradukoak), emakume bat eta bi gizonek osatzen zuten, 2.taldea (7.gradukoak), emakume bat eta hiru gizonek eta 3.taldea (8.gradukoak), emakume bat eta lau gizonek. Diseinaturiko lau balorazio probak honako hauek izan ziren: 1.proba, suspentsio maximoa 1,8mmko regletan; 2.proba, trakzio kopuru maximoa; 3.proba, 7a zailtasuneko bia bat eskalatu akidura arte eta 4.proba, 6a+ zailtasuneko bia bat eskalatu akidura arte. Balorazio proba edo testekin hasi aurretik, atsedenean, bihotz maiztasuna eta tentsio arteriala neurtu eta esperientzia eta kirol praktikaren galdetegi bat pasa zitzaien. Ondoren, balorazio proba bakoitzaren aurretik eta ostean, gauzatze aldagaiak, heltze indarra, erantzun fisiologikoa eta RPE neurtu zitzaien. Erantzunei dagokionez, perfil antropometrikoan, gero eta maila altuagoko eskalatzaileek endomorfia baxuagoa dute eta emakumeek gizonezkoek baino balore altuagoak dituzte aldagai guztietan, gantz portzentaian izan ezik. Heltze indarrean aldiz, ez zen ezberdintasun adierazgarririk topatu hiru taldeen artean eta gizonezkoek emakumezkoek baino balore altuagoak izan arren, indar galera antzekoa dute. Erantzun fisiologikoetan ez zen ezberdintasun adierazgarririk topatu. Suspentsio maximoan (1.balorazio proban), gero eta maila altuagoko eskalatzaileek denbora gehiago irauten dute suspentsioan, trakzio kopuruetan aldiz (2.balorazio proba), ez dago ezberdintasun adierazgarririk. Kirol eskalada bertikalean aldiz (3. eta 4. balorazio probetan), maila altuagokoek distantzia luzeagoak eta mugimendu kopuru gehiago egiten dituzte proportzionalki denbora laburragoan. Ondorioz, helburuetako batzuk neurri handi batean bete dira. Laburbilduz, diseinaturiko balorazio probak erabilgarriak dira azkena izan ezik, eta antropometrian, heltze indarrean, suspentsio maximoan eta 3. balorazio probako gauzatze aldagaietan ezberdintasun adierazgarriak topatu dira.
The hornet possesses highly toxic venom, which is rich in toxin, enzymes and biologically active peptides. Many bioactive substances were identified from wasp venom. Two families of antimicrobial peptides were purified and characterized from the venom of
Despite the evolutional distance between wasp and amphibian, vespid chemotactic peptide (VCP), an important component of wasp venom, are found sharing remarkable similarities with the temporin antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) from Ranid frog, Amolops loloens
Wasp is an important venomous animal that can induce human fatalities. Coagulopathy is a clinical symptom after massive wasp stings, but the reason leading to the envenomation manifestation is still not known. In this paper, a toxin protein is purified and characterized by Sephadex G-75 gel filtration, CM-Sephadex C-25 cationic exchange and fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) from the venom of the wasp, Vespa magnifica (Smith). This protein, named magnvesin. contains serine protease-like activity and inhibits blood coagulation. The cDNA encoding magnvesin is cloned from the venom sac cDNA library of the wasp. The deduced protein from the cDNA is composed of 305 amino acid residues. Magnvesin shares 52% identity with allergen serine protease from the wasp Polistes dominulus. Magnvesin exerted its anti-coagulant function by hydrolyzing coagulant factors TF, VII, VIII, IX and X. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Wasp is an impor tant venomous animal that can induce human fatalities. Aortic thrombosis and cerebral infarction are major clinical symptoms after massive wasp stings but the reason leading to the envenomation manifestation is still not known. In this paper, a toxin protein is purified and characterized by Sephadex G-75 gel filtration, CM-Sephadex C-25 cationic exchange and fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) from the venom of the wasp, Vespa magnifica (Smith). This protein, named magnifin, contains phospholipase-like activity and induces platelet aggregation. The cDNA encoding magnifin is cloned from the venom sac cDNA library of the wasp. The predicted protein was deduced from the cDNA with a sequence composed of 337 amino acid residues. Magnifin is very similar to other phospholipase A(1) (PLA(1)), especially to other wasp allergen PLA(1). Magnifin can activate platelet aggregation and induce thrombosis in vivo. The current results proved that PLA(1) in wasp venom could be contributable to aortic thrombosis after massive wasp stings. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
报道胡蜂属Vespa Linnaeus的系统发育研究结果。运用PAUP(SWOFFORD,1993)软件程序对胡蜂属系统发育关系进行研究,结果将胡蜂属分为2个大的类群,即树巢胡蜂类群(Wood-nesting groups),地巢胡蜂类群(earth-nesting groups),各分为4个亚群。文中还给出了胡蜂属18种的系统发育和包括1个新种的形态描述。
Ciclo biológico da vespa-da-madeira; Como identificar a vespa-da-madeira; Como identificar árvores atacadas; Danos provocados pela praga; Medidas preventivas; Manejo florestal; Quarentena; Monitoramento para detecção precoce - instalação de árvores-armadilha; Medidas a serem adotadas após a detecção da praga; Mapeamento das áreas atacadas pela vespa-da-madeira; Amostragem sequencial; Controle biológico; Utilização do nematóide Beddingia siridicola; Utilização de insetos parasitóides; Avaliação da eficiência dos agentes de controle biológico.
Amphibian skin secretions are rich sources of cationic amphipathic peptides which often possess potent and broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity. However, the venoms of other animals such as hymenopteran insects, also contain peptides with these characteristics and the literature is unclear as to their antimicrobial potential. Here we subjected the venom of the European hornet, Vespa crabro, to reverse phase HPLC fractionation followed by screening of aliquots of individual fractions in bacterial zonal inhibition assays. Two major peptides possessing activity in these assays were further purified by HPLC and subjected to MALDI-TOF MS analysis and MS/MS fragmentation using an ESI mass spectrometer. The peptides were identified as mastoparan C (LNLKALLAVAKKILamide) and crabrolin (FLPLILRKIVTALamide). Replicates of both peptides were synthesised by solid-phase methodology and mean inhibitory concentrations (MICs) established against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Mastoparan C was found to be a potent antimicrobial with MIC values of 2 µM and 4 µM against S. aureus and E. coli, respectively. Crabrolin was found to be less potent with MIC values of > 160 µM and 40 µM for S. aureus and E. coli. Hornet venom thus contains a potent antimicrobial peptide that has been unambiguously identified as mastoparan C, a peptide that is known to affect profound histamine release from mast cells and to generally activate membrane G protein-linked receptors. It is thus highly probable that its antimicrobial effects, like those previously documented, are a result of a generalized membrane interactive and disruptive function — perhaps reflective of the authentic role of amphibian skin antimicrobials.