974 resultados para Velocity estimation


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A new algorithm for the velocity vector estimation of moving ships using Single Look Complex (SLC) SAR data in strip map acquisition mode is proposed. The algorithm exploits both amplitude and phase information of the Doppler decompressed data spectrum, with the aim to estimate both the azimuth antenna pattern and the backscattering coefficient as function of the look angle. The antenna pattern estimation provides information about the target velocity; the backscattering coefficient can be used for vessel classification. The range velocity is retrieved in the slow time frequency domain by estimating the antenna pattern effects induced by the target motion, while the azimuth velocity is calculated by the estimated range velocity and the ship orientation. Finally, the algorithm is tested on simulated SAR SLC data.


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Monitoring the performance is a crucial task for elite sports during both training and competition. Velocity is the key parameter of performance in swimming, but swimming performance evaluation remains immature due to the complexities of measurements in water. The purpose of this study is to use a single inertial measurement unit (IMU) to estimate front crawl velocity. Thirty swimmers, equipped with an IMU on the sacrum, each performed four different velocity trials of 25 m in ascending order. A tethered speedometer was used as the velocity measurement reference. Deployment of biomechanical constraints of front crawl locomotion and change detection framework on acceleration signal paved the way for a drift-free integration of forward acceleration using IMU to estimate the swimmers velocity. A difference of 0.6 ± 5.4 cm · s(-1) on mean cycle velocity and an RMS difference of 11.3 cm · s(-1) in instantaneous velocity estimation were observed between IMU and the reference. The most important contribution of the study is a new practical tool for objective evaluation of swimming performance. A single body-worn IMU provides timely feedback for coaches and sport scientists without any complicated setup or restraining the swimmer's natural technique.


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We carry out a seismic noise study based on array measurements at three sites in the Málaga basin, South Spain, for the further estimation of shear wave velocity profiles. For this purpose, we use both the H/V method and the f–k technique in order to characterize the different materials present in the zone, i.e., Quaternary sediments and Pliocene sedimentary rocks above the bedrock. The H/V analysis shows frequency peaks going from 1 Hz, in areas close to the border of the basin, to 0.3 Hz in places located toward the center of the formation. The f–k analysis allows obtaining the dispersion curves associated with each site and subsequently, estimating the Vs profiles by inversion of the respective group velocities. In this way, the basin basement can be characterized by S-wave velocities greater than 2000 m/s. Regarding the basin fill, it is divided into three layers defined by different wave velocity intervals. The shallowest one is featured by velocities ranging from 150 to 400 m/s and comprises the Quaternary sediments, while velocities going from 550–700 to1200–1600 m/s characterize the two underlying layers composed by Pliocene sediments. Finally, the information provided by the three Vs profiles is integrated in a 2D cross-section of the basin to have a spatial view of its sedimentary structure. The results obtained here, in addition to providing useful information about the infill of the basin near the metropolitan area of Málaga, will be very helpful for future seismic zonation studies in the region.


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A ubiquitous assessment of swimming velocity (main metric of the performance) is essential for the coach to provide a tailored feedback to the trainee. We present a probabilistic framework for the data-driven estimation of the swimming velocity at every cycle using a low-cost wearable inertial measurement unit (IMU). The statistical validation of the method on 15 swimmers shows that an average relative error of 0.1 ± 9.6% and high correlation with the tethered reference system (rX,Y=0.91 ) is achievable. Besides, a simple tool to analyze the influence of sacrum kinematics on the performance is provided.


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Presented is an accurate swimming velocity estimation method using an inertial measurement unit (IMU) by employing a simple biomechanical constraint of motion along with Gaussian process regression to deal with sensor inherent errors. Experimental validation shows a velocity RMS error of 9.0 cm/s and high linear correlation when compared with a commercial tethered reference system. The results confirm the practicality of the presented method to estimate swimming velocity using a single low-cost, body-worn IMU.


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The papermaking industry has been continuously developing intelligent solutions to characterize the raw materials it uses, to control the manufacturing process in a robust way, and to guarantee the desired quality of the end product. Based on the much improved imaging techniques and image-based analysis methods, it has become possible to look inside the manufacturing pipeline and propose more effective alternatives to human expertise. This study is focused on the development of image analyses methods for the pulping process of papermaking. Pulping starts with wood disintegration and forming the fiber suspension that is subsequently bleached, mixed with additives and chemicals, and finally dried and shipped to the papermaking mills. At each stage of the process it is important to analyze the properties of the raw material to guarantee the product quality. In order to evaluate properties of fibers, the main component of the pulp suspension, a framework for fiber characterization based on microscopic images is proposed in this thesis as the first contribution. The framework allows computation of fiber length and curl index correlating well with the ground truth values. The bubble detection method, the second contribution, was developed in order to estimate the gas volume at the delignification stage of the pulping process based on high-resolution in-line imaging. The gas volume was estimated accurately and the solution enabled just-in-time process termination whereas the accurate estimation of bubble size categories still remained challenging. As the third contribution of the study, optical flow computation was studied and the methods were successfully applied to pulp flow velocity estimation based on double-exposed images. Finally, a framework for classifying dirt particles in dried pulp sheets, including the semisynthetic ground truth generation, feature selection, and performance comparison of the state-of-the-art classification techniques, was proposed as the fourth contribution. The framework was successfully tested on the semisynthetic and real-world pulp sheet images. These four contributions assist in developing an integrated factory-level vision-based process control.


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Les diagnostics cliniques des maladies cardio-vasculaires sont principalement effectués à l’aide d’échographies Doppler-couleur malgré ses restrictions : mesures de vélocité dépendantes de l’angle ainsi qu’une fréquence d’images plus faible à cause de focalisation traditionnelle. Deux études, utilisant des approches différentes, adressent ces restrictions en utilisant l’imagerie à onde-plane, post-traitée avec des méthodes de délai et sommation et d’autocorrélation. L’objectif de la présente étude est de ré-implémenté ces méthodes pour analyser certains paramètres qui affecte la précision des estimations de la vélocité du flux sanguin en utilisant le Doppler vectoriel 2D. À l’aide d’expériences in vitro sur des flux paraboliques stationnaires effectuées avec un système Verasonics, l’impact de quatre paramètres sur la précision de la cartographie a été évalué : le nombre d’inclinaisons par orientation, la longueur d’ensemble pour les images à orientation unique, le nombre de cycles par pulsation, ainsi que l’angle de l’orientation pour différents flux. Les valeurs optimales sont de 7 inclinaisons par orientation, une orientation de ±15° avec 6 cycles par pulsation. La précision de la reconstruction est comparable à l’échographie Doppler conventionnelle, tout en ayant une fréquence d’image 10 à 20 fois supérieure, permettant une meilleure caractérisation des transitions rapides qui requiert une résolution temporelle élevée.


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A novel rotor velocity estimation scheme applicable to vector controlled induction motors has been described. The proposed method will evaluate rotor velocity, ωr, on-line, does not require any extra transducers or injection of any signals, nor does it employ complicated algorithms such as MRAS or Kalman filters. Furthermore, the new scheme will operate at all velocities including zero with very little error. The procedure employs motor model equations, however all differential and integral terms have been eliminated giving a very fast, low-cost, effective and practical alternative to the current available methods. Simulation results verify the operation of the scheme under ideal and PWM conditions.


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This work presents two schemes of measuring the linear and angular kinematics of a rigid body using a kinematically redundant array of triple-axis accelerometers with potential applications in biomechanics. A novel angular velocity estimation algorithm is proposed and evaluated that can compensate for angular velocity errors using measurements of the direction of gravity. Analysis and discussion of optimal sensor array characteristics are provided. A damped 2 axis pendulum was used to excite all 6 DoF of the a suspended accelerometer array through determined complex motion and is the basis of both simulation and experimental studies. The relationship between accuracy and sensor redundancy is investigated for arrays of up to 100 triple axis (300 accelerometer axes) accelerometers in simulation and 10 equivalent sensors (30 accelerometer axes) in the laboratory test rig. The paper also reports on the sensor calibration techniques and hardware implementation.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The aim of this study is to quantify the mass transfer velocity using turbulence parameters from simultaneous measurements of oxygen concentration fields and velocity fields. The surface divergence model was considered in more detail, using data obtained for the lower range of beta (surface divergence). It is shown that the existing models that use the divergence concept furnish good predictions for the transfer velocity also for low values of beta, in the range of this study. Additionally, traditional conceptual models, such as the film model, the penetration-renewal model, and the large eddy model, were tested using the simultaneous information of concentration and velocity fields. It is shown that the film and the surface divergence models predicted the mass transfer velocity for all the range of the equipment Reynolds number used here. The velocity measurements showed viscosity effects close to the surface, which indicates that the surface was contaminated with some surfactant. Considering the results, this contamination can be considered slight for the mass transfer predictions. (C) 2009 American Institute of Chemical Engineers AIChE J, 56: 2005-2017; 2010


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Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is a surrogate of arterial stiffness and represents a non-invasive marker of cardiovascular risk. The non-invasive measurement of PWV requires tracking the arrival time of pressure pulses recorded in vivo, commonly referred to as pulse arrival time (PAT). In the state of the art, PAT is estimated by identifying a characteristic point of the pressure pulse waveform. This paper demonstrates that for ambulatory scenarios, where signal-to-noise ratios are below 10 dB, the performance in terms of repeatability of PAT measurements through characteristic points identification degrades drastically. Hence, we introduce a novel family of PAT estimators based on the parametric modeling of the anacrotic phase of a pressure pulse. In particular, we propose a parametric PAT estimator (TANH) that depicts high correlation with the Complior(R) characteristic point D1 (CC = 0.99), increases noise robustness and reduces by a five-fold factor the number of heartbeats required to obtain reliable PAT measurements.


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Numerous sources of evidence point to the fact that heterogeneity within the Earth's deep crystalline crust is complex and hence may be best described through stochastic rather than deterministic approaches. As seismic reflection imaging arguably offers the best means of sampling deep crustal rocks in situ, much interest has been expressed in using such data to characterize the stochastic nature of crustal heterogeneity. Previous work on this problem has shown that the spatial statistics of seismic reflection data are indeed related to those of the underlying heterogeneous seismic velocity distribution. As of yet, however, the nature of this relationship has remained elusive due to the fact that most of the work was either strictly empirical or based on incorrect methodological approaches. Here, we introduce a conceptual model, based on the assumption of weak scattering, that allows us to quantitatively link the second-order statistics of a 2-D seismic velocity distribution with those of the corresponding processed and depth-migrated seismic reflection image. We then perform a sensitivity study in order to investigate what information regarding the stochastic model parameters describing crustal velocity heterogeneity might potentially be recovered from the statistics of a seismic reflection image using this model. Finally, we present a Monte Carlo inversion strategy to estimate these parameters and we show examples of its application at two different source frequencies and using two different sets of prior information. Our results indicate that the inverse problem is inherently non-unique and that many different combinations of the vertical and lateral correlation lengths describing the velocity heterogeneity can yield seismic images with the same 2-D autocorrelation structure. The ratio of all of these possible combinations of vertical and lateral correlation lengths, however, remains roughly constant which indicates that, without additional prior information, the aspect ratio is the only parameter describing the stochastic seismic velocity structure that can be reliably recovered.


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A method is suggested for the calculation of the friction velocity for stable turbulent boundary-layer flow over hills. The method is tested using a continuous upstream mean velocity profile compatible with the propagation of gravity waves, and is incorporated into the linear model of Hunt, Leibovich and Richards with the modification proposed by Hunt, Richards and Brighton to include the effects of stability, and the reformulated solution of Weng for the near-surface region. Those theoretical results are compared with results from simulations using a non-hydrostatic microscale-mesoscale two-dimensional numerical model, and with field observations for different values of stability. These comparisons show a considerable improvement in the behaviour of the theoretical model when the friction velocity is calculated using the method proposed here, leading to a consistent variation of the boundary-layer structure with stability, and better agreement with observational and numerical data.