863 resultados para User perceived video quality on mobile devices


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In this work we deal with video streams over TCP networks and propose an alternative measurement to the widely used and accepted peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) due to the limitations of this metric in the presence of temporal errors. A test-bed was created to simulate buffer under-run in scalable video streams and the pauses produced as a result of the buffer under-run were inserted into the video before being employed as the subject of subjective testing. The pause intensity metric proposed in [1] was compared with the subjective results and it was shown that in spite of reductions in frame rate and resolution, a correlation with pause intensity still exists. Due to these conclusions, the metric may be employed in layer selection in scalable video streams. © 2011 IEEE.


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Trabalho de Projeto realizado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores


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Mobile devices are embedded systems with very limited capacities that need to be considered when developing a client-server application, mainly due to technical, ergonomic and economic implications to the mobile user. With the increasing popularity of mobile computing, many developers have faced problems due to low performance of devices. In this paper, we discuss how to optimize and create client-server applications for in wireless/mobile environments, presenting techniques to improve overall performance.


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Die ubiquitäre Datenverarbeitung ist ein attraktives Forschungsgebiet des vergangenen und aktuellen Jahrzehnts. Es handelt von unaufdringlicher Unterstützung von Menschen in ihren alltäglichen Aufgaben durch Rechner. Diese Unterstützung wird durch die Allgegenwärtigkeit von Rechnern ermöglicht die sich spontan zu verteilten Kommunikationsnetzwerken zusammen finden, um Informationen auszutauschen und zu verarbeiten. Umgebende Intelligenz ist eine Anwendung der ubiquitären Datenverarbeitung und eine strategische Forschungsrichtung der Information Society Technology der Europäischen Union. Das Ziel der umbebenden Intelligenz ist komfortableres und sichereres Leben. Verteilte Kommunikationsnetzwerke für die ubiquitäre Datenverarbeitung charakterisieren sich durch Heterogenität der verwendeten Rechner. Diese reichen von Kleinstrechnern, eingebettet in Gegenstände des täglichen Gebrauchs, bis hin zu leistungsfähigen Großrechnern. Die Rechner verbinden sich spontan über kabellose Netzwerktechnologien wie wireless local area networks (WLAN), Bluetooth, oder UMTS. Die Heterogenität verkompliziert die Entwicklung und den Aufbau von verteilten Kommunikationsnetzwerken. Middleware ist eine Software Technologie um Komplexität durch Abstraktion zu einer homogenen Schicht zu reduzieren. Middleware bietet eine einheitliche Sicht auf die durch sie abstrahierten Ressourcen, Funktionalitäten, und Rechner. Verteilte Kommunikationsnetzwerke für die ubiquitäre Datenverarbeitung sind durch die spontane Verbindung von Rechnern gekennzeichnet. Klassische Middleware geht davon aus, dass Rechner dauerhaft miteinander in Kommunikationsbeziehungen stehen. Das Konzept der dienstorienterten Architektur ermöglicht die Entwicklung von Middleware die auch spontane Verbindungen zwischen Rechnern erlaubt. Die Funktionalität von Middleware ist dabei durch Dienste realisiert, die unabhängige Software-Einheiten darstellen. Das Wireless World Research Forum beschreibt Dienste die zukünftige Middleware beinhalten sollte. Diese Dienste werden von einer Ausführungsumgebung beherbergt. Jedoch gibt es noch keine Definitionen wie sich eine solche Ausführungsumgebung ausprägen und welchen Funktionsumfang sie haben muss. Diese Arbeit trägt zu Aspekten der Middleware-Entwicklung für verteilte Kommunikationsnetzwerke in der ubiquitären Datenverarbeitung bei. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf Middleware und Grundlagentechnologien. Die Beiträge liegen als Konzepte und Ideen für die Entwicklung von Middleware vor. Sie decken die Bereiche Dienstfindung, Dienstaktualisierung, sowie Verträge zwischen Diensten ab. Sie sind in einem Rahmenwerk bereit gestellt, welches auf die Entwicklung von Middleware optimiert ist. Dieses Rahmenwerk, Framework for Applications in Mobile Environments (FAME²) genannt, beinhaltet Richtlinien, eine Definition einer Ausführungsumgebung, sowie Unterstützung für verschiedene Zugriffskontrollmechanismen um Middleware vor unerlaubter Benutzung zu schützen. Das Leistungsspektrum der Ausführungsumgebung von FAME² umfasst: • minimale Ressourcenbenutzung, um auch auf Rechnern mit wenigen Ressourcen, wie z.B. Mobiltelefone und Kleinstrechnern, nutzbar zu sein • Unterstützung für die Anpassung von Middleware durch Änderung der enthaltenen Dienste während die Middleware ausgeführt wird • eine offene Schnittstelle um praktisch jede existierende Lösung für das Finden von Diensten zu verwenden • und eine Möglichkeit der Aktualisierung von Diensten zu deren Laufzeit um damit Fehlerbereinigende, optimierende, und anpassende Wartungsarbeiten an Diensten durchführen zu können Eine begleitende Arbeit ist das Extensible Constraint Framework (ECF), welches Design by Contract (DbC) im Rahmen von FAME² nutzbar macht. DbC ist eine Technologie um Verträge zwischen Diensten zu formulieren und damit die Qualität von Software zu erhöhen. ECF erlaubt das aushandeln sowie die Optimierung von solchen Verträgen.


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Equipped with state-of-the-art smartphones and mobile devices, today's highly interconnected urban population is increasingly dependent on these gadgets to organize and plan their daily lives. These applications often rely on current (or preferred) locations of individual users or a group of users to provide the desired service, which jeopardizes their privacy; users do not necessarily want to reveal their current (or preferred) locations to the service provider or to other, possibly untrusted, users. In this paper, we propose privacy-preserving algorithms for determining an optimal meeting location for a group of users. We perform a thorough privacy evaluation by formally quantifying privacy-loss of the proposed approaches. In order to study the performance of our algorithms in a real deployment, we implement and test their execution efficiency on Nokia smartphones. By means of a targeted user-study, we attempt to get an insight into the privacy-awareness of users in location-based services and the usability of the proposed solutions.


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In Video over IP services, perceived video quality heavily depends on parameters such as video coding and network Quality of Service. This paper proposes a model for the estimation of perceived video quality in video streaming and broadcasting services that combines the aforementioned parameters with other that depend mainly on the information contents of the video sequences. These fitting parameters are derived from the Spatial and Temporal Information contents of the sequences. This model does not require reference to the original video sequence so it can be used for online, real-time monitoring of perceived video quality in Video over IP services. Furthermore, this paper proposes a measurement workbench designed to acquire both training data for model fitting and test data for model validation. Preliminary results show good correlation between measured and predicted values.


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The paper proposes a model for estimation of perceived video quality in IPTV, taking as input both video coding and network Quality of Service parameters. It includes some fitting parameters that depend mainly on the information contents of the video sequences. A method to derive them from the Spatial and Temporal Information contents of the sequences is proposed. The model may be used for near real-time monitoring of IPTV video quality.


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We propose an original method to geoposition an audio/video stream with multiple emitters that are at the same time receivers of the mixed signal. The achieved method is suitable for those comes where a list of positions within a designated area is encoded with a degree of precision adjusted to the visualization capabilities; and is also easily extensible to support new requirements. This method extends a previously proposed protocol, without incurring in any performance penalty.


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Com o envelhecimento da população, as preocupações com a garantia do seu bem-estar aumentam criando a necessidade de desenvolver ferramentas que permitam monitorizar em permanência este sector da população. A utilização de smartphones pelos mais velhos pode ser crucial no seu bem-estar e na sua autonomia contribuindo para a recolha de informação importante já que estes estão muitas vezes equipados com sensores que podem dar indicações preciosas ao cuidador sobre o estado atual do paciente. Os sensores podem fornecer dados sobre a atividade física do paciente, bem como detetar quedas ou calcular a sua posição, com a ajuda do acelerómetro, do giroscópio e do sensor de campo magnético. No entanto, funcionalidades como essas requerem, obrigatoriamente, uma frequência de amostragem mínima por parte dos sensores que permita a implementação de algoritmos, que determinarão esses parâmetros da forma mais exata possível. Dado que nem sempre os pacientes se fazem acompanhar do seu smartphone quando estão na sua residência, a criação de ambientes de AAL (Ambient Assisted Living) com recurso a dispositivos externos que podem ser “vestidos” pelos pacientes pode também ser uma solução adequada. Estes contêm normalmente os mesmos sensores que os smartphones e comunicam com estes através de tecnologias sem fios, como é o caso do Bluetooth Low Energy. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a possibilidade de alteração da frequência dos sensores em diferentes sistemas operativos, tendo sido efectuadas modificações nas instalações por defeito de alguns sistemas operativos abertos. Com o objectivo de permitir a criação de uma solução de AAL com recurso a um dispositivo externo implementaram-se serviços e perfis num dispositivo externo, o SensorTag.


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This paper describes a systematic research about free software solutions and techniques for art imagery computer recognition problem.


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This thesis discusses the design and implementation of a real-time musical pair improvisation scenario for mobile devices. In the scenario transferring musical information over a network connection was required. The suitability of available wireless communication technologies was evaluated and communication was analyzed and designed on multiple layers of TCP/IP protocol stack. Also an application layer protocol was designed and implemented for the scenario. The implementation was integrated into a mobile musical software for children using available software components and libraries although the used platform lead to hardware and software constraints. Software limitations were taken into account in design. The results show that real-time musical improvisation can be implemented with wireless communication and mobile technology. The results also show that link layer had the most significant effect on real-time communication in the scenario.


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Along with the increasing in demand of mobile computing, Push Notification (PN) is widely used in mobile phones and other devices. PN allows the developer to send messages to the end users even when the client application is not running at the moment. This solves the problem produced by non-supported multi-tasking feature as well as saving battery life. Microsoft Push Notification Service (MPNS) is one solution to use PNs in Windows Phones. The thesis gives the developers an idea of how to use PNs by introducing MPNS, comparing MPNS with other Push Notification Services, usage of different PN types analysis, and PN simulation system implementation.


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Image collections are ever growing and hence visual information is becoming more and more important. Moreover, the classical paradigm of taking pictures has changed, first with the spread of digital cameras and, more recently, with mobile devices equipped with integrated cameras. Clearly, these image repositories need to be managed, and tools for effectively and efficiently searching image databases are highly sought after, especially on mobile devices where more and more images are being stored. In this paper, we present an image browsing system for interactive exploration of image collections on mobile devices. Images are arranged so that visually similar images are grouped together while large image repositories become accessible through a hierarchical, browsable tree structure, arranged on a hexagonal lattice. The developed system provides an intuitive and fast interface for navigating through image databases using a variety of touch gestures. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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Image collections are growing at a rapid rate and hence visual information is becoming more and more important. Clearly, these image repositories need to be managed, and tools for effectively and efficiently searching image databases are highly sought after, especially on mobile devices where more and more images are being stored. In this paper, we present an image browsing system for interactive exploration of image collections on mobile devices. Images are arranged so that visually similar images are grouped together while large image repositories become accessible through a hierarchical, browsable tree structure, arranged on a hexagonal lattice. The developed system provides an intuitive and fast interface for navigating through image databases using a variety of touch gestures.


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Enterprise apps on mobile devices typically need to communicate with other system components by consuming web services. Since most of the current mobile device platforms (such as Android) do not provide built-in features for consuming SOAP services, extensions have to be designed. Additionally in order to accommodate the typical enhanced security requirements of enterprise apps, it is important to be able to deal with SOAP web service security extensions on client side. In this article we show that neither the built-in SOAP capabilities for Android web service clients are sufficient for enterprise apps nor are the necessary security features supported by the platform as is. After discussing different existing extensions making Android devices SOAP capable we explain why none of them is really satisfactory in an enterprise context. Then we present our own solution which accommodates not only SOAP but also the WS-Security features on top of SOAP. Our solution heavily relies on code generation in order to keep the flexibility benefits of SOAP on one hand while still keeping the development effort manageable for software development. Our approach provides a good foundation for the implementation of other SOAP extensions apart from security on the Android platform as well. In addition our solution based on the gSOAP framework may be used for other mobile platforms in a similar manner.