7 resultados para VTK
Tensor3D is a geometric modeling program with the capacity to simulate and visualize in real-time the deformation, specified through a tensor matrix and applied to triangulated models representing geological bodies. 3D visualization allows the study of deformational processes that are traditionally conducted in 2D, such as simple and pure shears. Besides geometric objects that are immediately available in the program window, the program can read other models from disk, thus being able to import objects created with different open-source or proprietary programs. A strain ellipsoid and a bounding box are simultaneously shown and instantly deformed with the main object. The principal axes of strain are visualized as well to provide graphical information about the orientation of the tensor's normal components. The deformed models can also be saved, retrieved later and deformed again, in order to study different steps of progressive strain, or to make this data available to other programs. The shape of stress ellipsoids and the corresponding Mohr circles defined by any stress tensor can also be represented. The application was written using the Visualization ToolKit, a powerful scientific visualization library in the public domain. This development choice, allied to the use of the Tcl/Tk programming language, which is independent on the host computational platform, makes the program a useful tool for the study of geometric deformations directly in three dimensions in teaching as well as research activities. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Geologia Regional - IGCE
With the rapid growth of the use of Web applications in various fields of knowledge, the term Web service enter into evidence in the current scenario, which refers to services from different origins and purpose, offered through local networks and also available in some cases, on the Internet. The architecture of this type of application offers data processing on server side thereby, running applications and complex and slow processes is very interesting, which is the case with most algorithms involving visualization. The VTK is a library intended for visualization, and features a large variety of methods and algorithms for this purpose, but with a graphics engine that requires processing capacity. The union of these two resources can bring interesting results and contribute for performance improvements in the VTK library. This study is discussed in this project, through testing and communication overhead analysis
Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI)
[ES] En este proyecto se trata el proceso de análisis y desarrollo llevado a cabo con el objetivo de construir un prototipo funcional de simulador virtual de endoscopia rígida monocanal orientado a la histeroscopia. Para el desarrollo del prototipo se toma como base el entorno ESQUI, un entorno de simulación virtual médica de código libre. Este entorno provee una librería, basada a su vez en la conocida librería gráfica VTK(Visual ToolKit), cuyo propósito es poner a disposición del programador toda la algoritmia necesaria para construir una simulación médica virtual. En este proyecto, esta librería se depuró y amplió para mejorar el soporte a las técnicas de endoscopia rígida que se persiguen simular. Por otro lado se emplea el Simball 4D, un dispositivo de interfaz humana de la empresa G-coder Systems, para capturar la interacción del usuario emulando la morfología y dinámica de un endoscopio rígido. Todos estos elementos se conectan con una interfaz gráfica sencilla, intuitiva y práctica soportada por wxWidgets y utilizando Python como lenguaje de scripting. Finalmente, se analiza el prototipo resultante y se proponen una serie de líneas futuras de cara a la aplicación didáctica del mismo, tanto en relación a los objetivos conceptuales del prototipo como a los aspectos específicos del entorno ESQUI.
This data set presents a comprehensive characterisation of the sedimentary structures from important groundwater hosting formations in Germany (Herten aquifer analog) and Brazil (Descalvado aquifer analog). Multiple 2-D outcrop faces are described in terms of hydraulic, thermal and chemical properties and interpolated in 3D using stochastic techniques. For each aquifer analog, multiple 3D realisations of the facies heterogeneity are provided using different stochastic simulations settings. These are unique analogue data sets that can be used by the wider community to implement approaches for characterising aquifer formations.