25 resultados para Varistores
Tesis (Doctor en Ingeniería de Materiales) UANL, 2013.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O estudo da adição de dopantes trivalentes é uma das principais pesquisas na área de varistores. Vários autores têm buscado entender os efeitos destes dopantes nas propriedades elétricas e microestruturais destas cerâmicas eletrônicas. Tanto metais de transição quanto terras raras são adicionados em cerâmicas à base de SnO2 a fim de verificar o seu comportamento. O que se tem observado é que alguns destes óxidos tais como Cr2O3 e La2O3 melhoram significativamente as propriedades elétricas dos varistores, enquanto que outros como o Bi2O3 e Er2O3, por exemplo, não produzem tal efeito. A evolução do desempenho do comportamento varistor tem sido também atribuída às espécies de oxigênio produzidas pela reação com estes dopantes. Esta revisão apresenta resultados de estudos recentes do comportamento varistor frente a adição de metais doadores.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In the present work it was studied the main aspect that influences on degradation and physical-chemical properties at grain-boundary region of metal oxide varistors and its consequences on microstructure and nonohmic electric properties. Based on the comprehension of the degradation aspects it was proposed some methodologies to recover the varistors nonohmic properties after being failed with long (2000 μs) and short current pulses (8/20 μs). Our analysis shown that one of the cause of degradation process is related to the lowering of oxygen species amount at grain-boundary region. Therefore, it is possible to re-promote oxygen enrichment of such regions by specific thermal treatments in rich oxygen atmospheres (the best condition found in the present work was temperatures around 900°C for 2 h at an oxygen flux of 15 1/h). The proposed nonohmic properties recovering procedure appear to be valid for all kind metal oxide varistors studied and is very important from technological point of view.
Synthesis of SnO2 ceramic powders was made by coprecipitation method and polymeric precursor method (Pechini) to obtain Sn-Co-Nb-Ti-Al varistor systems. The particles of the obtained ceramic powder presented nanometric size and SnO2 was the principal crystalline phase in them according to X-ray diffraction results. To determine the behavior of the synthesized samples in front of the thermal treatments, thermal analysis (DTA/TG) were made. Dilatometric studies on previously pressed samples were carried out. The optimal conditions of sintering of this raw material were determined. Microstructures and electric properties of sintered samples were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and I-V characteristics curves. The samples presented varistor behavior independent of the synthesis method used, with high nonlinearity values as 32. The presence of Al3+ favored the concentration of oxygen vacancies, and the grain growth.
A presente invenção refere-se a composições vanstoras à base de óxidos metálicos, mais particularmente à base de diáxido de estanho (SnO~ 2~) com a adição de óxidos metálicos dopantes, preferencialmente óxido de cobalto (CoO), pentóxido de nióbio (Nb~ 2~O~ 5~) e triáxido de cromo (Cr~ 2~O~ 3~), para conformação de e blocos cerâmicos varistores cujas propriedades eletrónicas não-óhmicas finais são independentes das dimensões dos corpos cerâmicos. A independência das propriedades não-óhmicas em relação às dimensões do corpo permite que uma mesma composição varistora seja utilizada em aplicações para baixas, médias e altas tensões.
A presente invenção refere-se a composições varistoras à base de óxidos metálicos, mais particularmente à base de óxido misto de cálcio, cobre e titánio (CCTO), com a presença, ou não, de titanato de cálcio (CaTiO~ 3~), para conformação de blocos cerâmicos varistores (resistores não-lineares).
Pós-graduação em Química - IQ
Continuous Synthesis by Solution Combustion was employed in this work aiming to obtain tin dioxide nanostructured. Basically, a precursor solution is prepared and then be atomized and sprayed into the flame, where its combustion occurs, leading to the formation of particles. This is a recent technique that shows an enormous potential in oxides deposition, mainly by the low cost of equipment and precursors employed. The tin dioxide (SnO2) nanostructured has been widely used in various applications, especially as gas sensors and varistors. In the case of sensors based on semiconducting ceramics, where surface reactions are responsible for the detection of gases, the importance of surface area and particle size is even greater. The preference for a nanostructured material is based on its significant increase in surface area compared to conventional microcrystalline powders and small particle size, which may benefit certain properties such as high electrical conductivity, high thermal stability, mechanical and chemical. In this work, were employed as precursor solution tin chloride dehydrate diluted in anhydrous ethyl alcohol. Were utilized molar ratio chloride/solvent of 0,75 with the purpose of investigate its influence in the microstructure of produced powder. The solution precursor flux was 3 mL/min. Analysis with X-ray diffraction appointed that a solution precursor with molar ratio chloride/solvent of 0,75 leads to crystalline powder with single phase and all peaks are attributed to phase SnO2. Parameters as distance from the flame with atomizer distance from the capture system with the pilot, molar ratio and solution flux doesn t affect the presence of tin dioxide in the produced powder. In the characterization of the obtained powder techniques were used as thermogravimetric (TGA) and thermodiferential analysis (DTA), particle size by laser diffraction (GDL), crystallographic analysis by X-ray diffraction (XRD), morphology by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), specific surface area (BET) and electrical conductivity analysis. The techniques used revealed that the SnO2 exhibits behavior of a semiconductor material, and a potentially promising material for application as varistor and sensor systems for gas
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)