4 resultados para Veganismo
Se comentan las ventajas de la dieta vegana como alternativa ética y sana al consumo actual.
Con consignas como "Revolución de la cuchara, nadie muere, nadie mata", los partidarios del veganismo tratan de convencer a otras personas de que saquen la carne y los productos de origen animal de su menú diario.
This research has vegan groups in the city of Natal-RN as interlocutors, although I also report to other research contexts, such as those located in the cities of Recife (Pernambuco State) and Campina Grande (Paraíba State). Moved by ethical principles based on animal rights, vegans refuse to consume any product with animal origin. To the extent that consumption habits can be considered powerful elements of identification, the relationship between consumption, food, identity, and politics is an important analytical key in the development of this work. As my main theoretical question, I follow the ways by which the vegan discourse (of abolitionist character) takes shape and materializes into actions, demonstrations and political mobilization. Therefore, I aim to present an ethnography of activities performed collectively by these individuals, such as those of a more ludic character (picnics, etc.) as well as those more politically oriented, especially protests and demonstrations in public places.