981 resultados para Verbal response initiation


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Cerebral activation associated with performance on a novel task involving two conditions was investigated with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). In the response initiation condition, subjects nominated the general superordinate category to which each of a series of exemplars (concrete nouns) belonged. In the response suppression condition, subjects were required to nominate a general superordinate category to which each exemplar did not belong, with the instruction that they were not to nominate the same category response twice in a row. Both conditions produced distinct patterns of activation relative to an articulation control condition employing identical stimuli. When initiation and suppression conditions were directly compared, response suppression produced activation in the right frontal pole, orbital frontal cortex and anterior cingulate, left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and posterior cingulate, and bilaterally in the precuneus, visual association cortex and cerebellum. Response latencies were significantly longer in the suppression condition. Two broadly-defined strategies associated with the correct production of words during the suppression condition were a self-ordered selection from among the superordinate categories identified during the first section of the task and the generation of novel category responses. The neuroanatomical correlates of response initiation, suppression and strategy use are discussed, as are the respective roles of response suppression and strategy generation.


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Consistent with action-based theories of attention, the presence of a nontarget stimulus in the environment has been shown to alter the characteristics of goal-directed movements. Specifically, it has been reported that movement trajectories veer away from (Howard & Tipper, 1997) or towards (Welsh, Elliott, & Weeks, 1999) the location of a nontarget stimulus. The purpose of the experiments reported in this paper was to test a response activation model of selective reaching conceived to account for these variable results. In agreement with the model, the trajectory changes in the movements appear to be determined by the activation levels of each competing response at the moment of response initiation. The results of the present work, as well as those of previous studies, are discussed within the framework of the model of response activation.


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Purpose: Phonological accounts of reading implicate three aspects of phonological awareness tasks that underlie the relationship with reading; a) the language-based nature of the stimuli (words or nonwords), b) the verbal nature of the response, and c) the complexity of the stimuli (words can be segmented into units of speech). Yet, it is uncertain which task characteristics are most important as they are typically confounded. By systematically varying response-type and stimulus complexity across speech and non-speech stimuli, the current study seeks to isolate the characteristics of phonological awareness tasks that drive the prediction of early reading. Method: Four sets of tasks were created; tone stimuli (simple non-speech) requiring a non-verbal response, phonemes (simple speech) requiring a non-verbal response, phonemes requiring a verbal response, and nonwords (complex speech) requiring a verbal response. Tasks were administered to 570 2nd grade children along with standardized tests of reading and non-verbal IQ. Results: Three structural equation models comparing matched sets of tasks were built. Each model consisted of two 'task' factors with a direct link to a reading factor. The following factors predicted unique variance in reading: a) simple speech and non-speech stimuli, b) simple speech requiring a verbal response but not simple speech requiring a non-verbal-response, and c) complex and simple speech stimuli. Conclusions: Results suggest that the prediction of reading by phonological tasks is driven by the verbal nature of the response and not the complexity or 'speechness' of the stimuli. Findings highlight the importance of phonological output processes to early reading.


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Abstract Phonological tasks are highly predictive of reading development but their complexity obscures the underlying mechanisms driving this association. There are three key components hypothesised to drive the relationship between phonological tasks and reading; (a) the linguistic nature of the stimuli, (b) the phonological complexity of the stimuli, and (c) the production of a verbal response. We isolated the contribution of the stimulus and response components separately through the creation of latent variables to represent specially designed tasks that were matched for procedure. These tasks were administered to 570 6 to 7-year-old children along with standardised tests of regular word and non-word reading. A structural equation model, where tasks were grouped according to stimulus, revealed that the linguistic nature and the phonological complexity of the stimulus predicted unique variance in decoding, over and above matched comparison tasks without these components. An alternative model, grouped according to response mode, showed that the production of a verbal response was a unique predictor of decoding beyond matched tasks without a verbal response. In summary, we found that multiple factors contributed to reading development, supporting multivariate models over those that prioritize single factors. More broadly, we demonstrate the value of combining matched task designs with latent variable modelling to deconstruct the components of complex tasks.


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Os obstáculos encontrados por crianças e adolescentes com Síndrome de Asperger em termos de interação social, comunicação e imaginação são notórios e causam sentimentos de angústia nos pais que procuram escolas para inserir seus filhos e centros especializados para tratá-los. As pesquisas tem evoluído sobremaneira através dos anos, desde as primeiras descrições sobre o transtorno na primeira metade do século XX, apontando diferentes visões e modos de intervenção, alguns destes que pudessem ser levados à cabo por pais, professores e cuidadores. Entretanto, em termos de língua portuguesa em geral e da realidade brasileira especificamente, há uma carência de instrumentos que possam ser utilizados no ensino de habilidades sociais e cognitivas à esses indivíduos com Síndrome de Asperger. Aproveitando a experiência de pesquisadores ingleses, que na década de noventa elaboraram um guia prático para pais e professores intitulado Teaching children with autism to mind-read: a practical guide for teachers and parents, partindo da intervenção com tradução para a língua portuguesa, o presente estudo exploratório tem os objetivos de: verificar a efetividade de referido instrumento no ensino de habilidades sociais e cognitivas, identificar as estratégias de ensino utilizadas e comparar o desempenho de dois meninos de doze anos, gêmeos monozigóticos com Síndrome de Asperger, alunos de uma escola da rede pública do município do Rio de Janeiro. A metodologia utilizada implicou na análise comparativa dos escores obtidos na pré e pós intervenção, pela avaliação das habilidades sociais com o Inventário Multimídia de Habilidades Sociais para Crianças e das habilidades cognitivas, em especial as funções executivas, via alguns dos subtestes da Escala de Inteligência Wechsler para Crianças WISC-III; e a filmagem das sessões de intervenção e posterior análise dos vídeos para identificação das estratégias de ensino. A análise mostrou que o instrumento foi efetivo no ensino de habilidades sociais e cognitivas, merecendo novos estudos visando sua adaptação para nossa realidade cultural; que as estratégia de ensino mais utilizadas e que contribuíram para a modificação do comportamento dos sujeitos foram levantamento de questões para verificar a compreensão, explicação de conceitos pouco familiares e a ampliação da resposta verbal.


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Paciente de sexo femenino, de 59 años, educadora; llevada a institución hospitalaria por alteración súbita del estado de conciencia. Antecedente de hipotiroidismo en manejo con levotiroxina, 50 microgramos al día. Al examen físico de ingreso se encontraba en mal estado general, FC: 88 x min., TA 170/110, FR: 8 x min., temp.: 35 Cº, Glasgow: 6/15; estuporosa, con apertura ocular al estímulo doloroso, sin respuesta verbal, movimiento de retirada en hemicuerpo izquierdo al estímulo doloroso. Plejia de miembro superior derecho, paresia 2/5 en miembro inferior derecho y Babinski bilateral. Las imágenes diagnósticas confirmaron evento cerebrovascular tipo hemorragia intraparenquimatosa, de extensión parietotemporal e insular del hemisferio cerebral izquierdo. Se le realizó cirugía de drenaje de hematoma intraparenquimatoso e intraventricular, sin complicaciones. En el primer día postoperatorio la paciente cursó con hipokalemia, que persistió a pesar de reposición de potasio y presentó acidemia metabólica sin causa aparente que empeoró a pesar de manejo médico.


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This study investigated the usefulness of an interactive computer program in eliciting children's reports about an event. Fifty-four 5–6- and fifty-nine  7–8-year old children participated in an event with their regular class teacher which involved several activities and a mildly negative secret. Four days and again 14 days later, the children were interviewed individually by computer (alone) or by a human interviewer. The computer program incorporated animation and audio whereby an animated figure asked the questions and the children were required to provide a verbal response. The accuracy and detail of the children’s reports was similar across the interview conditions. The children were more willing to review their answers with the computer than the adult interviewer. However, responses to the computer were less consistent across the interviews, and the children were less willing to disclose the secret in the second interview to the computer compared with the human interviewer. Overall, the computer revealed little benefit in eliciting children’s recall of the event over the standard face-to-face interview.


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Open-set word and sentence speech-perception test scores are commonly used as a measure of hearing abilities in children and adults using cochlear implants and/or hearing aids. These tests are usually presented auditorily with a verbal response. In the case of children, scores are typically lower and more variable than for adults with hearing impairments using similar devices. It is difficult to interpret children's speech-perception scores without considering the effects of lexical knowledge and speech-production abilities on their responses. This study postulated a simple mathematical model to describe the effects of hearing, lexical knowledge, and speech production on the perception test scores for monosyllabic words by children with impaired hearing. Thirty-three primary-school children with impaired hearing, fitted with hearing aids and/or cochlear implants, were evaluated using speech-perception, reading-aloud, speech-production, and language measures. These various measures were incorporated in the mathematical model, which revealed that performance in an open-set word-perception test in the auditory-alone mode is strongly dependent on residual hearing levels, lexical knowledge, and speech-production abilities. Further applications of the model provided an estimate of the effect of each component on the overall speech-perception score for each child.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Based on the Attentional Control Theory (ACT; Eysenck et al., 2007), performance efficiency is decreased in high-anxiety situations because worrying thoughts compete for attentional resources. A repeated-measures design (high/low state anxiety and high/low perceptual task demands) was used to test ACT explanations. Complex football situations were displayed to expert and non-expert football players in a decision making task in a controlled laboratory setting. Ratings of state anxiety and pupil diameter measures were used to check anxiety manipulations. Dependent variables were verbal response time and accuracy, mental effort ratings and visual search behavior (e.g., visual search rate). Results confirmed that an anxiety increase, indicated by higher state-anxiety ratings and larger pupil diameters, reduced processing efficiency for both groups (higher response times and mental effort ratings). Moreover, high task demands reduced the ability to shift attention between different locations for the expert group in the high anxiety condition only. Since particularly experts, who were expected to use more top-down strategies to guide visual attention under high perceptual task demands, showed less attentional shifts in the high compared to the low anxiety condition, as predicted by ACT, anxiety seems to impair the shifting function by interrupting the balance between top-down and bottom-up processes.


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Research suggests women respond to the aggression-inducing effects of alcohol in a manner similar to men. Highly aggressive men are more prone to alcohol-induced aggression, but this relationship is less clear for women. This study examined whether alcohol consumption would differentially affect laboratory-measured aggression in a sample of aggressive and non-aggressive women and how those differences might be related to components of impulsive behavior. In 39 women recruited from the community (two groups: with and without histories of physical fighting) ages 21–40, laboratory aggressive behavior was assessed following placebo and 0.80 g/kg alcohol consumption (all women experienced both conditions). Baseline laboratory impulsive behavior of three impulsivity models was later assessed in the same women. In the aggression model (PSAP), participants were provoked by periodic subtractions of money, which were blamed on a fictitious partner. Aggression was operationalized as the responses the participant made to subtract money from that partner. The three components of impulsivity that were tested included: (1) response initiation (IMT/DMT), premature responses made prior to the completion of stimulus processing, (2) response inhibition (GoStop), a failure to inhibit an already initiated response, and (3) consequence sensitivity (SKIP and TCIP), the choice for a smaller-sooner reward over a larger-later reward. I hypothesized that, compared to women with no history of physical fighting, women with a history of physical fighting would exhibit higher rates of alcohol-induced laboratory aggression and higher rates of baseline impulsive responding (particularly for the IMT/DMT), which would also be related to the alcohol-induced increases aggression. Consistent with studies in men, the aggressive women showed strong associations between laboratory aggression and self-report measures, while the non-aggressive women did not. However, unlike men, following alcohol consumption it was the non-aggressive women's laboratory aggression that was related to their self-reports of aggression and impulsivity. Additionally, response initiation measures of impulsivity distinguished the two groups, while response inhibition and consequence sensitivity measures did not; commission error rates on the IMT/DMT were higher in the aggressive women compared to the non-aggressive women. Regression analyses of the behavioral measures showed no relationship between the aggression and impulsivity performance of the two groups. These results suggest that the behavioral (and potentially biological) mechanism underlying aggressive behavior of women is different than that of men. ^


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El ruido es un contaminante que cada vez va tomando más importancia por ser un tipo de contaminación propio de las sociedades modernas. Su estudio en tanto su origen y efectos en la población, ha sido objeto de numerosas líneas de investigación en el mundo, siendo una de las herramientas más utilizadas las encuestas de percepción de molestias realizadas en numerosos países y de variados diseños metodológicos. Sin embargo, la profusa información recolectada por muchos años y por distintos países por medio de estas herramientas no permite obtener datos relacionados entre ellos para estudiar las distintas condiciones de exposición a distintos tipos de fuentes de ruido, dado que responden a diseños de instrumentos de recolección de datos (encuestas) distintos y, aún más, a escalas de mediciones distintas. Un esfuerzo por generar datos y estudios que puedan ser relacionados para contribuir a mayor conocimiento del ruido y sus efectos en la salud de la población, es la iniciativa desarrollada por el ICBEN (International Commission of Biological Effects on Noise) que desde el año 1997 un grupo de investigadores se ha propuesto generar estudios e investigaciones bajo una metodología que permita comparar los diferentes estudios que se realicen y que sus conclusiones permitan ser utilizadas por el resto y así generar nuevos conocimientos y validar dichos resultados. Uno de los problemas que en la actualidad se tiene es que las encuestas que se utilizan en distintos países, e incluso en ellos mismos, no sólo incorporan preguntas de diversas modalidades y estilos, sino que además para las respuestas que entregan los encuestados se utilizan una variedad de métodos y escalas que no permiten ser extrapolados o comparados con otros estudios. Dado que las escalas que algunos estudios utilizan, para conocer el grado de molestia que presenta la población, sin verbales, las líneas de investigación y recomendaciones internacionales sugieren que cada país desarrolle sus propias escalas y que no se remitan sólo a traducir aquellas utilizadas en otros idiomas. Esto debido que cada palabra que se utilice en las escalas encierra un concepto metrológico, esto es, que las personas le asignan un valor específico de intensidad en el continuo de grados de molestia, por lo que deben ser obtenidas para cada población bajo estudio. Esta investigación, siguiendo las recomendaciones internacionales, ha obtenido una escala verbal para ser utilizada en encuestas de percepción subjetiva de molestias por ruido en Chile, para una población de entre 15 a 65 años de edad. Se ha podido desarrollar un test para obtener dicha escala siguiendo la metodología internacional, lo que ha permitido además discutir y analizar su utilización en futuras investigaciones. Del mismo modo, se ha podido analizar la equivalencia que tiene con otras escalas que podrían ser obtenidas con esta misma metodología, así como la escala que la recomendación internacional ISO propone para el idioma español. Los resultados obtenidos permiten comprobar la necesidad de que cada país hispanoparlante desarrolle sus propias escalas lo que podría explicar, entre otros aspectos, del por qué la norma internacional aún no tiene características de oficial a falta de mayor consenso en la comunidad científica, por lo que los datos aportados en esta investigación permitirán profundizar estos y otros aspectos a los investigadores en esta materia. ABSTRACT Noise is considered as a pollutant that it is growing in importance because it has become recognized as a major annoyance in modern societies. The study of its origin and effects on populations has been the objective of numerous lines of investigation all over the world. The annoyance questionnaire is a tool that is frequently utilized in numerous countries using a variety of design methods. Nevertheless, the quantity of information collected over several years in different countries using these tools has not allowed an interrelated correlation of data because the data indicates that the different study tools designed to collect data have used varying collection techniques and measurement scales that define the exposure to different types and sources of noise pollution. In an effort to generate data and studies then can be combined to better the understanding of noise and its effects on public health, an initiative that was developed by ICBEN (International Commission of Biological Effects on Noise) was proposed in 1997 and is designed to generate and investigate studies under methodologies that allow the comparisons of different studies already undertaken and the coordination of their conclusions. These investigative tools can be used by other investigators who will be able to generate additional information and validates results. One of the currently existing problems is that the questionnaires utilized by different countries and within the same countries not only use questions based on different models and styles, but also the answers given by the subjects being interviewed are interpreted using different methods and measurement scales which do not permit direct comparison of relationship with other studies. Given the measurement tools used to obtain the reported levels of annoyance that the population experiences (without verbal response) the lines of investigation and international recommendations are that each country develops its own scale that does not rely only on verbal responses in the corresponding language. This is because each word utilized in the measurement scale has a numeric concept with which interview subjects will assign a specific numeric intensity from the continuum of levels of annoyance and must be obtained for each population under study. This investigation, which follows international recommendations, has obtained a verbal scale to be utilized in subjective perception questionnaires of noise annoyance in Chile, for a subject population of subjects between 15 and 65 years of age. It has been able to develop a test to obtain said measurement scale following the international methodology guidelines which has permitted discussion and analysis of their use by other investigators. By the same token, it has been possible to analyze the equivalency that exists between other scales that could be obtained with the same methodology including the scale as recommended by international ISO for Spanish Language. The results obtained allows proof of the necessity that each Spanish Speaking Country develop their own measurement scales which could explain, the reason why the international norm still does not have the official characteristics because of a failure of a majority consensus in the scientific community, by which the data contribution from this investigation will allow the investigator to deepen these and other aspects of the subject.