969 resultados para Ventilação natura


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Natural ventilation is an efficient bioclimatic strategy, one that provides thermal comfort, healthful and cooling to the edification. However, the disregard for quality environment, the uncertainties involved in the phenomenon and the popularization of artificial climate systems are held as an excuse for those who neglect the benefits of passive cooling. The unfamiliarity with the concept may be lessened if ventilation is observed in every step of the project, especially in the initial phase in which decisions bear a great impact in the construction process. The tools available in order to quantify the impact of projected decisions consist basically of the renovation rate calculations or computer simulations of fluids, commonly dubbed CFD, which stands for Computational Fluid Dynamics , both somewhat apart from the project s execution and unable to adapt for use in parametric studies. Thus, we chose to verify, through computer simulation, the representativeness of the results with a method of simplified air reconditioning rate calculation, as well as making it more compatible with the questions relevant to the first phases of the project s process. The case object consists of a model resulting from the recommendations of the Código de Obras de Natal/ RN, customized according to the NBR 15220. The study has shown the complexity in aggregating a CFD tool to the process and the need for a method capable of generating data at the compatible rate to the flow of ideas and are discarded during the project s development. At the end of our study, we discuss the necessary concessions for the realization of simulations, the applicability and the limitations of both the tools used and the method adopted, as well as the representativeness of the results obtained


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Natural ventilation is an efficient bioclimatic strategy, one that provides thermal comfort, healthful and cooling to the edification. However, the disregard for quality environment, the uncertainties involved in the phenomenon and the popularization of artificial climate systems are held as an excuse for those who neglect the benefits of passive cooling. The unfamiliarity with the concept may be lessened if ventilation is observed in every step of the project, especially in the initial phase in which decisions bear a great impact in the construction process. The tools available in order to quantify the impact of projected decisions consist basically of the renovation rate calculations or computer simulations of fluids, commonly dubbed CFD, which stands for Computational Fluid Dynamics , both somewhat apart from the project s execution and unable to adapt for use in parametric studies. Thus, we chose to verify, through computer simulation, the representativeness of the results with a method of simplified air reconditioning rate calculation, as well as making it more compatible with the questions relevant to the first phases of the project s process. The case object consists of a model resulting from the recommendations of the Código de Obras de Natal/ RN, customized according to the NBR 15220. The study has shown the complexity in aggregating a CFD tool to the process and the need for a method capable of generating data at the compatible rate to the flow of ideas and are discarded during the project s development. At the end of our study, we discuss the necessary concessions for the realization of simulations, the applicability and the limitations of both the tools used and the method adopted, as well as the representativeness of the results obtained


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Natural ventilation is an efficient bioclimatic strategy, one that provides thermal comfort, healthful and cooling to the edification. However, the disregard for quality environment, the uncertainties involved in the phenomenon and the popularization of artificial climate systems are held as an excuse for those who neglect the benefits of passive cooling. The unfamiliarity with the concept may be lessened if ventilation is observed in every step of the project, especially in the initial phase in which decisions bear a great impact in the construction process. The tools available in order to quantify the impact of projected decisions consist basically of the renovation rate calculations or computer simulations of fluids, commonly dubbed CFD, which stands for Computational Fluid Dynamics , both somewhat apart from the project s execution and unable to adapt for use in parametric studies. Thus, we chose to verify, through computer simulation, the representativeness of the results with a method of simplified air reconditioning rate calculation, as well as making it more compatible with the questions relevant to the first phases of the project s process. The case object consists of a model resulting from the recommendations of the Código de Obras de Natal/ RN, customized according to the NBR 15220. The study has shown the complexity in aggregating a CFD tool to the process and the need for a method capable of generating data at the compatible rate to the flow of ideas and are discarded during the project s development. At the end of our study, we discuss the necessary concessions for the realization of simulations, the applicability and the limitations of both the tools used and the method adopted, as well as the representativeness of the results obtained


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One of the main problems that public institutions face in the management of protected areas, such as the European Natura 2000 network, is determining how to design and implement sustainable management plans that account for the wide range of marketed and non-marketed benefits they provide to society. This paper presents an application of a stated preference valuation approach aimed at evaluating the social preferences of the population of the Basque Country, Spain, for the key attributes of a regional Natura 2000 network site. According to our results, individuals’ willingness-to-pay (WTP) is higher for attributes associated with non-use values (native tree species and biodiversity conservation) than for attributes associated with use values (agricultural development and commercial forestry). The paper concludes that management policies related to Natura 2000 network sites should account for both for the importance of non-use values and the heterogeneity of the population's preferences in order to minimize potential land use conflicts.


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Managing protected areas implies dealing with complex social-ecological systems where multiple dimensions (social, institutional, economic and ecological) interact over time for the delivery of ecosystem services. Uni-dimensional and top-down management approaches have been unable to capture this complexity. Instead, new integrated approaches that acknowledge the diversity of social actors in the decision making process are required. In this paper we put forward a novel participatory assessment approach which integrates multiple methodologies to reflect different value articulating institutions in the case of a Natura 2000 network site in the Basque Country. It integrates within a social multi-criteria evaluation framework, both the economic values of ecosystem services through a choice experiment model and ecological values by means of a spatial bio-geographic assessment. By capturing confronting social and institutional conflicts in protected areas the participatory integrated assessment approach presented here can help decision makers for better planning and managing Natura 2000 sites.


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In recent years, participatory approaches have been incorporated in decision-making processes as a way to strengthen the bonds between diverse areas of knowledge and social actors in natural resources management and environmental governance. Despite the favourable context, this paradigm shift is still in an early stage within the development of the Natura 2000 in the European Union, the largest network of protected areas in the world. To enhance the full scope of participatory approaches in this context, this article: (i) briefly reviews the role of participatory approaches in environmental governance, (ii) develops a common framework to evaluate such participatory processes in protected area management, (iii) applies this framework to a real case study, and (iv) based on the lessons learned, provides guidance to improve the future governance of Natura 2000 sites.


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[EUS[ Ingurumen-ondasun eta zerbitzuen gaineko balorazio ekonomikoa ebaluazio-tresna erabilgarri gisa azal daiteke, bereziki natura-eremu babestuen (NEB) politikak gero eta garrantzi handiagoa eskuratzen duen testuinguruetan. Nahiz eta NEBen gaineko balorazio ekonomikoak tradizio luzea duen, Euskal Herriko NEBen gain egindakoak oraintsukoak dira. Artikulu honek balorazio ekonomiko horiek jasotzen dituzten ikerlanen berrikusketa bibliografikoa egiten du. Egindako azterketak disparekotasun nabarmena azaltzen du emaitzei dagokienez, zeinak neurri handian balorazio-ariketetan definitutako ingurumen-ondasun eta erabilitako metodologien menpe dauden. Horrekin batera, NEBen izendatze eta garapenean arrazoi ekonomikoez gain beste era batzuetako arrazoiak kontuan hartzeko beharra ere azpimarratzen da.


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Taxonomic observations on the larval forms of Cyclops leuckarti are being discussed and compared with Cyclops oithonoides var. hyalina. Observations include Nauplius and Metanauplius stages. The author concludes that specific differences are recognisable even in the nauplius stages.


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Aurkibidea: - Hitzaurrea (Salvatore Aricò). - Aurkezpena (Miren Onaindia, Iosu Madariaga, Igone Palacios eta Xabier Arana). - Mezu gakoak. - Milurteko Ekosistemen Ebaluazioa Bizkaian proiektua: sarrera, helburuak eta kontzeptu orokorrak. - Zer zerbitzu ematen dizkigute Bizkaiko ekosistemek? - Nola banatzen dira lurraldean ekosistemen zerbitzuak? - Zer joera izan dute Bizkaiko ekosistemen zerbitzuek azken hamarkadetan? - Azterketa-kasuak: Bilboaldeko ingurune berdea, Urdaibai Biosfera Erreserba, Lea ibaiaren arroa eta Urkiolako Parke Naturala. - Murriztu daiteke lurraldeak kanpo-ekosistemen zerbitzuekiko duen mendekotasuna? - Nolakoa nahi genuke izatea Bizkaia 2050. urtean? - Zer erantzun-aukera ditugu eta zer erabaki har ditzakegu? - Bizkaiko ekosistemen zerbitzuen katalogoa. - Bizkaiko Ebaluazioarekin lotura duten argitalpenak. - Bizkaiko Ebaluazioarekin lotura duten webguneak. - Glosarioa.


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Ondorengo orri hauetan, Oiartzungo lurraldean natur jardueren sustapena gauzatzeko proiektu baten azalpena ageri da. Urte hauetako natur jardueren masifikazioa baliatuz eta Oiartzunen aurki ditzakegun paraje naturalak erabiliz, inguruko biztanleriari beraien ondare natural zein kulturala erakusteko asmoz, Oiasso Natur enpresaren eskutik, mendi irteeren eskaintza bat aurkezten da. Bertan, emandako urratsak eta hauen nondik norakoak ikusteko aukera dago. Lurraldearen analisi sakon bat egiteko eta ondorioak ateratzeko egindako bilaketa irakur daiteke ere. Txangoei dagokionez, adin guztientzako txangoak dira eta edonor liluratuta uzteko kapaza diren txangoak ikustarazteko eginak dira.


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A presente investigação teve como objetivo avaliar a prática de cirurgiões dentistas em uma unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) de um hospital militar, o estabelecimento de um protocolo de higiene oral e os seus efeitos sobre a redução de pneumonias associadas à ventilação mecânica (PAVM). As percepções da equipe da UTI sobre as atividades dos cirurgiões dentistas também foram avaliadas por meio de um questionário. O perfil de colonização microbiana da mucosa oral antes e depois do estabelecimento das medidas de higiene oral também foi avaliado tanto por diluição e plaqueamento em meios de cultura microbiológicos seletivos e enriquecidos e através da amplificação pelo método de PCR e eletroforese em gel desnaturante em gradiente (DGGE), subsequente ao sequenciamento dos amplicons. A carga microbiana foi avaliada após a contagem de placas de agar e através da amplificação por PCR em tempo real (qPCR) do gene rrs nas amostras. O protocolo de higiene oral, realizado pelos cirurgiões dentistas, foi capaz de reduzir a incidência de PAVM (p <0,05). O questionário revelou que a modificação da halitose foi percebida por 93,33% dos participantes. A redução da ocorrência das úlceras orais e dos lábios durante a internação dos pacientes foi observada por 80% da equipe da UTI. Foi observada a redução da produção das secreções nasais e bucais por 70% da equipe dos profissionais da UTI. Para 86,66% dos participantes a assistência aos pacientes tornou-se mais agradável após a instituição dos cuidados bucais. O protocolo, realizado com a utilização de solução 0,12% de clorexidina, não foi capaz de evitar a colonização da mucosa oral por patógenos microbianos usualmente encontrados no ambiente hospitalar tais como os bastonetes Gram-negativos entéricos e não fermentadores, nem foi capaz de eliminá-los quando tais micro-organismos já se encontravam presentes antes dos procedimentos de higiene bucal. Alguns Bastonetes Gram-positivos (Lactobacillus sp e corinebactérias) e Staphylococcus epidermidis permaneceram após a realização dos procedimentos. O protocolo de higiene oral permitiu a redução da carga microbiana na mucosa oral de 50% dos pacientes considerando-se o método de contagem microbiana e para 35% dos pacientes pela avaliação dos números de cópias de genes rrs através de qPCR. Em conclusão, o protocolo de higiene oral desenvolvido pelos cirurgiões dentistas foi capaz de reduzir a incidência de PAV na UTI, embora não tenha sido capaz de prevenir a colonização da mucosa oral por supostos patógenos microbianos. O protocolo de higiene oral com a participação ativa dos cirurgiões dentistas foi bem aceito pelos profissionais da UTI e foi capaz de melhorar a qualidade da assistência aos pacientes críticos.