997 resultados para VIBRATIONAL ANALYSIS


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A few red degraded bands attributable to NS have been reported earlier by Fowler and Barker, Dressler and Barrow et al, and they occur in the same region (2300 to 2700 Å) as the bands of the known systems (C2∑+-X2P{cyrillic}) and (A2Δ-X2P{cyrillic}). Measurements made on the heads of some of these weak bands led Barrow et al. to believe that these bands may form a system analogous to the β-system of NO and be due to a2P{cyrillic}-2P{cyrillic} transition. The spectrum of NS has now been studied in a little more detail by means of an uncondensed discharge through dry nitrogen and sulphur vapour in the presence of argon and thirty three bands belonging to this system have been recorded in the region 2280 to 2760 Å. It has been found possible to represent the band heads by means of the equation {Mathematical expression}. Taking the lower state doublet interval as 223 cm-1, it is shown that the separation in the upper state is 94 cm-1. The ratio of the force constants in the upper and the ground states is found to be 0·39 and is nearly the same as that in the β-system of NO (0·30). The present vibrational analysis therefore supports the view that these new red degraded bands of NS arise from a (B2P{cyrillic}→X2P{cyrillic}) transition and the observed intensity distribution in the form of a wide parabola is also in qualitative agreement with what is expected from the moderately large Δ re (∼0·12Å) value.


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A complete vibrational analysis was performed on the molecular structure of boldine hydrochloride using QM/MM method. The equilibrium geometry, harmonic vibrational frequencies and infrared intensities were calculated by QM/MM method with B3LYP/6-31G(d) and universal force field (UFF) combination using ONIOM code. We found the geometry obtained by the QM/MM method to be very accurate, and we can use this rapid method in place of time consuming ab initio methods for large molecules. A detailed interpretation of the infrared spectra of boldine hydrochloride is reported. The scaled theoretical wave numbers are in perfect agreement with the experimental values. The FT-IR spectra of boldine hydrochloride in the region 4000-500 cm(-1) were recorded in CsI (solid phase) and in chloroform with concentration 5 and 10 mg/ml.


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The i.r. spectra of 1,3-thiazolidine-2-thione, ?2-selone and their N-deuteriated derivatives have been investigated in the region between 4000 and 20 cm?1. A complete assignment of the fundamental vibrational frequencies has been made based upon the normal coordinate analysis carried out using a simple Urey�Bradley force field supplemented by the valence force constants for the out-of-plane vibrations of the planar molecular skeleton. The proposed assignments are discussed in relation to the group frequencies in structurally related molecules and in terms of the computed potential energy distributions among the symmetry coordinates.


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In the present work the structural and spectral characteristics of acetazolamide have been studied by methods of infrared, Raman spectroscopy and quantum chemistry. Electrostatic potential surface, optimized geometry, harmonic vibrational frequencies, infrared intensities and activities of Raman scattering were calculated by density functional theory (DFT) employing B3LYP with complete relaxation in the potential energy surface using 6-311++G(d,p) basis set. Based on these results, we have discussed the correlation between the vibrational modes and the structure of the dimers of acetazolamide. The calculated vibrational spectra of three dimers of acetazolamide have been compared with observed spectra, and the assignment of observed bands was carried out using potential energy distribution. The observed spectra agree well with the values computed from the OFT. A comparison of observed and calculated vibrational spectra clearly shows the effect of hydrogen bonding. The frequency shifts observed for the different dimers are in accord with the hydrogen bonding in acetazolamide. Natural bond orbital (NBO) analyses reflect the charge transfer interaction in the individual hydrogen bond units and the stability of different dimers of acetazolamide. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A full dimensional, ab initio-based semiglobal potential energy surface for C2H3+ is reported. The ab initio electronic energies for this molecule are calculated using the spin-restricted, coupled cluster method restricted to single and double excitations with triples corrections [RCCSD(T)]. The RCCSD(T) method is used with the correlation-consistent polarized valence triple-zeta basis augmented with diffuse functions (aug-cc-pVTZ). The ab initio potential energy surface is represented by a many-body (cluster) expansion, each term of which uses functions that are fully invariant under permutations of like nuclei. The fitted potential energy surface is validated by comparing normal mode frequencies at the global minimum and secondary minimum with previous and new direct ab initio frequencies. The potential surface is used in vibrational analysis using the "single-reference" and "reaction-path" versions of the code MULTIMODE. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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The structural and vibrational properties of nanocrystalline Ga1-xMnxN films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering were analyzed in a wide composition range (0 < x < 0.18). The films were structurally characterized using x-ray diffraction with Rietveld refinement. The corresponding vibrational properties were investigated using micro-Raman and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopies. The films present a high crystallized fraction, crystallites having wurtzite structure, and high orientation texture with the c axis oriented perpendicular to the substrate surface. Rietveld analysis indicates that Mn atoms are incorporated substitutionally into Ga positions and show that the ionic character of cation-N bonds along the c axis is favored by the Mn incorporation. No evidence for Mn segregation or Mn rich phases was found in the composition range analyzed. Micro-Raman scattering spectra and infrared absorption experiments showed progressive changes with the increase of x and monotonic shifts of the GaN TO and LO peaks to lower frequencies. The structural and vibrational analyses are compared and the influence of Mn on the static and dynamic properties of the lattice is analyzed. (C) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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VIBRATIONAL ANALYSIS OF COORDINATION COMPOUNDS OF NICKEL (II): AN APPROACH TO THE TEACHING OF POINT GROUPS. This paper presents an IR and Raman experiment executed during the teaching of the course "Chemical Bonds" for undergraduated students of Science and Technology and Chemistry at the Federal University of ABC, in order to facilitate and encourage the teaching and learning of group theory. Some key aspects of this theory are also outlined. We believe that student learning was more significant with the introduction of this experiment, because there was an increase in the discussions level and in the performance during evaluations. This work also proposes a multidisciplinary approach to include the use of quantum chemistry tools.


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This paper describes a relatively simple and quick method for implementing aerodynamic heating models into a finite element code for non-linear transient thermal-structural and thermal-structural-vibrational analyses of a Mach 10 generic HyShot scramjet engine. The thermal-structural-vibrational response of the engine was studied for the descent trajectory from 60 to 26 km. Aerodynamic heating fluxes, as a function of spatial position and time for varying trajectory points, were implemented in the transient heat analysis. Additionally, the combined effect of varying dynamic pressure and thermal loads with altitude was considered. This aero-thermal-structural analysis capability was used to assess the temperature distribution, engine geometry distortion and yielding of the structural material due to aerodynamic heating during the descent trajectory, and for optimising the wall thickness, nose radius of leading edge, etc. of the engine intake. A structural vibration analysis was also performed following the aero-thermal-structural analysis to determine the changes in natural frequencies of the structural vibration modes that occur at the various temperatures associated with the descent trajectory. This analysis provides a unique and relatively simple design strategy for predicting and mitigating the thermal-structural-vibrational response of hypersonic engines. (C) 2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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The trend in modal extraction algorithms is to use all the available frequency response functions data to obtain a global estimate of the natural frequencies, damping ratio and mode shapes. Improvements in transducer and signal processing technology allow the simultaneous measurement of many hundreds of channels of response data. The quantity of data available and the complexity of the extraction algorithms make considerable demands on the available computer power and require a powerful computer or dedicated workstation to perform satisfactorily. An alternative to waiting for faster sequential processors is to implement the algorithm in parallel, for example on a network of Transputers. Parallel architectures are a cost effective means of increasing computational power, and a larger number of response channels would simply require more processors. This thesis considers how two typical modal extraction algorithms, the Rational Fraction Polynomial method and the Ibrahim Time Domain method, may be implemented on a network of transputers. The Rational Fraction Polynomial Method is a well known and robust frequency domain 'curve fitting' algorithm. The Ibrahim Time Domain method is an efficient algorithm that 'curve fits' in the time domain. This thesis reviews the algorithms, considers the problems involved in a parallel implementation, and shows how they were implemented on a real Transputer network.


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Rotational isomerism of S-methyl N-methyl dithiocarbamate (MMDTC) has been investigated by means of variable temperature proton NMR and i.r. spectroscopy. The i.r. spectra of MMDTC as neat, solution and at sub-ambient temperatures have been examined. Normal vibrational analysis of all the fundamentals of MMDTC has been carried out, the vibrational assignment has been compared with those of related secondary thioamides to note the consistency in the assignments and to obtain the pattern characteristic of the secondary thioamide vibrations.


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Effects of basis set and electron correlation on the equilibrium geometry, force constants and vibrational spectra of BH3NH3 have been studied. A series of basis sets ranging from double zeta to triple zeta including polarization and diffuse functions have been utilized. All the SCF based calculations overestimate the dative B-N bond distance and considerable improvement occurs when the treatment for electron correlation is introduced. Detailed vibrational analysis for BH3NH3 has been carried out. The mean absolute percentage deviation of the ab initio predicted vibration frequencies of (BH3NH3)-B-11 from the experiment is about 10% for the SCF based calculations and the MP2 method shows better agreement, the overall deviation being 5-6%. The ground state effective force constants of BH3NH3 were obtained using RECOVES procedure. The RECOVES sets of force constants are found to be highly satisfactory for the prediction of the vibrational frequencies of different isotopomers of BH3NH3. The mean absolute percentage deviation of the calculated frequencies of different isotopomers from the experiment is much less than 1%. The RECOVES-MP2/augDZP set of force constants was found to be the best set among the different sets for this molecule. Theoretical infrared intensities are in fair agreement with the observed spectral features.


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The emission spectrum of bismuth monobromide has been investigated and a vibrational analysis of the A→X system has been made. About 286 bands were recorded in the region λλ 4595–6063 and the isotope effect due to Br79 and Br81 was observed in about 87 bands. A value of 2·74 ev. for the dissociation energy of the excited state has been obtained and arguments have been given to show that the dissociation products in the excited state are Bi(4S3/2) and Br(2P3/2) and that those of the ground state are most probably Bi (4S3/2) and Br (2P1/2) atoms.


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Infrared and Raman spectra of N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMA) are recorded and the normal vibrational analysis of the DMA skeleton as well as the entire molecule carried out employing the Urey-Bradley and modified Urey-Bradley force fields. Vibrational frequencies are assigned on the basis of the normal coordinate calculations and are compared with those of related molecules. Infrared spectra of metal complexes are examined to substantiate the band assignments.


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Infrared and Raman spectra of N,N-dimethylacetamide (DMA) are recorded and the normal vibrational analysis of the DMA skeleton as well as the entire molecule carried out employing the Urey-Bradley and modified Urey-Bradley force fields. Vibrational frequencies are assigned on the basis of the normal coordinate calculations and are compared with those of related molecules. Infrared spectra of metal complexes are examined to substantiate the band assignments.


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Infrared spectra of atmospherically important dimethylquinolines (DMQs), namely 2,4-DMQ, 2,6-DMQ, 2,7-DMQ, and 2,8-DMQ in the gas phase at 80 degrees C were recorded using a long variable path-length cell. DFT calculations were carried out to assign the bands in the experimentally observed spectra at the B3LYP/6-31G* level of theory. The spectral assignments particularly for the C-H stretching modes could not be made unambiguously using calculated anharmonic or scaled harmonic frequencies. To resolve this problem, a scaled force field method of assignment was used. Assignment of fundamental modes was confirmed by potential energy distributions (PEDs) of the normal modes derived by the scaled force fields using a modified version of the UMAT program in the QCPE package. We demonstrate that for large molecules such as the DMQs, the scaling of the force field is more effective in arriving at the correct assignment of the fundamentals for a quantitative vibrational analysis. An error analysis of the mean deviation of the calculated harmonic, anharmonic, and force field fitted frequencies from the observed frequency provides strong evidence for the correctness of the assignment.