12 resultados para Uromyces
Biotrophic plant pathogenic fungi differentiate specialized infection structures within the living cells of their host plants. These haustoria have been linked to nutrient uptake ever since their discovery. We have for the first time to our knowledge shown that the flow of sugars from the host Vicia faba to the rust fungus Uromyces fabae seems to occur largely through the haustorial complex. One of the most abundantly expressed genes in rust haustoria, the expression of which is negligible in other fungal structures, codes for a hexose transporter. Functional expression of the gene termed HXT1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Xenopus laevis oocytes assigned a substrate specificity for d-glucose and d-fructose and indicated a proton symport mechanism. Abs against HXT1p exclusively labeled haustoria in immunofluorescence microscopy and the haustorial plasma membrane in electron microscopy. These results suggest that the fungus concentrates this transporter in haustoria to take advantage of a specialized compartment of the haustorial complex. The extrahaustorial matrix, delimited by the plasma membranes of both host and parasite, constitutes a newly formed apoplastic compartment with qualities distinct from those of the bulk apoplast. This organization might facilitate the competition of the parasite with natural sink organs of the host.
Systematic relationships between the rusts on Goodeniaceae and Stylidiaceae were examined using phylogenetic analyses with two loci (internal transcribed spacer, large subunit region) from ribosomal DNA. Fresh specimens and herbarium material of four rust species (Puccinia dampierae, P. gilgiana, P. saccardoi and Uromyces scaevolae) from the Goodeniaceae and one (P. stylidii) from the Stylidiaceae were examined. A further species (P. lagenophorae) that is reported from hosts in Goodeniaceae and Asteraceae was included in our analysis. Our phylogenetic analysis recovered the rusts on Goodeniaceae and Stylidiaceae in clades sister to P. lagenophorae on Asteraceae. This supported a taxonomy in which P. lagenophorae is restricted to Asteraceae. Descriptions or taxonomic notes are provided for all of the known rusts on Goodeniaceae and Stylidiaceae.
El presente ensayo se realizó en Yasica Sur, San Ramón, Matagalpa, en época de apante del 23 de Noviembre del 2002 al 24 de Febrero del 2003, con el objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento agronómico de 16 genotipos de fríjol común de grano color negro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) a las condiciones de la localidad, a fin de encontrar alternativas de materiales genéticos para pequeños y medianos productores de frijol común. Para el estudio se utilizó un diseño experimental unífactorial en bloques completos al azar (B.C.A) con 4 repeticiones y 16 tratamientos. Los resultados de campo se procesaron mediante el programa sistema análisis estadístico (SAS V.8), la prueba de rango múltiple de Tukey al 0.01 por ciento de error para las variables evaluadas y correlación de Person para las mismas variables. Con base en los datos obtenidos se puede afirmarque, los componentes del rendimiento grano por vainas, vainas plantas y peso de 100 granos presentaron diferencias significativas; sin embargo, la variable del rendimiento de los genotipos no muestra diferencias significativas entre sí. El análisis de correlación múltiple efectuado a las variables fenológicas mostró diferencias significativas en días a flor, madurez fisiológica y días a cosechas. Los principales hábitos de crecimiento que se presentaron entre los materiales fueron indeterminados IIb y IIIb, a diferencia del genotipo B2059 con hábito indeterminado Ib. Los genotipos evaluados con relación a enfermedades fúngicas mostraron resistencia a Roya (Uromyces appendiculatus. Pers.Unger.), Mancha angular (Isariopsis griseolas Sacc) y Tizón bacteriano o bacteriosis común (Xanthomonas campestrispv.phaseoli). .
Historicamente a ferrugem da mandioca, causada pelo fungo Uromyces manihotis Henn. não tem sido considerada uma doença importante para o Brasil. Todavia, nos últimos dois anos, severas epidemias têm sido detectadas em diferentes regiões do Nordeste brasileiro como Aracaju, no Estado de Sergipe, e São Miguel das Matas, Tancredo Neves, Porto Seguro e Ilhéus, no Estado da Bahia. No Extremo Sul da Bahia a doença foi encontrada com alta intensidade nas variedades Caravela e Platina.
Current research into indirect phytopathogen–herbivore interactions (i.e., interactions mediated by the host plant) is carried out in two largely independent directions: ecological/mechanistic and molecular. We investigate the origin of these approaches and their strengths and weaknesses. Ecological studies have determined the effect of herbivores and phytopathogens on their host plants and are often correlative: the need for long-term manipulative experiments is pressing. Molecular/cellular studies have concentrated on the role of signaling pathways for systemic induced resistance, mainly involving salicylic acid and jasmonic acid, and more recently the cross-talk between these pathways. This cross-talk demonstrates how interactions between signaling mechanisms and phytohormones could mediate plant–herbivore–pathogen interactions. A bridge between these approaches may be provided by field studies using chemical induction of defense, or investigating whole-organism mechanisms of interactions among the three species. To determine the role of phytohormones in induced resistance in the field, researchers must combine ecological and molecular methods. We discuss how these methods can be integrated and present the concept of “kaleidoscopic defense.” Our recent molecular-level investigations of interactions between the herbivore Gastrophysa viridula and the rust fungus Uromyces rumicis on Rumex obtusifolius, which were well studied at the mechanistic and ecological levels, illustrate the difficulty in combining these different approaches. We suggest that the choice of the right study system (possibly wild relatives of model species) is important, and that molecular studies must consider the environmental conditions under which experiments are performed. The generalization of molecular predictions to ecologically realistic settings will be facilitated by “middle-ground studies” concentrating on the outcomes of the interactions.
Although adult Rumex obtusifolius are problematic weeds, their seedlings are poor competitors against Lolium perenne, particularly in established swards. We investigated the possibility of using this weakness to augment control of R. obtusifolius seedlings with combinations of Gastrophysa viridula (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and the rust fungus Uromyces rumicis. Rumex obtusifolius seedlings were grown in competition with L. perenne sown at different rates and times after R. obtusifolius: they competed successfully with L. perenne when sown 21 days before the grass. Sowing both species at the same time resulted in a dominant grass sward, with R. obtusifolius becoming dominant when sown 42 days prior to L. perenne. Grass sowing rate had no effect on R. obtusifolius growth or biomass. A second experiment investigated how competition from L. perenne sown 21 days after R. obtusifolius combined with damage from G. viridula and/or U. rumicis (applied at either the 3-4- or 10-13-leaf stage, or at both stages) affected the growth and final biomass of R. obtusifolius. Beetle grazing at the latter leaf stage was the only treatment that reduced R. obtusifolius biomass, although rust infection at the earlier application led to an increase in shoot and root weight. The results are discussed in terms of the potential for use of these agents in the field.
Phytophagous insects have to contend with a wide variation in food quality brought about by a variety of factors intrinsic and extrinsic to the plant. One of the most important factors is infection by plant pathogenic fungi. Necrotrophic and biotrophic plant pathogenic fungi may have contrasting effects on insect herbivores due to their different infection mechanisms and induction of different resistance pathways, although this has been little studied and there has been no study of their combined effect. We studied the effect of the biotrophic rust fungus Uromyces viciae-fabae (Pers.) Schroet (Basidiomycota: Uredinales: Pucciniaceae) and the necrotrophic fungus Botrytis cinerea Pers. (Ascomycota: Helotiales: Sclerotiniaceae) singly and together on the performance of the aphid Aphis fabae Scop. (Hemiptera: Aphididae) on Vicia faba (L.) (Fabaceae). Alone, botrytis had an inhibitory effect on individual A. fabae development, survival and fecundity, while rust infection consistently enhanced individual aphids’ performance. These effects varied in linear relation to lesion or pustule density. However, whole-plant infection by either pathogen resulted in a smaller aphid population of smaller aphids than on uninfected plants, indicating a lowering of aphid carrying capacity with infection. When both fungi were applied simultaneously to a leaf they generally cancelled the effect of each other out, resulting in most performance parameters being similar to the controls, although fecundity was reduced. However, sequential plant infection (pathogens applied five days apart) led to a 70% decrease in fecundity and 50% reduction in intrinsic rate of increase. The application of rust before botrytis had a greater inhibitory effect on aphids than applying botrytis before rust. Rust infection increased leaf total nitrogen concentration by 30% while infection by botrytis with or without rust led to a 38% decrease. The aphids’ responses to the two plant pathogens individually is consistent with the alteration in plant nutrient content by infection and also the induction of different plant defence pathways and the possible cross-talk between them. This is the first demonstration of the complex effects of the dual infection of a plant by contrasting pathogens on insect herbivores. Key words: Vicia faba, Botrytis cinerea, Uromyces viciae-fabae, tripartite interactions, induced resistance
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Proteção de Plantas) - FCA
Observou-se a ocorrência de ferrugem em Malva sylvestris, causada por Puccinia heterospora, no Município de Garanhuns (PE). Esta espécie fúngica é microcíclica e apresenta apenas o estádio sexual, com a produção de teliósporos, com morfologia variada, podendo produzir, em menor número, teliósporos bicelulares do tipo Puccinia e, predominantemente teliósporos unicelulares do tipo Uromyces (mesosporos). A produção abundante de mesosporos é uma das características morfológicas mais marcantes da espécie. Essa ferrugem possui ampla distribuição geográfica, infectando plantas pertencentes à família Malvaceae. Este representa o primeiro registro dessa ferrugem sobre o gênero Malva no Brasil. Uma amostra de referência foi depositada no Herbário Dimitri Sucre Benjamin do Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro (JBRJ-RB). São apresentadas a descrição da morfologia do fungo com base na amostra coletada, ilustrações e comentários sobre a distinção entre essa espécie e outras morfologicamente semelhantes. Palavras-chave: ferrugem, Malvaceae, Pucciniales, teliósporos.
Fil: Pontis, Rafael E.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias