992 resultados para Verifica termica


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Esempio di applicazione del calcolo termico di verifica per generatori di vapore a tre giri da fumo.


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O presente trabalho apresenta uma modelagem detalhada de processos de combustao turbulentos para um jato concentrico de combustıvel e ar. A modelagem é fundamentada nas equacões de conservacão de massa, de quantidade de movimento, de energia e de espécies quımicas. A turbulencia é resolvida pela utilizacão do modelo k- padrão. Dois modelos de reacões quımicas são apresentados. O modelo SCRS – Simple Chemically-Reacting Systems, que assume taxas instantâneas de reacões quımicas. Também é abordado o modelo E-A – Eddy Breakup - Arrhenius, que assume taxas finitas de reacões quımicas. A radiacão térmica, fenômeno de grande importância devido as altas temperaturas alcancadas em processos de combustão,é modelada através do Método das Zonas. O modelo da soma ponderada de gases cinzas – WSGGM,é usado para determinar o espectro de emissão e absorcão dos gases no processo. Para a solucão destas equacões diferenciais, juntamente com os modelos de turbulência, de reaçõoes químicas e radiação térmica, faz-se o uso do Método dos Volumes Finitos. Para validar a modelagem apresentada resolve-se o processo de combustão em uma câmara cilíndrica. A câmara de combustão usada áa mesma abordada no First Workshop on Aerodynamics of Steady State Combustion Chambers and Furnaces, organizado pela ERCORTAC - European Research Community On Flow Turbulence And Combustion, em outubro de 1994, que apresenta dados experimentais de temperatura e concentração das espécies químicas para várias posições de interesse no interior da câmara. Utiliza-se o gás natural como combustível e o ar atmosférico como oxidante. O processo de combustão sem pré-mistura é resolvido para a condição de excesso de combustível de 5 % para ambos os modelos, onde o gás natural é injetado por um duto circular central, e o ar atmosférico por um orifício anular externo a esse duto, no mesmo plano Uma reação química não estagiada é assumida para o modelo SCRS. Para o modelo E-A duas situações são resolvidas: combustão não estagiada, com uma etapa global de reação química; e reação quımica estagiada, com duas etapas globais. Os resultados obtidos com o modelo SCRS para a distribuição de temperaturas, em termos de tendências gerais, são razoáveis. Já as concentrações de espécies químicas não apresentam dados satisfatórios para este modelo. Para o modelo E-A os resultados apresentam boa concordância com os dados experimentais, principalmente para a situação em que o processo de combustão é assumido em duas etapas globais. ´E analisado em detalhe o papel desempenhado pela transferencia de calor por radiacao, com meio participante. Para melhor verificar as trocas de calor, assume-se uma camara de combustao cilındrica com paredes d’agua. A injecao do combustıvel e do oxidante e feita atraves de um queimador central, semelhante ao usado para validar a modelagem, porem com dois orifıcios concentricos para injecao de combustıvel. Nesta situação o efeito do turbilhonamento (swril), assumido como 20 % da velocidade axial de entrada, sobre a injecao de ar e computado atraves da condicao contorno da equacao de conservacao da quantidade de movimento angular. Nesta fase apenas o modelo E-A, com duas etapas globais de reacoes quımicas, e considerado, ja que o mesmo apresenta os melhores resultados. O processo de combustao e simulado com e sem a presenca da radiacao termica. Verifica-se que a presenca da radiacao termica homogeneiza a temperatura dos gases no interior da camara. Com isso verifica-se tambem alterações nas taxas de reacoes quımicas, modificando a magnitude das fracoes das especies quımicas Quando a radiacao termica e considerada efeitos de extinção local da chama sao verificados nas regioes de temperaturas mais altas, diminuindo o consumo de oxigenio e aumentando a producao de monoxido de carbono, caracterizando assim uma combustao incompleta. Em algumas situacoes tem-se uma variacao de temperatura de ate 500 K, a montante da chama. A radiacao termica tambem aumenta a taxa de transferencia de calor dos gases quentes para as paredes da camara, e desta para o seu exterior. Com os resultados obtidos a partir desta modelagem e possıvel determinar o perfil da zona de combustao, a distribuicao de concentracoes de especies quımicas, o campo de velocidades e as taxas de transferencia de calor para as paredes da camara de combustao, total, por conveccao superficial e por radiacao. Estes resultados sao de extrema importancia para prever a performance de camaras de combustao, assim como auxiliar na sua otimizacao.


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ALVES, Ana Paula de M. ; GERMANO, A. F. S. ; ARAKAKI, L N H ; Ferreira, U. V. S. ; ARAUJO, A. S. Influencia da ativaçao acida na estabilidade termica de hibridos vermiculita/epoxido. In: CONGRESSO NACIONAL DE ANLISETERMICA E CALORIMETRIA, 7., 2010, São Pedro, SP. Anais... Sao Pedro, SP: ABRATEC, 2010


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Aiming to reduce and reuse waste oil from oily sludge generated in large volumes by the oil industry, types of nanostructured materials Al-MCM-41 and Al-SBA-15, with ratios of Si / Al = 50, were synthesized , and calcined solids used as catalysts in the degradation of oily sludge thermocatalytic oil from oilfield Canto do Amaro, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Samples of nanostructured materials were characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TG / DTG), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), absorption spectroscopy in the infrared Fourier transform (FT-IR) and adsorption nitrogen (BET). The characterization showed that the synthesized materials resulted in a catalyst nanostructure, and ordered pore diameter and surface area according to existing literature. The oily sludge sample was characterized by determining the API gravity and sulfur content and SARA analysis (saturates, aromatics, resins and asphaltenes). The results showed a material equivalent to the average oil with API gravity of 26.1, a low sulfur content and considerable amount of resins and asphaltenes, presented above in the literature. The thermal and catalytic degradation of the oily sludge oil was performed from room temperature to 870 ° C in the ratios of heating of 5, 10 and 20 ° C min-1. The curves generated by TG / DTG showed a more accelerated degradation of oily sludge when it introduced the nanostructured materials. These results were confirmed by activation energy calculated by the method of Flynn-Wall, in the presence of catalysts reduced energy, in particular in the range of cracking, showing the process efficiency, mainly for extraction of lightweight materials of composition of oily sludge, such as diesel and gasoline


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This work proposes the development of an innovative material made from a vegetable polyurethane matrix and load of industrial waste, from retread tires, for thermal insulation and environmental comfort. Experimental procedures are presented, as well as the results of the thermal and acoustic performance of this composite material, made from an expansive foam derived from the castor seed oil and fiber of scrap tires. The residue was treated superficially with sodium hydroxide, to eliminate contaminants, and characterized macroscopically and microscopically. Samples were produced with addition of residues at levels of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% by weight, for determination of thermal properties: conductivity, heat capacity and thermal diffusivity, sound absortion index and density. The results were compared to commercially available thermal insulation and sound absorbing products. According to the analysis of results, it was concluded that the developed composite presents characteristics that qualify it as a thermal insulation with superior performance, compared to commercial available insulation, and sound absorption capacity greater than the castor oil polyurethane s, without addition of the residue


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Polymer particles in the nanometer range are of fundamental interest today, especially when used as carrier systems in the controlled release of drugs, cosmetics and nutraceuticals, as well as in coating materials with magnetic properties. The main objective of the present study concerns the production of submicron particles of poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) by crystallization of a polymer solution by thermally controlled cooling. In this work, PMMA solutions in ethanol and 1-propanol were prepared at different concentrations (1% to 5% by weight) and crystallized at different cooling rates (0.2 to 0.8 ° C / min) controlled linearly. Analysis of particle size distribution (DLS / CILAS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were performed in order to evaluate the morphological characteristics of the produced particles. The results demonstrated that it is possible to obtain submicron polymer perfectly spherical particles using the technique discussed in this study. It was also observed that, depending on the cooling rate and the concentration of the polymer solution, it is possible to achieve high yield in the formation of submicron particles. In addition, preliminary tests were performed in order to verify the ability of this technique to form particulated carrier material with magnetic properties. The results showed that the developed technique can be an interesting alternative to obtain polymer particles with magnetic properties


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In this work we have developed a way to grow Fe/MgO(100) monocrystals by magnetron sputtering DC. We investigated the growing in a temperature range among 100 oC and 300 oC. Structural and magneto-crystalline properties were studied by different experimental techniques. Thickness and surface roughness of the films were investigated by atomic force microscopy, while magneto-crystalline properties were investigated by magneto-optical Kerr effect and ferromagnetic resonance. Our results show that as we increase the deposition temperature, the magneto-crystalline anisotropy of the films also increases, following the equation of Avrami. The best temperature value to make a film is 300 oC. As the main result, we built a base of magnetoresistence devices and as an aplication, we present measurements of Fe/Cr/Fe trilayer coupling. In a second work we investigated the temperature dependence of the first three interlayer spacings of Ag(100) surface using low energy electron diffraction. A linear expansion model of crystal surface was used and the values of Debye temperatures of the first two layers and thermal expansion coefficient were determinated. A relaxation of 1% was found for Ag(100) surface and these results are matched with faces (110) and (111) of the silver. iv


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The interference practised by the products in degradation of paracetemol when there is the application of spectrophotometry UV is the main obstruction to the execution of studies of thermic stability. The application of chromatography in slender layer to the isolation of paracetamol, besides being the excessively hard to apply was satisfactory to the desired proposal. The type and extension of degradation suffered by paracetamol in solution suggest the convenient inclusion, in the formulations, of one system antioxidant. This practice makes possible the blockage of the oxidation of p-aminophenol, produced by the hydrolytic degradation of paracetamol; this fact propitiated the diminution of the number of products of degradation in the medicine, making the use more secure. On the other hand, considering especially the methodological necessities of the present work, the presence of one antioxidant system facilitated the separation of paracetamol through the Thin Layer Chromatography and consequently optimized its quantification by Spectrophotometry UV during the study of thermic stability. The formulation proposed revealed excellent stability.


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This paper is proposed the usage of an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) along with waste heat recovery from an inconstant heat source. This method of waste heat recovery with intermittent heat source is part of a technical viability study. This paper also brings up the usage of thermal energy storage as heat source for the ORC. This paper is based on a heat treatment company study in which a natural gas furnace is explored. Data such as mass flow, temperature and specific waste gas heat from this furnace are used through calculations. Calculations are made also based on furnace cycles. This viability study considers a series of working fluids such as ammonia, benzene, R113 and R134a. Results point out that ORC with out thermal storage and using refrigerant fluid ammonia is the best alternative