827 resultados para Variable demand


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Managing a variable demand scenario is particularly challenging on services organizations because services companies usually have a major part of fixed costs. The article studies how a services organization manages its demand variability and its relation with the organization`s profitability. Moreover, the study searched for alternatives used to reduce the demand variability`s impact on the profitability of the company. The research was based on a case study with a Brazilian services provider on information technology business. The study suggests that alternatives like using outsourced employees to cover demand peaks may bring benefits only on short term, reducing the profitability of the company on long term: Some options are revealed, like the internationalization of employees and the investment on developing its own workforce.


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The objective of this dissertation is to investigate the effect wind energy has on the Electricity Supply Industry in Ireland. Wind power generation is a source of renewable energy that is in abundant supply in Ireland and is fast becoming a resource that Ireland is depending on as a diverse and secure of supply of energy. However, wind is an intermittent resource and coupled with a variable demand, there are integration issues with balancing demand and supply effectively. To maintain a secure supply of electricity to customers, it is necessary that wind power has an operational reserve to ensure appropriate backup for situations where there is low wind but high demand. This dissertation examines the affect of this integration by comparing wind generation to that of conventional generation in the national grid. This is done to ascertain the cost benefits of wind power generation against a scenario with no wind generation. Then, the analysis examines to see if wind power can meet the pillars of sustainability. This entails looking at wind in a practical scenario to observe how it meets these pillars under the criteria of environmental responsibility, displacement of conventional fuel, cost competitiveness and security of supply.


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During the past years, the industry has shifted position and moved towards “the luxury universe” whose customers are demanding, treating individuals as unique and valued customer for the business, offering vehicles produced with the state of the art technologies and implementing the highest finishing standards. Due to the competitive level in the market, car makers enable processes which equalizes customer services to E.R. management, being dealt with the maximum urgency that allows the comparison between both, car workshops and emergency rooms, where workshop bays or ramps will be equal to emergency boxes and skilled technicians are equivalent to the health care specialist, who will carry out tests and checks prior to afford any final operation, keeping the “patient” under control before it is back to normal utilization. This paper establishes a valid model for the automotive industry to estimate customer service demand forecasting under variable demand conditions using analogies with patient demand models used for the medical ER.


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During the past years, the industry has shifted position and moved towards “the luxury universe” whose customers are demanding, treating individuals as unique and valued customer for the business, offering vehicles produced with the state of the art technologies and implementing the highest finishing standards. Due to the competitive level in the market, motor makers enable processes which equalizes customer services to E.R. management, being dealt with the maximum urgency that allows the comparison between both, car workshops and emergency rooms, where workshop bays or ramps will be equal to emergency boxes and skilled technicians are equivalent to the health care specialist, who will carry out tests and checks prior to afford any final operation, keeping the “patient” under control before it is back to normal utilization. This paper ratify a valid model for the automotive industry to estimate customer service demand forecasting under variable demand conditions using analogies with patient demand models used for the medical ER


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This study proposes a solution responsible for scheduling data processing with variable demand in cloud environments. The system built check specific variables to the business context of a company incubated at Digital Metropole Institute of UFRN. Such a system generates an identification strategy machinery designs available in a cloud environment, focusing on processing performance, using data load balancing strategies and activities of parallelism in the software execution flow. The goal is to meet the seasonal demand within a standard time limit set by the company, controlling operating costs by using cloud services in the IaaS layer.


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This paper develops stochastic search variable selection (SSVS) for zero-inflated count models which are commonly used in health economics. This allows for either model averaging or model selection in situations with many potential regressors. The proposed techniques are applied to a data set from Germany considering the demand for health care. A package for the free statistical software environment R is provided.


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This paper focuses on the design of railway timetables considering a variable elastic demand profile along a whole design day. Timetabling is the third stage in the classical hierarchical railway planning process. Most of previous works on this topic consider a uniform demand behavior for short planning intervals. In this paper, we propose a MINLP model for designing non-periodic timetables on a railway corridor where demand is dependent on waiting times. In the elastic demand case, long waiting times lead to a loss of passengers, who may select an alternative transportation mode. The mode choice is modeled using two alternative methods. The first one is based on a sigmoid function and can be used in case of absence of information for competitor modes. In the second one, the mode choice probability is obtained using a Logit model that explicitly considers the existence of a main alternative mode. With the purpose of obtaining optimal departure times, in both cases, a minimization of the loss of passengers is used as objective function. Finally, as illustration, the timetabling MINLP model with both mode choice methods is applied to a real case and computational results are shown.


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Using data for all the fixtures for the seasons from 1972-73 to 2002-03, we estimate a dynamic model of demand for football pools in Spain paying attention to whether their main economic explanatory variable is the effective price of a ticket or the jackpot. Additionally, we evaluate the importance of the composition of the list of games in terms of whether First Division matches are included or not. Results show that the jackpot model is preferred to the effective price model, having important implications in terms of how the structure of the game should be changed in order to increase demand.


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VALOSADE (Value Added Logistics in Supply and Demand Chains) on Lappeenrannan teknillisen yliopiston ja sielläprofessori Anita Lukan VALORE -tutkimusryhmän toteuttama tutkimusprojekti, jonka rahoittaja on ollut Tekes. Projekti on osa Tekesin ELO - Elektronisen liiketoiminnan logistiikka - teknologiaohjelmaa. Tutkimusta rahoittivat Tekesin lisäksi neljä yritystä, jotka toimivat myös tutkimustyön kohteina ja toimivat tarpeen mukaan yhteistyössä tutkijoiden kanssa. Yritysten toimialat ovat metsäteollisuus, laitevalmistaja, joka tarjoaa myös tuotteilleen jälkimarkkinapalveluja sekä kaksi logistiikkapalveluyritystä. Tämä työraportti liittyy VALOSADE - tutkimusprojektin osaprojektiin Costfix (Paper Mill Process - from Fixed Costs into Variable Costs). Costfix - projektin tavoitteena on tutkia ja löytää paperiteollisuudelle uusia toimintamalleja, jotka mahdollistavat kiinteiden kustannusten muuttamisen muuttuviksi. Merkittävä tutkimuksen osa-alue on myös tutkimuskohteiden liike-toiminnan nykytilan aiempaa tarkempi selvittäminen. Tämä työraportti käsittelee kunnossapidon materiaalilogistiikan osalta tehtaan sisällä tapahtuvaa toimintaa, josta tässä tutkimuksessa käytetään nimitystä tehdaslogistiikka. Nykytilaselvityksen perusteella nykyinen prosessiteollisuudessa ja myös pääsääntöisesti valmistavassa teollisuudessa yleisesti vallitseva teollisuusyrityksen käyttöinvestointia ylläpitävän palveluprosessin toimintarakenne, johtamistapa ja prosessin operatiivisten tehtävien toimenkuvat eivät tue ko. palvelukokonaisuuden tehokasta ja tuloksellista toteuttamista. Nykymuotoinen toimintamalli pikemminkin rajoittaa toimintaprosessin kokonaishallintaa ja sen tehostamiseksi investoitujen uusien teknisten ratkaisujen ja teknologian käyttöönottoa. Lisäksi yleisesti vallitseva toimintakulttuuri (mm. arvokäsitykset, uskomukset sekä toiminnan ja tavoitteiden taustalla olevat motiivit) sekä vaikeuttaa nykyisen ja tulevan kilpailutilanteen edellyttämien tehokkuus- ja tuottavuustavoitteiden toteutumista että hidastaa uudistusten onnistumista edellyttävän muutoksen etenemistä yrityksen sisällä. Tutkimuksen tulokset vahvistivat osaltaan sen, että tehdas- ja toimintokeskeinen johtaminen aiheuttavat palveluprosessin eri tehtäville asetettujen tavoitteiden ja perustehtäväkäsityksen välille ristiriitoja, joista seuraa sekä suoria että välillisiä vaikutuksia teollisuusyrityksen tuotantoprosessin toiminnan laatuun ja tuotantolaitteiden käyttövarmuuteen. Palvelukokonaisuuteen kuuluvien eri toimintaprosessien tehtävät on jaettu ristiriitaisesti toiminnoille siten, että erityisestikunnossapidon teknisten toimihenkilöitten hoidettavana on sekä ihmisen henkilökohtaisen kapasiteettirajan ylittävä että toisistaan liian suuri erilaisia osaamisia ja ymmärrystä edellyttävä tehtävämäärä. Nykytilan palvelutuotannossa esiintyvien ongelmien seuraukset ja perussyyt osoittavat, että merkittävästi pääomia sitovan valmistavan teollisuuden (mm. prosessiteollisuus) käyttö-omaisuutta ylläpitävän palveluprosessin hallinta on ulkoistettava tehdastasolta itsenäisesti hoidettavaksi liiketoimintakokonaisuudeksi, jonka operatiivinen johtaminen tapahtuu toimintaprosesseittain konsernin ylätasolta käsin. Johtamismallissa painottuu prosessijohtaminen ja oman vastuualueen toimintaprosessin asiantuntemus. Lisäksi ihmisen osaamiseen, ymmärrykseen ja toimintatapaan perustuva palvelu edellyttää johtamiselta henkilöjohtamistaitoa ja osaamisen johtamista. Liiketoiminnan uudenlainen keskittyminen, verkostoituminen ja globalisoituminen edellyttävät johdoltamyös erilaisten toimintaverkostojen ja sidosryhmien toiminnan ja tarpeen ymmärtämistä. Tutkimustulosten perusteella myös palveluprosesseissa toimivien toimihenkilöitten tehtäväkuvia on muutettava radikaalisti ja osa uusista toimenkuvista edellyttää lisäksi henkilöitten osaamistason aktiivista parantamista. Tässä raportissa esitetään toimintamalli, jossa kuvataan tutkimuksen pohjalta luotu palvelukokonaisuuden johtamismalli ja palveluprosessien eri tehtävätasot tehtävineen. Kuvattu johtamismalli on ollut jo yleisesti käytössä yksittäisillä palvelualoilla, mutta tässä esitetty malli on valmistavan yrityksen teknisiin tukipalveluihin muokattu sovellus.


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As the world’s energy demand is increasing, a durable solution to control it is to improve the energy efficiency of the processes. It has been estimated that pumping applications have a significant potential for energy savings trough equipment or control system changes. For many pumping application the use of a variable speed drive as a process control element is the most energy efficient solution. The main target of this study is to examine the energy efficiency of a drive system that moves the pump. In a larger scale the purpose of this study is to examine how the different manufacturers’ variable speed drives are functioning as a control device of a pumping process. The idea is to compare the drives from a normal pump user’s point of view. The things that are mattering for the pump user are the efficiency gained in the process and the easiness of the use of the VSD. So some thought is given also on valuating the user-friendliness of the VSDs. The VSDs are compared to each other also on the basis of their life cycle energy costs in different kind of pumping cases. The comparison is made between ACS800 from ABB, VLT AQUA Drive from Danfoss, NX-drive from Vacon and Micromaster 430 from Siemens. The efficiencies are measured in power electronics laboratory in the Lappeenranta University of Technology with a system that consists of a variable speed drive, an induction motor with dc-machine, two power analyzers and a torque transducer. The efficiencies are measured as a function of a load at different frequencies. According to measurement results the differences between the measured system efficiencies on the actual working area of pumping are on average few percent units. When examining efficiencies at the whole range of different loads and frequencies, the differences get bigger. At low frequencies and loads the differences between the most efficient and the least efficient systems are at the most about ten percent units. At the most of the tested points ABB’s drive seem to have slightly better efficiencies than the other drives.


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Recent theoretical developments on concession contracts for long term infrastructure projects under uncertain demand show the benefits of allowing for flexible term contracts rather than fixing a rigid term. This study presents a simulation to compare both alternatives by using real data from the oldest Spanish toll motorway. For this purpose, we analyze how well the flexible term would have performed instead of the fixed length actually established. Our results show a huge reduction of the term of concession that would have dramatically decreased the firm’s benefits and the user’s overpayment due to the internalization of an unexpected traffic increase.


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This research report illustrates and examines new operation models for decreasing fixed costs and transforming them into variable costs in the field of paper industry. The report illustrates two cases – a new operation model for material logistics in maintenance and an examination of forklift truck fleet outsourcing solutions. Conventional material logistics in maintenance operation is illustrated and some problems related to conventional operation are identified. A new operation model that solves some of these problems is presented including descriptions of procurement and service contracts and sources of added value. Forklift truck fleet outsourcing solutions are examined by illustrating the responsibilities of a host company and a service provider both before and after outsourcing. The customer buys outsourcing services in order to improve its investment productivity. The mechanism of how these services affect the customer company’s investment productivity is illustrated.


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If electricity users adjusted their consumption patterns according to time-variable electricity prices or other signals about the state of the power system, generation and network assets could be used more efficiently, and matching intermittent renewable power generation with electricity demand would be facilitated. This kind of adjustment of electricity consumption, or demand response, may be based on consumers’ decisions to shift or reduce electricity use in response to time-variable electricity prices or on the remote control of consumers’ electric appliances. However, while demand response is suggested as a solution to many issues in power systems, actual experiences from demand response programs with residential customers are mainly limited to short pilots with a small number of voluntary participants, and information about what kinds of changes consumers are willing and able to make and what motivates these changes is scarce. This doctoral dissertation contributes to the knowledge about what kinds of factors impact on residential consumers’ willingness and ability to take part in demand response. Saving opportunities calculated with actual price data from the Finnish retail electricity market are compared with the occurred supplier switching to generate a first estimate about how large savings could trigger action also in the case of demand response. Residential consumers’ motives to participate in demand response are also studied by a web-based survey with 2103 responses. Further, experiences of households with electricity consumption monitoring systems are discussed to increase knowledge about consumers’ interest in getting more information on their electricity use and adjusting their behavior based on it. Impacts of information on willingness to participate in demand response programs are also approached by a survey for experts of their willingness to engage in demand response activities. Residential customers seem ready to allow remote control of electric appliances that does not require changes in their everyday routines. Based on residents’ own activity, the electricity consuming activities that are considered shiftable are very limited. In both cases, the savings in electricity costs required to allow remote control or to engage in demand response activities are relatively high. Nonmonetary incentives appeal to fewer households.