985 resultados para User modelling
Increasingly, people's digital identities are attached to, and expressed through, their mobile devices. At the same time digital sensors pervade smart environments in which people are immersed. This paper explores different perspectives in which users' modelling features can be expressed through the information obtained by their attached personal sensors. We introduce the PreSense Ontology, which is designed to assign meaning to sensors' observations in terms of user modelling features. We believe that the Sensing Presence ( PreSense ) Ontology is a first step toward the integration of user modelling and "smart environments". In order to motivate our work we present a scenario and demonstrate how the ontology could be applied in order to enable context-sensitive services. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
Increasingly, people's digital identities are attached to, and expressed through, their mobile devices. At the same time digital sensors pervade smart environments in which people are immersed. This paper explores different perspectives in which users' modelling features can be expressed through the information obtained by their attached personal sensors. We introduce the PreSense Ontology, which is designed to assign meaning to sensors' observations in terms of user modelling features. We believe that the Sensing Presence ( PreSense ) Ontology is a first step toward the integration of user modelling and "smart environments". In order to motivate our work we present a scenario and demonstrate how the ontology could be applied in order to enable context-sensitive services. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.
Our work is concerned with user modelling in open environments. Our proposal then is the line of contributions to the advances on user modelling in open environments thanks so the Agent Technology, in what has been called Smart User Model. Our research contains a holistic study of User Modelling in several research areas related to users. We have developed a conceptualization of User Modelling by means of examples from a broad range of research areas with the aim of improving our understanding of user modelling and its role in the next generation of open and distributed service environments. This report is organized as follow: In chapter 1 we introduce our motivation and objectives. Then in chapters 2, 3, 4 and 5 we provide the state-of-the-art on user modelling. In chapter 2, we give the main definitions of elements described in the report. In chapter 3, we present an historical perspective on user models. In chapter 4 we provide a review of user models from the perspective of different research areas, with special emphasis on the give-and-take relationship between Agent Technology and user modelling. In chapter 5, we describe the main challenges that, from our point of view, need to be tackled by researchers wanting to contribute to advances in user modelling. From the study of the state-of-the-art follows an exploratory work in chapter 6. We define a SUM and a methodology to deal with it. We also present some cases study in order to illustrate the methodology. Finally, we present the thesis proposal to continue the work, together with its corresponding work scheduling and temporalisation
User Quality of Experience (QoE) is a subjective entity and difficult to measure. One important aspect of it, User Experience (UX), corresponds to the sensory and emotional state of a user. For a user interacting through a User Interface (UI), precise information on how they are using the UI can contribute to understanding their UX, and thereby understanding their QoE. As well as a user’s use of the UI such as clicking, scrolling, touching, or selecting, other real-time digital information about the user such as from smart phone sensors (e.g. accelerometer, light level) and physiological sensors (e.g. heart rate, ECG, EEG) could contribute to understanding UX. Baran is a framework that is designed to capture, record, manage and analyse the User Digital Imprint (UDI) which, is the data structure containing all user context information. Baran simplifies the process of collecting experimental information in Human and Computer Interaction (HCI) studies, by recording comprehensive real-time data for any UI experiment, and making the data available as a standard UDI data structure. This paper presents an overview of the Baran framework, and provides an example of its use to record user interaction and perform some basic analysis of the interaction.
A personalização é um aspeto chave de uma interação homem-computador efetiva. Numa era em que existe uma abundância de informação e tantas pessoas a interagir com ela, de muitas maneiras, a capacidade de se ajustar aos seus utilizadores é crucial para qualquer sistema moderno. A criação de sistemas adaptáveis é um domínio bastante complexo que necessita de métodos muito específicos para ter sucesso. No entanto, nos dias de hoje ainda não existe um modelo ou arquitetura padrão para usar nos sistemas adaptativos modernos. A principal motivação desta tese é a proposta de uma arquitetura para modelação do utilizador que seja capaz de incorporar diferentes módulos necessários para criar um sistema com inteligência escalável com técnicas de modelação. Os módulos cooperam de forma a analisar os utilizadores e caracterizar o seu comportamento, usando essa informação para fornecer uma experiência de sistema customizada que irá aumentar não só a usabilidade do sistema mas também a produtividade e conhecimento do utilizador. A arquitetura proposta é constituída por três componentes: uma unidade de informação do utilizador, uma estrutura matemática capaz de classificar os utilizadores e a técnica a usar quando se adapta o conteúdo. A unidade de informação do utilizador é responsável por conhecer os vários tipos de indivíduos que podem usar o sistema, por capturar cada detalhe de interações relevantes entre si e os seus utilizadores e também contém a base de dados que guarda essa informação. A estrutura matemática é o classificador de utilizadores, e tem como tarefa a sua análise e classificação num de três perfis: iniciado, intermédio ou avançado. Tanto as redes de Bayes como as neuronais são utilizadas, e uma explicação de como as preparar e treinar para lidar com a informação do utilizador é apresentada. Com o perfil do utilizador definido torna-se necessária uma técnica para adaptar o conteúdo do sistema. Nesta proposta, uma abordagem de iniciativa mista é apresentada tendo como base a liberdade de tanto o utilizador como o sistema controlarem a comunicação entre si. A arquitetura proposta foi desenvolvida como parte integrante do projeto ADSyS - um sistema de escalonamento dinâmico - utilizado para resolver problemas de escalonamento sujeitos a eventos dinâmicos. Possui uma complexidade elevada mesmo para utilizadores frequentes, daí a necessidade de adaptar o seu conteúdo de forma a aumentar a sua usabilidade. Com o objetivo de avaliar as contribuições deste trabalho, um estudo computacional acerca do reconhecimento dos utilizadores foi desenvolvido, tendo por base duas sessões de avaliação de usabilidade com grupos de utilizadores distintos. Foi possível concluir acerca dos benefícios na utilização de técnicas de modelação do utilizador com a arquitetura proposta.
This paper presents a first approach of Evaluation Engine Architecture (EEA) as proposal to support adaptive integral assessment, in the context of a virtual learning environment. The goal of our research is design an evaluation engine tool to assist in the whole assessment process within the A2UN@ project, linking that tool with the other key elements of a learning design (learning task, learning resources and learning support). The teachers would define the relation between knowledge, competencies, activities, resources and type of assessment. Providing this relation is possible obtain more accurate estimations of student's knowledge for adaptive evaluations and future recommendations. The process is supported by usage of educational standards and specifications and for an integral user modelling
The paper presents a competence-based instructional design system and a way to provide a personalization of navigation in the course content. The navigation aid tool builds on the competence graph and the student model, which includes the elements of uncertainty in the assessment of students. An individualized navigation graph is constructed for each student, suggesting the competences the student is more prepared to study. We use fuzzy set theory for dealing with uncertainty. The marks of the assessment tests are transformed into linguistic terms and used for assigning values to linguistic variables. For each competence, the level of difficulty and the level of knowing its prerequisites are calculated based on the assessment marks. Using these linguistic variables and approximate reasoning (fuzzy IF-THEN rules), a crisp category is assigned to each competence regarding its level of recommendation.
Our work is focused on alleviating the workload for designers of adaptive courses on the complexity task of authoring adaptive learning designs adjusted to specific user characteristics and the user context. We propose an adaptation platform that consists in a set of intelligent agents where each agent carries out an independent adaptation task. The agents apply machine learning techniques to support the user modelling for the adaptation process
Our work is focused on alleviating the workload for designers of adaptive courses on the complexity task of authoring adaptive learning designs adjusted to specific user characteristics and the user context. We propose an adaptation platform that consists in a set of intelligent agents where each agent carries out an independent adaptation task. The agents apply machine learning techniques to support the user modelling for the adaptation process
This paper presents a first approach of Evaluation Engine Architecture (EEA) as proposal to support adaptive integral assessment, in the context of a virtual learning environment. The goal of our research is design an evaluation engine tool to assist in the whole assessment process within the A2UN@ project, linking that tool with the other key elements of a learning design (learning task, learning resources and learning support). The teachers would define the relation between knowledge, competencies, activities, resources and type of assessment. Providing this relation is possible obtain more accurate estimations of student's knowledge for adaptive evaluations and future recommendations. The process is supported by usage of educational standards and specifications and for an integral user modelling
For people with motion impairments, access to and independent control of a computer can be essential. Symptoms such as tremor and spasm, however, can make the typical keyboard and mouse arrangement for computer interaction difficult or even impossible to use. This paper describes three approaches to improving computer input effectivness for people with motion impairments. The three approaches are: (1) to increase the number of interaction channels, (2) to enhance commonly existing interaction channels, and (3) to make more effective use of all the available information in an existing input channel. Experiments in multimodal input, haptic feedback, user modelling, and cursor control are discussed in the context of the three approaches. A haptically enhanced keyboard emulator with perceptive capability is proposed, combining approaches in a way that improves computer access for motion impaired users.
Los servicios telemáticos han transformando la mayoría de nuestras actividades cotidianas y ofrecen oportunidades sin precedentes con características como, por ejemplo, el acceso ubicuo, la disponibilidad permanente, la independencia del dispositivo utilizado, la multimodalidad o la gratuidad, entre otros. No obstante, los beneficios que destacan en cuanto se reflexiona sobre estos servicios, tienen como contrapartida una serie de riesgos y amenazas no tan obvios, ya que éstos se nutren de y tratan con datos personales, lo cual suscita dudas respecto a la privacidad de las personas. Actualmente, las personas que asumen el rol de usuarios de servicios telemáticos generan constantemente datos digitales en distintos proveedores. Estos datos reflejan parte de su intimidad, de sus características particulares, preferencias, intereses, relaciones sociales, hábitos de consumo, etc. y lo que es más controvertido, toda esta información se encuentra bajo la custodia de distintos proveedores que pueden utilizarla más allá de las necesidades y el control del usuario. Los datos personales y, en particular, el conocimiento sobre los usuarios que se puede extraer a partir de éstos (modelos de usuario) se han convertido en un nuevo activo económico para los proveedores de servicios. De este modo, estos recursos se pueden utilizar para ofrecer servicios centrados en el usuario basados, por ejemplo, en la recomendación de contenidos, la personalización de productos o la predicción de su comportamiento, lo cual permite a los proveedores conectar con los usuarios, mantenerlos, involucrarlos y en definitiva, fidelizarlos para garantizar el éxito de un modelo de negocio. Sin embargo, dichos recursos también pueden utilizarse para establecer otros modelos de negocio que van más allá de su procesamiento y aplicación individual por parte de un proveedor y que se basan en su comercialización y compartición con otras entidades. Bajo esta perspectiva, los usuarios sufren una falta de control sobre los datos que les refieren, ya que esto depende de la voluntad y las condiciones impuestas por los proveedores de servicios, lo cual implica que habitualmente deban enfrentarse ante la disyuntiva de ceder sus datos personales o no acceder a los servicios telemáticos ofrecidos. Desde el sector público se trata de tomar medidas que protejan a los usuarios con iniciativas y legislaciones que velen por su privacidad y que aumenten el control sobre sus datos personales, a la vez que debe favorecer el desarrollo económico propiciado por estos proveedores de servicios. En este contexto, esta tesis doctoral propone una arquitectura y modelo de referencia para un ecosistema de intercambio de datos personales centrado en el usuario que promueve la creación, compartición y utilización de datos personales y modelos de usuario entre distintos proveedores, al mismo tiempo que ofrece a los usuarios las herramientas necesarias para ejercer su control en cuanto a la cesión y uso de sus recursos personales y obtener, en su caso, distintos incentivos o contraprestaciones económicas. Las contribuciones originales de la tesis son la especificación y diseño de una arquitectura que se apoya en un proceso de modelado distribuido que se ha definido en el marco de esta investigación. Éste se basa en el aprovechamiento de recursos que distintas entidades (fuentes de datos) ofrecen para generar modelos de usuario enriquecidos que cubren las necesidades específicas de terceras entidades, considerando la participación del usuario y el control sobre sus recursos personales (datos y modelos de usuario). Lo anterior ha requerido identificar y caracterizar las fuentes de datos con potencial de abastecer al ecosistema, determinar distintos patrones para la generación de modelos de usuario a partir de datos personales distribuidos y heterogéneos y establecer una infraestructura para la gestión de identidad y privacidad que permita a los usuarios expresar sus preferencias e intereses respecto al uso y compartición de sus recursos personales. Además, se ha definido un modelo de negocio de referencia que sustenta las investigaciones realizadas y que ha sido particularizado en dos ámbitos de aplicación principales, en concreto, el sector de publicidad en redes sociales y el sector financiero para la implantación de nuevos servicios. Finalmente, cabe destacar que las contribuciones de esta tesis han sido validadas en el contexto de distintos proyectos de investigación industrial aplicada y también en el marco de proyectos fin de carrera que la autora ha tutelado o en los que ha colaborado. Los resultados obtenidos han originado distintos méritos de investigación como dos patentes en explotación, la publicación de un artículo en una revista con índice de impacto y diversos artículos en congresos internacionales de relevancia. Algunos de éstos han sido galardonados con premios de distintas instituciones, así como en las conferencias donde han sido presentados. ABSTRACT Information society services have changed most of our daily activities, offering unprecedented opportunities with certain characteristics, such as: ubiquitous access, permanent availability, device independence, multimodality and free-of-charge services, among others. However, all the positive aspects that emerge when thinking about these services have as counterpart not-so-obvious threats and risks, because they feed from and use personal data, thus creating concerns about peoples’ privacy. Nowadays, people that play the role of user of services are constantly generating digital data in different service providers. These data reflect part of their intimacy, particular characteristics, preferences, interests, relationships, consumer behavior, etc. Controversy arises because this personal information is stored and kept by the mentioned providers that can use it beyond the user needs and control. Personal data and, in particular, the knowledge about the user that can be obtained from them (user models) have turned into a new economic asset for the service providers. In this way, these data and models can be used to offer user centric services based, for example, in content recommendation, tailored-products or user behavior, all of which allows connecting with the users, keeping them more engaged and involved with the provider, finally reaching customer loyalty in order to guarantee the success of a business model. However, these resources can be used to establish a different kind of business model; one that does not only processes and individually applies personal data, but also shares and trades these data with other entities. From that perspective, the users lack control over their referred data, because it depends from the conditions imposed by the service providers. The consequence is that the users often face the following dilemma: either giving up their personal data or not using the offered services. The Public Sector takes actions in order to protect the users approving, for example, laws and legal initiatives that reinforce privacy and increase control over personal data, while at the same time the authorities are also key players in the economy development that derives from the information society services. In this context, this PhD Dissertation proposes an architecture and reference model to achieve a user-centric personal data ecosystem that promotes the creation, sharing and use of personal data and user models among different providers, while offering users the tools to control who can access which data and why and if applicable, to obtain different incentives. The original contributions obtained are the specification and design of an architecture that supports a distributed user modelling process defined by this research. This process is based on leveraging scattered resources of heterogeneous entities (data sources) to generate on-demand enriched user models that fulfill individual business needs of third entities, considering the involvement of users and the control over their personal resources (data and user models). This has required identifying and characterizing data sources with potential for supplying resources, defining different generation patterns to produce user models from scattered and heterogeneous data, and establishing identity and privacy management infrastructures that allow users to set their privacy preferences regarding the use and sharing of their resources. Moreover, it has also been proposed a reference business model that supports the aforementioned architecture and this has been studied for two application fields: social networks advertising and new financial services. Finally, it has to be emphasized that the contributions obtained in this dissertation have been validated in the context of several national research projects and master thesis that the author has directed or has collaborated with. Furthermore, these contributions have produced different scientific results such as two patents and different publications in relevant international conferences and one magazine. Some of them have been awarded with different prizes.
Context: Learning can be regarded as knowledge construction in which prior knowledge and experience serve as basis for the learners to expand their knowledge base. Such a process of knowledge construction has to take place continuously in order to enhance the learners’ competence in a competitive working environment. As the information consumers, the individual users demand personalised information provision which meets their own specific purposes, goals, and expectations. Objectives: The current methods in requirements engineering are capable of modelling the common user’s behaviour in the domain of knowledge construction. The users’ requirements can be represented as a case in the defined structure which can be reasoned to enable the requirements analysis. Such analysis needs to be enhanced so that personalised information provision can be tackled and modelled. However, there is a lack of suitable modelling methods to achieve this end. This paper presents a new ontological method for capturing individual user’s requirements and transforming the requirements onto personalised information provision specifications. Hence the right information can be provided to the right user for the right purpose. Method: An experiment was conducted based on the qualitative method. A medium size of group of users participated to validate the method and its techniques, i.e. articulates, maps, configures, and learning content. The results were used as the feedback for the improvement. Result: The research work has produced an ontology model with a set of techniques which support the functions for profiling user’s requirements, reasoning requirements patterns, generating workflow from norms, and formulating information provision specifications. Conclusion: The current requirements engineering approaches provide the methodical capability for developing solutions. Our research outcome, i.e. the ontology model with the techniques, can further enhance the RE approaches for modelling the individual user’s needs and discovering the user’s requirements.
The knowledge economy offers opportunity to a broad and diverse community of information systems users to efficiently gain information and know-how for improving qualifications and enhancing productivity in the work place. Such demand will continue and users will frequently require optimised and personalised information content. The advancement of information technology and the wide dissemination of information endorse individual users when constructing new knowledge from their experience in the real-world context. However, a design of personalised information provision is challenging because users’ requirements and information provision specifications are complex in their representation. The existing methods are not able to effectively support this analysis process. This paper presents a mechanism which can holistically facilitate customisation of information provision based on individual users’ goals, level of knowledge and cognitive styles preferences. An ontology model with embedded norms represents the domain knowledge of information provision in a specific context where users’ needs can be articulated and represented in a user profile. These formal requirements can then be transformed onto information provision specifications which are used to discover suitable information content from repositories and pedagogically organise the selected content to meet the users’ needs. The method is provided with adaptability which enables an appropriate response to changes in users’ requirements during the process of acquiring knowledge and skills.