1000 resultados para V. sativa
Dois surtos de uma doença associada ao pastoreio de duas espécies de ervilhaca (predominantemente Vicia villosa e, em menor grau, V. sativa) foram observados em agosto-setembro de 2001, em vacas Holandesas adultas de duas propriedades rurais do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram afetadas, em uma das propriedades, quatro de 42 vacas (9,5%) e, na outra, uma de oito vacas (12,5%). Os sinais clÃnicos incluÃam, embora não em todos os casos, febre, prurido, espessamento e enrugamento da pele com placas multifocais de alopecia, conjuntivite, corrimento nasal seroso, perda de peso, acentuada queda na produção de leite e diarréia. O curso clÃnico foi de aproximadamente duas semanas. Todas as vacas afetadas clinicamente morreram, uma foi sacrificada; três foram necropsiadas. Em cada um desses animais havia um padrão de lesões sistêmicas que consistiam de nódulos multifocais ou coalescentes, macios ou moderadamente firmes e branco-acinzentados, que infiltravam vários órgãos, mas eram particularmente proeminentes no miocárdio, nos linfonodos, no baço, na glândula adrenal e no córtex renal. Essas lesões resultavam em aumento de volume e alteração na arquitetura do órgão invadido. Microscopicamente, as lesões consis-tiam de extensa infiltração celular composta de proporções variáveis de macrófagos epitelióides, linfócitos, plasmócitos, células gigantes multinucleadas e eosinófilos. Os números de eosinófilos eram geralmente altos. Essa infiltração granulomatosa causava degeneração e perda de células parenquimatosas no órgão afetado. A intensidade das lesões variou entre as três vacas e entre os vários órgãos de cada animal. Essa é a primeira documentação no Brasil de doença granulomatosa sistêmica em bovinos associada ao pastoreio de ervilhaca.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Globalization has resulted in unprecedented movements of people, goods, and alien species across the planet. Although the impacts of biological invasions are widely appreciated, a bias exists in research effort to post-dispersal processes because of the difficulties of measuring propagule pressure. The Antarctic provides an ideal model system in which to investigate propagule movements because of the region's isolation and small number of entry routes. Here we investigated the logistics operations of the South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP) and quantified the initial dispersal of alien species into the region. we found that over 1400 seeds from 99 taxa are transported into the Antarctic each field season in association with SANAP passenger luggage and cargo. The first ever assessment of propagule drop-off indicated that 30-50% of these propagules will enter the recipient environment. Many of the taxa include cosmopolitan weeds and known aliens in the Antarctic, indicating that logistics operations form part of a globally self-perpetuating cycle moving alien species between areas of human disturbance. in addition, propagules of some taxa native to the Antarctic region were also found, suggesting that human movements may be facilitating intra-regional homogenization. Several relatively simple changes in biosecurity policy that could significantly reduce the threat of introduction of nonnative species are suggested.
Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae establishes root nodule symbioses with several legume genera. Although most isolates are equally effective in establishing symbioses with all host genera, previous evidence suggests that hosts select specific rhizobial genotypes among those present in the soil. We have used population genomics to further investigate this observation. P. sativum, L. culinaris, V. sativa, and V. faba plants were used to trap rhizobia from a well-characterized soil, and pooled genomic DNAs from one-hundred isolates from each plant were sequenced. Sequence reads were aligned to the R. leguminosarum bv. viciae 3841 reference genome. High overall conservation of sequences was observed in all subpopulations, although several multigenic regions were absent from the soil population. A large fraction (16-22%) of sequence reads could not be recruited to the reference genome, suggesting that they represent sequences specific to that particular soil population. Although highly conserved, the 16S-23S rRNA gene region presented single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) regarding the reference genome, but no striking differences could be found among plant-selected subpopulations. Plant-specific SNP patterns were, however, clearly observed within the nod gene cluster, supporting the existence of a plant preference for specific rhizobial genotypes. This was also shown after genome-wide analysis of SNP patterns.
Legumes establish a root-nodule symbiosis with soil bacteria collectively known as rhizobia. This symbiosis allows legumes to benefit from the nitrogen fixation capabilities of rhizobia and thus to grow in the absence of any fixed nitrogen source. This is especially relevant for Agriculture, where intensive plant growth depletes soils of useable, fixed nitrogen sources. One of the main features of the root nodule symbiosis is its specificity. Different rhizobia are able to nodulate different legumes. Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae is able to establish an effective symbiosis with four different plant genera (Pisum, Lens, Vicia, Lathyrus), and any given isolate will nodulate any of the four plant genera. A population genomics study with rhizobia isolated from P. sativum, L. culinaris, V. sativa or V. faba, all originating in the same soil, showed that plants select specific genotypes from those available in that soil. This was demonstrated at the genome-wide level, but also for specific genes. Accelerated mesocosm studies with successive plant cultures provided additional evidence on this plant selection and on the nature of the genotypes selected. Finally, representatives from the major rhizobial genotypes isolated from these plants allowed characterization of the size and nature of the respective pangenome and specific genome compartments. These were compared to the different genotypes ?symbiotic and non-symbiotic?present in rhizobial populations isolated directly from the soil without plant intervention.
Rhizobium leguminosarum bv viciae (Rlv) is a soil bacterium able to establish specific root-nodule symbioses with legumes of four different genera: Pisum, Vicia, Lens and Lathyrus. Rlv isolates from nodules of any of these legumes can nodulate any of them; however, it has been shown that plants select specific rhizobial genotypes from those present in the soil (1,2). We have previously shown this at the genomic level by following a population genomics approach. Pool genomic sequences from 100 isolates from each of four plant species: P. sativum, L. culinaris, V. faba and V. sativa, show different, specific profiles at the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) level for relevant genes. In this work, the extent of Rlv selection from a well-characterized soil population by different legume plant hosts: P. sativum, L. culinaris, V. faba and V. sativa, after a medium-term mesocosm study is described. Direct soil isolates from each of these mesocosm studies have been tested for specific rhizobial genes (glnII and fnrN) and symbiotic genes (nodC and nifH). Different populations were characterized further by Sanger sequencing of both the rpoB phylogenetic marker gene and the symbiotic genes nodC and nifH. The distribution and size of the rhizobial population for each legume host showed changes during the medium-term mesocosm study. Particularly, a non-symbiotic group of rhizobia was enriched by all four hosts, in contrast to the symbiotic rhizobia profile, which was specific for each legume plant host.
Rhizobium leguminosarum bv viciae (Rlv) is a bacterium able to establish effective symbioses with four different legume genera: Pisum, Lens, Lathyrus and Vicia. Classic studies using trap plants have previously shown that, given a choice, different plants prefer specific genotypes of rhizobia, which are adapted to the host (1, 2). In previous work we have performed a Pool-Seq analysis bases on pooled DNA samples from Rlv nodule isolates obtained from Pisum sativum, Lens culinaris, Vicia fava and V. sativa plants, used as rhizobial traps. This experiment allowed us to test the host preference hypothesis: different plant hosts select specific sub-populations of rhizobia from the available population present in a given soil. We have observed that plant-selected sub-populations are different at the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) level. We have selected individual isolates from each sub-population (9 fava-bean isolates, 14 pea isolates 9 vetch isolates and 9 lentil isolates) and sequenced their genomes at draft level (ca. 30x, 90 contigs). Genomic analyses have been carried out using J-species and CMG-Biotools. All the isolates had similar genome size (7.5 Mb) and number of genes (7,300). The resulting Average Nucleotide Identity (ANIm) tree showed that Rhizobium leguminosarum bv viciae is a highly diverse group. Each plant-selected subpopulation showed a closed pangenome and core genomes of similar size (11,500 and 4,800 genes, respectively). The addition of all four sub-population results in a larger, closed pangenome of 19,040 genes and a core genome of similar size (4,392 genes). Each sub-population contains a characteristic set of genes but no universal, plant-specific genes were found. The core genome obtained from all four sub-populations is probably a representative core genome for Rhizobium leguminosarum, given that the reference genome (Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae strain 3841) contains most of the core genome. We have also analyzed the symbiotic cluster (nod), and different nod cluster genotypes were found in each sub-population. Supported by MINECO (Consolider-Ingenio 2010, MICROGEN Project, CSD2009-00006).
The use of cover crops is a fundamental strategy to the weed management in Southern Brazil. In highly infested areas, the herbicides use is increasing, which increases the costs of the crops production as well as the environmental contamination. Oat and velvet bean plants havecontrasting characteristics regarding to residues decomposition speed and the capacity to immobilize Nitrogen in the soil, providing distinct results of weeds suppression throughout the time, and therefore, requiring distinct management strategies before, during, and after the corn crop establishment. The general objective of the experiment was to evaluate the environmental dynamics of the herbicide atrazine, the corn grain yield, and the efficiency of the weed control, considering areas with distinct history regarding the use of mulching, levels of straw and rates of atrazine. For this, the experiment was carried out in two parts: in the first part, two trials with the corn crop were established, one using oat and the other using velvet bean as cover crops. The experimental design used for both field trials was randomized complete blocks arrangement with four replications. The factor A was constituted by four levels of straw (0; 0.75x; 1.5x; 3x) and the factor B was constituted by four rates of the herbicide atrazine (0; 2100; 4200; 8400 g a i. ha-1). Soil samples were collected for greenhouse trialsto determine the persistence. Atrazine leaching evaluation was performed by chromatography using samples collected over the soil profile.In the field, the weed density, the fresh and dry weight and the yield of the corn were evaluated. In the greenhouse trials, the main variables evaluated were plant height and injury caused by the herbicide toxicity. In the second part, soils with distinct covering history were sampled, and the mineralization and sorption studies, both with 14C-atrazine, were conducted in the laboratory. The experimental design was randomized complete blocks arrangement with four replications. The results from the field experiment show that the high levels of straw above ground, isolated, were not efficient to control completely the weeds, and that high levels of velvet bean`s straw decreased the corn potential yield. The greenhouse trials showed that high levels of oat straw prevent the scape of atrazine to soil, this effect of oat straw upon the herbicide availability on soil was detected up to 12 days after spraying. The half-life of atrazine sprayed over oat straw varied from 7 to 14 days after spraying, while the half-life of atrazine sprayed over velvet bean varied from 5 to 14 days after spraying. Increasing oat straw levels presents the capacity to reduce the lixiviation of atrazine in the soil profile, however, this effect was not verified when using velvet bean straw, because the herbicide was not detected in the soil profile, at 21 days after spraying. The chromatographic analysis indicate thatthe atrazine concentrates closer to the soil surface regardless of amount of straw, not being detected deeper than 8 cm in the soil. The accumulated mineralization of 14C-arazine sprayed over V. sativa is superior if compared to soils with S. cereale or non-covered soils. The sorption coefficient of atrazine is superior when sprayed over straw than over the soil.
Com o objetivo de determinar a concentração e acúmulo de nutrientes durante as fases de desenvolvimento da alface Grand Rapids, cultura de corte, foi instalado um experimento na área experimental da ESALQ e amostras foram coletadas aos 20, 30, 40 e 50 dias da semeadura, em canteiros com alto teor de matéria orgânica e solo Latossolo Vermelho Escuro Orto série Luiz de Queiroz. Aos 50 dias após a semeadura o teor de nutrientes foi: N-3,35% e 1,76%, P-0,46% e 0,5%, K-4,49% e 5,92% , Ca-0,92% e 0,58%, Mg-0,32% e 0,23%, S-0,23% e 0,25%, B-43ppm e 62ppm , Cu-21ppm e 22 ppm, Mn-71ppm e 39ppm , Zn-98ppm e 103ppm e Fe-513ppm e 1.100ppm, na parte aérea a raiz, respectivamente. Um are dessa cultura extrai: N-1,44kg, P-0,23kg , Ca-0,40kg, Mg-0,15kg, S-0,11kg, B-2,10g, Cu-0,97g, Mn-3,07g, Zn-4,52g.
Cardiovascular disease is a serious public health problem; it is the first cause of death in Brazil and in developed countries. Thus, it is essential to search for alternative sources such as some functional foods to prevent and control the risks of this disease. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the lipidemic parameters in hypercholesterolemic rats fed diets containing black rice variety IAC 600 or unrefined rice. Adult male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus var. albinos) were used, weighing about 200-220 g. The animals were divided into four groups: the first received a control casein diet, the second received hypercholesterolemic diet, and the other two groups, after induction of hypercholesterolemia, received the test diets, the first containing 20% black rice and the second 20% unrefined, for 30 days. It was observed that diet containing black rice reduced the level of plasma cholesterol, triglycerides, and low-density lipoprotein. For high-density lipoprotein values, the diet that provided an increase in the levels was the black rice. The diet containing black rice was more effective in controlling the lipidemia in rats compared with the whole rice diet.
This study aimed to evaluate the viability of using treated residuary water from the Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant of Ribeiro Preto to grow vegetables, through the characterization and quantification of parasites, coliforms, and heavy metals. Three equal cultivation areas were prepared. The first was irrigated with treated/chlorinated (0.2 mg L(-1)) wastewater, the second one with treated wastewater without chlorination, and the third site with potable water, which was the control group. The presence of Hymenolepis nana, Enterobius vermicularis, nematode larvae, and Entamoeba coli was verified in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) samples. Although nematode larvae were observed in rocket salad (Eruca sativa L.), no significant differences were found between the number of parasites and type of irrigation water used. No significant differences were found between the number of fecal coliforms in vegetables and the different types of irrigation. However, the vegetables irrigated with treated effluent without chlorination showed higher levels of fecal coliforms. The risk of pathogens is reduced with bleach addition to the treated effluent at 0.2 mg/L. Concentration of heavy metals in vegetables does not mean significant risks to human health, according with the parameters recommended by the World Health Organization.
Whole rice has been widely studied due to the abundance of bioactive compounds in its pericarp. Some of the beneficial effects of these compounds on human health have been attributed to their antioxidant and other biological activities, such as enzyme inhibition. In this work, we evaluated the contents of total, soluble and insoluble phenolic compounds of 6 red and 10 non-pigmented genotypes of whole rice as well as their inhibitory effect on the activity of angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE). The effects of cooking on phenolics and their inhibitory activities were also investigated. Red genotypes showed high content of phenolics, mainly soluble compounds, at an average of 409.7 mg ferulic acid eq./100 g, whereas overall lower average levels (99.4 mg ferulic acid eq./100 g) at an approximate soluble/insoluble compound ratio of 1:1 were observed in non-pigmented rice. Pigmented rice displayed a greater inhibitory effect on ACE than non-pigmented rice. In fact, a significant correlation between the content of soluble phenolics and ACE inhibition was observed (r = 0.8985, p < 0.05). In addition to significantly reducing the levels of total phenolics and ACE inhibition, cooking altered the soluble/insoluble compound ratio, especially among red rice genotypes. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study was conducted to evaluate the natural variability of total, extractable and non-extractable phenolics in pigmented and non-pigmented rice genotypes (Oryza sativa L.) and to estimate whether the contents and distribution of these compounds are typical for genotypes from indica and japonica subspecies. Twenty-one samples of commercial as well as new genotypes of brown rice, including seven pigmented genotypes were obtained from two Agronomic Institutes in South Brazil. Free and conjugated phenolics were extracted with ethanol, while bound phenolics were released by alkaline hydrolysis. Total phenolics were estimated in both fractions by the Folin-Ciocalteau method. Genotypes from Japonica and indica non-pigmented subspecies were not statistically distinguishable from each other, but differences in phenolic contents were associated with pericarp color. Despite individual differences, total phenolics were four times higher in pigmented than in non-pigmented genotypes (4246 and 1073 mg ferulic acid equiv. kg(-1), respectively). These high amounts were mostly due to the presence of extractable (free and conjugated) phenolics, which comprised up to 81% of total phenolics for pigmented genotypes. Non-extractable (bound) phenolics comprised 40% of total phenolics of non-pigmented rice genotypes while pigmented genotypes presented greater absolute amounts, but their contribution on total phenolics was small. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Whole rice contains several fat-soluble phytochemicals such. as tocopherols, tocotrienols, and gamma-oryzanol which have been reported to possess beneficial health properties. This study was conducted to determine whether brown rice belonging to indica and japonica subspecies were distinguishable from each other regarding the concentration of these compounds by analyzing 32 genotypes. The fat-soluble compounds were analyzed by normal-phase HPLC in a single run. The variability of the compounds analyzed was high, but the mean content of gamma-oryzanol across all samples was significantly higher (P < 0.01) in japonica (246.3 mg/kg) than in indica rice (190.1 mg/kg). Similar differences were found for total vitamin E contents which were 24.2 mg/kg injaponica and 17.1 mg/kg in indica rice, respectively. In japonica rice, alpha-tocopherol, alpha-tocotrienol, and gamma-tocotrienol were the most abundant homologs, while in indica rice the most abundant were gamma-tocotrienol, alpha-tocopherol, and alpha-tocotrienol. A significant Pearson coefficient (0.80, P < 0.001) between alpha-tocopherol and alpha-tocotrienol levels was found, independent of the subspecies. Both compounds were positively correlated to total tocols and gamma-oryzanol contents. Although more studies are needed to evaluate the interference of growing rice in different environments and multiple years, the present study provided information on natural variations of the vitamin E isomers and the gamma-oryzanol contents in different rice genotypes.
This work studied the radiation resistance of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella species and the effect of irradiation on leaf flavonoid content and sensory acceptability of minimally processed arugula. Immersion in ozone-treated water reduced the analyzed microorganisms by 1 log. L. monocytogenes and Salmonella were not isolated from samples. Samples of this vegetable were inoculated with a cocktail of Salmonella spp. and L. monocytogenes and exposed to gamma irradiation. D-10 values for Salmonella ranged from 0.16 to 0.19 kGy and for L. monocytogenes from 0.37 to 0.48 kGy. Kaempferol glycoside levels were 4 and ca. 3 times higher in samples exposed to 1 and 2 kGy, respectively, than in control samples. An increase in quercetin glycoside was also observed mainly in samples exposed to 1 kGy. In sensory evaluation, arugula had good acceptability, even after exposure to 2 and 4 kGy. These results indicate that irradiation has potential as a practical processing step to improve the safety of arugula.