246 resultados para Urticaria pigmentosa


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Las mastocitosis son un grupo de enfermedades que tienen en común la proliferación y acumulación de mastocitos en la piel y tejidos extracutáneos. El 65% de ellas se inicia en la infancia. Se pueden clasificar según la afectación tisular en mastocitosis sistémicas y mastocitosis cutáneas. Éstas últimas incluyen el mastocitoma solitario, la telangiectasia macular eruptiva perstans, la mastocitosis cutánea difusa y la urticaria pigmentosa, siendo esta última la variedad clínica más frecuente tanto en los niños como en los adultos.


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Introdução A mastocitose abrange um grupo heterogêneo de condições crônicas caracterizado pela proliferação excessiva de mastócitos nos tecidos. Os sinais e sintomas clínicos são decorrentes da distribuição anatômica dos mastócitos e do efeito funcional dos mediadores produzidos e liberados por estas células. Na infância, a doença é considerada uma condição benigna na maioria dos casos, cujo comprometimento característico é o cutâneo. As mais freqüentes manifestações na pele são os mastocitomas e a urticária pigmentosa. Lesões cutâneas bolhosas podem manifestar-se e acompanhar todas as formas de mastocitose e quando esta apresentação é a predominante, é denominada de mastocitose bolhosa. O diagnóstico de mastocitose é suspeitado clinicamente e confirmado pela histologia. A demonstração do aumento do número de mastócitos nas lesões cutâneas características se constitui no principal critério diagnóstico. Contudo, este método tem dificuldades técnicas que impedem a adequada reprodutibilidade dos achados, dificultando a elucidação de casos duvidosos e retardando seu tratamento. Considerando as propriedades imunológicas e a importância clínica dos mastócitos reveste-se de maior importância compreender o papel destas células nas doenças, sendo indispensável identificá-las e enumerá-las com acurácia nos tecidos. Objetivos Quantificar o número de mastócitos marcados com anticorpo monoclonal antitriptase, através de técnica imuno-histoquímica e análise de imagem, em biópsias cutâneas de crianças, com diagnóstico clínico de mastocitose. Descrever os achados histológicos; quantificar o número de mastócitos marcados com o anticorpo antitriptase entre as diferentes expressões clínicas da mastocitose cutânea; comparar o número de mastócitos entre os casos de mastocitose cutânea e mastocitose associada à sintomas sistêmicos e correlacionar as contagens de mastócitos entre os dois diferentes métodos (coloração por Giemsa com contagem manual e marcação com anticorpo antitriptase e análise digital). Material e Método Foram incluídas no estudo biópsias cutâneas de crianças de 0 a 14 anos, com diagnóstico clínico e histológico de mastocitose. Os casos foram classificados de acordo com a apresentação clínica cutânea em mastocitoma, urticária pigmentosa ou mastocitose bolhosa e assinalada a presença de sintomas sistêmicos associados. Os fragmentos de pele fixados em formalina e emblocados em parafina foram cortados e utilizados para diagnóstico histopatológico convencional, corados com hematoxilina-eosina e Giemsa, e para análise imuno-histoquímica com estreptavidina peroxidase marcados com anticorpo antitriptase. A densidade de mastócitos (número de células por área) foi realizada por um único observador na técnica histológica e através de um sistema de análise de imagem de vídeo no método imuno-histoquímico. Resultados Foram avaliados 33 casos de mastocitose, sendo 21 do sexo masculino. Dez casos (30,3%) apresentavam mastocitoma, 21 (63,6%) urticária pigmentosa e 2 (6,1%) mastocitose bolhosa. Todos os casos da amostra foram classificados como tendo mastocitose incipiente e em 6 (18,8%) pacientes pôde ser identificada a associação com sintomas sistêmicos. Prurido foi o sintoma mais freqüente, sendo relatado em 21 casos. Em 21 dos 33 casos foi identificada a infiltração de mastócitos na derme havendo predominância pela região perivascular (p=0,001, teste exato de Fisher). Não houve diferenças significativas entre a presença de infiltrado mastocitário e as várias formas cutâneas de mastocitose ou a mastocitose sistêmica. A presença de eosinófilos foi identificada em 15 casos (45,5%) e em 10 casos associadamente ao infiltrado perivascular de mastócitos. A densidade de mastócitos na técnica histológica, incluindo-se todos os casos, foi 50,00 células/mm2. Não houve diferença significativa das contagens entre os pacientes com mastocitoma e aqueles com urticária pigmentosa, assim como entre os pacientes com e sem sintomas sistêmicos associados aos cutâneos. A densidade de mastócitos encontrada com a técnica imuno-histoquímica e contagem por análise de imagem foi 158,85 células/mm2. Não houve diferença significativa das contagens entre os pacientes com mastocitoma e aqueles com urticária pigmentosa, assim como entre aqueles com e sem sintomas sistêmicos. Comparando-se a contagem dos mastócitos por área (densidade) entre a histologia e a imuno-histoquímica houve uma diferença significativa (p=0,0001 teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon). A média da diferença entre as contagens foi 199,98 células/mm2 (±365,31 DP). Também não houve semelhança, entre os dois métodos, nos grupos mastocitoma e urticária pigmentosa (p=0,005 e p=0,01, respectivamente, teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon). Puderam ser identificados 518% a mais de mastócitos com a técnica imunohistoquímica quando comparada com a histológica. Conclusões O presente estudo permite concluir que: 1) a localização preferencial da infiltração de mastócitos é dérmica e perivascular, não sendo possível identificar diferenças histológicas entre casos de urticária pigmentosa e mastocitoma; 2) o número de mastócitos marcados com o anticorpo monoclonal antitriptase e contados com análise digital de imagem, em biópsia de pele de crianças com diagnóstico clínico de mastocitose, foi 159 células por milímetro quadrado; 3) a densidade de mastócitos, foi semelhante entre os casos de urticária pigmentosa e mastocitoma e entre os casos com e sem sintomas sistêmicos associados nas duas diferentes técnicas empregadas; 4) o número de mastócitos por milímetro quadrado com a técnica imuno-histoquímica e a contagem através de análise de imagem foi significativamente maior quando comparada com a coloração através de Giemsa e a contagem manual, com uma diferença média entre os dois métodos de 200 células por milímetro quadrado; 5) a densidade de mastócitos com a técnica imunohistoquímica foi significativamente maior tanto nos casos com urticária pigmentosa quanto nos com mastocitoma, quando comparada com a técnica empregada rotineiramente e 6) com a técnica imuno-histoquímica e a contagem através de análise de imagem foi possível identificar 518% a mais de mastócitos quando comparada com a técnica histológica.


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Background: Mastocytosis is a rare disease involving mast cells (MC) and their CD34+ progenitors. According to the WHO consensus classification, cutaneous mastocytosis (CM) is considered a benign disease confined to the skin, preferentially seen in young children with a marked tendency to regress spontaneously. Aim of our study was the long-term assessment of the outcome of solitary (SM) and multiple (MM) mastocytomas in a pediatric population. Materials and methods: From January 1996 to December 2010, 241 pediatric patients with a diagnosis of CM were followed-up at the outpatient division of pediatric dermatology of the University of Bologna. We focused our retrospective evaluation on patients affected by SM or MM. We collected, through the analysis of medical records and with a telephone questionnaire for patients and their families, information on clinical aspects of the disease evolution and on the efficacy of topical steroid therapy. Results: Over the 241 considered patients we recorded: SM or MM in 176 (73%) pts., urticaria pigmentosa in 53 (22%) pts., telangiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans in 9 (4%) pts., diffuse CM in 2 (0,9%) pts. and polymorph CM in 1 (0,4%) pt. On 176 children affected by SM or MM (97 M vs. 79 F), 130 (74%) patients were followed-up with a mean of 56,3 (r. 4-142) months. A satisfactory outcome was recorded in 99 (76%) cases of whom 52 (53%) treated with topic steroids. Mean time to complete regression was 16.4 m. on treated patients vs. 34.7 m. on non treated patients (p=0,001). Conclusions: From our study emerged that resolution of the disease is independent from therapy, but the time to regression and to complete recovery of the coetaneous lesions is faster and favored by the application of topic steroid with an improvement of the quality of life for children and their families.


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Adult-onset urticaria pigmentosa/mastocytosis in the skin almost always persists throughout life. The prevalence of systemic mastocytosis in such patients is not precisely known. Bone marrow biopsies from 59 patients with mastocytosis in the skin and all available skin biopsies (n=27) were subjected to a meticulous cytological, histological, immunohistochemical, and molecular analysis for the presence of WHO-defined diagnostic criteria for systemic mastocytosis: compact mast cell infiltrates (major criterion); atypical mast cell morphology, KIT D816V, abnormal expression of CD25 by mast cells, and serum tryptase levels >20 ng/ml (minor criteria). Systemic mastocytosis is diagnosed when the major diagnostic criterion plus one minor criterion or at least three minor criteria are fulfilled. Systemic mastocytosis was confirmed in 57 patients (97%) by the diagnosis of compact mast cell infiltrates plus at least one minor diagnostic criterion (n=42, 71%) or at least three minor diagnostic criteria (n=15, 25%). In two patients, only two minor diagnostic criteria were detectable, insufficient for the diagnosis of systemic mastocytosis. By the use of highly sensitive molecular methods, including the analysis of microdissected mast cells, KIT D816V was found in all 58 bone marrow biopsies investigated for it but only in 74% (20/27) of the skin biopsies. It is important to state that even in cases with insufficient diagnostic criteria for systemic mastocytosis, KIT D816V-positive mast cells were detected in the bone marrow. This study demonstrates, for the first time, that almost all patients with adult-onset mastocytosis in the skin, in fact, have systemic mastocytosis with cutaneous involvement.


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En la Editorial de este número el Prof. Dr. Pedro Eliseo Esteves, Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, realiza la primera entrega de un análisis reflexivo “Sobre las Humanidades y el Profesionalismo en la Educación Médica" a modo de introducción a las “II Jornadas Nacionales de Humanidades en la Educación Médica" de las cuales Mendoza será sede en Agosto de 2015. En la sección Artículos Originales, presentamos los resultados de la investigación Inédita “Procedencia escolar de los aspirantes a la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas y su relación con el rendimiento en los exámenes de admisión". En los Casos clínicos se han incluido dos trabajos. El primero de “Mastocitosis cutáneas: A propósito de tres casos de urticaria pigmentosa" y el segundo, es un caso de un varón de 47 años de edad con “Queilitis actínica tratada con Imiquimod 5%". Compartimos en este número tres artículos de revisión. En primer término un “Análisis crítico de la controversia del uso de animales en las investigaciones científicas biomédicas", en segundo término una revisión sobre “Vértigo en emergencias" y el tercer documento aborda el tema de “Tratamiento de úlceras venosas de piernas. Revisión bibliográfica".


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Background: Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of genetically heterogeneous diseases with progressive degeneration of the retina. The condition can be inherited as an autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked trait. Methods: We report on two female twin pairs. One twin of each pair is affected with RP, the other twin is unaffected, both clinically and functionally. Molecular analysis in both twins included zygosity determination, arrayed primer extension chip analysis for autosomal recessive and dominant RP, sequencing of the entire RPGR gene, and analysis of X-chromosome inactivation status. Results: Both unrelated twin pairs were genetically identical. Of the potential pathogenetic mechanisms, skewed X-inactivation was excluded on leukocytes. Autosomal recessive RP and autosomal dominant RP arrayed primer extension chip analysis result was completely normal, excluding known mutations in known genes as the cause of disease in the affected twins. Sequencing excluded mutations in RPGR. A postzygotic recessive or dominant genetic mutation of an RP gene is not impossible. A postfertilization error as a potential cause of uniparental isodisomy is unlikely albeit not entirely impossible. Conclusion: The authors report on the second and third unrelated identical twin pair discordant for RP. The exact cause of the condition and the explanation of the clinical discordance remain elusive. RETINA 31:1164-1169, 2011


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Background: The non- or low-sedating H1 receptor antagonists represent the basic therapy for urticaria. Objective: To test an alternative approach to patients unresponsive to conventional treatment. Materials and methods: A total of 22 patients with chronic urticaria unresponsive to conventional antihistamine treatment were enrolled for this study. They had uncontrolled urticaria even using multiple combinations of antihistamines on maximum doses and corticosteroids in short cycles (prednisone 20-40 mg, per os once a day, 3-7 days per month). Cutaneous biopsies of the urticaria lesions were taken. These findings were classified as: (I) a mixture of perivascular dermal inflammatory infiltrate composed of lymphocytes, monocytes and neutrophils and/or eosinophils; (II) inflammatory infiltrate composed chiefly of neutrophils; and (III) inflammatory infiltrate composed mainly of eosinophils. According to histology, the patients were submitted to one of the following therapeutic schemes: class A - antihistamine treatment plus dapsone; class B - colchicine or dapsone; class C montelukast. Results: Four patients in class A, 08 in class B and seven in class C displayed complete control of urticaria after 12 weeks of treatment; one patient in class B and two in class C did not respond to treatment. Two years after discontinuation, 16 patients are still free of urticaria. Conclusions: This study suggests an alternative approach for treating unresponsive chronic urticaria.


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The immunologic characterization of chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU), mainly regarding cytokine profile needs more investigation. We examined circulating inflammatory cytokine levels, T-cell induced secretion, and cytokine mRNA expression in patients with CIU subjected to the intradermal autologous serum skin test (ASST). Increased levels of circulating pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-alpha, IL-1 beta, IL-12p70, and IL-6 have been observed in most of patients with CIU, together with an enhancement of IL-2 secretion following T-cell stimulation. Highlighting the inflammatory profile in CIU found in ASST positive, is the enhanced B-cell proliferative responsiveness and increased IL-17 secretion levels. ASST-positive patients also exhibited impaired IL-4 secretion associated with increased IL-10 production. Altered cytokine expression in patients with ASST-negative, was the down-modulation of spontaneous IL-10 mRNA expression levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Our findings support the concept of immunologic dysregulation in CIU, revealing a systemic inflammatory profile associated with disturbed cytokine production by T cells, mainly related to IL-17 and IL-10 production. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background Basophils and mast cells are the main target cells in chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU). Besides the basopenia, intrinsic defects of the anti-IgE cross-linking signalling pathway of basophils have been described in CIU. Objectives We sought to investigate the profile of expression of activation markers on basophils of patients with CIU and to explore the effect of interleukin (IL)-3 priming upon anti-IgE cross-linking stimuli through expression of activation markers and basophil histamine releasability. Methods Evaluation of the surface expression of Fc epsilon RI alpha, CD63, CD203c and CD123 on whole blood basophils of patients with CIU undergoing autologous serum skin test (ASST) was performed by flow cytometry. The effect of pretreatment with IL-3 in the anti-IgE response was analysed by the expression of basophil activation markers and histamine release using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results Blood basophils of patients with CIU were reduced in number and displayed increased surface expression of Fc epsilon RI alpha, which was positively correlated with the IgE serum levels. Upregulation of expression of both surface markers CD203c and CD63 was verified on basophils of patients with CIU, regardless of ASST response. High expression of IL-3 receptor on basophils was detected only in ASST+ patients with CIU. Pretreatment with IL-3 upregulated CD203c expression concomitantly with the excreting function of blood basophils and induced a quick hyper-responsiveness to anti-IgE cross-linking on basophils of patients with CIU compared with healthy controls. Conclusions Basophils of patients with CIU showed an activated profile, possibly due to an in vivo priming. Functionally, basophils have high responsiveness to IL-3 stimulation, thereby suggesting that defects in the signal transduction pathway after IgE cross-linking stimuli are recoverable in subjects with chronic urticaria.


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P>Background The evolution and therapeutic outcome of American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) depend upon many factors, including the balance between Th1 and Th2 cytokines to control parasite multiplication and lesion extension. Other cytokines known for their role in inflammatory processes such as interleukin IL-17 or IL-18 as well as factors controlling keratinocyte differentiation and the inflammatory process in the skin, like the Notch system, could also be involved in the disease outcome. Notch receptors are a group of transmembrane proteins that regulate cell fate decisions during development and adulthood in many tissues, including keratinocyte differentiation and T-cell lineage commitment, depending on their activation by specific groups of ligands (Delta-like or Jagged). Objectives To compare the in situ expression of Notch system proteins (receptors, ligands and transcriptional factors) and cytokines possibly involved in the disease outcome (IL-17, IL-18, IL-23 and transforming growth factor-beta) in ATL cutaneous and mucosal lesions, according to the response to therapy with N-methyl glucamine. Methods Cutaneous and mucosal biopsies obtained from patients prior to therapy with N-methyl glucamine were analysed by immunohistochemistry and real-time polymerase chain reaction. Results Notch receptors and Delta-like ligands were found increased in patients with ATL, particularly those with poor response to therapy or with mucosal lesions. Conclusions The increase of Notch receptors and Delta-like ligands in patients with a poor response to treatment suggests that these patients would require a more aggressive therapeutic approach or at least a more thorough and rigorous follow-up.


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Chronic urticaria (daily or almost daily symptoms lasting for more than six weeks) is characterized by wheals and erythema, with or without itching. A few case reports have shown chronic autoimmune urticaria at the beginning of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), particularly in adults. However, the prevalence of this manifestation in a lupus paediatric population was not studied. During 27 consecutive years, 5419 patients were followed up at our University Hospital and 271 (5%) had juvenile SLE (American College of Rheumatology criteria). Two of them (0.7%) had chronic and painless autoimmune urticaria as the first manifestation of juvenile SLE, and were reported herein. One case was a five-year old female with continuous widespread urticaria (duration 120 days), antinuclear antibodies (ANA) 1:640 (dense fine speckled pattern) and elevated complement levels. The juvenile SLE diagnosis was established after one year. The other case was a 13-year old female who had chronic widespread urticaria (lasting 45 days), ANA 1:160 (fine speckled pattern) and normal complement levels. The juvenile SLE diagnosis was established after three years. In conclusion, chronic autoimmune urticaria is very rare and may be the first lupus manifestation, particularly associated with the presence of autoantibodies. This study reinforces the importance of a rigorous follow-up in children and adolescents suffering from autoimmune urticaria due to the possibility of connective tissue disorders, such as paediatric lupus. Lupus (2011) 20, 763-766.


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PURPOSE. To assess the safety of transcorneal electrical stimulation (TES) and explore its efficacy in various subjective and objective parameters of visual function in patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP). METHODS. Twenty-four patients in this prospective, randomized, partially blinded, good-clinical-practice study underwent TES (5-ms biphasic pulses; 20 Hz; DTL electrodes) 30 minutes per week for 6 consecutive weeks. The patients were randomly assigned to one of three groups: sham, 66%, or 150% of individual electrical phosphene threshold (EPT). Visual acuity (VA), visual field (VF; kinetic, static), electroretinography (Ganzfeld, multifocal), dark-adaptation (DA), color discrimination, and EPTs were assessed at all visits or four times, according to the study plan. RESULTS. TES using DTL electrodes was tolerated well; all patients finished the study. Two adverse (foreign body sensation), but no serious adverse events were encountered. There was a tendency for most functional parameters to improve (8/18) or to remain constant (8/18) in the 150% group. VF area and scotopic b-wave amplitude reached statistical significance (P < 0.027 and P < 0.001, respectively). Only desaturated color discrimination and VF mean sensitivity decreased. There was no obvious trend in the 66% group. CONCLUSIONS. TES was found to be safe in RP patients. Positive trends were discovered, but due to the small sample size of this exploratory study, statistical significance was reached only for VF area and scotopic b-wave amplitude. Further studies with larger sample sizes and longer duration are needed to confirm the findings and to define optimal stimulation parameters. (ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00804102.) (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011;52:4485-4496) DOI:10.1167/iovs.10-6932


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Physical urticaria includes a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by the development of urticarial lesions and/or angioedema after exposure to certain physical stimuli. The authors present the case of a child with severe acquired cold urticaria secondary to infectious mononucleosis. Avoidance of exposure to cold was recommended; prophylactic treatment with ketotifen and cetirizine was begun and a self-administered epinephrine kit was prescribed. The results of ice cube test and symptoms significantly improved. Physical urticaria, which involves complex pathogenesis, clinical course and therapy, may be potentially life threatening. Evaluation and diagnosis are especially important in children. To our knowledge this is the first description of persistent severe cold-induced urticaria associated with infectious mononucleosis in a child.


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Urticaria, defined by the presence of wheals and/or angioedema,is a common condition in children, prompting parents to consult physicians. For its successful management, paediatric-specific features must be taken into account, regarding the identification of eliciting triggers and pharmacological therapy. This review systematically discusses the current best-available evidence on spontaneous acute and chronic urticaria as well as physical and other urticaria types in children. Potential underlying causes, namely infections, food and drug hypersensitivity, autoreactivity and autoimmune or other conditions, and eliciting stimuli are considered, with practical recommendations for specific diagnostic approaches. Second-generation antihistamines are the mainstay of pharmacological treatment aimed at relief of symptoms, which require dose adjustment for paediatric use. Other therapeutic interventions are also discussed. In addition, unmet needs are highlighted, aiming to promote research into the paediatric population, ultimately aiming at the effective management of childhood urticaria.