13 resultados para Ustilaginaceae


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The genera Ustilago, Sporisorium and Macalpinomyces are a polyphyletic complex of plant pathogenic fungi. The four main morphological characters used to define these genera have been considered homoplasious and not useful for resolving the complex. This study re-evaluates character homology and discusses the use of these characters for defining monophyletic groups recovered from a reconstructed phylogeny using four nuclear loci. Generic delimitation of smut fungi based on their hosts is also discussed as a means for identifying genera within this group. Morphological characters and host specificity can be used to circumscribe genera within the Ustilago-Sporisorium-Macalpinomyces complex.


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The genera Ustilago, Sporisorium and Macalpinomyces are a polyphyletic complex of plant pathogenic fungi. The four main morphological characters used to define these genera have been considered homoplasious and not useful for resolving the complex. This study re-evaluates character homology and discusses the use of these characters for defining monophyletic groups recovered from a reconstructed phylogeny using four nuclear loci. Generic delimitation of smut fungi based on their hosts is also discussed as a means for identifying genera within this group. Morphological characters and host specificity can be used to circumscribe genera within the Ustilago-Sporisorium-Macalpinomyces complex.


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Todo organismo se enfrenta a condiciones desafiantes durante su desarrollo; variaciones de temperatura, humedad, presión osmótica y de pH, esta última condición se ve implicada en el grado de disponibilidad de nutrientes, entre ellos los metales, cuya solubilidad depende del pH del medio, por lo que la homeostasis de las concentraciones intracelulares de iones es fundamental para la fisiología de todo organismo vivo. El zinc forma parte estructural y es cofactor catalítico de numerosas enzimas y factores de transcripción, es por ello, que el transporte del metal está altamente regulado. Se han descrito transportadores de zinc y/o hierro pertenecientes a la familia ZIP, donde los principales representantes son Zrt1p y Zrt2p de alta y baja afinidad a zinc respectivamente, expresados ante condiciones limitantes de zinc en la levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae. En el presente estudio fueron caracterizados 2 genes que codifican para transportadores de zinc en el hongo basidiomiceto Ustilago maydis; el gen codificado en el marco de lectura abierto um00096 corresponde a un transportador de alta afinidad a zinc, siendo ortólogo a ZRT1 de S. cerevisiae, mientras que el gen codificado en el marco um03110 presentó menor afinidad por el metal, nuestros resultados indican que pudiese ser transportador de otro metal. Mediante transcripción reversa y reacción en cadena de polimerasa punto final (RTPCR), se identificó que el factor de transcripción Rim101p participa en la regulación del gen ZRT2 de U. maydis, actuando como represor, en ambientes ácidos y limitantes de zinc, y como activador en pH neutro y bajas concentraciones de zinc.


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Smut fungi are important pathogens of grasses, including the cultivated crops maize, sorghum and sugarcane. Typically, smut fungi infect the inflorescence of their host plants. Three genera of smut fungi (Ustilago, Sporisorium and Macalpinomyces) form a complex with overlapping morphological characters, making species placement problematic. For example, the newly described Macalpinomyces mackinlayi possesses a combination of morphological characters such that it cannot be unambiguously accommodated in any of the three genera. Previous attempts to define Ustilago, Sporisorium and Macalpinomyces using morphology and molecular phylogenetics have highlighted the polyphyletic nature of the genera, but have failed to produce a satisfactory taxonomic resolution. A detailed systematic study of 137 smut species in the Ustilago-Sporisorium- Macalpinomyces complex was completed in the current work. Morphological and DNA sequence data from five loci were assessed with maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference to reconstruct a phylogeny of the complex. The phylogenetic hypotheses generated were used to identify morphological synapomorphies, some of which had previously been dismissed as a useful way to delimit the complex. These synapomorphic characters are the basis for a revised taxonomic classification of the Ustilago-Sporisorium-Macalpinomyces complex, which takes into account their morphological diversity and coevolution with their grass hosts. The new classification is based on a redescription of the type genus Sporisorium, and the establishment of four genera, described from newly recognised monophyletic groups, to accommodate species expelled from Sporisorium. Over 150 taxonomic combinations have been proposed as an outcome of this investigation, which makes a rigorous and objective contribution to the fungal systematics of these important plant pathogens.


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The three genera of smut fungi, Ustilago, Sporisorium and Macalpinomyces, form a complex that has eluded resolution by morphology (Langdon & Fullerton 1975, Vánky 1991, Piepenbring et al. 1998) and molecular phylogenetic analysis (Stoll et al. 2003, 2005). Two suggestions to reconcile the taxonomy of the complex have been proposed. The first was to break up the current taxa into several smaller genera and subgenera, and the second to unify the three genera into a single genus, Ustilago (Vánky 2002, Piepenbring 2004). The former solution is dependent on finding morphological synapomorphies that can delimit the genera, and the latter solution dismisses the wide morphological diversity within the group (McTaggart et al. 2012b). Synapomorphic morphological characters and host plant classification delimited clades in the Ustilago-Sporisorium-Macalpinomyces complex (McTaggart et al. 2012a). The current study defines these synapomorphic characters and proposes a new classification for many species currently placed in Ustilago, Sporisorium and Macalpinomyces. This approach preserves the well-known genera Ustilago, Sporisorium and Macalpinomyces, and enables the classification to reflect morphological diversity in the complex.


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The fungal genera Ustilago, Sporisorium and Macalpinomyces represent an unresolved complex. Taxa within the complex often possess characters that occur in more than one genus, creating uncertainty for species placement. Previous studies have indicated that the genera cannot be separated by morphology alone. Here we chronologically review the history of the Ustilago-Sporisorium-Macalpinomyces complex, argue for its resolution and suggest methods to accomplish a stable taxonomy. A combined molecular and morphological approach is required to identify synapomorphic characters that underpin a new classification. Ustilago, Sporisorium and Macalpinomyces require explicit re-description and new genera, based on monophyletic groups, are needed to accommodate taxa that no longer fit the emended descriptions. A resolved classification will end the taxonomic confusion that surrounds generic placement of these smut fungi.


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Tiruvadi Sambasiva Venkatraman (TSV) was a plant breeder. In response to a call from Pundit Madan Mohan Malaviya, he made it his mission to develop high-yielding varieties of sugarcane for manufacturing sugar and making it available as a sweetening agent and an energy source for the malnourished children of India. Using Saccharum officinarum, then under cultivation in India, as the female parent, he artificially fertilized it with pollen from S. barberi, which grew wild in Coimbatore. After 4-5 recurrent backcrossings of S. officinarum Chi wild Sorghum spontaneum with S. officinarum as the female parent, TSV selected the `rare' interspecies hybrid cane varieties that resembled sugarcane and had approximately 2.5 cm thick juicy stems containing 16-18% sucrose - nearly 35 times more than what occurred in parent stocks. The hybrid canes matured quickly, were resistant to waterlogging, drought, and to the red-rot disease caused by Glomerella tucumanensis (Sordariomycetes: Glomerellaceae), and to the sereh-virus disease. Most importantly, they were amenable for propagation using stem cuttings. In recognition of the development of high-yielding sugarcane varieties, TSV was conferred the titles Rao Bahadur, Rao Sahib, and Sir by the British Government, and Padma Bhushan by the Republic of India. In the next few decades, consequent to TSV's work, India turned into the second largest sugar producer in the world, after Brazil. The hybrid sugarcane varieties developed are the foundational stocks for new sugarcane x bamboo hybrids, and for possible resistance to Puccinia megalocephala (Pucciniomycetes: Pucciniaceae) and Ustilago scitaminea (Ustilaginomycetes: Ustilaginaceae) using molecular techniques.


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"Reprinted from Journal of mycology, vol. 8, October 1902."