990 resultados para Vertical Displacement


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In many bridges, vertical displacements are one of the most relevant parameters for structural health monitoring in both the short and long terms. Bridge managers around the globe are always looking for a simple way to measure vertical displacements of bridges. However, it is difficult to carry out such measurements. On the other hand, in recent years, with the advancement of fiber-optic technologies, fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors are more commonly used in structural health monitoring due to their outstanding advantages including multiplexing capability, immunity of electromagnetic interference as well as high resolution and accuracy. For these reasons, using FBG sensors is proposed to develop a simple, inexpensive and practical method to measure vertical displacements of bridges. A curvature approach for vertical displacement measurement using curvature measurements is proposed. In addition, with the successful development of a FBG tilt sensors, an inclination approach is also proposed using inclination measurements. A series of simulation tests of a full-scale bridge was conducted. It shows that both the approaches can be implemented to determine vertical displacements for bridges with various support conditions, varying stiffness (EI) along the spans and without any prior known loading. These approaches can thus measure vertical displacements for most of slab-on-girder and box-girder bridges. Moreover, with the advantages of FBG sensors, they can be implemented to monitor bridge behavior remotely and in real time. Further recommendations of these approaches for developments will also be discussed at the end of the paper.


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Vertical displacements are one of the most relevant parameters for structural health monitoring of bridges in both the short and long terms. Bridge managers around the globe are always looking for a simple way to measure vertical displacements of bridges. However, it is difficult to carry out such measurements. On the other hand, in recent years, with the advancement of fiber-optic technologies, fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors are more commonly used in structural health monitoring due to their outstanding advantages including multiplexing capability, immunity of electromagnetic interference as well as high resolution and accuracy. For these reasons, using FBG sensors is proposed to develop a simple, inexpensive and practical method to measure vertical displacements of bridges. A curvature approach for vertical displacement measurements using curvature measurements is proposed. In addition, with the successful development of FBG tilt sensors, an inclination approach is also proposed using inclination measurements. A series of simulation tests of a full- scale bridge was conducted. It shows that both of the approaches can be implemented to determine vertical displacements for bridges with various support conditions, varying stiffness (EI) along the spans and without any prior known loading. These approaches can thus measure vertical displacements for most of slab-on-girder and box-girder bridges. Besides, the approaches are feasible to implement for bridges under various loading. Moreover, with the advantages of FBG sensors, they can be implemented to monitor bridge behavior remotely and in real time. A beam loading test was conducted to determine vertical displacements using FBG strain sensors and tilt sensors. The discrepancies as compared with dial gauges reading using the curvature and inclination approaches are 0.14mm (1.1%) and 0.41mm (3.2%), respectively. Further recommendations of these approaches for developments will also be discussed at the end of the paper.


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This thesis developed a practical, cost effective, easy-to-use method for measuring the vertical displacements of bridges using fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors, which includes the curvature and inclination approaches. These approaches were validated by the numerical simulation tests on a full scale bridge and the laboratory-based tests. In doing so, a novel frictionless FBG inclination sensor with extremely high sensitivity and resolution has also been developed and validated.


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During the Brasiliano-Pan-African Orogeny, West Gondwana formed by collisional processes around the Sao Francisco-Congo Craton. The Ribeira belt, in southeastern Brazil, resulted from northwestward collision (650-600 Ma), followed by large-scale northeast-southwest dextral strike-slip shear movements related to late-collisional escape tectonics (ca 600 Ma).In São Paulo State, three groups, also interpreted as terranes, are recognised in the Ribeira Belt, the Embu, Itapira and Sao Rogue Groups. The Embu and Itapira Groups are formed of sillimanite-gneisses, schists and migmatites intruded by Neoproterozoic calc-alkaline granitoids, all thrusted northwestward. The Sao Rogue Group is composed of metasediments and metavolcanics in greenschist-facies. Its deformation indicates a transpressional regime associated with tectonic escape. Sub-alkaline granites were emplaced in shallow levels during this regime. Microstructural studies along the Itu, Moreiras and Taxaquara Shear Zones demonstrate the coexistence of horizontal and Vertical displacement components during the transpressional regime. The vertical component is regarded as responsible for the lateral juxtaposition of different crustal levels. (C) 1999 Elsevier B.V. Limited. All rights reserved.


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In many bridges, vertical displacements are the most relevant parameter for monitoring in the both short and long term. However, it is difficult to measure vertical displacements of bridges and yet they are among the most important indicators of structural behaviour. Therefore, it prompts a need to develop a simple, inexpensive and yet more practical method to measure vertical displacements of bridges. With the development of fiber-optics technologies, fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors have been widely used in structural health monitoring. The advantages of these sensors over the conventional sensors include multiplexing capabilities, high sample rate, small size and electro magnetic interference (EMI) immunity. In this paper, methods of vertical displacement measurements of bridges are first reviewed. Then, FBG technology is briefly introduced including principle, sensing system, characteristics and different types of FBG sensors. Finally, the methodology of vertical displacement measurements using FBG sensors is presented and a trial test is described. It is concluded that using FBG sensors is feasible to measure vertical displacements of bridges. This method can be used to understand global behaviour of bridge‘s span and can further develop for structural health monitoring techniques such as damage detection.


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This paper proposes a practical prediction procedure for vertical displacement of a Rotarywing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (RUAV) landing deck in the presence of stochastic sea state disturbances. A proper time series model tending to capture characteristics of the dynamic relationship between an observer and a landing deck is constructed, with model orders determined by a novel principle based on Bayes Information Criterion (BIC) and coefficients identified using the Forgetting Factor Recursive Least Square (FFRLS) method. In addition, a fast-converging online multi-step predictor is developed, which can be implemented more rapidly than the Auto-Regressive (AR) predictor as it requires less memory allocations when updating coefficients. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed prediction approach exhibits satisfactory prediction performance, making it suitable for integration into ship-helicopter approach and landing guidance systems in consideration of computational capacity of the flight computer.


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In many bridges, vertical displacements are one of the most relevant parameters for structural health monitoring in both the short- and long-terms. Bridge managers around the globe are always looking for a simple way to measure vertical displacements of bridges. However, it is difficult to carry out such measurements. On the other hand, in recent years, with the advancement of fibre-optic technologies, fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensors are more commonly used in structural health monitoring due to their outstanding advantages including multiplexing capability, immunity of electromagnetic interference as well as high resolution and accuracy. For these reasons, a methodology for measuring the vertical displacements of bridges using FBG sensors is proposed. The methodology includes two approaches. One of which is based on curvature measurements while the other utilises inclination measurements from successfully developed FBG tilt sensors. A series of simulation tests of a full-scale bridge was conducted. It shows that both approaches can be implemented to measure the vertical displacements for bridges with various support conditions, varying stiffness along the spans and without any prior known loading. A static loading beam test with increasing loads at the mid-span and a beam test with different loading locations were conducted to measure vertical displacements using FBG strain sensors and tilt sensors. The results show that the approaches can successfully measure vertical displacements.


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In spite of the extensive usage of continuous welded rails, a number of rail joints still exist in the track. Although a number of them exist as part of turnouts in the yards where the speed is not of concern, the Insultated Rail Joints (IRJs) that exist in ballasted tracks remain a source of significant impact loading. A portion of the dynamic load generated at the rail joints due to wheel passage is transmitted to the support system which leads to permanent settlements of the ballast layer with subsequent vertical misalignment of the sleepers around the rail joints. The vertical misalignment of the adjacent sleepers forms a source of high frequency dynamic load raisers causing significant maintenance work including localised grinding of railhead around the joint, re-alignment of the sleepers and/or ballast tamping or track component renewals/repairs. These localised maintenance activities often require manual inspections and disruptions to the train traffic loading to significant costs to the rail industry. Whilst a number of studies have modelled the effect of joints as dips, none have specifically attended to the effect of vertical misalignment of the sleepers on the dynamic response of rail joints. This paper presents a coupled finite element track model and rigid body track-vehicle interaction model through which the effects of vertical of sleepers on the increase in dynamic loads around the IRJ are studied. The finite element track model is employed to determine the generated dip from elastic deformations as well as the vertical displacement of sleepers around the joint. These data (dip and vertical misalignments) are then imported into the rigid body vehicle-track interaction model to calculate the dynamic loads.


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The elastodynamic response of a pair of parallel rigid strips embedded in an infinite orthotropic medium due to elastic waves incident normally on the strips has been investigated. The mixed boundary value problem has been solved by the Integral Equation method. The normal stress and the vertical displacement have been derived in closed form. Numerical values of stress intensity factors at inner and outer edges of the strips and vertical displacement at points in the plane of the strips for several orthotropic materials have been calculated and plotted graphically to show the effect of material orthotropy.


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The title-problem has been reduced to that of solving a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind. One end of the cylinder is assumed to be fixed, while the cylinder is deformed by an axial current. The vertical displacement on the upper flat end of the cylinder has been determined from an iterative solution of the Fredholm equation valid for large values of the length. The radial displacement of the curved boundary has also been determined at the middle of the cylinder, by using the iterative solution.


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A method has been presented to establish the theoretical dispersion curve for performing the inverse analysis for the Rayleigh wave propagation. The proposed formulation is similar to the one available in literature, and is based on the finite difference formulation of the governing partial differential equations of motion. The method is framed in such a way that it ultimately leads to an Eigen value problem for which the solution can be obtained quite easily with respect to unknown frequency. The maximum absolute value of the vertical displacement at the ground surface is formed as the basis for deciding the governing mode of propagation. With the proposed technique, the numerical solutions were generated for a variety of problems, comprising of a number of different layers, associated with both ground and pavements. The results are found to be generally satisfactory. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Effect of aging on swelling and swell-shrink behavior of a compacted expansive soil is investigated in this paper. An expansive soil having a liquid limit of 100% is used for this purpose. Compacted specimens were prepared and aged for a predetermined number of days (7, 15, 30, and 90 days) to study their swelling and swell-shrink behavior. It has been shown that aging improves the resistance to compression of compacted specimens. The swelling potentials of specimens also decreased with aging. The dominant factors that influence the aging effects are the water content and degree of saturation at the beginning of the aging process. The changed behavior of aged specimens is attributed to particle rearrangements and formation of bonds, which affect the surface area absorbing water during swelling. The cyclic swell-shrink tests on aged specimens indicated that the differences in vertical displacement during the first swelling were eliminated in the subsequent cycles when specimens were shrunk more, but the aging effect was found to persist with cycles for specimens subjected to lower shrinkage magnitudes.


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In this paper, the role of vertical component of Surface tension of a droplet on the elastic deformation of a finite-thickness flexible membrane was theoretically analyzed using Hankel transformation. The vertical displacement at the Surface was derived and can be reduced to Lester's or Rusanov's solutions when the thickness is infinite. Moreover, some Simulations of the effect of a liquid droplet on a membrane with a finite thickness were made. The numerical results showed that there exists a saturated membrane thickness of the order of millimeter, when the thickness of a membrane is larger than such a value, the membrane can be regarded as a half-infinite body. Further numerical calculations for soft membrane whose thickness is far below the saturated thickness were made. By comparison between the maximum vertical displacement of an ultrathin soft membrane and a half-infinite body, we found that Lester's or Rusanov's solutions for a half-infinite body cannot correctly describe Such cases. In other words, the thickness of a soft membrane has great effect on the surface deformation of the ultrathin membrane induced by a liquid droplet. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Os sistemas de retenção utilizados em próteses totais sobre implante (sobredentaduras) tem sido discutidos ao longo das últimas décadas a fim de se obter uma padronização a respeito do tratamento clínico desses pacientes. Considerando o importante papel da estabilidade das próteses para a eficiência mastigatória, bem como para elaboração do plano de tratamento adequado, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a estabilidade das próteses implantossuportadas e/ou implantorretidas, utilizando para isso um estudo in vitro que simulou a força de mordida. Materiais e Métodos: Foram testadas quatro tipo diferentes de próteses totais: 1) G1 Prótese Total Removível Convencional; 2) G2 - Próteses Total Removível sobre Implantes (Overdenture), retida pelo sistema ERA; 3) G3 Prótese Total Removível sobre Implantes (Overdenture), retida pelo sistema de Barra com clipes e Encaixes - ORCE; e 4) G4 - Prótese Total Fixa sobre Implantes, seguindo o protocolo Brånemark e utilizando o sistema de barras-distais da marca Neodent. Cada grupo foi submetido ao carregamento em pontos específicos, localizados sobre os elementos 16 (F=300N), 26 (F=300N) e na região anterior 11/21(F=100N). A aferição da estabilidade foi feita através da mensuração do deslocamento vertical da prótese durante o a aplicação da força e a distância do local do carregamento, sobre os elementos 16, 26 e na região anterior, nos elementos 11 e 21. Os dados passaram no teste de normalidade de Shapiro-Wilk e foram submetidos à análise de variância ANOVA e à comparação múltipla através do teste de Bonferroni (p<0.05) Resultados: O tipo de sistema utilizado influenciou na movimentação vertical da prótese na região posterior contralateral à aplicação de força, sendo a movimentação vertical G1 > G2 > G3 ≥ G4. Na movimentação vertical da prótese nos dentes anteriores, quando a força foi aplicada nos dentes posteriores (rotação para posterior), a movimentação vertical foi de G1 > G2 > G3 ≥ G4. Durante a rotação para posterior, quando a força foi aplicada nos dentes anteriores (rotação para anterior) e a movimentação medida nos dentes posteriores, o comportamento foi de G1 > G2 > G3 > G4. Conclusão: Em duas das três situações testadas não houve diferença estatística entre a movimentação vertical entre o G3 e o G4, sugerindo que a estabilidade da overdenture retida por barra com clipes e encaixes se comportou, em relação a estabilidade, semelhante a prótese fixa sobre implantes.