998 resultados para Usurpation de titre


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Depuis l’arrivée de la psychologie dans les universités québécoises en 1872, la psychologie n’a cessé d’évoluer. Alors qu’autrefois aucune loi ne régissait la pratique de la psychothérapie et l’usage du titre de psychothérapeute, le gouvernement du Québec a adopté en 2009, le projet de loi 21. Ce mémoire retrace l’histoire de la psychologie au Québec ainsi que l’histoire de l’Ordre des psychologues du Québec en portant une attention particulière aux changements légaux concernant la règlementation de la pratique de la psychothérapie et l’usage de titres réservés. Afin de dresser un portrait de la psychothérapie au Québec deux ans après l’adoption de la Loi 28 (mieux connue sous le nom de projet de loi 21), trois banques de données de l’Ordre des psychologues ont été utilisées ( 1) «Membres», 2) «Psychothérapeutes» et 3) «Signalement psychothérapie»). De ces trois banques de données, deux sont construites à partir de formulaires remplis par les psychologues et psychothérapeutes. Des 8509 psychologues, 870 psychothérapeutes, et 524 dossiers de pratique illégale (usurpation de titres professionnels et/ou pratique illégale de la psychothérapie) inclus dans l’étude, des différences statistiquement significatives ont été remarquées pour ce qui est du sexe, de l’âge et de la langue maternelle. Toutefois, l’effet de taille était petit. Les différences les plus importantes étaient observables au niveau de la scolarité et de l’exercice de la psychothérapie. Les dispositions de la Loi modifiant le Code des professions et d’autres dispositions législatives dans le domaine de la santé mentale et des relations humaines n’étant en vigueur que depuis deux ans, il serait intéressant de suivre l’évolution de la psychothérapie et de la pratique illégale de la psychothérapie au Québec dans les prochaines années.


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We provide the first evidence for interspecific warfare in bees, a spectacular natural phenomenon that involves a series of aerial battles and leads to thousands of fatalities from both attacking and defending colonies. Molecular analysis of fights at a hive of the Australian stingless bee Tetragonula carbonaria revealed that the attack was launched by a related species, Tetragonula hockingsi, which has only recently extended its habitat into southeastern Queensland. Following a succession of attacks by the same T. hockingsi colony over a 4-month period, the defending T. carbonaria colony was defeated and the hive usurped, with the invading colony installing a new queen. We complemented our direct observations with a 5-year study of more than 260 Tetragonula hives and found interspecific hive changes, which were likely to be usurpation events, occurring in 46 hives over this period. We discuss how fighting swarms and hive usurpation fit with theoretical predictions on the evolution of fatal fighting and highlight the many unexplained features of these battles that warrant further study.


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Lentiviral vectors pseudotyped with vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (VSV-G) are emerging as the vectors of choice for in vitro and in vivo gene therapy studies. However, the current method for harvesting lentivectors relies upon ultracentrifugation at 50 000 g for 2 h. At this ultra-high speed, rotors currently in use generally have small volume capacity. Therefore, preparations of large volumes of high-titre vectors are time-consuming and laborious to perform. In the present study, viral vector supernatant harvests from vector-producing cells (VPCs) were pre-treated with various amounts of poly-L-lysine (PLL) and concentrated by low speed centrifugation. Optimal conditions were established when 0.005% of PLL (w/v) was added to vector supernatant harvests, followed by incubation for 30 min and centrifugation at 10 000 g for 2 h at 4 degreesC. Direct comparison with ultracentrifugation demonstrated that the new method consistently produced larger volumes (6 ml) of high-titre viral vector at 1 x 10(8) transduction unit (TU)/ml (from about 3000 ml of supernatant) in one round of concentration. Electron microscopic analysis showed that PLL/viral vector formed complexes, which probably facilitated easy precipitation at low-speed concentration (10 000 g), a speed which does not usually precipitate viral particles efficiently. Transfection of several cell lines in vitro and transduction in vivo in the liver with the lentivector/PLL complexes demonstrated efficient gene transfer without any significant signs of toxicity. These results suggest that the new method provides a convenient means for harvesting large volumes of high-titre lentivectors, facilitate gene therapy experiments in large animal or human gene therapy trials, in which large amounts of lentiviral vectors are a prerequisite.


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Evolutionary conflicts among social hymenopteran nestmates are theoretically likely to arise over the production of males and the sex ratio. Analysis of these conflicts has become an important focus of research into the role of kin selection in shaping social traits of hymenopteran colonies. We employ microsatellite analysis of nestmates of one social hymenopteran, the primitively eusocial and monogynous bumblebee Bombus hypnorum, to evaluate these conflicts. In our 14 study colonies, B. hypnorum queens mated between one and six times (arithmetic mean 2.5). One male generally predominated, fathering most of the offspring, thus the effective number of matings was substantially lower (1–3.13; harmonic mean 1.26). In addition, microsatellite analysis allowed the detection of alien workers, those who could not have been the offspring of the queen, in approximately half the colonies. Alien workers within the same colony were probably sisters. Polyandry and alien workers resulted in high variation among colonies in their sociogenetic organization. Genetic data were consistent with the view that all males (n = 233 examined) were produced by a colony’s queen. Male parentage was therefore independent of the sociogenetic organization of the colony, suggesting that the queen, and not the workers, was in control of the laying of male-destined eggs. The population-wide sex ratio (fresh weight investment ratio) was weakly female biased. No evidence for colony-level adaptive sex ratio biasing could be detected.


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For primitively eusocial insects in which a single foundress establishes a nest at the start of the colony cycle, the solitary provisioning phase before first worker emergence represents a risky period when other, nestless foundresses may attempt to usurp the nest. In the primitively eusocial sweat bee Lasioglossum malachurum (Hymenoptera, Halictidae), spring foundresses compete for nests which are dug into hard soil. Nest-searching foundresses (‘floaters’) frequently inspected nests during this solitary phase and thereby exerted a usurpation pressure on resident queens. Usurpation has been hypothesised to increase across the solitary provisioning phase and favour closure of nests at an aggregation, marking the termination of the solitary provisioning phase by foundresses, before worker emergence. However, our experimental and observational data suggest that usurpation pressure may remain constant or even decrease across the solitary provisioning phase and therefore cannot explain nest closure before first worker emergence. Levels of aggression during encounters between residents and floaters were surprisingly low (9% of encounters across 2 years), and the outcome of confrontations was in favour of residents (resident maintains residency in 94% of encounters across 2 years). Residents were significantly larger than floaters. However, the relationship between queen size and offspring production, though positive, was not statistically significant. Size therefore seems to confer a considerable advantage to a queen during the solitary provisioning phase in terms of nest residency, but its importance in terms of worker production appears marginal. Factors other than intraspecific usurpation need to be invoked to explain the break in provisioning activity of a foundress before first worker emergence.


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This essay investigates an intricate drama of cultural identity in performances of Shakespeare on the nineteenth-century Melbourne stage. It considers the rivalry between Charles and Ellen Kean and their competitor, Barry Sullivan, for the two-month period in 1863 during which their Australian tours overlapped. This Melbourne Shakespeare war was anticipated,augmented, and richly documented in Melbourne’s papers: The Age, The Argus and Melbourne Punch. This essay pursues two seams of inquiry. The first is an investigation of the discourses of cultural and aesthetic value laced through the language of reviews of their Shakespearean roles.The essay identifies how reviewers register affective engagement with the performers in these roles, and suggests how the roles themselves reflected, by accident or design, the terms of the dispute. The second is concerned with the national identity of the actors. Kean, although born in Waterford, Ireland, had held the post of Queen Victoria’s Master of the Revels and identified himself as English. Sullivan, although born in Birmingham, was of Cork parentage and was identified as Irish by both his supporters and his detractors. This essay tracks the development of the actors’ national and artistic identities established prior to Melbourne and ask how they played out on in the context of the particularities of Australian reception. It shows that, in this instance, these actors were implicated in complex debates over national authority and cultural ownership.


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Parmi ces pièces, l'on remarque la lettre que le sultan Mourad IV écrivit au roi de Perse (folio 49) ; on trouve, aux feuillets 1-6, la première page du traité sur la correspondance diplomatique de Okčizade Mohammed Efendi, et quelques lettres officielles, tirées d'un Insha, dans une écriture divani cursive.


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Cet opuscule commence (folio 7 recto) par un résumé de la légende iranienne depuis Housheng ; vient ensuite celle des Sassanides (folio 12 verso), sous une forme encore plus sommaire ; celle de Mahomet et des khalifes (folio 16 recto), jusqu'à Mostaʿsim billah, le dernier vicaire du Prophète, qui fut mis à mort par Houlagou ; ensuite vient un chapitre, qui est donné comme le troisième de l'ouvrage (folio 26 recto), dans lequel se trouve une histoire fantaisiste du khalife Maʾmoun ; puis un chapitre donné comme le quatrième (folio 57 recto), qui expose une histoire romanesque du khalife. omayyade Valid II, fils de Yazid ; après quoi, vient un chapitre, qui serait le cinquième (folio 73 verso), dans lequel il est parlé des aventures extraordinaires qui survinrent au roi sassanide Shapour, fils d'Hormouz, à la cour de l'empereur grec, lesquelles forment une grande partie de ce recueil de légendes. On lit, à l'intérieur de l'un des plats de la reliure, le titre fantaisiste de تحفة المرتاض في التاريخ, avec cette glose que c'est une histoire des rois, contenant des anecdotes admirables et de très beaux enseignements. Manuscrit de luxe, orné d'un sarloh, enluminé en bleu et en or.


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[Vente (Livres). 1864-02-08. Paris]