997 resultados para Vanisperse HT-1
Dissertation presented to confer Master Degree in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Background: Descending pronociceptive pathways may be implicated in states of persistent pain. Paw skin incision is a well-established postoperative pain model that causes behavioral nociceptive responses and enhanced excitability of spinal dorsal horn neurons. The number of spinal c-Fos positive neurons of rats treated intrathecally with serotonin, noradrenaline or acetylcholine antagonists where evaluated to study the descending pathways activated by a surgical paw incision. Results: The number of c-Fos positive neurons in laminae I/II ipsilateral, lamina V bilateral to the incised paw, and in lamina X significantly increased after the incision. These changes: remained unchanged in phenoxybenzamine-treated rats; were increased in the contralateral lamina V of atropine-treated rats; were inhibited in the ipsilateral lamina I/II by 5-HT(1/2B/2C) (methysergide), 5-HT(2A) (ketanserin) or 5-HT(1/2A/2C/5/6/7) (methiothepin) receptors antagonists, in the ipsilateral lamina V by methysergide or methiothepin, in the contralateral lamina V by all the serotonergic antagonists and in the lamina X by LY 278,584, ketanserin or methiothepin. Conclusions: We conclude: (1) muscarinic cholinergic mechanisms reduce incision-induced response of spinal neurons inputs from the contralateral paw; (2) 5-HT(1/2A/2C/3) receptors-mediate mechanisms increase the activity of descending pathways that facilitates the response of spinal neurons to noxious inputs from the contralateral paw; (3) 5-HT(1/2A/2C) and 5-HT(1/2C) receptors increases the descending facilitation mechanisms induced by incision in the ipsilateral paw; (4) 5-HT(2A/3) receptors contribute to descending pronociceptive pathways conveyed by lamina X spinal neurons; (5) alpha-adrenergic receptors are unlikely to participate in the incision-induced facilitation of the spinal neurons.
Pulmonary hypertension is associated with various alterations in 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) physiology. In this study in platelets from hypoxic pulmonary hypertensive rats (10% O-2; 1 week) and normoxic rats (room air), (i) initial rates of specific [H-3]5-HT uptake were measured and (ii) potentiation of collagen- and ADP-induced aggregation by 5-HT was quantified. The platelet count was almost halved in hypoxic rats. In uptake experiments, there was a decrease in 5-HT uptake in platelets from hypoxic compared with normoxic rats, due to a 36% reduction in the maximal initial rate of uptake. The aggregation experiments showed that 5-HT (1-100 muM) increased the magnitude of responses to collagen and the duration of responses to ADP, but there was no difference between hypoxic and normoxic rats. Abnormalities in platelet function may conceivably lead to increases in plasma 5-HT levels in hypoxic pulmonary hypertension, but are unlikely to aggravate pulmonary thromboembolism. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PURPOSE - To evaluate diastolic dysfunction (DD) in essential hypertension and the influence of age and cardiac geometry on this parameter. METHODS - Four hundred sixty essential hypertensive patients (HT) underwent Doppler echocardiography to obtain E/A wave ratio (E/A), atrial deceleration time (ADT), and isovolumetric relaxation time (IRT). All patients were grouped according to cardiac geometric patterns (NG - normal geometry; CR - concentric remodeling; CH- concentric hypertrophy; EH - eccentric hypertrophy) and to age (<40; 40 - 60; >60 years). One hundred six normotensives (NT) persons were also evaluated. RESULTS - A worsening of diastolic function in the HT compared with the NT, including HT with NG (E/A: NT - 1.38±0.03 vs HT - 1.27±0.02, p<0.01), was observed. A higher prevalence of DD occurred parallel to age and cardiac geometry also in the prehypertrophic groups (CR). Multiple regression analysis identified age as the most important predictor of DD (r²=0.30, p<0.01). CONCLUSION - DD was prevalent in this hypertensive population, being highly affected by age and less by heart structural parameters. DD is observed in incipient stages of hypertensive heart disease, and thus its early detection may help in the risk stratification of hypertensive patients.
OBJETIVO: Realizar estudo comparativo entre mulheres positivas e negativas para o vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV), analisando: prevalência de neoplasia intraepitelial cervical (NIC) e infecção cervical pelo papilomavírus humano (HPV); risco viral e relação com desenvolvimento de NIC; parâmetros sociodemográficos e de comportamento que influenciaram na presença de infecção cervical por HPV e NIC.MÉTODOS: Estudo comparativo entre mulheres positivas e negativas para o HIV, sendo analisadas, respectivamente, 202 e 171 mulheres para avaliar a prevalência de NIC e 164 e 100 mulheres para avaliar a prevalência de infecção cervical pelo HPV. Em todas as consultas foram realizados: coleta de amostras cervicais para realização de citologia oncótica e reação em cadeia da polimerase (PCR) para detecção do DNA-HPV; colposcopia; questionário padronizado para coleta de dados demográficos/comportamentais; biópsia de todas as alterações colposcópicas. O exame histopatológico foi o padrão-ouro para o diagnóstico de NIC.RESULTADOS: A prevalência de NIC foi de 2,4 e 15,3% (p<0,001) e de infecção cervical pelo HPV foi de 37,1 e 55,5% (p=0,002), respectivamente, nas negativas e positivas para o HIV. As soropositivas tiveram mais infecção por HPV de alto risco (35,7 e 23,6%; p=0,02) e por múltiplos tipos (6,2 e 0%). O HPV 16 foi o tipo prevalente, ocorrendo em 11,3 e 10,2% das positivas e negativas para o HIV e também nas mulheres que tiveram NIC nos dois grupos. Os fatores associados ao desenvolvimento de NIC foram: infecção pelo HIV (HT=4,64; IC95% 2,23-9,65), idade (HT=0,95; IC95% 0,93-0,98 para cada ano de vida) e estado civil (HT=0,49; IC95% 0,30-0,80). Os fatores associados à infecção pelo HPV foram: presença do HIV (HT=2,72; IC95% 1,77-4,17), maior número de parceiros sexuais (HT=1,87; IC95% 1,23-2,84), idade (HT=0,97; IC95% 0,95-0,99 para cada ano de vida) e estado civil (HT=0,65: IC95% 0,42-1,0 para união estável/viúvas).CONCLUSÃO: A prevalência de NIC e infecção cervical pelo HPV foi maior nas mulheres positivas para o HIV, que também apresentaram mais infecções por HPV de alto risco e múltiplos tipos. O tipo 16 foi o predominante nos dois grupos e nas mulheres que tiveram NIC. As mulheres com mais idade e união estável/viúvas tiveram menor chance de adquirir infecção cervical por HPV e NIC.
Connexin43 (Cx43) is a major gap junction protein present in the Fischer-344 rat aorta. Previous studies have identified conditions under which selective disruption of intercellular communication with heptanol caused a significant, readily reversible and time-dependent diminution in the magnitude of a1-adrenergic contractions in isolated rat aorta. These observations have indentified a significant role for gap junctions in modulating vascular smooth muscle tone. The goal of these steady-state studies was to utilize isolated rat aortic rings to further evaluate the contribution of intercellular junctions to contractions elicited by cellular activation in response to several other vascular spasmogens. The effects of heptanol were examined (0.2-2.0 mM) on equivalent submaximal (»75% of the phenylephrine maximum) aortic contractions elicited by 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT; 1-2 µM), prostaglandin F2a (PGF2a; 1 µM) and endothelin-1 (ET-1; 20 nM). Statistical analysis revealed that 200 µM and 500 µM heptanol diminished the maximal amplitude of the steady-state contractile responses for 5-HT from a control response of 75 ± 6% (N = 26 rings) to 57 ± 7% (N = 26 rings) and 34.9 ± 6% (N = 13 rings), respectively (P<0.05), and for PGF2a from a control response of 75 ± 10% (N = 16 rings) to 52 ± 8% (N = 19 rings) and 25.9 ± 6% (N = 18 rings), respectively (P<0.05). In contrast, 200 µM and 500 µM heptanol had no detectable effect on the magnitude of ET-1-induced contractile responses, which were 76 ± 5.0% for the control response (N = 38 rings), 59 ± 6.0% in the presence of 200 µM heptanol (N = 17 rings), and 70 ± 6.0% in the presence of 500 µM heptanol (N = 23 rings) (P<0.13). Increasing the heptanol concentration to 1 mM was associated with a significant decrease in the magnitude of the steady-state ET-1-induced contractile response to 32 ± 5% (21 rings; P<0.01); further increasing the heptanol concentration to 2 mM had no additional effect. In rat aorta then, junctional modulation of tissue contractility appears to be agonist-dependent.
The monoamine serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT), a well-known neurotransmitter, also has important functions outside the central nervous system. The objective of this study was to investigate the role of 5-HT in the proliferation, differentiation, and function of osteoblasts in vitro. We treated rat primary calvarial osteoblasts with various concentrations of 5-HT (1 nM to 10 µM) and assessed the rate of osteoblast proliferation, expression levels of osteoblast-specific proteins and genes, and the ability to form mineralized nodules. Next, we detected which 5-HT receptor subtypes were expressed in rat osteoblasts at different stages of osteoblast differentiation. We found that 5-HT could inhibit osteoblast proliferation, differentiation, and mineralization at low concentrations, but this inhibitory effect was mitigated at relatively high concentrations. Six of the 5-HT receptor subtypes (5-HT1A, 5-HT1B, 5-HT1D, 5-HT2A, 5-HT2B, and 5-HT2C) were found to exist in rat osteoblasts. Of these, 5-HT2A and 5-HT1Breceptors had the highest expression levels, at both early and late stages of differentiation. Our results indicated that 5-HT can regulate osteoblast proliferation and function in vitro.
Gallaborane (GaBH6, 1), synthesized by the metathesis of LiBH4 with [H2GaCl]n at ca. 250 K, has been characterized by chemical analysis and by its IR and 1H and 11B NMR spectra. The IR spectrum of the vapor at low pressure implies the presence of only one species, viz. H2Ga(μ-H)2BH2, with a diborane-like structure conforming to C2v symmetry. The structure of this molecule has been determined by gas-phase electron diffraction (GED) measurements afforced by the results of ab initio molecular orbital calculations. Hence the principal distances (rα in Å) and angles ( α in deg) are as follows: r(Ga•••B), 2.197(3); r(Ga−Ht), 1.555(6); r(Ga−Hb), 1.800(6); r(B−Ht), 1.189(7); r(B−Hb), 1.286(7); Hb−Ga−Hb, 71.6(4); and Hb−B−Hb, 110.0(5) (t = terminal, b = bridging). Aggregation of the molecules occurs in the condensed phases. X-ray crystallographic studies of a single crystal at 110 K reveal a polymeric network with helical chains made up of alternating pseudotetrahedral GaH4 and BH4 units linked through single hydrogen bridges; the average Ga•••B distance is now 2.473(7) Å. The compound decomposes in the condensed phases at temperatures exceeding ca. 240 K with the formation of elemental Ga and H2 and B2H6. The reactions with NH3, Me3N, and Me3P are also described.
O milho doce poderá ser uma alternativa econômica, principalmente, parapequenos agricultores que produzem para consumo in naturae para a indústria. Noentanto, os genótipos de milho doce atualmente cultivados no Rio Grande do Sul,apresentam deficiências de adaptação às condições de ambiente do sul do Brasil,causando instabilidade de produção. Com o objetivo de estudar a variabilidadegenética, estimar os parâmetros genéticos e verificar a possibilidade de ganho genéticoatravés da seleção para cinco caracteres adaptativos, foram avaliadas quatropopulações de milho doce (BR400, BR401, BR402 e HT-1). Os experimentos foramconduzidos durante os anos agrícolas 2000/2001 e 2001/2002 na EstaçãoExperimental Agronômica da UFRGS em Eldorado do Sul, RS. Os resultados obtidosindicaram a existência de variabilidade genética para a maioria dos caracteresavaliados nas populações. De maneira geral, a seleção realizada foi ineficiente, devidoao uso de práticas culturais inadequadas que contribuíram para o aumento da interaçãogenótipoXambiente. As populações BR400 e BR401 não demonstraram ganhogenético neste ambiente para os caracteres desejados. Por outro lado, nos genótiposHT-1 e, principalmente, na BR402, foram observados ganhos genéticos favoráveis naestatura de planta e florescimento masculino, indicando a possibilidade de ajuste daspopulações às condições de ambiente do sul do Brasil.
Hypoxia causes a regulated decrease in body temperature (Tb). There is circumstantial evidence that the neurotransmitter serotonin (5-HT) in the anteroventral preoptic region (AVPO) mediates this response. However, which 5-HT receptor(s) is (are) involved in this response has not been assessed. Thus, we investigated the participation of the 5-HT receptors (5-HT(1), 5-HT(2), and 5-HT(7)) in the AVPO in hypoxic hypothermia. To this end, Tb of conscious Wistar rats was monitored by biotelemetry before and after intra-AVPO microinjection of methysergide (a 5-HT(1) and 5-HT(2) receptor antagonist, 0.2 and 2 mu g/100 nL), WAY-100635 (a 5-HT(1A) receptor antagonist, 0.3 and 3 mu g/100 nL), and SB-269970 (a 5-HT(7) receptor antagonist, 0.4 and 4 mu/100 nL), followed by 60 min of hypoxia exposure (7% O(2)). During the experiments, the mean chamber temperature was 24.6 +/- 0.7 degrees C (mean +/- SE) and the mean room temperature was 23.5 +/- 0.8 degrees C (mean +/- SE). Intra-AVPO microinjection of vehicle or 5-HT antagonists did not change Tb during normoxic conditions. Exposure of rats to 7% of inspired oxygen evoked typical hypoxia-induced hypothermia after vehicle microinjection, which was not affected by both doses of methysergide. However, WAY-100635 and SB-269970 treatment attenuated the drop in Tb in response to hypoxia. The effect was more pronounced with the 5-HT7 antagonist since both doses (0.4 and 4 mu g/0.1 mu L) were capable of attenuating the hypothermic response. As to the 5-HT(1A) antagonist, the attenuation of hypoxia-induced hypothermia was only observed at the higher dose. Therefore, the present results are consistent with the notion that 5-HT acts on both 5-HT(1A) and 5-HT7 receptors in the AVPO to induce hypothermia, during hypoxia. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V All rights reserved.
Tonic immobility (TI) is an innate defensive behavior that can be elicited by physical restriction and postural inversion and is characterized by a profound and temporary state of akinesis. Our previous studies demonstrated that the stimulation of serotonin receptors in the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) appears to be biphasic during TI responses in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). Serotonin released by the DRN modulates behavioral responses and its release can occur through the action of different neurotransmitter systems, including the opioidergic and GABAergic systems. This study examines the role of opioidergic, GABAergic and serotonergic signaling in the DRN in TI defensive behavioral responses in guinea pigs. Microinjection of morphine (1.1 nmol) or bicuculline (0.5 nmol) into the DRN increased the duration of TI. The effect of morphine (1.1 nmol) was antagonized by pretreatment with naloxone (0.7 nmol), suggesting that the activation of pi opioid receptors in the DRN facilitates the TI response. By contrast, microinjection of muscimol (0.5 nmol) into the DRN decreased the duration of TI. However, a dose of muscimol (0.26 nmol) that alone did not affect TI, was sufficient to inhibit the effect of morphine (1.1 nmol) on TI, indicating that GABAergic and enkephalinergic neurons interact in the DRN. Microinjection of alpha-methyl-5-HT (1.6 nmol), a 5-HT2 agonist, into the DRN also increased TI. This effect was inhibited by the prior administration of naloxone (0.7 nmol). Microinjection of 8-OH-DPAT (1.3 nmol) also blocked the increase of TI promoted by morphine (1.1 nmol). Our results indicate that the opioidergic, GABAergic and serotonergic systems in the DRN are important for modulation of defensive behavioral responses of TI. Therefore, we suggest that opioid inhibition of GABAergic neurons results in disinhibition of serotonergic neurons and this is the mechanism by which opioids could enhance TI. Conversely, a decrease in TI could occur through the activation of GABAergic interneurons. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The Soehner-Dmochowski strain of murine sarcoma virus (MuSV-SD) was derived from a bone tumor of a New Zealand Black (NZB) rat infected with the Moloney strain of MuSV, which carries the gene encoding the v-mos protein. Serial passage of cell-free tumor extracts both decreased the latent period and resulted in osteosarcomas. Cells from a late passage tumor were established in culture, cell-free extracts frozen, and later inoculated into newborn NZB rats. One of the resulting bone tumors was established in culture and clonal cell lines derived, of which S4 was selected for the present study. The objectives of the study were two-fold: an examination of the genetic organization of MuSV-SD, and an examination of the biochemical characteristics of the viral proteins, since this is an acutely transforming virus which may yield insights into the mechanism of transformation caused by the v-mos protein. Blot hybridization of digested S4 genomic DNA reveals three candidate MuSV-SD integrated viral DNAs. The largest of these, MuSV-SD-6.5, was cloned from an S4 cosmid library, and the complete MuSV-SD-mos sequence was determined. The predicted amino acid sequence of the v-mos protein was compared to that of MuSV-124 and Ht-1, which show a 96.5% and 97.1% similarity, respectively. To characterize the MuSV-SD-mos protein further, immunochemical assays were performed using anti-mos antisera. The immunoblot analysis and immunoprecipitation assays demonstrated that similar levels of the v-mos protein were present in cells chronically infected with either MuSV-SD or MuSV-124; however, the immune complex kinase assay revealed greatly reduced in vitro serine kinase activity of the MuSV-SD-mos protein compared to that of MuSV-124. Sequence analysis demonstrated that the serine at amino acid residue 358 of the MuSV-SD-mos protein, like that of MuSV-Ht-1, had been mutated to a glycine. Mutations of this serine residue have been shown to affect the detectable in vitro kinase activity, however, v-mos proteins containing this mutation still retain transforming properties. Therefore, although the characteristic in vitro kinase activity of the MuSV-SD-mos protein has not been demonstrated, it is clear that this virus is a potent transforming agent. ^
Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) increases contractile force and elicits arrhythmias through 5-HT4 receptors in porcine and human atrium, but its ventricular effects are unknown. We now report functional 5-HT4 receptors in porcine and human ventricle. 5-HT4 mRNA levels were determined in porcine and human ventricles and contractility studied in ventricular trabeculae. Cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) activity was measured in porcine ventricle. Porcine and human ventricles expressed 5-HT4 receptor mRNA. Ventricular 5-HT4(b) mRNA was increased by four times in 20 failing human hearts compared with five donor hearts. 5-HT increased contractile force maximally by 16% (EC50=890 nM) and PKA activity by 20% of the effects of (-)-isoproterenol (200 muM) in ventricular trabeculae from new-born piglets in the presence of the phosphodiesterase-inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine. In ventricular trabeculae from adult pigs (3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine present) 5-HT increased force by 32% (EC50=60 nM) and PKA activity by 39% of (-)-iso-proterenol. In right and left ventricular trabeculae from failing hearts, exposed to modified Krebs solution, 5-HT produced variable increases in contractile force in right ventricular trabeculae from 4 out of 6 hearts and in left ventricular trabeculae from 3 out of 3 hearts- range 1-39% of (-)-isoproterenol, average 8%. In 11 left ventricular trabeculae from the failing hearts of four beta-blocker-treated patients, pre-exposed to a relaxant solution with 0.5 mM Ca2+ and 1.2 mM Mg2+ followed by a switch to 2.5 mM Ca2+ and 1 mM Mg2+, 5-HT (1-100 muM, 3-isobutyl-1-melhylxanthine present) consistently increased contractile force and hastened relaxation by 46% and 25% of (-)-isoproterenol respectively. 5-HT caused arrhythmias in three trabeculae from 3 out of I I patients. In the absence of phosphodiesterase inhibitor, 5-HT increased force in two trabeculae, but not in another six trabeculae from 4 patients. All 5-HT responses were blocked by 5-HT4 receptor antagonists. We conclude that phosphodiesterase inhibition uncovers functional ventricular 5-HT4 receptors, coupled to a PKA pathway, through which 5-HT enhances contractility, hastens relaxation and can potentially cause arrhythmias.
Extracellular single-unit recordings in mouse brain slices were used to determine the effect of exogenously applied 5-HT on STN neurones. Recordings were made from 74 STN cells which fired action potentials at a regular rate of 7.19 ± 0.5 Hz. In 61 cells (82%), 5-HT application increased STN neurone firing rate (10 μM, 180 ± 16.8%, n = 35) with an estimated EC 50 of 5.4 μM. The non-specific 5-HT2 receptor agonist α-methyl 5-HT (1-10 μM) mimicked 5-HT induced excitations (15 cells). These excitations were significantly reduced by pre-perfusion with the specific 5-HT2C receptor antagonist RS102221 (500 nM, 9 cells) and the 5HT4 antagonist GR113808 (500 nM, 7 cells). In 6 cells (8%) 5-HT induced biphasic responses where excitation was followed by inhibition, while in 7 cells (9%) inhibition of firing rate was observed alone. Inhibitory responses were reduced by the 5-HT1A antagonist WAY100135 (1 μM, 4 cells). No inhibitory responses were observed following α-methyl 5-HT applications. Both the excitations and inhibitions were unaffected by picrotoxin (50 μM, n = 5) and CNQX (10 μM, n = 5) indicative of direct postsynaptic effects. Thus, in STN neurones, 5-HT elicits two distinct effects, at times on the same neurone, the first being an excitation which is mediated by 5-HT 2C and 5-HT4 receptors and the second an inhibition which is mediated by 5-HT1A receptors. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The early growth response 1 (EGR-1) gene product is a transcription factor with role in differentiation and growth. We have previously shown that expression of exogenous EGR-1 in various human tumor cells unexpectedly and markedly reduces growth and tumorigenicity and, conversely, that suppression of endogenous Egr-1 expression by antisense RNA eliminates protein expression, enhances growth, and promotes phenotypic transformation. However, the mechanism of these effects remained unknown. The promoter of human transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGF-beta 1) contains two GC-rich EGR-1 binding sites. We show that expression of EGR-1 in human HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cells uses increased secretion of biologically active TGF-beta 1 in direct proportion (rPearson = 0.96) to the amount of EGR-1 expressed and addition of recombinant human TGF-beta 1 is strongly growth-suppressive for these cells. Addition of monoclonal anti-TGF-beta 1 antibodies to EGR-1-expressing HT-1080 cells completely reverses the growth inhibitory effects of EGR-1. Reporter constructs bearing the EGR-1 binding segment of the TGF-beta 1 promoter was activated 4- to 6-fold relative to a control reporter in either HT-1080 cells that stably expressed or parental cells cotransfected with an EGR-1 expression vector. Expression of delta EGR-1, a mutant that cannot interact with the corepressors, nerve growth factor-activated factor binding proteins NAB1 and NAB2, due to deletion of the repressor domain, exhibited enhanced transactivation of 2- to 3.5-fold over that of wild-type EGR-1 showing that the reporter construct reflected the appropriate in vivo regulatory context. The EGR-1-stimulated transactivation was inhibited by expression of the Wilms tumor suppressor, a known specific DNA-binding competitor. These results indicate that EGR-1 suppresses growth of human HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cells by induction of TGF-beta 1.