201 resultados para VACUOLE PLASMEPSINS


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Malaria is still a major health problem in developing countries. It is caused by the protist parasite Plasmodium, in which proteases are activated during the cell cycle. Ca(2+) is a ubiquitous signalling ion that appears to regulate protease activity through changes in its intracellular concentration. Proteases are crucial to Plasmodium development, but the role of Ca(2+) in their activity is not fully understood. Here we investigated the role of Ca(2+) in protease modulation among rodent Plasmodium spp. Using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) peptides, we verified protease activity elicited by Ca(2+) from the endoplasmatic reticulum (ER) after stimulation with thapsigargin (a sarco/endoplasmatic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA) inhibitor) and from acidic compartments by stimulation with nigericin (a K(+)/H(+) exchanger) or monensin (a Na(+)/H(+) exchanger). Intracellular (BAPTA/AM) and extracellular (EGTA) Ca(2+) chelators were used to investigate the role played by Ca(2+) in protease activation. In Plasmodium berghei both EGTA and BAPTA blocked protease activation, whilst in Plasmodium yoelii these compounds caused protease activation. The effects of protease inhibitors on thapsigargin-induced proteolysis also differed between the species. Pepstatin A and phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride (PMSF) increased thapsigargin-induced proteolysis in P. berghei but decreased it in P. yoelii. Conversely. E64 reduced proteolysis in P. berghei but stimulated it in P. yoelii. The data point out key differences in proteolytic responses to Ca(2+) between species of Plasmodium. (C) 2011 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Proteases with important roles for bacterial pathogens which specifically reside within intracellular vacuoles are frequently homologous to those which have important virulence functions for other bacteria. Research has identified that some of these conserved proteases have evolved specialised functions for intracellular vacuole residing bacteria. Unique proteases with pathogenic functions have also been described from Chlamydia, Mycobacteria, and Legionella. These findings suggest that there are further novel functions for proteases from these bacteria which remain to be described. This review summarises recent findings of novel protease functions from the intracellular human pathogenic bacteria which reside exclusively in vacuoles.


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The mechanistic details of the pathogenesis of Chlamydia, an obligate intracellular pathogen of global importance, have eluded scientists due to the scarcity of traditional molecular genetic tools to investigate this organism. Here we report a chemical biology strategy that has uncovered the first essential protease for this organism. Identification and application of a unique CtHtrA inhibitor (JO146) to cultures of Chlamydia resulted in a complete loss of viable elementary body formation. JO146 treatment during the replicative phase of development resulted in a loss of Chlamydia cell morphology, diminishing inclusion size, and ultimate loss of inclusions from the host cells. This completely prevented the formation of viable Chlamydia elementary bodies. In addition to its effect on the human C. trachomatis strain, JO146 inhibited the viability of the mouse strain, Chlamydia muridarum, both in vitro and in vivo. Thus, we report a chemical biology approach to establish an essential role for Chlamydia CtHtrA. The function of CtHtrA for Chlamydia appears to be essential for maintenance of cell morphology during replicative the phase and these findings provide proof of concept that proteases can be targetted for anti-microbial therapy for intracellular pathogens.


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Salmonella has evolved several strategies to counteract intracellular microbicidal agents like reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. However, it is not yet clear how Salmonella escapes lysosomal degradation. Some studies have demonstrated that Salmonella can inhibit phagolysosomal fusion, whereas other reports have shown that the Salmonella-containing vacuole (SCV) fuses/interacts with lysosomes. Here, we have addressed this issue from a different perspective by investigating if the infected host cell has a sufficient quantity of lysosomes to target Salmonella. Our results suggest that SCVs divide along with Salmonella, resulting in a single bacterium per SCV. As a consequence, the SCV load per cell increases with the division of Salmonella inside the host cell. This demands more investment from the host cell to counteract Salmonella. Interestingly, we observed that Salmonella infection decreases the number of acidic lysosomes inside the host cell both in vitro and in vivo. These events potentially result in a condition in which an infected cell is left with insufficient acidic lysosomes to target the increasing number of SCVs, which favors the survival and proliferation of Salmonella inside the host cell.


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Tese de doutoramento, Farmácia (Química Farmacêutica e Terapêutica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Farmácia, 2014


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Haemoglobin degradation during the erythrocytic life stages is the major function of the food vacuole (FV) of Plasmodium falciparum and the target of several anti-malarial drugs that interfere with this metabolic pathway, killing the parasite. Two multi-spanning food vacuole membrane proteins are known, the multidrug resistance protein 1 (PfMDR1) and Chloroquine Resistance Transporter (PfCRT). Both modulate resistance to drugs that act in the food vacuole. To investigate the formation and behaviour of the food vacuole membrane we have generated inducible GFP fusions of chloroquine sensitive and resistant forms of the PfCRT protein. The inducible expression system allowed us to follow newly-induced fusion proteins, and corroborated a previous report of a direct trafficking route from the ER/Golgi to the food vacuole membrane. These parasites also allowed the definition of a food vacuole compartment in ring stage parasites well before haemozoin crystals were apparent, as well as the elucidation of secondary PfCRT-labelled compartments adjacent to the food vacuole in late stage parasites. We demonstrated that in addition to previously demonstrated Brefeldin A sensitivity, the trafficking of PfCRT is disrupted by Dynasore, a non competitive inhibitor of dynamin-mediated vesicle formation. Chloroquine sensitivity was not altered in parasites over-expressing chloroquine resistant or sensitive forms of the PfCRT fused to GFP, suggesting that the PfCRT does not mediate chloroquine transport as a GFP fusion protein.


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In this thesis, we investigated the interaction of the obligate intracellular parasite Leishmania (L.) major with two phenotypes of human monocyte derived macrophages (hMDMs). Thereby we focused on the development and maturation of the parasitophorous vacuole (PV) and could show that compartment development is dependent on the parasite stage.rnFocusing on the ultrastructure of PVs containing axenic amastigotes, we demonstrated that the parasites are partially located in damaged PVs or in the cytoplasm of the host. Moreover, we visualized multiple amastigotes in a common PV 144 h p.i. in pro-inflammatory hMDM I but not in anti-inflammatory hMDM II indicating different PV development. rnRegarding the promastigote form, we demonstrated a different uptake of viable and apoptotic L. major promastigotes by hMDMs. Viable promastigotes are predominantly taken up via the flagellum tip whereas apoptotic promastigotes enter the cells via the parasite body. Analyzing compartment maturation, we found that 20-30% of the PVs get positive for the early maturation markers PI3P and EEA1 independent of the viability of the parasites and unaffected by the human macrophage type. Subsequently, 25-40% of the parasites acquire the autophagy marker LC3 on their PV, what is independent of the viability of the parasites as well. We quantified this and in hMDM II less LC3-positive compartments formed compared to hMDM I. Analyzing the ultrastructure, we investigated that the compartments consist of a single-membrane PV characteristic for LC3-associated phagocytosis (LAP). Involvement of LAP was confirmed by demonstrating that the protein kinase ULK1 is dispensable for LC3-compartment formation around Leishmania PVs. Visualizing compartment dynamics in real time showed that apoptotic promastigotes are degraded in LC3-positve compartments, whereas viable promastigotes are able to get rid of LC3-protein on their PV suggesting an involvement in parasite development and survival. In this thesis, we established a lentiviral based fluorescent imaging technique that we combined with High-Pressure-Freezing (HPF) and high-resolution 3D electron microscopy. We visualized a promastigote in a LC3-compartment whose ultrastructure showed an opening of the PV to the outside. To identify new LAP markers involved in Leishmania infection, we established an immuno-magnetic isolation protocol for the purification of Leishmania containing compartments.rnIn conclusion, this study suggests that L. major compartment biogenesis and maturation in pro- and anti-inflammatory human macrophages is dependent on the parasite stage and is different between axenic amastigotes, viable promastigotes and apoptotic promastigotes. Understanding the development and maturation of Leishmania parasites in human host cells is important to control and combat the neglected disease leishmaniasis in the future.rn


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SUMMARY: In Neospora caninum and Toxoplasma gondii, the parasitophorous vacuole (PV) is synthesized at the time of infection. During tachyzoite-to-bradyzoite stage conversion, the PV is later transformed into a tissue cyst that allows parasites to survive in their host for extended periods of time. We report on the characterization of NcMAG1, the N. caninum orthologue of T. gondii MAG1 (matrix antigen 1; TgMAG1). The 456 amino acid predicted NcMAG1 protein is 54% identical to TgMAG1. By immunoblotting, a rabbit antiserum raised against recombinant NcMAG1 detected a major product of approximately 67 kDa in extracts of N. caninum tachyzoite-infected Vero cells, which was stained more prominently in extracts of infected Vero cells treated to induce in vitro bradyzoite conversion. Immunofluorescence and TEM localized the protein mainly within the cyst wall and the cyst matrix. In both tachyzoites and bradyzoites, NcMAG1 was associated with the parasite dense granules. Comparison between NcMAG1 and TgMAG1 amino acid sequences revealed that the C-terminal conserved regions exhibit 66% identity, while the N-terminal variable regions exhibit only 32% identity. Antibodies against NcMAG1-conserved region cross-reacted with the orthologuous protein in T. gondii but those against the variable region did not. This indicates that the variable region possesses unique antigenic characteristics.


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The coordinated exit of intracellular pathogens from host cells is a process critical to the success and spread of an infection. While phospholipases have been shown to play important roles in bacteria host cell egress and virulence, their role in the release of intracellular eukaryotic parasites is largely unknown. We examined a malaria parasite protein with phospholipase activity and found it to be involved in hepatocyte egress. In hepatocytes, Plasmodium parasites are surrounded by a parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM), which must be disrupted before parasites are released into the blood. However, on a molecular basis, little is known about how the PVM is ruptured. We show that Plasmodium berghei phospholipase, PbPL, localizes to the PVM in infected hepatocytes. We provide evidence that parasites lacking PbPL undergo completely normal liver stage development until merozoites are produced but have a defect in egress from host hepatocytes. To investigate this further, we established a live-cell imaging-based assay, which enabled us to study the temporal dynamics of PVM rupture on a quantitative basis. Using this assay we could show that PbPL-deficient parasites exhibit impaired PVM rupture, resulting in delayed parasite egress. A wild-type phenotype could be re-established by gene complementation, demonstrating the specificity of the PbPL deletion phenotype. In conclusion, we have identified for the first time a Plasmodium phospholipase that is important for PVM rupture and in turn for parasite exit from the infected hepatocyte and therefore established a key role of a parasite phospholipase in egress.


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Plant cell vacuoles may have either storage or degradative functions. Vegetative storage proteins (VSPs) are synthesized in response to wounding and to developmental switches that affect carbon and nitrogen sinks. Here we show that VSPs are stored in a unique type of vacuole that is derived from degradative central vacuoles coincident with insertion of a new tonoplast intrinsic protein (TIP), δ-TIP, into their membranes. This finding demonstrates a tight coupling between the presence of δ-TIP and acquisition of a specialized storage function and indicates that TIP isoforms may determine vacuole identity.


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The Saccharomyces cerevisiae myosin-V, Myo2p, has been implicated in the polarized movement of several organelles and is essential for yeast viability. We have shown previously that Myo2p is required for the movement of a portion of the lysosome (vacuole) into the bud and consequently for proper inheritance of this organelle during cell division. Class V myosins have a globular carboxyl terminal tail domain that is proposed to mediate localization of the myosin, possibly through interaction with organelle-specific receptors. Here we describe a myo2 allele whose phenotypes support this hypothesis. vac15–1/myo2–2 has a single mutation in this globular tail domain, causing defects in vacuole movement and inheritance. Although a portion of wild-type Myo2p fractionates with the vacuole, the myo2–2 gene product does not. In addition, the mutant protein does not concentrate at sites of active growth, the predominant location of wild-type Myo2p. Although deletion of the tail domain is lethal, the myo2–2 gene product retains the essential functions of Myo2p. Moreover, myo2–2 does not cause the growth defects and lethal genetic interactions seen in myo2–66, a mutant defective in the actin-binding domain. These observations suggest that the myo2–2 mutation specifically disrupts interactions with selected myosin receptors, namely those on the vacuole membrane and those at sites of polarized growth.


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Proper functioning of organelles necessitates efficient protein targeting to the appropriate subcellular locations. For example, degradation in the fungal vacuole relies on an array of targeting mechanisms for both resident hydrolases and their substrates. The particular processes that are used vary depending on the available nutrients. Under starvation conditions, macroautophagy is the primary method by which bulk cytosol is sequestered into autophagic vesicles (autophagosomes) destined for this organelle. Molecular genetic, morphological, and biochemical evidence indicates that macroautophagy shares much of the same cellular machinery as a biosynthetic pathway for the delivery of the vacuolar hydrolase, aminopeptidase I, via the cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway. The machinery required in both pathways includes a novel protein modification system involving the conjugation of two autophagy proteins, Apg12p and Apg5p. The conjugation reaction was demonstrated to be dependent on Apg7p, which shares homology with the E1 family of ubiquitin-activating enzymes. In this study, we demonstrate that Apg7p functions at the sequestration step in the formation of Cvt vesicles and autophagosomes. The subcellular localization of Apg7p fused to green fluorescent protein (GFP) indicates that a subpopulation of Apg7pGFP becomes membrane associated in an Apg12p-dependent manner. Subcellular fractionation experiments also indicate that a portion of the Apg7p pool is pelletable under starvation conditions. Finally, we demonstrate that the Pichia pastoris homologue Gsa7p that is required for peroxisome degradation is functionally similar to Apg7p, indicating that this novel conjugation system may represent a general nonclassical targeting mechanism that is conserved across species.


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The interaction between v-SNAREs on transport vesicles and t-SNAREs on target membranes is required for membrane traffic in eukaryotic cells. Here we identify Vti1p as the first v-SNARE protein found to be required for biosynthetic traffic into the yeast vacuole, the equivalent of the mammalian lysosome. Certain vti1-ts yeast mutants are defective in alkaline phosphatase transport from the Golgi to the vacuole and in targeting of aminopeptidase I from the cytosol to the vacuole. VTI1 interacts genetically with the vacuolar t-SNARE VAM3, which is required for transport of both alkaline phosphatase and aminopeptidase I to the vacuole. The v-SNARE Nyv1p forms a SNARE complex with Vam3p in homotypic vacuolar fusion; however, we find that Nyv1p is not required for any of the three biosynthetic pathways to the vacuole. v-SNAREs were thought to ensure specificity in membrane traffic. However, Vti1p also functions in two additional membrane traffic pathways: Vti1p interacts with the t-SNAREs Pep12p in traffic from the TGN to the prevacuolar compartment and with Sed5p in retrograde traffic to the cis-Golgi. The ability of Vti1p to mediate multiple fusion steps requires additional proteins to ensure specificity in membrane traffic.


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The gene ptc4+ encodes one of four type 2C protein phosphatases (PP2C) in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Deletion of ptc4+ is not lethal; however, Δptc4 cells grow slowly in defined minimal medium and undergo premature growth arrest in response to nitrogen starvation. Interestingly, Δptc4 cells are unable to fuse vacuoles in response to hypotonic stress or nutrient starvation. Conversely, Ptc4 overexpression appears to induce vacuole fusion. These findings reveal a hitherto unrecognized function of type 2C protein phosphatases: regulation of vacuole fusion. Ptc4 localizes in vacuole membranes, which suggests that Ptc4 regulates vacuole fusion by dephosphorylation of one or more proteins in the vacuole membrane. Vacuole function is required for the process of autophagy that is induced by nutrient starvation; thus, the vacuole defect of Δptc4 cells might explain why these cells undergo premature growth arrest in response to nitrogen starvation.


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Protein transport to the lysosome-like vacuole in yeast is mediated by multiple pathways, including the biosynthetic routes for vacuolar hydrolases, the endocytic pathway, and autophagy. Among the more than 40 genes required for vacuolar protein sorting (VPS) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, mutations in the four class C VPS genes result in the most severe vacuolar protein sorting and morphology defects. Herein, we provide complementary genetic and biochemical evidence that the class C VPS gene products (Vps18p, Vps11p, Vps16p, and Vps33p) physically and functionally interact to mediate a late step in protein transport to the vacuole. Chemical cross-linking experiments demonstrated that Vps11p and Vps18p, which both contain RING finger zinc-binding domains, are components of a hetero-oligomeric protein complex that includes Vps16p and the Sec1p homologue Vps33p. The class C Vps protein complex colocalized with vacuolar membranes and a distinct dense membrane fraction. Analysis of cells harboring a temperature-conditional vps18 allele (vps18tsf) indicated that Vps18p function is required for the biosynthetic, endocytic, and autophagic protein transport pathways to the vacuole. In addition, vps18tsf cells accumulated multivesicular bodies, autophagosomes, and other membrane compartments that appear to represent blocked transport intermediates. Overproduction of either Vps16p or the vacuolar syntaxin homologue Vam3p suppressed defects associated with vps18tsf mutant cells, indicating that the class C Vps proteins and Vam3p may functionally interact. Thus we propose that the class C Vps proteins are components of a hetero-oligomeric protein complex that mediates the delivery of multiple transport intermediates to the vacuole.