419 resultados para Valais shrew
The aim of the present study was to investigate the genetic structure of the Valais shrew (Sorex antinorii) by a combined phylogeographical and landscape genetic approach, and thereby to infer the locations of glacial refugia and establish the influence of geographical barriers. We sequenced part of the mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) gene of 179 individuals of S. antinorii sampled across the entire species' range. Six specimens attributed to S. arunchi were included in the analysis. The phylogeographical pattern was assessed by Bayesian molecular phylogenetic reconstruction, population genetic analyses, and a species distribution modelling (SDM)-based hindcasting approach. We also used landscape genetics (including isolation-by-resistance) to infer the determinants of current intra-specific genetic structure. The phylogeographical analysis revealed shallow divergence among haplotypes and no clear substructure within S. antinorii. The starlike structure of the median-joining network is consistent with population expansion from a single refugium, probably located in the Apennines. Long branches observed on the same network also suggest that another refugium may have existed in the north-eastern part of Italy. This result is consistent with SDM, which also suggests several habitable areas for S. antinorii in the Italian peninsula during the LGM. Therefore S. antinorii appears to have occupied disconnected glacial refugia in the Italian peninsula, supporting previous data for other species showing multiple refugia within southern refugial areas. By coupling genetic analyses and SDM, we were able to infer how past climatic suitability contributed to genetic divergence of populations. The genetic differentiation shown in the present study does not support the specific status of S. arunchi.
We investigated sex specificities in the evolutionary processes shaping Y chromosome, autosomes, and mitochondrial DNA patterns of genetic structure in the Valais shrew (Sorex antinorii), a mountain dwelling species with a hierarchical distribution. Both hierarchical analyses of variance and isolation-by-distance analyses revealed patterns of population structure that were not consistent across maternal, paternal, and biparentally inherited markers. Differentiation on a Y microsatellite was lower than expected from the comparison with autosomal microsatellites and mtDNA, and it was mostly due to genetic variance among populations within valleys, whereas the opposite was observed on other markers. In addition, there was no pattern of isolation by distance for the Y, whereas there was strong isolation by distance on mtDNA and autosomes. We use a hierarchical island model of coancestry dynamics to discuss the relative roles of the microevolutionary forces that may induce such patterns. We conclude that sex-biased dispersal is the most important driver of the observed genetic structure, but with an intriguing twist: it seems that dispersal is strongly male biased at large spatial scale, whereas it is mildly biased in favor of females at local scale. These results add to recent reports of scale-specific sex-biased dispersal patterns, and emphasize the usefulness of the Y chromosome in conjunction with mtDNA and autosomes to infer sex specificities.
Using one male-inherited, one female-inherited and eight biparentally inherited markers, we investigate the population genetic structure of the Valais shrew (Sorex antinorii) in the Swiss Alps. Bayesian analysis on autosomal microsatellites suggests a clear genetic differentiation between two groups of populations. This geographically based structure is consistent with two separate postglacial recolonization routes of the species into Switzerland from Italian refugia after the last Pleistocene glaciations. Sex-specific markers also confirm genetic structuring among western and eastern areas, since very few haplotypes for either Y chromosome or mtDNA genome are shared between the two regions. Overall, these results suggest that two already well-differentiated genetic lineages colonized the Swiss Alps and came into secondary contact in the Rhône Valley. Low level of admixture between the two lineages is likely explained by the mountainous landscape structure of lateral valleys orthogonal to the main Rhône valley.
One male inherited and 8 biparentaly inherited microsatellite markers developed in the shrew Sorex antinorii were used to analyse population of this species from the Valais mountainous region of Switzerland. The analysis of the Y-chromosome microsatellite showed a nearly complete absence of male gene flow between populations from the Simplon Pass and the St-Bernard pass. These results suggest that the recolonization of the Valais from the Italian refugia after the last Pleistocene glaciations has been done through these two potential routes. To complete these results, we studied the same samples, as well as additional samples from intermediate localities, with a female inherited mtDNA marker. The highly variable D-Loop region of mtDNA was sequenced in 44 individuals. This mtDNA marker does not show a clear geographical structuration. The populations of the intermediate valleys are genetically closer to the populations of the Simplon region for the male marker, but not for the mtDNA marker. Simplon appears to have been the first route of colonisation of Valais. Female-biased dispersal could explain our results. This preliminary study exemplifies the interest of the analysis of sex-specific genetic markers in phylogeography.
Three sibling species of shrews, the common shrew (Sorex araneus), the Valais shrew (S. antinorii) and the Jersey shrew (S. coronatus) are morphologically similar. Different techniques based on karyorypes, morphology, biochemistry and genetic markers have been developed to identify individuals from these taxa. In this paper, we have used multiple microsatellite markers (L13, L14 and L99) to identify 55 dead animals coming from the Tarentaise Valley in France. As some individuals showed an unclear pattern with loci previously thought to be diagnostic (Lugon-Moulin et al. 2000), we have used morphologic measurements (Hausser et al. 1991) to confirm the status of these animals. This analysis clearly showed the limitations of the use of genetic diagnostic markers that have been designed in local populations and then applied to a wider scale. Even if these markers have great advantages over other techniques (i.e. simple to use and do not require samples from living animals), they should always be used with caution. There is always a risk of a locus not being diagnostic in the sampling region or in finding individuals with hybrid genotypes. Additional genetic markers should then be used, simultaneously with other identification techniques, to be sure of the status of the individuals.
SUMMARY: The shrews of the Sorex araneus group are morphologically .very similar, but have undergone a spectacular chromosomal evolution. Altogether, the shrews of this group present a complete array of every possible level of chromosomal and genetic differentiation. In South-Western Europe, four species are recognised: S. antiriorii, S. araneus, S. coronatus and S. granarius, which differ essentially by the amount and the composition of Robertsonian metacentric chromosomés. Additionally, several chromosome races of S. araneus are also present in the same region (i.e. Bretolet, Carlit, Cordon, Jura and Vaud). The objective of this thesis was to examine the genetic relationships between populations, races and /or species of the Sorex araneus group with a special emphasis onsex-specific markers (mtDNA and Y chromosome). We first investigate the evolutionary history of the shrews of the Sorex araneus group distributed in the South-Western Europe. The results of. these analyses confirmed the difficulty to draw a single dichotomic tree within this group. Incongruent mtDNA and Y chromosome phylogenies suggest further that genetic and chromosomal evolution are in this group partially independent processes and that the evolutionary history of the south-western European populations of the S. araneus group can only be understood if we consider secondary contacts between taxa, after their divergence (with genetic exchanges by means of hybridization and / or introgression). Using one male-inherited, one female inherited and eight biparentally inherited markers, we investigate the population genetic structure of the Valais shrew (Sorex antinorii). Overall there results suggest that two already well-differentiated genetic lineages colonized the Swiss Alps after the last glacial period and came into contact in the Rhône Valley. After the Valais shrew (Sorex antinorii) reached the Swiss Alps, it came into contact with the common shrew (Sorex araneus). When two species come into contact and hybridize, endogenous counter-selection of hybrids is usually first expressed as a reduced fertility or viability in hybrids of the heterogametic sex, a mechanism know as Haldane's rule (Haldane 1922). We first evaluated the extent of introgression for Y chromosome, mtDNA and autosomal markers in a hybrid zone between S. antinoriii and S. araneus. The overall level of genetic and karyotypic differentiation between the two species must be strong .enough to allow the detection asymmetric introgression. Secondly, we compared the levels of gene flow between chromosome common to both species and chromosome differently rearranged in each of them. We detected a significantly stronger genetic structure in rearranged chromosomes. Over a 10-year period, we even observed a decrease of genetic structure for common chromosomes. These results strongly support the role of chromosomal rearrangements in the reproductive barrier between S. araneus and S. anfinorii. Overall, this thesis underlines the need to use different inherited (paternally, maternally and / or biparentally) and chromosomally located (on common vs. on rearranged chromosomes) markers to obtain more accurate pictures of genetic relationships between populations or species. RÉSUMÉ: Les musaraignes du groupe Sorex araneus sont morphologiquement très proches, mais ont connu une spectaculaire évolution chromosomique. Prises dans leur ensemble, les musaraignes de ce groupe présentent tous les nivaux possibles de différenciation génétique et chromosomique. Dans le sud-ouest de l'Europe, quatre espèces appartenant à ce groupe sont présentes : S. antinorii, S. araneus, S. coronatus et S. granarius. Celles-ci diffèrent essentiellement par leur caryotype dont la variabilité est principalement due à des fusions Robertsoniennes. De plus, plusieurs races chromosomiques appartenant à S. araneus sont aussi présentes dans la même région (i.e. les races Bretolet, Carlit, Cordon, Jura et Vaud). L'objectif de cette thèse était d'examiner les relations génétiques entre populations, races et/ou espèces du groupe S. araneus, en utilisant particulièrement des marqueurs liés aux sexes (ADN mitochondrial et Chromosome Y). Nous avons dans un premier temps retracé l'histoire évolutive des musaraignes de ce groupe dans le sud-ouest de l'Europe. Les résultats dé ces analyses confirment qu'il est difficile de tracer un simple arbre dichotomique au sein de ce groupe. Les arbres phylogénétiques obtenus sur l'ADN mitochondrial et le chromosome Y sont incongruents et suggèrent de plus que l'évolution génétique et chromosomique sont des processus indépendants. L'histoire évolutive -des populations de ce groupe ne peut. être comprise qu'en considérant des contacts secondaires entre taxa postérieure à leur divergence et induisant des échanges génétiques par hybridation et/ou introgression. Par la suite, nous avons examiné la structure génétique des populations de la musaraigne du Valais, S. antinorii, en utilisant un marqueur transmis par les mâles, un marqueur transmis par les femelles et huit marqueurs transmis par les 2 sexes. Nos résultats suggèrent que deux lignées génétiquement bien différenciées aient colonisé les Alpes Suisses, après les dernières glaciations et entrent en contact dans là Vallée du Rhône. Après avoir franchi les Alpes Suisses, la musaraigne du Valais est entrée en contact avec là musaraigne commune (S. araneus). Lorsque deux espèces entrent en contact et s'hybrident, la sélection contre les hybrides implique habituellement une baisse de fertilité ou de viabilité des hybrides du sexe hétérogamétique (i.e. les mâles XY chez les mammifères). Ce mécanisme est connu sous le nom de règle de Haldane (Haldane 1922) et implique une plus forte structuration génétique de marqueurs males - spécifiques que des marqueurs femelles spécifiques. Nous avons donc évalué le degré d'introgression des marqueurs situés sur le chromosome Y, sur l'ADN mitochondrial et sur des autosomes dans une zone hybride entre S. araneus et S. antinorii. Le niveau de différenciation chromosomique et génétique entre les 2 espèces doit être suffisamment fort pour ne pas permettre la détection d'une introgression asymétrique entre les sexes. Dans un second temps, nous avons comparé les niveaux de flux de gênes mesurés à l'échelle du chromosome, pour des chromosomes communs aux deux espèces et pour des chromosomes différemment arrangées dans chacune des deux espèces. Nous avons détecté une structure génétique significativement plus forte sur les chromosomes réarrangés et comme la zone hybride a été étudiée à dix années d'intervalle, nous observons même une diminution de la structure génétique pour les chromosomes communs au cours du temps.. Ces résultats soutiennent fortement l'hypothèse d'un rôle des réarrangements chromosomiques dans l'établissement d'une barrière reproductive entre S. araneus et S. antinorii. Ainsi cette thèse souligne l'utilité d'utiliser des marqueurs génétiques avec différents modes de transmission. (par les mâles, par les femelles et/ou par les 2 sexes) ou localisés au niveau du chromosome (chromosomes communs vs chromosomes réarrangés) afin d'obtenir une image plus juste ou du moins plus complète des relations génétiques entre populations ou espèces.
During the Pleistocene glaciations, the Alps were an efficient barrier to gene flow between isolated populations, often leading to allopatric speciation. Afterwards, the Alps strongly influenced the post-glacial recolonization of Europe and represent a major suture zone between differentiated populations. Two hybrid zones in the Swiss and French Alps between genetically and chromosomally well-differentiated species-the Valais shrew, Sorex antinorii, and the common shrew, S. araneus-were studied karyotypically and by analyzing the distribution of seven microsatellite loci. In the center of the Haslital hybrid zone the two species coexist over a distance of 900 m. Hybrid karyotypes, among them the most complex known in Sorex, are rare. F-statistics based on microsatellite data revealed a strong heterozygote deficit only in the center of the zone, due to the sympatric distribution of the two species with little hybridization between them. Structuring within the species (both F(IS) and F(ST)) was low. An hierarchical analysis showed a high level of interspecific differentiation. Results were compared with those previously reported in another hybrid zone located at Les Houches in the French Alps. Genetic structuring within and between species was comparable in both hybrid zones, although chromosomal incompatibilities are more important in Haslital, where a linkage block of the race-specific chromosomes should additionally impede gene flow. Evidence for a more restricted gene flow in Haslital comes from the genetically intermediate hybrid karyotypes, whereas in Les Houches, hybrid karyotypes are genetically identical to individuals of the pure karyotypic races. Genic and chromosomal introgression was observed in Les Houches, but not in Haslital. The possible influence of a river, separating the two species at Les Houches, on gene flow is discussed.
Using one male-inherited and eight biparentally inherited microsatellite markers, we investigate the population genetic structure of the Valais chromosome race of the common shrew (Sorex araneus) in the Central Alps of Europe. Unexpectedly, the Y-chromosome microsatellite suggests nearly complete absence of male gene flow among populations from the St-Bernard and Simplon regions (Switzerland). Autosomal markers also show significant genetic structuring among these two geographical areas. Isolation by distance is significant and possible barriers to gene flow exist in the study area. Two different approaches are used to better understand the geographical patterns and the causes of this structuring. Using a principal component analysis for which testing procedure exists, and partial Mantel tests, we show that the St-Bernard pass does not represent a significant barrier to gene flow although it culminates at 2469 m, close to the highest altitudinal record for this species. Similar results are found for the Simplon pass, indicating that both passes represented potential postglacial recolonization routes into Switzerland from Italian refugia after the last Pleistocene glaciations. In contrast with the weak effect of these mountain passes, the Rhône valley lowlands significantly reduce gene flow in this species. Natural obstacles (the large Rhône river) and unsuitable habitats (dry slopes) are both present in the valley. Moreover, anthropogenic changes to landscape structures are likely to have strongly reduced available habitats for this shrew in the lowlands, thereby promoting genetic differentiation of populations found on opposite sides of the Rhône valley.
The common shrew Sorex araneus Linnaeus, 1758 is subject to intense chromosomal polymorphism. About 65 chromosome races are presently known. One of these chromosome races (the Valais race) is karyologically, morphologically, biochemically, and genetically clearly distinct from all other chromosome races of the species. Recent studies of hybrid zones between the Valais race and other chromosome races in the Swiss and French Alps add further strong evidence for the specific taxonomic status of the Valais race. Chromosomes and diagnostic protein markers reveal sharp frequency clines and strong heterozygote deficits. In one hybrid zone, the maintenance of the strong genetic differentiation of the hybridizing taxa was confirmed by a study with autosomal microsatellites indicating minimal gene flow. A microsatellite marker on the Y-chromosome showed complete absence of male mediated gene flow suggesting hybrid male sterility. To clarify the taxonomic status of this taxon, additional analyses were conducted. A morphometric analysis of the mandible indicated the Valais race is morphologically as distinct from neighbouring chromosome races of S. araneus as from other related Sorex species. In a phylogeny based on complete mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene sequences, the Valais race clearly appears as the sister taxon to all other races of S. araneus. Therefore, the chromosome race Valais of S. araneus herein is elevated to specific status and the name Sorex antinorii Bonaparte, 1840 is applied.
Hybrid zones between genetically differentiated populations provide material to study evolutionary processes. Since the discovery of chromosomal races in Sorex araneus, contact zones have attracted attention of scientists. So far, studies on genetic markers in Sorex hybrid zones are missing. The acrocentric chromosomal race Cordon and the highly metacentric race Valais meet and hybridize at Les Houches in the Western Alps. On a transect through the hybrid zone, 273 shrews were caught at 15 localities over 4 years. Karyotype as well as the nuclear protein loci Alb and Pg were analyzed. F-st and F-is values were calculated by F-statistics. An analysis on pooled samples revealed the genetical differences between the hybridizing races as the only cause of population structuring. Genetical markers show dines with very strong frequency shifts at a mountain torrent, but behave differently through the zone. The performance of the torrent in maintaining the hybrid zone, selection against hybrids, possible assortative mating and linkage of the Valais Pg allele to a diagnostic chromosome arm, are discussed.
The common shrew (Sorer araneus) is subdivided into several chromosomal races. As hybrid zones between them have been characterized, this organism is of particular interest in studying the role of chromosomes in speciation. Six microsatellite loci were used to evaluate the level of gene how in the S. araneus hybrid zone between the Cordon and Valais races. Most of these loci were very polymorphic, the total number of alleles detected per locus ranging from 3 to 20. Using Mantel tests, we showed that the effect of rivers as barriers to gene flow is less important at this sampling scale. The effect of the chromosomal race is of particular importantance in diminishing gene flow.
Controlled interbreedings were performed between distinct chromosomal races or forms of Sorex araneus coming from populations of Swiss and French Alps. Four mating pairs including homozygous individuals of the Vaud race, the Valais race, the Intermediate Vaud-Acrocentric form and the Acrocentric form have led to several heterozygous hybrid litters. The karyotypes of the parents were determined from cultures of cartilaginous cells. The karyotypes of the offsprings were determined with a classical method. The production of hybrids between different races suggests the absence of postmating barrier between the Vaud race and the Intermediate form, the Acrocentric form and the Intermediate form, the Acrocentric form and the Valais race.
The common shrew (Sorex araneus) is subdivided into numerous chromosome races. The Valais and Cordon chromosome races meet and hybridize at a mountain river in Les Houches (French Alps). Significant genetic structuring was recently reported among populations found on the Valais side of this hybrid zone. In this paper, a phylogenetic analysis and partial Mantel tests are used to investigate the patterns and causes of this structuring. A total of 185 shrews were trapped at 12 localities. All individuals were typed for nine microsatellite loci. Although several mountain rivers are found in the study area, riverine barriers do not have a significant influence on gene flow. Partial Mantel tests show that our result is caused by the influence of the hybrid zone with the Cordon race. The geographical patterns of this structuring are discussed in the context of the contact zone, which appears to extend up to a group of two rivers. The glacier they originate from is known to have cut the Arve valley as recently as 1818. The recent history of this glacier, its moraine and possibly rivers, may therefore be linked to the history of this hybrid zone.
Geographical barriers may affect the genetic structure of populations by reducing gene exchanges among them. In Switzerland, the common shrew Sorer araneus Linnaeus, 1758 is mostly confined to mountainous areas because of a competing sister species, Millet's shrew S. coronatus Millet, 1828, which occupies most of the Swiss lowlands. The structure of common shrew populations found in different alpine valleys may therefore be affected by the topography. Using microsatellites, genetic structuring of seven shrew populations is investigated among four different valleys of, the Swiss Alps. Using the exact G-test, significant genetic structuring is detected between several valleys. Isolation by distance does not fully explain our results. It appears that high mountain ridges (> 2400 m) can significantly reduce gene flow. F- and R-statistics are estimated and compared to the exact G-tests results. Mantel tests show that F-ST, unlike R-ST, is significantly correlated with differentiation. F-ST remains however low even at high differentiation levels, while R-ST has a high variance. We discuss how these results may have wider implications with regards the interpretation of microsatellite data. Finally, a new microsatellite locus, L99, appears to discriminate S. araneus of the Vaud and Cordon races from both S. araneus Valais and S. coronatus.
An earlier study revealed the strong phylogeographical structure of the lesser white-toothed shrew (Crocidura suaveolens group) within the northern Palaearctic. Here, we aim to reconstruct the colonization history of Mediterranean islands and to clarify the biogeography and phylogeographical relationships of the poorly documented Middle East region with the northern Palaearctic. We performed analyses on 998-bp-long haplotypes of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene of 143 samples collected around the Mediterranean basin, including islands and the Middle East. The analyses suggest that the Cypriot shrew belongs to the rare group of relict insular Pleistocene mammal taxa that have survived to the present day. In contrast, the Cretan, Corsican and Menorcan populations were independently introduced from the Middle East during the Holocene. The phylogeographical structure of this temperate Palaearctic species within the Middle East appears to be complex and rich in diversity, probably reflecting fragmentation of the area by numerous mountain chains. Four deeply divergent clades of the C. suaveolens group occur in the area, meaning that a hypothetical contact zone remains to be located in central western Iran.