977 resultados para User context


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The explosive growth of Internet during the last years has been reflected in the ever-increasing amount of the diversity and heterogeneity of user preferences, types and features of devices and access networks. Usually the heterogeneity in the context of the users which request Web contents is not taken into account by the servers that deliver them implying that these contents will not always suit their needs. In the particular case of e-learning platforms this issue is especially critical due to the fact that it puts at stake the knowledge acquired by their users. In the following paper we present a system that aims to provide the dotLRN e-learning platform with the capability to adapt to its users context. By integrating dotLRN with a multi-agent hypermedia system, online courses being undertaken by students as well as their learning environment are adapted in real time


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Soil conservation technologies that fit well to local scale and are acceptable to land users are increasingly needed. To achieve this at small-holder farm level, there is a need for an understanding of specific erosion processes and indicators, the land users’ knowledge and their willingness, ability and possibilities to respond to the respective problems to decide on control options. This study was carried out to assess local erosion and performance of earlier introduced conservation terraces from both technological and land users’ points of view. The study was conducted during July to August 2008 at Angereb watershed on 58 farm plots from three selected case-study catchments. Participatory erosion assessment and evaluation were implemented along with direct field measurement procedures. Our focus was to involve the land users in the action research to explore with them the effectiveness of existing conservation measures against the erosion hazard. Terrace characteristics measured and evaluated against the terrace implementation guideline of Hurni (1986). The long-term consequences of seasonal erosion indicators had often not been known and noticed by farmers. The cause and effect relationships of the erosion indicators and conservation measures have shown the limitations and gaps to be addressed towards sustainable erosion control strategies. Less effective erosion control has been observed and participants have believed the gaps are to be the result of lack of landusers’ genuine participation. The results of both local erosion observation and assessment of conservation efficacy using different aspects show the need to promote approaches for erosion evaluation and planning of interventions by the farmers themselves. This paper describes the importance of human factor involving in the empirical erosion assessment methods towards sustainable soil conservation.


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Various avours of a new research field on (socio-)physical or personal analytics have emerged, with the goal of deriving semantically-rich insights from people's low-level physical sensing combined with their (online) social interactions. In this paper, we argue for more comprehensive data sources, including environmental (e.g. weather, infrastructure) and application-specific data, to better capture the interactions between users and their context, in addition to those among users. To illustrate our proposed concept of synergistic user <-> context analytics, we first provide some example use cases. Then, we present our ongoing work towards a synergistic analytics platform: a testbed, based on mobile crowdsensing and the Internet of Things (IoT), a data model for representing the different sources of data and their connections, and a prediction engine for analyzing the data and producing insights.


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This paper describes the participation of DAEDALUS at the LogCLEF lab in CLEF 2011. This year, the objectives of our participation are twofold. The first topic is to analyze if there is any measurable effect on the success of the search queries if the native language and the interface language chosen by the user are different. The idea is to determine if this difference may condition the way in which the user interacts with the search application. The second topic is to analyze the user context and his/her interaction with the system in the case of successful queries, to discover out any relation among the user native language, the language of the resource involved and the interaction strategy adopted by the user to find out such resource. Only 6.89% of queries are successful out of the 628,607 queries in the 320,001 sessions with at least one search query in the log. The main conclusion that can be drawn is that, in general for all languages, whether the native language matches the interface language or not does not seem to affect the success rate of the search queries. On the other hand, the analysis of the strategy adopted by users when looking for a particular resource shows that people tend to use the simple search tool, frequently first running short queries build up of just one specific term and then browsing through the results to locate the expected resource


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In the modern society, new devices, applications and technologies, with sophisticated capabilities, are converging in the same network infrastructure. Users are also increasingly demanding in personal preferences and expectations, desiring Internet connectivity anytime and everywhere. These aspects have triggered many research efforts, since the current Internet is reaching a breaking point trying to provide enough flexibility for users and profits for operators, while dealing with the complex requirements raised by the recent evolution. Fully aligned with the future Internet research, many solutions have been proposed to enhance the current Internet-based architectures and protocols, in order to become context-aware, that is, to be dynamically adapted to the change of the information characterizing any network entity. In this sense, the presented Thesis proposes a new architecture that allows to create several networks with different characteristics according to their context, on the top of a single Wireless Mesh Network (WMN), which infrastructure and protocols are very flexible and self-adaptable. More specifically, this Thesis models the context of users, which can span from their security, cost and mobility preferences, devices’ capabilities or services’ quality requirements, in order to turn a WMN into a set of logical networks. Each logical network is configured to meet a set of user context needs (for instance, support of high mobility and low security). To implement this user-centric architecture, this Thesis uses the network virtualization, which has often been advocated as a mean to deploy independent network architectures and services towards the future Internet, while allowing a dynamic resource management. This way, network virtualization can allow a flexible and programmable configuration of a WMN, in order to be shared by multiple logical networks (or virtual networks - VNs). Moreover, the high level of isolation introduced by network virtualization can be used to differentiate the protocols and mechanisms of each context-aware VN. This architecture raises several challenges to control and manage the VNs on-demand, in response to user and WMN dynamics. In this context, we target the mechanisms to: (i) discover and select the VN to assign to an user; (ii) create, adapt and remove the VN topologies and routes. We also explore how the rate of variation of the user context requirements can be considered to improve the performance and reduce the complexity of the VN control and management. Finally, due to the scalability limitations of centralized control solutions, we propose a mechanism to distribute the control functionalities along the architectural entities, which can cooperate to control and manage the VNs in a distributed way.


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In the vision of Mark Weiser on ubiquitous computing, computers are disappearing from the focus of the users and are seamlessly interacting with other computers and users in order to provide information and services. This shift of computers away from direct computer interaction requires another way of applications to interact without bothering the user. Context is the information which can be used to characterize the situation of persons, locations, or other objects relevant for the applications. Context-aware applications are capable of monitoring and exploiting knowledge about external operating conditions. These applications can adapt their behaviour based on the retrieved information and thus to replace (at least a certain amount) the missing user interactions. Context awareness can be assumed to be an important ingredient for applications in ubiquitous computing environments. However, context management in ubiquitous computing environments must reflect the specific characteristics of these environments, for example distribution, mobility, resource-constrained devices, and heterogeneity of context sources. Modern mobile devices are equipped with fast processors, sufficient memory, and with several sensors, like Global Positioning System (GPS) sensor, light sensor, or accelerometer. Since many applications in ubiquitous computing environments can exploit context information for enhancing their service to the user, these devices are highly useful for context-aware applications in ubiquitous computing environments. Additionally, context reasoners and external context providers can be incorporated. It is possible that several context sensors, reasoners and context providers offer the same type of information. However, the information providers can differ in quality levels (e.g. accuracy), representations (e.g. position represented in coordinates and as an address) of the offered information, and costs (like battery consumption) for providing the information. In order to simplify the development of context-aware applications, the developers should be able to transparently access context information without bothering with underlying context accessing techniques and distribution aspects. They should rather be able to express which kind of information they require, which quality criteria this information should fulfil, and how much the provision of this information should cost (not only monetary cost but also energy or performance usage). For this purpose, application developers as well as developers of context providers need a common language and vocabulary to specify which information they require respectively they provide. These descriptions respectively criteria have to be matched. For a matching of these descriptions, it is likely that a transformation of the provided information is needed to fulfil the criteria of the context-aware application. As it is possible that more than one provider fulfils the criteria, a selection process is required. In this process the system has to trade off the provided quality of context and required costs of the context provider against the quality of context requested by the context consumer. This selection allows to turn on context sources only if required. Explicitly selecting context services and thereby dynamically activating and deactivating the local context provider has the advantage that also the resource consumption is reduced as especially unused context sensors are deactivated. One promising solution is a middleware providing appropriate support in consideration of the principles of service-oriented computing like loose coupling, abstraction, reusability, or discoverability of context providers. This allows us to abstract context sensors, context reasoners and also external context providers as context services. In this thesis we present our solution consisting of a context model and ontology, a context offer and query language, a comprehensive matching and mediation process and a selection service. Especially the matching and mediation process and the selection service differ from the existing works. The matching and mediation process allows an autonomous establishment of mediation processes in order to transfer information from an offered representation into a requested representation. In difference to other approaches, the selection service selects not only a service for a service request, it rather selects a set of services in order to fulfil all requests which also facilitates the sharing of services. The approach is extensively reviewed regarding the different requirements and a set of demonstrators shows its usability in real-world scenarios.


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The construction industry has incurred a considerable amount of waste as a result of poor logistics supply chain network management. Therefore, managing logistics in the construction industry is critical. An effective logistic system ensures delivery of the right products and services to the right players at the right time while minimising costs and rewarding all sectors based on value added to the supply chain. This paper reports on an on-going research study on the concept of context-aware services delivery in the construction project supply chain logistics. As part of the emerging wireless technologies, an Intelligent Wireless Web (IWW) using context-aware computing capability represents the next generation ICT application to construction-logistics management. This intelligent system has the potential of serving and improving the construction logistics through access to context-specific data, information and services. Existing mobile communication deployments in the construction industry rely on static modes of information delivery and do not take into account the worker’s changing context and dynamic project conditions. The major problems in these applications are lack of context-specificity in the distribution of information, services and other project resources, and lack of cohesion with the existing desktop based ICT infrastructure. The research works focus on identifying the context dimension such as user context, environmental context and project context, selection of technologies to capture context-parameters such wireless sensors and RFID, selection of supporting technologies such as wireless communication, Semantic Web, Web Services, agents, etc. The process of integration of Context-Aware Computing and Web-Services to facilitate the creation of intelligent collaboration environment for managing construction logistics will take into account all the necessary critical parameters such as storage, transportation, distribution, assembly, etc. within off and on-site project.


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This paper examines the recovery of user context in indoor environmnents with existing wireless infrastructures to enable assistive systems. We present a novel approach to the extraction of user context, casting the problem of context recovery as an unsupervised, clustering problem. A well known density-based clustering technique, DBSCAN, is adapted to recover user context that includes user motion state, and significant places the user visits from WiFi observations consisting of access point id and signal strength. Furthermore, user rhythms or sequences of places the user visits periodically are derived from the above low level contexts by employing state-of-the-art probabilistic clustering technique, the Latent Dirichiet Allocation (LDA), to enable a variety of application services. Experimental results with real data are presented to validate the proposed unsupervised learning approach and demonstrate its applicability.


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The objective behind building domain-specific visual languages (DSVLs) is to provide users with the most appropriate concepts and notations that best fit with their domain and experience. However, the existing DSVL designers do not support integrating environment and user context information when modeling, editing or viewing DSVL models at different locations, permissions, devices, etc. In this paper, we introduce HorusCML, a context-aware DSVL designer, which supports DSVL experts in integrating necessary context details within their DSVLs. The resultant DSVLs can reflect different facets, layouts, and behaviours according to context it is used in. We show a case study on developing a context-aware data flow diagram DSVL tool using HorusCML.


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This dissertation studies the context-aware application with its proposed algorithms at client side. The required context-aware infrastructure is discussed in depth to illustrate that such an infrastructure collects the mobile user’s context information, registers service providers, derives mobile user’s current context, distributes user context among context-aware applications, and provides tailored services. The approach proposed tries to strike a balance between the context server and mobile devices. The context acquisition is centralized at the server to ensure the reusability of context information among mobile devices, while context reasoning remains at the application level. Hence, a centralized context acquisition and distributed context reasoning are viewed as a better solution overall. The context-aware search application is designed and implemented at the server side. A new algorithm is proposed to take into consideration the user context profiles. By promoting feedback on the dynamics of the system, any prior user selection is now saved for further analysis such that it may contribute to help the results of a subsequent search. On the basis of these developments at the server side, various solutions are consequently provided at the client side. A proxy software-based component is set up for the purpose of data collection. This research endorses the belief that the proxy at the client side should contain the context reasoning component. Implementation of such a component provides credence to this belief in that the context applications are able to derive the user context profiles. Furthermore, a context cache scheme is implemented to manage the cache on the client device in order to minimize processing requirements and other resources (bandwidth, CPU cycle, power). Java and MySQL platforms are used to implement the proposed architecture and to test scenarios derived from user’s daily activities. To meet the practical demands required of a testing environment without the impositions of a heavy cost for establishing such a comprehensive infrastructure, a software simulation using a free Yahoo search API is provided as a means to evaluate the effectiveness of the design approach in a most realistic way. The integration of Yahoo search engine into the context-aware architecture design proves how context aware application can meet user demands for tailored services and products in and around the user’s environment. The test results show that the overall design is highly effective, providing new features and enriching the mobile user’s experience through a broad scope of potential applications.


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This dissertation studies the context-aware application with its proposed algorithms at client side. The required context-aware infrastructure is discussed in depth to illustrate that such an infrastructure collects the mobile user’s context information, registers service providers, derives mobile user’s current context, distributes user context among context-aware applications, and provides tailored services. The approach proposed tries to strike a balance between the context server and mobile devices. The context acquisition is centralized at the server to ensure the usability of context information among mobile devices, while context reasoning remains at the application level. Hence, a centralized context acquisition and distributed context reasoning are viewed as a better solution overall. The context-aware search application is designed and implemented at the server side. A new algorithm is proposed to take into consideration the user context profiles. By promoting feedback on the dynamics of the system, any prior user selection is now saved for further analysis such that it may contribute to help the results of a subsequent search. On the basis of these developments at the server side, various solutions are consequently provided at the client side. A proxy software-based component is set up for the purpose of data collection. This research endorses the belief that the proxy at the client side should contain the context reasoning component. Implementation of such a component provides credence to this belief in that the context applications are able to derive the user context profiles. Furthermore, a context cache scheme is implemented to manage the cache on the client device in order to minimize processing requirements and other resources (bandwidth, CPU cycle, power). Java and MySQL platforms are used to implement the proposed architecture and to test scenarios derived from user’s daily activities. To meet the practical demands required of a testing environment without the impositions of a heavy cost for establishing such a comprehensive infrastructure, a software simulation using a free Yahoo search API is provided as a means to evaluate the effectiveness of the design approach in a most realistic way. The integration of Yahoo search engine into the context-aware architecture design proves how context aware application can meet user demands for tailored services and products in and around the user’s environment. The test results show that the overall design is highly effective,providing new features and enriching the mobile user’s experience through a broad scope of potential applications.


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Combining the Semantic Web and the Ubiquitous Web, Web 3.0 is for things. The Semantic Web enables human knowledge to be machine-readable and the Ubiquitous Web allows Web services to serve any thing, forming a bridge between the virtual world and the real world. By using context, Web services can become smarter-that is, aware of the target things' or applications' physical environments, or situations and respond proactively and intelligently. Existing methods for implementing context-aware Web services on Web 2.0 mainly enumerate different implementations corresponding to different attribute values of the context, in order to improve the Quality of Services (QoS). However, things in the physical world are extremely diverse, which poses new problems for Web services: it is difficult to unify the context of things and to implement a flexible smart Web service for things. This article proposes a novel smart Web service based on the context of things, which is implemented using a REpresentational State Transfer for Things (Thing-REST) style, to tackle the two problems. In a smart Web service, the user's description (semantic context) and sensor reports (sensing context) are two channels for acquiring the context of things which are then employed by ontology services to make the context of things machine-readable. With guidance of domain knowledge services, event detection services can analyze things' needs particularly, well through the context of things. We then propose a Thing-REST style to manage the context of things and user context, and to mashup Web services through three structures (i.e., chain, select, and merge) to implement smart Web services. A smart plant watering-service application demonstrates the effectiveness of our method. © 2012 ACM.


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User Quality of Experience (QoE) is a subjective entity and difficult to measure. One important aspect of it, User Experience (UX), corresponds to the sensory and emotional state of a user. For a user interacting through a User Interface (UI), precise information on how they are using the UI can contribute to understanding their UX, and thereby understanding their QoE. As well as a user’s use of the UI such as clicking, scrolling, touching, or selecting, other real-time digital information about the user such as from smart phone sensors (e.g. accelerometer, light level) and physiological sensors (e.g. heart rate, ECG, EEG) could contribute to understanding UX. Baran is a framework that is designed to capture, record, manage and analyse the User Digital Imprint (UDI) which, is the data structure containing all user context information. Baran simplifies the process of collecting experimental information in Human and Computer Interaction (HCI) studies, by recording comprehensive real-time data for any UI experiment, and making the data available as a standard UDI data structure. This paper presents an overview of the Baran framework, and provides an example of its use to record user interaction and perform some basic analysis of the interaction.


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Process modeling is a complex organizational task that requires many iterations and communication between the business analysts and the domain specialists involved in the process modeling. The challenge of process modeling is exacerbated, when the process of modeling has to be performed in a cross-organizational, distributed environment. Some systems have been developed to support collaborative process modeling, all of which use traditional 2D interfaces. We present an environment for collaborative process modeling, using 3D virtual environment technology. We make use of avatar instantiations of user ego centres, to allow for the spatial embodiment of the user with reference to the process model. We describe an innovative prototype collaborative process modeling approach, implemented as a modeling environment in Second Life. This approach leverages the use of virtual environments to provide user context for editing and collaborative exercises. We present a positive preliminary report on a case study, in which a test group modelled a business process using the system in Second Life.