22 resultados para VASOCONSTRICTORS
The ability to feed on vertebrate blood has evolved many times in various arthropod clades. Consequently, saliva of blood-feeding arthropods has proven to be a rich source of antihemostatic molecules. A variety of platelet aggregation inhibitors antagonize platelet responses to wound-generated signals, including ADP, thrombin, and collagen. Anticoagulants disrupt elements of both the intrinsic and extrinsic pathways. Vasodilators include nitrophorins (nitric oxide storage and transport heme proteins), a variety of peptides that mimic endogenous vasodilatory neuropeptides, and proteins that catabolize or sequester endogenous vasoconstrictors. Multiple salivary proteins may be directed against each component of hemostasis, resulting in both redundancy and in some cases cooperative interactions between antihemostatic proteins. The complexity and redundancy of saliva ensures an efficient blood meal for the arthropod, but it also provides a diverse array of novel antihemostatic molecules for the pharmacologist.
Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Medicina Dentária
Au cours de la grossesse, une perfusion placentaire adéquate est indispensable au bon développement du fœtus. Dans certaines maladies comme la prééclampsie, celle-ci est altérée, compromettant ainsi la vie du fœtus, mais aussi celle de sa mère. Le retrait du placenta mène à la disparition des symptômes de la prééclampsie, suggérant un rôle central de ce dernier dans la maladie. Le placenta étant dépourvu d’innervation autonome, le tonus vasculaire placentaire doit être sous le contrôle de facteurs humoraux et tissulaires. Les vaisseaux placentaires sont très réactifs aux prostanoïdes. Le rapport thromboxane A2 (TXA2)/prostacycline (PGI2) est fortement augmenté dans les placentas de grossesses avec prééclampsie. De plus, le taux d’isoprostane, marqueur du stress oxydatif, est accru dans les placentas de femmes avec prééclampsie. Finalement, la prééclampsie s’accompagne d’un stress oxydatif placentaire marqué. Les espèces réactives de l’oxygène sont connues d’une part, pour oxyder l’acide arachidonique (AA), formant ainsi des isoprostanes et d’autre part, pour augmenter la production de TXA2 dans différents tissus, suite à l’activation des cyclooxygénases (COXs). Nous proposons que : 1. les prostanoïdes sont parmi les molécules endogènes qui contrôlent le tonus vasculaire placentaire. 2. la maladie modifie la réponse aux isoprostanes dans les vaisseaux placentaires. 3. l’induction d’un stress oxydatif placentaire entraîne une réponse vasoactive par activation de la voie du métabolisme de l’AA. Nous avons tout d’abord montré, dans des placentas obtenus de grossesses normotensives, que l’U-46619, un mimétique de la TXA2, de même que l’isoprostane, 8-iso-prostaglandine E2 (8-isoPGE2), ont augmenté fortement la pression de perfusion dans les cotylédons perfusés in vitro et la tension dans les anneaux d’artères chorioniques suspendus dans des bains à organe isolé. En revanche, dans les artères chorioniques de placentas obtenus de grossesses avec prééclampsie, ces réponses étaient modifiées puisque la réponse maximale à l’U-46619 était augmentée et celle à la 8-isoPGE2 diminuée. D’autre part, nous avons montré que les réponses maximales aux deux prostanoïdes étaient augmentées dans les vaisseaux placentaires de grossesse normale ou avec prééclampsie issus d’une délivrance prématurée par rapport à ceux d’une délivrance à terme. Ceci suggère une évolution de la réactivité des artères placentaires au cours du 3e trimestre de grossesse. En outre, les vaisseaux placentaires ont répondu aux prostanoïdes de façon semblable qu’ils aient été issus d’un accouchement vaginal ou d’une césarienne élective. Ceci indique que les prostanoïdes placentaires n’interviennent pas dans le processus de délivrance. D’un autre côté, l’utilisation de bloqueurs spécifiques des récepteurs TP à la TXA2, le SQ29,548 et l’ICI192,605, et des récepteurs EP à la prostaglandine E2, l’AH6809, nous ont permis de mettre en évidence le fait que l’U-46619 et la 8-isoPGE2 pouvaient agir de façon non-sélective sur l’un ou l’autre des récepteurs. Ces résultats supportent donc nos 2 premières hypothèses : les prostanoïdes font partie des molécules endogènes qui peuvent contrôler le tonus vasculaire placentaire et la prééclampsie modifie la réponse aux isoprostanes dans les artères chorioniques d’une manière compatible avec l’augmentation de la production de ces substances qui elle, est probablement le résultat du stress oxydatif. En revanche, en ce qui concerne les substances capables de jouer la contrepartie vasodilatatrice, l’utilisation d’un inhibiteur des synthases de monoxyde d’azote, le L-NAME, et celle d’inhibiteurs des COXs, l’ibuprofène, l’indométacine et le N-2PIA, ne nous a pas permis de mettre en évidence un quelconque rôle du monoxyde d’azote ou des prostanoïdes vasodilatatrices à ce niveau. Finalement, nous avons montré que l’induction d’un stress oxydatif dans les cotylédons perfusés in vitro et les artères chorioniques entraînait une vasoconstriction marquée. Celle-ci semble résulter de l’action des prostanoïdes puisqu’un blocage des récepteurs TP ou des COXs diminuait significativement la réponse maximale au peroxyde d’hydrogène. Les prostanoïdes impliquées dans la réponse au stress oxydatif proviendraient essentiellement d’une activation des COXs puisque l’étude ne nous permet pas de conclure à une quelconque implication des isoprostanes dans cette réponse. Ces observations confirment donc notre hypothèse que, dans le placenta, le stress oxydatif possède des propriétés vasoactives par activation du métabolisme de l’AA. En résumé, les résultats obtenus dans les placentas de grossesses normotensives et avec prééclampsie suggèrent que les prostanoïdes sont des molécules d’importance dans la régulation du tonus vasculaire placentaire. Le fait que la prééclampsie modifie la réponse aux prostanoïdes pourrait expliquer pourquoi la perfusion placentaire est altérée chez ces patientes. En outre, il apparaît évident qu’il existe un lien étroit entre le stress oxydatif et la voie de synthèse des prostanoïdes placentaires. Cependant d’autres études sont nécessaires pour mieux comprendre la nature de ce lien, qui pourrait, d’une certaine façon, jouer un rôle important dans le développement de la prééclampsie.
Les maladies cardiovasculaires représentent la deuxième cause de mortalité en Amérique du Nord. Ceci peut s'expliquer par la consommation riche en gras des Nord-Américains et par un apport élevé en oméga-6. Inversement, des populations qui ont un apport moindre en oméga-6 et plus riche en oméga-3, telles que les Japonais et les Inuits, ont une incidence peu élevée de maladies cardiovasculaires. Les oméga-3 s'avèrent effectivement bénéfiques pour prévenir l'apparition de maladies cardiovasculaires. Dans le cadre d'un infarctus du myocarde, les oméga-3 sont bénéfiques en prévention secondaire et s'avèrent cardioprotecteurs lorsque consommés avant l'épisode d'infarctus. De manière à utiliser les oméga-3 de façon plus clinique, le but de la première étude était de vérifier si un métabolite des oméga-3 impliqué dans la résolution de l'inflammation, la résolvine D1, pouvait s'avérer cardioprotecteur lorsque donné au moment de l'infarctus. Effectivement, la résolvine D1, donnée juste avant l'ischémie, s'avère cardioprotectrice en entraînant une diminution de l'inflammation, soit en favorisant la résolution de l'inflammation, et en activant une voie de cardioprotection qui entraîne la survie cellulaire. Par ailleurs, étant donné que la diète de la population canadienne est riche en oméga-6, l’objectif de la deuxième étude était de vérifier si l'effet de la résolvine D1 est conservé en présence d'un oméga-6, l'acide linoléique. Nos résultats nous indiquent que la résolvine D1 perd son effet cardioprotecteur en présence de l'acide linoléique. Celle-ci semble aggraver les lésions ischémiques, possiblement, par, la génération de métabolites pro-inflammatoires et vasoconstricteurs qui accroît les effets de l'ischémie. Ainsi, il est essentiel de tenir compte de l'apport en oméga-6 pour envisager un traitement à la résolvine D1 et d'encourager une diminution des oméga-6 dans l'alimentation au profit des oméga-3. Enfin, la troisième étude de cette thèse visait à vérifier le mécanisme de cardioprotection des oméga-3 afin de savoir si ce sont les métabolites issus des oméga-3 qui génèrent la cardioprotection. L'utilisation des inhibiteurs du métabolisme des oméga-3, soit la 15-lipoxygénase et la cyclo-oxygénase 2, inhibe la cardioprotection conférée par une diète riche en oméga-3. De plus, les inhibiteurs diminuent les concentrations de résolvine D1 plasmatique. Puis, la résolvine D1, donnée en présence des inhibiteurs, restaure la cardioprotection. De ce fait, les métabolites générés par les oméga-3, dont la résolvine D1, sont importants dans l’effet cardioprotecteur des acides gras oméga-3. En conclusion, la résolvine D1 peut s'avérer une option intéressante pour bénéficier des effets des oméga-3 lorsque celle-ci est donnée au moment de l'infarctus. D'ailleurs, les métabolites, tels que la résolvine D1, sont essentiels pour obtenir la cardioprotection avec les oméga-3. Toutefois, l'alimentation des patients doit contenir moins d’oméga-6 afin de bénéficier des aspects cardioprotecteurs des oméga-3. Les oméga-6 sont trop proéminents dans l'alimentation nord-américaine, ce qui est néfaste pour le système cardiovasculaire.
As plaquetas sangüíneas são fragmentos citoplasmáticos, oriundos da ruptura dos megacariócitos, cuja principal função está relacionada à manutenção da integridade vascular. Os nucleotídeos extracelulares, ATP e ADP, bem como a adenosina, têm sido implicados em um grande número de funções fisiológicas: o ADP é o principal fator recrutador de plaquetas, enquanto que o ATP é um inibidor competitivo da agregação induzida por ADP. A adenosina é uma molécula capaz de induzir vasodilatação e inibir a agregação plaquetária. Desta maneira, a manutenção da sinalização purinérgica normal tem se mostrado importante para o tratamento de doenças cardiovasculares. Os nucleosídeos di e trifosfatos circulantes podem ser hidrolisados por membros de várias famílias de ectonucleotidases de membrana e solúveis, incluindo as ecto-nucleosídeo trifosfato difosfoidrolases (E-NTPDases) e ecto-nucleotídeo pirofosfatase/fosfodiesterases (E-NPPs), que em conjunto com a ecto-5’-nucleotidase, levam à formação de adenosina. Na superfície das plaquetas, ambas enzimas, E-NTPDase e ecto-5’-nucleotidase, estão descritas. O sistema renina-angiotensina é o principal regulador da função renal e cardiovascular, desenvolvendo um papel fundamental na homeostasia da pressão arterial e do balanço eletrolítico. A angiotensina II (ANGII) induz fisiologicamente a ativação das plaquetas, possivelmente devido às suas propriedades vasoconstritoras. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram, portanto: 1) caracterizar cineticamente a enzima E-NPP em plaquetas de ratos, utilizando o substrato marcador p-Nph-5’TMP e 2) esclarecer, mesmo que em parte, os possíveis efeitos da ANGII sobre a hidrólise extracelular de nucleotídeos por plaquetas de ratos. No primeiro capítulo deste trabalho, descrevemos uma atividade enzimática em plaquetas de ratos que compartilha as principais características bioquímicas já descritas para as E-NPPs: pH ótimo alcalino; valores de KM e Vmax calculados de aproximadamente 106.22 ± 17.83 μM e 3.44 ± 0.18 nmol p-nitrophenol/min/mg, respectivamente; e dependência de cátions divalentes. Além disso, o AMP inibiu somente a hidrólise do p-Nph-5’TMP. Por outro lado, a azida de sódio, em altas concentrações, a angiotensina II e o cloreto de gadolínio alteraram apenas as hidrólises de ATP ou ADP ou de ambos. No segundo capítulo, mostramos que a ANGII foi capaz de aumentar as hidrólises de ATP, ADP e AMP em plaquetas em todas as doses testadas (5, 50, 500 e 5000 picomóis). Entretanto, nenhuma alteração foi observada com relação à hidrólise do p-Nph-5'TMP. Em adição, observamos um aumento na hidrólise de AMP e uma diminuição na hidrólise de p-Nph-5'TMP em plaquetas de ratos espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR) quando comparados a ratos Wistar normotensos. De maneira geral, esta dissertação traz a caracterização bioquímica da enzima E-NPP na superfície de plaquetas intactas de ratos como sendo parte de um complexo sistema para a hidrólise de nucleotídeos nestes fragmentos citoplasmáticos, podendo, assim, contribuir para o desenvolvimento de terapias antiplaquetárias e para o tratamento de doenças vasculares. Adicionalmente, apresentamos alguns resultados demonstrando interações entre os sistemas angiotensinérgico e adenosinérgico de plaquetas de ratos, o que poderá contribuir para o entendimento e o tratamento de doenças cardiovasculares como hipertensão e arteriosclerose.
BACKGROUND: Retrospective analysis of human toxicity files involving topical medicines for treatment of upper airways diseases (eardrops, topical nasal medicines, lozenges, drops and sprays for oropharyngeal affections). METHODS: Thirty-four brands of eardrops, 48 of topical nasal medicines and 22 of tablets, lozenges and sprays for oropharyngeal affections were selected, from a total of 104 products available in Brazil. We analyzed the registries in the electronic database from the Poison Control Centre of São Paulo (CCI-Jabaquara), Brazil, for the period from January 1996 through December 2000. The cases related to selected pharmaceuticals were collected. RESULTS: 10,823 cases of human toxicity caused by medicines were voluntarily reported to CCI-Jabaquara. Topical medicines for treatment of upper airways diseases accounted for 291 cases (2.68%), from which 240 (82.5%) represented poisoning; 12 (4.1%) involved ear drops, 268 (92%), topical nasal medicines and 11 (3.9%), topical medicines for oropharyngeal affections. Among topical nasal medicines, vasoconstrictors predominated (233 cases), and among medicines for oropharyngeal affections, it was tetracaine (four cases). Considering age distribution, toxicity predominated significantly in children aged from 1 to 4 years (p=0.0003). The main causes of toxicity were: accidental intake of medicines (43%) and error in drug administration (14.8%). Hypereflexia and vomiting were the most frequent symptoms related to toxicity. CONCLUSIONS: There was significant incidence of systemic toxicity due to eardrops, topical nasal and oropharyngeal medicines in children 1 to 4 years-old, whose main cause was accidental intake of these medicines.
Septic shock or sepsis is reported to be one of the major causes of death when followed by systemic infectious trauma in humans and other mammals. Its development leads to a large drop in blood pressure and a reduction in vascular responsiveness to physiological vasoconstrictors which, if not contained, can lead to death. It is proposed that this vascular response is due to the action of bacterial cell wall products released into the bloodstream by the vascular endothelium and is considered a normal response of the body's defenses against infection. A reduction in vascular reactivity to epinephrine and norepinephrine is observed under these conditions. In the present study in rats, the aim was to assess whether those effects of hypotension and hyporeactivity are also related to another endogenous vasoconstrictor, angiotensin II (AII). We evaluated the variation in the power of this vasoconstrictor over the mean arterial pressure in anesthetized rats, before and after the establishment of hypotension by Escherichia coli endotoxin (Etx). Our results show that in this model of septic shock, there is a reduction in vascular reactivity to AII and this reduction can be reversed by the inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase, Nω-Nitro-L- Arginine (NωNLA). Our results also suggest that other endogenous factors (not yet fully known) are involved in the protection of rats against septic shock, in addition to the L-arginine NO pathway.
In this minireview we describe the involvement of the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in cardiovascular pathophysiology and exercise. The ANP has a broad homeostatic role and exerts complex effects on the cardio-circulatory hemodynamics, it is produced by the left atrium and has a key role in regulating sodium and water balance in mammals and humans. The dominant stimulus for its release is atrial wall tension, commonly caused by exercise. The ANP is involved in the process of lipolysis through a cGMP signaling pathway and, as a consequence, reducing blood pressure by decreasing the sensitivity of vascular smooth muscle to the action of vasoconstrictors and regulate fluid balance. The increase of this hormone is associated with better survival in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). This minireview provides new evidence based on recent studies related to the beneficial effects of exercise in patients with cardiovascular disease, focusing on the ANP. © 2012 de Almeida et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Epinephrine is considered the gold standard vasoconstrictor for hypertensive patients, but few studies report felypressin’s effects. The present study aimed to analyze and compare the effects of these two vasoconstrictors, injected by the intravenous route, on the arterial pressure of normotensive, hypertensive and atenolol-treated hypertensive rats. Method The hypertension model was one-kidney-one-clip (1K1C): the main left renal artery was partially constricted and the right kidney was surgically removed in 45-day-old male Wistar rats. 1K1C hypertensive rats received atenolol (90 mg/kg/day) by gavage for 2 weeks. 28–35 days after hypertension induction, a catheter was inserted into the left carotid artery to record direct blood pressure values. The following parameters were recorded: minimal hypotensive response, maximal hypertensive response, response duration and heart rate. Results Epinephrine, but not felypressin, exerted an important hypotensive action; non-treated hypertensive rats showed more pronounced vasodilation. Treated and non-treated rats showed hypertensive responses of the same magnitudes in all groups; 1K1C atenolol rats showed reduced hypertensive responses to both vasoconstrictors. Felypressin’s response duration was longer than that of epinephrine in all groups. Epinephrine increased heart rate while felypressin reduced this parameter only in the normotensive group. Conclusions Our results suggest that felypressin has equipotent pressure responses when compared with epinephrine, showing a greater extent of action. Atenolol’s reduction of hypertensive effects surprisingly suggests that atenolol β-blockade may also be important for felypressin’s cardiovascular effect, as is widely known for epinephrine. Our data suggest that felypressin is safe for hypertensive subjects, in particular those receiving atenolol.
The acute obstruction of pulmonary vessels by venous thrombi is a critical condition named acute pulmonary embolism (APE). During massive APE, severe pulmonary hypertension may lead to death secondary to right heart failure and circulatory shock. APE-induced pulmonary hypertension is aggravated by active pulmonary vasoconstriction. While blocking the effects of some vasoconstrictors exerts beneficial effects, no previous study has examined whether angiotensin II receptor blockers protect against the hemodynamic changes associated with APE. We examined the effects exerted by losartan on APE-induced hemodynamic changes. Hemodynamic evaluations were performed in non-embolized lambs treated with saline (n = 4) and in lambs that were embolized with silicon microspheres and treated with losartan (30 mg/kg followed by 1 mg/kg/h, n = 5) or saline (n = 7) infusions. The plasma and lung angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity were assessed using a fluorometric method. APE increased mean pulmonary arterial pressure (MPAP) and pulmonary vascular resistance index (PVRI) by 21 +/- 2 mmHg and 375 +/- 20 dyn s cm(-5) m(-2), respectively (P < 0.05). Losartan decreased MPAP significantly (by approximately 15%), without significant changes in PVRI and tended to decrease cardiac index (P > 0.05). Lung and plasma ACE activity were similar in both embolized and non-embolized animals. Our findings show evidence of lack of activation of the renin-angiotensin system during APE. The lack of significant effects of losartan on the pulmonary vascular resistance suggests that losartan does not protect against the hemodynamic changes found during APE.
Moraes, MR, Bacurau, RFP, Casarini, DE, Jara, ZP, Ronchi, FA, Almeida, SS, Higa, EMS, Pudo, MA, Rosa, TS, Haro, AS, Barros, CC, Pesquero, JB, Wurtele, M, and Araujo, RC. Chronic conventional resistance exercise reduces blood pressure in stage 1 hypertensive men. J Strength Cond Res 26(4): 1122-1129, 2012-To investigate the antihypertensive effects of conventional resistance exercise (RE) on the blood pressure (BP) of hypertensive subjects, 15 middle-aged (46 +/- 3 years) hypertensive volunteers, deprived of antihypertensive medication (reaching 153 +/- 6/93 +/- 2 mmHg systolic/diastolic BP after a 6-week medication washout period) were submitted to a 12-week conventional RE training program (3 sets of 12 repetitions at 60% 1 repetition maximum, 3 times a week on nonconsecutive days). Blood pressure was measured in all phases of the study (washout, training, detraining). Additionally, the plasma levels of several vasodilators or vasoconstrictors that potentially could be involved with the effects of RE on BP were evaluated pre- and posttraining. Conventional RE significantly reduced systolic, diastolic, and mean BP, respectively, by an average of 16 (p < 0.001), 12 (p < 0.01), and 13 mm Hg (p < 0.01) to prehypertensive values. There were no significant changes of vasoactive factors from the kallikrein-kinin or renin-angiotensin systems. After the RE training program, the BP values remained stable during a 4-week detraining period. Taken together, this study shows for the first time that conventional moderate-intensity RE alone is able to reduce the BP of stage 1 hypertensive subjects free of antihypertensive medication. Moreover, the benefits of BP reduction achieved with RE training remained unchanged for up to 4 weeks without exercise.
Background: Felypressin has been added to local anesthetic to increase the length of the anesthetic effect and reduce toxicity during dental procedures. However, the effect on blood pressure remains uncertain, and this may be highly relevant in the dental treatment of hypertensive patients. Objective: To investigate the effect of felypressin on blood pressure in hypertensive patients with controlled BP. Methods: 71 subjects with these characteristics and in need of periodontal treatment were studied. After 10 minutes of rest, local anesthesia (prilocaine) was infiltrated with and without addition of felypressin. Then, a deep subgingival scaling was performed. Blood pressure was measured by an automated oscillometric device (DIXTAL DX2010). Ten minutes after the administration of the anesthetic, peak anesthetic action was recorded. The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) was used to assess the patients' trait anxiety. Results: Systolic blood pressure increased after anesthesia, regardless of association with felypressin, throughout the dental procedure (p<0.05) and this response can be explained, at least in part, by the trait anxiety levels of the subjects. However, a further increase in diastolic blood pressure was observed when prilocaine was associated with felypressin (p<0.05), but this response did not change with trait anxiety levels. Conclusion: Felypressin increased the diastolic blood pressure of hypertensive patients with controlled blood pressure. Patients with high trait anxiety presented increases in systolic blood pressure upon some procedures, suggesting that an increase in blood pressure might also be related to fear or anxiety. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2012;99(2):724-731)
In this minireview we describe the involvement of the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in cardiovascular pathophysiology and exercise. The ANP has a broad homeostatic role and exerts complex effects on the cardio-circulatory hemodynamics, it is produced by the left atrium and has a key role in regulating sodium and water balance in mammals and humans. The dominant stimulus for its release is atrial wall tension, commonly caused by exercise. The ANP is involved in the process of lipolysis through a cGMP signaling pathway and, as a consequence, reducing blood pressure by decreasing the sensitivity of vascular smooth muscle to the action of vasoconstrictors and regulate fluid balance. The increase of this hormone is associated with better survival in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). This minireview provides new evidence based on recent studies related to the beneficial effects of exercise in patients with cardiovascular disease, focusing on the ANP.
Uric acid is a major inducer of inflammation in renal interstitium and may play a role in the progression of renal damage in hyperuricemic subjects with primary nephropathies, renal vascular disease, and essential hypertension. At the same time, UA also acts as a water-soluble scavenger of reactive oxygen species. We evaluated the cellular effects of UA on cultured HMC as a potential interstitial target for abnormally elevated levels in acute and chronic renal disease. Intracellular free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) was monitored by microfluorometry of fura 2-loaded cells, while oxidation of intracellularly trapped non-fluorescent 2,7-dichlorofluorescein diacetate (DCFHDA, 20 uM) was employed to assess the generation of reactive oxygen species during 12-hr incubations with various concentrations of UA or monosodium urate. Fluorescent metabolites of DCFH-DA in the culture media of HMC were detected at 485/530 nm excitation/emission wavelengths, respectively. UA dose-dependently lowered resting [Ca2+]i (from 102±9 nM to 95±3, 57±2, 48±6 nM at 1-100 uM UA, respectively, p <0.05), leaving responses to vasoconstrictors such as angiotensin II unaffected. The effect was not due to Ca2+/H+ exchange upon acidification of the bathing media, as acetate, glutamate, lactate and other organic acids rather increased [Ca2+]i (to max. levels of 497±42 nM with 0.1 mM acetate). The decrease of [Ca2+]i was abolished by raising extracellular Ca2+ and not due to effects on Ca2+ channels or activation of Ca2+-ATPases, since unaffected by thapsigargin. The process rather appeared sensitive to removal of extracellular Na+ in combination with blockers of Na+/Ca2+ exchange, such as 2’,4’-dichlorobenzamil, pointing to a countertransport mechanism. UA dose-dependently prompted the extracellular release of oxidised DCFH (control 37±2 relative fluorescence units (RFU)/ml, 0.1uM 47±2, 1 uM 48±2, 10 uM 51±4, 0.1 mM 53±4; positive control, 10 uM sodium nitroprusside 92±5 RFU/ml, p<0.01). In summary, UA interferes with Ca2+ transport in cultured HMC, triggering oxidative stress which may initiate a sequence of events leading to interstitial injury and possibly amplifying renal vascular damage and/or the progression of chronic disease.