13 resultados para Verruciform xanthoma


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We present four new cases of verruciform xanthoma (VX) in the oral mucosa and review the literature. Clinical, histological, and immunohistochemical features of four new cases of VX were analysed together with cases found in a review of the literature. Expression of CD-68 was studied by immunohistochemistry. Only 162 cases were reported in the oral mucosa. Ninety were males (55.5%) and 72 were females (44.5%). Mean age was 44.9 years. The majority of cases occurred in masticatory mucosa (69.7%). Our cases exhibited papillary or verrucous proliferation of squamous epithelium associated with hyperparakeratosis and with numerous foamy cells confined to the lamina propria papillae. Foamy cells were positive to CD-68 antibody, showing a macrophagic nature. VX is a rare benign lesion, and is probably inflammatory. However, its aetiology and pathological mechanisms remain unknown. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Verruciform xanthoma (VX) is a relatively rare benign lesion and oral predominantly, which occasionally affects skin and genital mucosa. It appears as a papule or single plaque showing a verrucous or papillomatous aspect, with variable color from reddish pink to gray. In majority of oral cases, it affects gingiva and alveolar mucosa such a solitary lesion. Histopathological findings are foamy histiocytes within elongated dermal papillae. Treatment consists of conservative excision surgery and recurrence is rare. A clinical case is reported, located in anterior gingiva, showing good prognosis, without recurrence. There was no concomitant oral lesion associated. Local trauma was the only possibility suggested to be related to etiology. No relevant alterations in laboratory exams (hemogram, total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, VLDL, glycose and glycolized hemoglobin) were found. The origin of the lesion remains unclear and investigation for possible associations with other lesions that could present greater risk of carcinogenesis is required. © Medicina Oral S.L.


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We report an unusual case of verruciform xanthoma in a patient with neurofibromatosis and some clinical features of oral lichen planus. © 2010 The British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons.


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Oral verruciform xanthoma represents an uncommon entity, which affects mainly oral mucosa. This paper presents the major clinical and histological features of oral verruciform xanthoma and reports a case on the tongue. The differential diagnosis and a literature review are also provided in light of recent information.


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Diffuse plane normolipemic xanthoma is a rare disease, of a group of clinical syndromes called histiocytoses, characterized by the presence of yellowish or yellow-orange plaques, distributed symmetrically on the cutaneous surface and usually accompanied by xanthelasma. It affects mainly adults and it may cause discrete changes in serum lipids. The case of an 85-year-old female patient who has been showing extensive asymptomatic yellow-orange plaques in the trunk and abdomen for a year is reported. Laboratory tests did not show an increase in serum lipids or the occurrence of reticuloendothelial disorders.


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Eruptive xanthoma with unexpected granuloma annulare-like microscopic appearance - Case report Abstract: Eruptive xanthoma and granuloma annulare are dermatological diseases with different clinical findings that, sometimes, exhibit histopathological similarities with potential for misinterpretation. We report a case of an eruption of yellow-orange papules with erythematous borders in a 34-year-old male with high levels of serum triglycerides and cholesterol. The skin biopsy specimen has diagnosed granuloma annulare. Review of the histologic material revealed eruptive xanthoma. Remission of the eruption after treatment of dyslipidemia confirmed the diagnosis of the eruptive xanthoma and motivated research about the histological similarities and differences between these diseases.


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1. No presente trabalho são descriptos dois casos de xanthelasmatose (xanthoma) com perturbações accentuadas do metabolismo dos lipides e esteroes. 2. Um dos casos apresentou notavel cholesteroluria não mostrando o doente lesões renaes, ao passo que o outro caso sendo portador de pyelonephrite não eliminava cholesterol. 3. Foram feitas dosagens de cholesterol, acidos graxos totaes e lecithina, no sangue, urina e tumores, obtendo-se valores muito elevados. As demais provas (histo-chimicas, polarização microscopica) confirmaram a presença de abundante infiltração de lipides e cholesterol nos tecidos. 4. A prova de carga de Bürger feita no caso I demonstrou diminuição da tolerancia para o cholesterol. 5. A therapeutica insulinica fez baixar o cholesterol e a glycose do sangue sem, comtudo, offerecer melhora clinica do paciente. No caso II houve baixa da cholesterolemia e da glycemia com desapparecimento dos tumores, evidenciando a diversidade das formas clinicas destes casos. 6. A intradermo-reacção feita com o cholesterol no caso I produziu reacção positiva, suggerindo um estado de hypensensibilidade para as substancias de infiltração no xanthelasma (xanthoma). 7. Os aspectos clinico-morphologicos dos casos estudados indicam tambem a ocorrencia de processos de sensibilisação cutanea. 8. As lipidoses são encaradas neste trabalho como toxicodermias hematogenicas, sendo proposto para seu estudo os mesmos methodos de exploração cutanea.


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Familial hypercholesterolemia is characterized by high serum levels of total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol. It may be homozygous or heterozygous. In homozygous patients, LDL-cholesterol levels range from 500 to 1000mg/dL and coronary artery disease is precocious, usually manifesting itself between the 2nd and 3rd decades of life. The diagnosis is often made by the presence of xanthoma tuberosum and tendinous xanthomas that appear between the 1st and 2nd decades of life. The use of high doses of statins or even unusual procedures (apheresis, partial ileal bypass surgery, liver transplantation, gene therapy), or both, is necessary for increasing survival and improving quality of life, because a reduction in cholesterol levels is essential for stabilizing the coronary artery disease and reducing xanthomas. We report our experience with 3 patients with xanthomatous familial hypercholesterolemia and coronary artery disease, who underwent partial ileal bypass surgery. Their follow-up over the years (approximately 8 years) showed a mean 30% reduction in total cholesterol, with a significant reduction in the xanthomas and stabilization of the coronary artery disease.


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De nombreuses maladies métaboliques peuvent atteindre la cheville et le tarse postérieur. Dans la phase aiguë, la goutte peut toucher l'arrière-pied, la cheville, le médio-tarse ou le tendon calcanéen. Une rougeur intense des tissus souscutanés du dos du pied peut être en rapport avec une inflammation liée à des microtophus sous-cutanés. Un diagnostic de certitude se fait par la mise en évidence de cristaux d'urate de sodium dans le liquide de ponction articulaire ou dans les tissus. L'imagerie par tomodensitométrie ou par échographie peut orienter de façon pratiquement certaine le diagnostic. Le traitement de la goutte de l'arrière-pied fait appel aux antiinflammatoires, aux anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens (AINS) et à la colchicine. Dans la phase chronique, un traitement hypo-uricémiant au long terme est à instaurer. L'hémochromatose se manifeste principalement sous forme d'une arthrose, liée souvent à une chondrocalcinose de la cheville et du tarse postérieur. L'enthésopathie hyperostosante diffuse peut causer des talalgies ou des douleurs du fascia plantaire liées à des exostoses. L'hypercholestérolémie familiale provoque souvent des xanthomes tendineux des tendons calcanéens. Des calcifications apatitiques de la région du talon peuvent s'observer, notamment chez des patients en hémodialyse chronique. Numerous metabolic diseases can affect the ankle and the hind-foot. In the acute phase, gout can affect the rear of the foot, the ankle, the mid-foot and the calcaneal (Achilles) tendon. Intense redness of the subcutaneous tissue of the back of the foot can be present in conjunction with inflammation associated with subcutaneous micro-tophaceous deposits. A definitive diagnosis is made by confirming the existence of sodium urate crystals in joint puncture fluid or in tissue. CT scan or ultrasonography images can also be used to provide a fairly definitive diagnosis. Treatment of gout of the rear of the foot requires the use of anti-inflammatory medication, NSAIDs and colchicine. In the chronic phase, long-term hypouricemic therapy is to be used. Haemochromatosis mainly shows in the form of arthritis, often associated with chondrocalcinosis of the ankle and hind-foot. A diffuse hyperostosis enthesopathy can cause talalgia or pain to the plantar fascia associated with exostoses. Familial hypercholesterolaemia often leads to tendinous xanthoma on the calcaneal tendons. Apatitic calcifications to the heel can also be observed, especially undergoing chronic haemodialysis.


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Eyelid tumors are the most common neoplasm in daily ophthalmology practice and encompass a wide variety of benign and malignant tumors. In this retrospective study, we report the clinical and histological features of 5504 eyelid skin tumors diagnosed at the Laboratory of Ophthalmopathology of the Hôpital Ophtalmique Jules Gonin, Lausanne, Switzerland, between January 1989 and December 2007. Benign tumors largely predominated over malignant ones, representing 84% of cases in this series, and the 5 most frequent subtypes were squamous cell papilloma (26%), seborrheic keratosis (21%), melanocytic nevus (20%), hidrocystoma (8%), and xanthoma/xanthelasma (6%). Basal cell carcinoma was the most frequent malignant tumor (86%), followed by squamous cell carcinoma (7%) and sebaceous carcinoma (3%). For several tumor subtypes, there was a poor correlation between clinical and histological diagnosis, stressing the numerous pitfalls in the diagnosis of eyelid tumors. We further discuss our results with reference to previously published series.


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Chorioptes bovis infestation is a common cause of pastern dermatitis in the horse, with a predilection in draft horses and other horses with thick hair 'feathers' on the distal limbs. The treatment of this superficial mite is challenging; treatment failure and relapse are common. Furthermore, C. bovis infestation may affect the progression of chronic pastern dermatitis (also known as chronic proliferative pastern dermatitis, chronic progressive lymphoedema and dermatitis verrucosa) in draft horses, manifesting with oedema, lichenification and excessive skin folds that can progress to verruciform lesions. An effective cure for C. bovis infestation would therefore be of great clinical value. In a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, the efficacy of oral moxidectin (0.4 mg/kg body weight) given twice with a 3 week interval in combination with environmental treatment with 4-chloro-3-methylphenol and propoxur was tested in 19 heavily feathered horses with clinical pastern dermatitis and C. bovis infestation. Follow-up examinations over a period of 180 days revealed significantly more skin crusting in the placebo group than in the treatment group. However, no other differences in clinical signs or the numbers of mites detected were found between the two groups. The results of this study suggest that moxidectin in combination with environmental insecticide treatment as used in this study is ineffective in the treatment of C. bovis in feathered horses.


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Background and Objectives: Cerebrotendinous xanthomatosis (CTX) is a rare autosomal recessive lipid-storage disease caused by mutations in the CYP27A1. The purpose of this study is to determine the clinical characteristics, neuroimaging and mutation detect in a family with CTX systematically. Methods: Collecting history materials and detecting the routine clinical biochemical tests and imaging examination, and for the first time taking the whole body positron emission tomography (PET)-CT examination for probed in the world to research abnormal metabolism activities in CTX. To observe the effect of treatment with chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA) and stains before and after the intervention, using serum lipid level detection and neuropsychological evaluation. Genetic testing was carried out to screen the nine exons and exon-intron boundaries about 200-300bq of CYP27A1. Results: A 37-year-old woman with typical clinical characteristics of CTX. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain showed bilateral lesions in the dentate nucleus of the cerebellum, then, PET images revealed multiple abnormal hypermetabolism areas at distal tendon, and multifocal areas of hypometabolism in bilateral sides of cerebellar hemispheres, the frontal lobe and temporal lobe. Histopathology reveals accumulation of xanthoma cells and dispersed lipid crystal clefts in xanthomas. In genetic analysis, it shown an insertion of cytosine (77-78insC) located in the first exon of CYP27A1 in the proband. Conclusions: We found that a Chinese patient presented a typical clinical feature of CTX along with clear correlation on both structural and functional imaging had a novel mutation in the CYP27A1 gene.