8 resultados para VEROTOXIN


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Les colibacilles producteurs de vérotoxines sont impliqués dans la pathogénie de syndromes diarrhéiques et dans celle de certains syndromes hémolytiques et urémiques. Le syndrome diarrhéique est caractérisé par l'apparition soudaine de douleurs abdominales sévères à type de crampes, suivies d'une diarrhée aqueuse qui, ensuite, devient sanglante. Les diarrhées peuvent être accompagnées de vomissements et d'une fièvre modérée. La période d'incubation varie entre 3 et 9 jours. Le syndrome hémolytique et urémique, la première cause d'insuffisance rénale aiguë du nourrisson et de l'enfant, est caractérisé par une triade typique: anémie hémolytique microangiopathique avec thrombocytopénie et insuffisance rénale glomérulonéphritique aiguë. La cause du syndrome hémolytique et urémique avec diarrhées prodromique a été attribuée aux vérotoxines. Les toxines produites par les colibacilles seraient à l'origine de lésions vasculaires endothéliales prédominant au niveau rénal et induisant le syndrome hémolytique et urémique.


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We have identified verotoxin 1 (VT1) as the active component within an antineoplastic bacteriocin preparation from Escherichia coli HSC10 studied over two decades. Recombinant VT1 can simulate the toxicity of anticancer proteins (ACP), and the antineoplastic activity of ACP (and VT1) was abrogated by treatment with anti-VT1 antibody. Similarly, VT1 mimics the protective effect of ACP in a murine metastatic fibrosarcoma model. Prior immunization with VT1 B subunit prevents the effect of VT1 or ACP in this model. The activity of ACP against a variety of human ovarian cell lines was mimicked by VT1, and multidrug-resistant variants were significantly hypersensitive. Primary ovarian tumors and metastases contain elevated levels of globotriaosylceramide compared with normal ovaries, and overlay of frozen tumor sections showed selective VT binding to tumor tissue and the lumen of invading blood vessels. Our contention that VT1 could provide an additional approach to the management of certain human neoplasms is discussed.


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Photodynamic therapy involves administration of a photosensitizing drug and its subsequent activation by visible light of the appropriate wavelength. Several approaches to increasing the specificity of photosensitizers for cancerous tissues and, in particular, through their conjugation to ligands that are directed against tumor-associated antigens have been investigated. Here, we have studied the delivery of the photocytotoxic porphyrin compound TPP(p-O-beta-D-GluOH)(3) into tumor cells that overexpress the glycosphingolipid Gb3, using the Gb3-binding nontoxic B-subunit of Shiga toxin (STxB) as a vector. To allow for site-directed chemical coupling, an STxB variant carrying a free sulfhydryl moiety at its C-terminal end has been used. Binding affinity, cellular uptake, singlet oxygen quantum yield, and phototoxicity of the conjugate have been examined. Despite some effect of coupling on both the photophysical properties of TPP(p-O-beta-D-GluOH)(3) and the affinity of STxB for its receptor, the conjugate exhibited a higher photocytotoxic activity than the photosensitizer alone and was exquisitely selective for Gb3-expressing tumor cells. Furthermore, our data strongly suggest that STxB-mediated retrograde delivery of the photosensitizer to the biosynthetic/secretory pathway is critical for optimal cytotoxic activity. In conclusion, a strong rationale for using retrograde delivery tools such as STxB in combination with photosensitizing agents for the photodynamic therapy of tumors is presented.


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Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, including the serotype O157:H7 that is most commonly identified with human disease, cause both sporadic cases and outbreaks of non-bloody diarrhea and hemorrhagic colitis. In about 10% of infected subjects, the hemolytic uremic syndrome (hemolytic anemic, thrombocytopenia, and acute renal failure) develops, likely as a consequence of systemic spread of bacterial-derived toxins variously referred to as Shiga-like toxin, Shiga toxin, and Verotoxin. Increasing evidence points to a complex interplay between bacterial products - for example, adhesins and toxins - and host signal transduction pathways in mediating responses to infection. Identification of critical signaling pathways could result in the development of novel strategies for intervention to both prevent and treat this microbial infection in humans.


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This research aimed to verify the presence of virulence genes in strains of Escherichia coli isolated from grated cheese sold in farmers' markets of Cuiabá-MT, Brazil. Forty samples of this food were submitted for microbiological analysis and 22 (55%) tested positive for E. coli. Next, 64 strains of E. coli were isolated from the positive samples and screened by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for the presence of the genes encoding the following virulence factors: stx1 and stx2 (verotoxin types 1 and 2), eae (intimin), lt1 (heat-labile toxin type 1), st1 (heat-stable toxin type 1), cnf1 and cnf2 (cytotoxic necrozing factor types 1 and 2), and cdtB (cytolethal distending toxin). All the isolates were negative for the genes stx1, stx2, eae, lt1, st1, cnf1, and cdtB, and five strains (7.81%) were positive for cnf2. A low prevalence of E. coli positive for virulence factors associated with the pathogenesis of diarrhoea was observed in this study. However, the presence of CNF-2 producing strains and the possibility of occurrence and scattering of other virulence factors that were not surveyed in the work indicate the risk related to the consumption of grated cheese from farmers' markets.


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The Escherichia coli O26 serogroup includes important food-borne pathogens associated with human and animal diarrheal disease. Current typing methods have revealed great genetic heterogeneity within the O26 group; the data are often inconsistent and focus only on verotoxin (VT)-positive O26 isolates. To improve current understanding of diversity within this serogroup, the genomic relatedness of VT-positive and -negative O26 strains was assessed by comparative genomic indexing. Our results clearly demonstrate that irrespective of virulence characteristics and pathotype designation, the O26 strains show greater genomic similarity to each other than to any other strain included in this study. Our data suggest that enteropathogenic and VT-expressing E. coli O26 strains represent the same clonal lineage and that W-expressing E. coli O26 strains have gained additional virulence characteristics. Using this approach, we established the core genes which are central to the E. coli species and identified regions of variation from the E. coli K-12 chromosomal backbone.


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The presence of 10 virulence genes was examined using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in 365 European O157 and non-O157 Escherichia coli isolates associated with verotoxin production. Strain-specific PCR data were analysed using hierarchical clustering. The resulting dendrogram clearly separated O157 from non-O157 strains. The former clustered typical high-risk seropathotype (SPT) A strains from all regions, including Sweden and Spain, which were homogenous by Cramer's V statistic, and strains with less typical O157 features mostly from Hungary. The non-O157 strains divided into a high-risk SPTB harbouring O26, O111 and O103 strains, a group pathogenic to pigs, and a group with few virulence genes other than for verotoxin. The data demonstrate SPT designation and selected PCR separated verotoxigenic E. coli of high and low risk to humans; although more virulence genes or pulsed-field gel electrophoresis will need to be included to separate high-risk strains further for epidemiological tracing.


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Avaliou-se a ocorrência de fatores de virulência e do sorotipo O157:H7 em 120 linhagens de Escherichia coli, isoladas de 80 casos de mastite clínica bovina e 40 de mastite subclínica. Verificou-se alfa-hemolisina em oito (6,7%) linhagens, isoladas de cinco casos de mastite clínica e três de mastite subclínica e em nenhuma das estirpes detectou-se enteroemolisina. A presença de sideróforos foi encontrada em 11 (9,2%) linhagens, sete de mastite clínica e quatro de subclínica. em duas (1,7%) estirpes isoladas de mastite subclínica, identificou-se enterotoxina STa. Observou-se efeito citopático em células vero compatível com a produção de verotoxina-VT em cinco (4,2%) linhagens, duas de mastite clínica e três subclínicas. em uma (0,8%) linhagem isolada de mastite clínica, detectou-se efeito citopático compatível com o fator necrosante citotóxico. Nenhuma estirpe apresentou-se sorbitol-negativa no MacConkey-sorbitol, tampouco aglutinou com o sorotipo O157:H7. Os antimicrobianos mais efetivos foram polimixina B (97,5%) e norfloxacina (95,8%). Observou-se multi-resistência a dois ou mais antimicrobianos em 24 (20%) estirpes, principalmente com o uso de ampicilina e ceftiofur.