808 resultados para Vertebral compression fracture


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Cement augmentation using PMMA cement is known as an efficient treatment for osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures with a rapid release of pain in most patients and prevention of an ongoing kyphotic deformity of the vertebrae treated. However, after a vertebroplasty there is no chance to restore vertebral height. Using the technique of kyphoplasty a certain restoration of vertebral body height can be achieved. But there is a limitation of recovery due to loss of correction when deflating the kyphoplastic ballon and before injecting the cement. In addition, the instruments used are quite expensive. Lordoplasty is another technique to restore kyphosis by indirect fracture reduction as it is used with an internal fixateur. The fractured and the adjacent vertebrae are instrumented with bone cannulas bipediculary and the adjacent vertebrae are augmentated with cement. After curing of the cement the fractured vertebra is reduced by applying a lordotic moment via the cannulas. While maintaining the pretension the fractured vertebra is reinforced. We performed a prospective trial of 26 patients with a lordoplastic procedure. There was a pain relief of about 87% and a significant decrease in VAS value from 7.3 to 1.9. Due to lordoplasty there was a significant and permanent correction in vertebral and segmental kyphotic angle about 15.2 degrees and 10.0 degrees , respectively and also a significant restoration in anterior and mid vertebral height. Lordoplasty is a minimal invasive technique to restore vertebral body height. An immediate relief of pain is achieved in most patients. The procedure is safe and cost effective.


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BACKGROUND CONTEXT The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health mandated a nationwide health technology assessment-registry for balloon kyphoplasty (BKP) for decision making on reimbursement of these interventions. The early results of the registry led to a permanent coverage of BKP by basic health insurance. The documentation was continued for further evidence generation. PURPOSE This analysis reports on the 1 year results of patients after BKP treatment. STUDY DESIGN Prospective multicenter observational case series. PATIENT SAMPLE The data on 625 cases with 819 treated vertebrae were documented from March 2005 to May 2012. OUTCOME MEASURES Surgeon-administered outcome instruments were primary intervention form for BKP and the follow-up form; patient self-reported measures were EuroQol-5D questionnaire, North American Spine Society outcome instrument /Core Outcome Measures Index (including visual analog scale), and a comorbidity questionnaire. Outcome measures were back pain, medication, quality of life (QoL), cement extrusions, and new fractures within the first postoperative year. METHODS Data were recorded preoperatively and at 3 to 6-month and 1-year follow-ups. Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used for comparison of pre- with postoperative measurements. Multivariate logistic regression was used to identify factors with a significant influence on the outcome. RESULTS Seventy percent of patients were women with mean age of 71 years (range, 18-91 years); mean age of men was 65 years (range, 15-93 years). Significant and clinically relevant reduction of back pain, improvement of QoL, and reduction of pain killer consumption was seen within the first postoperative year. Preoperative back pain decreased from 69.3 to 29.0 at 3 to 6-month and remained unchanged at 1-year follow-ups. Consequently, QoL improved from 0.23 to 0.71 and 0.75 at the same follow-up intervals. The overall vertebra-based cement extrusion rates with and without extrusions into intervertebral discs were 22.1% and 15.3%, respectively. Symptomatic cement extrusions with radiculopathy were five (0.8%). A new vertebral fracture within a year from the BKP surgery was observed in 18.4% of the patients. CONCLUSIONS The results of the largest observational study for BKP so far are consistent with published randomized trials and systematic reviews. In this routine health care setting, BKP is safe and effective in reducing pain, improving QoL, and lowering pain_killer consumption and has an acceptable rate of cement extrusions. Postoperative outcome results show clear and significant clinical improvement at early follow-up that remain stable during the first postoperative year.


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Purpose: To evaluate the feasibility, determine the optimal b-value, and assess the utility of 3-T diffusion-weighted MR imaging (DWI) of the spine in differentiating benign from pathologic vertebral compression fractures.Methods and Materials: Twenty patients with 38 vertebral compression fractures (24 benign, 14 pathologic) and 20 controls (total: 23 men, 17 women, mean age 56.2years) were included from December 2010 to May 2011 in this IRB-approved prospective study. MR imaging of the spine was performed on a 3-T unit with T1-w, fat-suppressed T2-w, gadolinium-enhanced fat-suppressed T1-w and zoomed-EPI (2D RF excitation pulse combined with reduced field-of-view single-shot echo-planar readout) diffusion-w (b-values: 0, 300, 500 and 700s/mm2) sequences. Two radiologists independently assessed zoomed-EPI image quality in random order using a 4-point scale: 1=excellent to 4=poor. They subsequently measured apparent diffusion coefficients (ADCs) in normal vertebral bodies and compression fractures, in consensus.Results: Lower b-values correlated with better image quality scores, with significant differences between b=300 (mean±SD=2.6±0.8), b=500 (3.0±0.7) and b=700 (3.6±0.6) (all p<0.001). Mean ADCs of normal vertebral bodies (n=162) were 0.23, 0.17 and 0.11×10-3mm2/s with b=300, 500 and 700s/mm2, respectively. In contrast, mean ADCs were 0.89, 0.70 and 0.59×10-3mm2/s for benign vertebral compression fractures and 0.79, 0.66 and 0.51×10-3mm2/s for pathologic fractures with b=300, 500 and 700s/mm2, respectively. No significant difference was found between ADCs of benign and pathologic fractures.Conclusion: 3-T DWI of the spine is feasible and lower b-values (300s/mm2) are recommended. However, our preliminary results show no advantage of DWI in differentiating benign from pathologic vertebral compression fractures.


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Vertebral compression fractures are a common clinical problem and the incidence of them will increase with the ageing population. Traditionally management has been conservative; however, there has been a growing trend towards vertebroplasty as an alternative therapy in patients with persisting severe pain. NICE produced guidance in 2003 recommending the procedure after 4 weeks of conservative management. Recent high-quality studies have been contradictory and there is currently a debate surrounding the role of the procedure with no agreement in the literature. We examine the evidence in both osteoporotic and malignant vertebral compression fractures; we also describe the benefits and side effects, alternative treatment options and the cost of the procedure. Finally, we recommend when vertebroplasty is most appropriately used based on the best available evidence.


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Background In human malaria, the naturally-acquired immune response can result in either the elimination of the parasite or a persistent response mediated by cytokines that leads to immunopathology. The cytokines are responsible for all the symptoms, pathological alterations and the outcome of the infection depends on the reciprocal regulation of the pro and anti-inflammatory cytokines. IL-10 and IFN-gamma are able to mediate this process and their production can be affected by single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on gene of these cytokines. In this study, the relationship between cytokine IL-10/IFN-gamma levels, parasitaemia, and their gene polymorphisms was examined and the participation of pro-inflammatory and regulatory balance during a natural immune response in Plasmodium vivax-infected individuals was observed. Methods The serum levels of the cytokines IL-4, IL-12, IFN-gamma and IL-10 from 132 patients were evaluated by indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). The polymorphism at position +874 of the IFN-gamma gene was identified by allele-specific polymerase chain reaction (ASO-PCR) method, and the polymorphism at position -1082 of the IL-10 gene was analysed by PCR-RFLP (PCR-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism). Results The levels of a pro- (IFN-gamma) and an anti-inflammatory cytokine (IL-10) were significantly higher in P. vivax-infected individuals as compared to healthy controls. The IFN-gamma levels in primoinfected patients were significantly higher than in patients who had suffered only one and more than one previous episode. The mutant alleles of both IFN-gamma and IL-10 genes were more frequent than the wild allele. In the case of the IFNG+874 polymorphism (IFN-gamma) the frequencies of the mutant (A) and wild (T) alleles were 70.13% and 29.87%, respectively. Similar frequencies were recorded in IL-10-1082, with the mutant (A) allele returning a frequency of 70.78%, and the wild (G) allele a frequency of 29.22%. The frequencies of the alleles associated with reduced production of both IFN-gamma and IL-10 were high, but this effect was only observed in the production of IFN-gamma. Conclusions This study has shown evidence of reciprocal regulation of the levels of IL-10 and IFN-gamma cytokines in P. vivax malaria, which is not altered by the presence of polymorphism in the IL-10 gene.


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Vertebral compression fracture is a common medical problem in osteoporotic individuals. The quantitative computed tomography (QCT)-based finite element (FE) method may be used to predict vertebral strength in vivo, but needs to be validated with experimental tests. The aim of this study was to validate a nonlinear anatomy specific QCT-based FE model by using a novel testing setup. Thirty-seven human thoracolumbar vertebral bone slices were prepared by removing cortical endplates and posterior elements. The slices were scanned with QCT and the volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) was computed with the standard clinical approach. A novel experimental setup was designed to induce a realistic failure in the vertebral slices in vitro. Rotation of the loading plate was allowed by means of a ball joint. To minimize device compliance, the specimen deformation was measured directly on the loading plate with three sensors. A nonlinear FE model was generated from the calibrated QCT images and computed vertebral stiffness and strength were compared to those measured during the experiments. In agreement with clinical observations, most of the vertebrae underwent an anterior wedge-shape fracture. As expected, the FE method predicted both stiffness and strength better than vBMD (R2 improved from 0.27 to 0.49 and from 0.34 to 0.79, respectively). Despite the lack of fitting parameters, the linear regression of the FE prediction for strength was close to the 1:1 relation (slope and intercept close to one (0.86 kN) and to zero (0.72 kN), respectively). In conclusion, a nonlinear FE model was successfully validated through a novel experimental technique for generating wedge-shape fractures in human thoracolumbar vertebrae.


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A Vertebroplastia Percutânea é uma técnica minimamente invasiva relativamente recente, que tem reconhecidas vantagens e aplicações em fracturas compressivas dos corpos vertebrais. Basicamente, consiste na injecção de um Cimento Acrílico no interior do corpo vertebral, e desse modo, minimizar e estabilizar fracturas compressivas dos corpos vertebrais, que são frequentemente de etiologia osteoporótica. Fortemente indicada no tratamento de fracturas incapacitantes, possui como complicação principal o extravasamento do Cimento. Este artigo pretende abordar a técnica, expondo suas indicações, vantagens e complicações mais frequentes. Esta permite reduzir a elevada taxa de morbilidade e impacto económico-social associado à Osteoporose.


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Percutaneous vertebro-plasty is an efficient treatment of the symptomatic vertebral compression fracture refractory to optimal medical therapy. The procedure is used for neoplastic lesions, aggressive angioma, but also osteoporotic compression fractures. In order to adequately advice our patients, it is essential to know its indications and possible complications. However, to practice a vertebro-plasty for an osteoporotic compression fracture without any long term management of the osteoporotic disease is useless. Unfortunately, it still happens too often and it is essential that orthopedic surgeons, general practitioner, radiologist, rheumatologist, and any practitioners work together to guarantee the optimal management of our patients.


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Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are well-established minimally invasive treatment options for compression fractures of osteoporotic vertebral bodies. Possible procedural disadvantages, however, include incomplete fracture reduction or a significant loss of reduction after balloon tamp deflation, prior to cement injection. A new procedure called "vertebral body stenting" (VBS) was tested in vitro and compared to kyphoplasty. VBS uses a specially designed catheter-mounted stent which can be implanted and expanded inside the vertebral body. As much as 24 fresh frozen human cadaveric vertebral bodies (T11-L5) were utilized. After creating typical compression fractures, the vertebral bodies were reduced by kyphoplasty (n = 12) or by VBS (n = 12) and then stabilized with PMMA bone cement. Each step of the procedure was performed under fluoroscopic control and analysed quantitatively. Finally, static and dynamic biomechanical tests were performed. A complete initial reduction of the fractured vertebral body height was achieved by both systems. There was a significant loss of reduction after balloon deflation in kyphoplasty compared to VBS, and a significant total height gain by VBS (mean +/- SD in %, p < 0.05, demonstrated by: anterior height loss after deflation in relation to preoperative height [kyphoplasty: 11.7 +/- 6.2; VBS: 3.7 +/- 3.8], and total anterior height gain [kyphoplasty: 8.0 +/- 9.4; VBS: 13.3 +/- 7.6]). Biomechanical tests showed no significant stiffness and failure load differences between systems. VBS is an innovative technique which allows for the possibly complete reduction of vertebral compression fractures and helps maintain the restored height by means of a stent. The height loss after balloon deflation is significantly decreased by using VBS compared to kyphoplasty, thus offering a new promising option for vertebral augmentation.


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OBJECTIVE Vertebroplasty and balloon kyphoplasty are effective treatment options for osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures but are limited in correction of kyphotic deformity. Lordoplasty has been reported as an alternative, cost-effective, minimally invasive, percutaneous cement augmentation technique with good restoration of vertebral body height and alignment. The authors report on its clinical and radiological midterm results. METHODS A retrospective review was conducted of patients treated with lordoplasty from 2002 to 2014. Inclusion criteria were clinical and radiological follow-up evaluations longer than 24 months. Radiographs were accessed regarding initial correction and progressive loss of reduction. Complications and reoperations were recorded. Actual pain level, pain relief immediately after surgery, autonomy, and subjective impression of improvement of posture were assessed by questionnaire. RESULTS Sixty-five patients (46 women, 19 men, age range 38.9-86.2 years old) were treated with lordoplasty for 69 vertebral compression and insufficiency fractures. A significant correction of the vertebral kyphotic angle (mean 13°) and segmental kyphotic angle (mean 11°) over a mean follow-up of 33 months (range 24-108 months) was achieved (p < 0.001). On average, pain was relieved to 90% of the initial pain level. In 24% of the 65 patients a second spinal intervention was necessary: 16 distant (24.6%) and 7 adjacent (10.8%) new osteoporotic fractures, 4 instrumented stabilizations (6.2%), 1 new adjacent traumatic fracture (1.5%), and 1 distant microsurgical decompression (1.5%). Cement leakage occurred in 10.4% but was only symptomatic in 1 case. CONCLUSIONS Lordoplasty appeared safe and effective in midterm pain alleviation and restoration of kyphotic deformity in osteoporotic compression and insufficiency fractures. The outcomes of lordoplasty are consistent with other augmentation techniques.


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The aim of this review is to compare the effectiveness of percutaneous vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty to treat pain and improve functional outcome from vertebral fractures secondary to osteoporosis and tumor conditions. In 2009, two open randomized controlled trials published in the New England Journal of Medicine questioned the value of vertebroplasty in treating vertebral compression fractures. Nevertheless, the practice of physicians treating these conditions has barely changed. The objective of this review is to try to clarify the most important issues, based on our own experience and the reported evidence about both techniques, and to guide towards the most appropriate choice of treatment of vertebral fractures, although many questions still remain unanswered.


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PURPOSE The SWISSspine registry (SSR) was launched in 2005 to assess the safety and effectiveness of balloon kyphoplasty (BKP). In the meantime, repeated reports on high rates of adjacent vertebral fractures (ASF) after BKP of vertebral insufficiency fractures were published. The causes for ASF and their risk factors are still under debate. The purpose of this study was to report the incidence and potential risk factors of ASF within the SSR dataset. METHODS The SSR data points are collected perioperatively and during follow-ups, with surgeon- and patient-based information. All patients documented with a monosegmental osteoporotic vertebral insufficiency fracture between March 2005 and May 2012 were included in the study. The incidence of ASF, significant associations with co-variates (patient age, gender, fracture location, cement volume, preoperative segmental kyphosis, extent of kyphosis correction, and individual co-morbidities) and influence on quality of life (EQ-5D) and back pain (VAS) were analyzed. RESULTS A total of 375 patients with a mean follow-up of 3.6 months was included. ASF were found in 9.9 % (n = 37) and occurred on average 2.8 months postoperatively. Preoperative segmental kyphosis >30° (p = 0.026), and rheumatoid arthritis (p = 0.038) and cardiovascular disease (p = 0.047) were significantly associated with ASF. Furthermore, patients with ASF had significantly higher back pain at the final follow-up (p = 0.001). No further significant associations between the studied co-variates and ASF were seen in the adjusted analysis. CONCLUSIONS The findings suggest that patients with a preoperative segmental kyphosis >30° or patients with co-morbidities like rheumatoid arthritis and a cardiovascular disease are at high risk of ASF within 6 months after the index surgery. In case of an ASF event, back pain levels are significantly increased. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE IV.


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In a randomized trial involving 71 postmenopausal osteoporotic women with vertebral compression fractures, radiocalcium absorption studies using the Ca-45 single isotope method (alpha) were performed at baseline and after 8 months of treatment with either continuous combined hormone replacement therapy (HRT, as piperazine estrone sulfate 0.625-0.937mg daily +/- medroxyprogesterone acetate 2.5 mg daily depending on uterine status) or HRT plus calcitriol 0.25 mu g twice daily. A calcium supplement of 600 mg nocte was given to only those women who had a daily calcium intake of less than 1 g per day at baseline, as assessed by recalled dietary intake. There was a significant decrease 0.74 (+/- 0.35 SD) to 0.58 (+/- 0.22), Delta alpha = -0.17 (+/- 0.26), p<0.0005] in alpha at 8 months compared with baseline in the HRT-treated group, but a significant increase [0.68 (+/- 0.31) to 0.84 (+/- 0.27), Delta alpha = +0.16 (+/- 0.30), p<0.003] in the HRT-plus-calcitriol treated patients, resulting in alpha being significantly higher after 8 months in the latter group than in the HRT-only group. Although 72% of the patients had been supplemented with calcium between the first and second studies, separate analyses revealed that the change in calcium intake had not affected the result. Further breakdown of the groups into baseline 'normal' absorbers (alpha greater than or equal to 0.55) and 'malabsorbers' (alpha <0.55) revealed that alpha decreased with HRT treatment only in the normal absorbers, and remained stable in the malabsorbers. Conversely, following HRT plus calcitriol treatment, alpha increased only in the malabsorbers, the normal absorbers in this group remaining unchanged. In conclusion, our data show that HRT, of the type and dose used in this study, did not produce an increase in absorption efficiency; it was in fact associated with a fall. increased absorption efficiency cannot be achieved unless calcitriol is used concurrently, and then only in patients with malabsorption. Calcitriol also had a significant effect in normal absorbers in that it prevented the decline in alpha seen with HRT alone, and thus should be considered in all patients with postmenopausal osteoporosis treated with HRT.