8 resultados para Urochordate
Analysis of the structure of the urochordate Herdmania curvata ribosomal DNA intergenic spacer (IGS) and its role in transcription initiation and termination suggests that rRNA gene regulation in this chordate differs from that in vertebrates. A cloned H, curvata IGS is 1881 bp and composed predominantly of two classes of similar repeat sequences that largely alternate in a tandem array. Southern blot hybridization demonstrates that the IGS length variation within an individual and population is largely the result of changes in internal repeat number. Nuclease S1 mapping and primer extension analyses suggest that there are two transcription initiation sites at the 3' end of the most 3' repetitive element; these sites are 6 nucleotides apart. Unlike mouse, Xenopus, and Drosophila, there is no evidence of transcription starting elsewhere in the IGS. Most sequence differences between the promoter repeat and the other internal repeats are in the vicinity of the putative initiation sites. As in Drosophila, nuclease S1 mapping of transcription termination sites suggest that there is not a definitive stop site and a majority of the pre-rRNAs read through a substantial portion of the IGS. Some transcription appears to proceed completely through the promoter repeat into the adjacent rDNA unit. Analysis of oocyte RNA by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) confirms that readthrough transcription into the adjacent rDNA unit is occurring in some small IGS length variants; there is no evidence of complete readthrough of IGSs larger than 1.0 kb.
FGFRL1 is a novel member of the fibroblast growth factor receptor family that controls the formation of musculoskeletal tissues. Some vertebrates, including man, cow, dog, mouse, rat and chicken, possess a single copy the FGFRL1 gene. Teleostean fish have two copies, fgfrl1a and fgfrl1b, because they have undergone a whole genome duplication. Vertebrates belong to the chordates, a phylum that also includes the subphyla of the cephalochordates (e.g. Branchiostoma floridae) and urochordates (tunicates, e.g. Ciona intestinalis). We therefore investigated whether other chordates might also possess an FGFRL1 related gene. In fact, a homologous gene was found in B. floridae (amphioxus). The corresponding protein showed 60% sequence identity with the human protein and all sequence motifs identified in the vertebrate proteins were also conserved in amphioxus Fgfrl1. In contrast, the genome of the urochordate C. intestinalis and those from more distantly related invertebrates including the insect Drosophila melanogaster and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans did not appear to contain any related sequences. Thus, the FGFRL1 gene might have evolved just before branching of the vertebrate lineage from the other chordates.
Increased Kt concentration in seawater induces metamorphosis in the ascidian Herdmania momus. Larvae cultivated at 24 degrees C exhibit highest rates of metamorphosis when treated with 40 mM KCl-elevated seawater at 21 degrees C. At 24 degrees C, H. momus larvae develop competence to respond to KCl-seawater and initiate metamorphosis approximately 3 h after hatching. Larval trunks and tails separated from the anterior papillae region, but maintained in a common tunic at a distance of greater than 60 mu m, do not undergo metamorphosis when treated with KCl-seawater; normal muscle degradation does not occur in separated tails while ampullae develop from papillae-containing anterior fragments. Normal programmed degradation of myofibrils occurs when posterior fragments are fused to papillae-containing anterior fragments. These data indicate that H. momus settlement and metamorphosis only occurs when larvae have attained competence, and suggest that an anterior signalling centre is stimulated to release a factor that induces metamorphosis.
Nuclear receptors are a superfamily of metazoan transcription factors that have been shown to be involved in a wide range of developmental and physiological processes. A PCR-based survey of genomic DNA and developmental cDNAs from the ascidian Herdmania identifies eight members of this multigene family. Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analyses reveal that these ascidian nuclear receptors are representative of five of the six previously defined nuclear receptor subfamilies and are apparent homologues of retinoic acid [NR1B], retinoid X [NR2B], peroxisome proliferator-activated [NR1C], estrogen related [NR3B], neuron-derived orphan (NOR) [NR4A3], nuclear orphan [NR4A], TR2 orphan [NR2C1] and COUP orphan [NR2F3] receptors. Phylogenetic analyses that include the ascidian genes produce topologically distinct trees that suggest a redefinition of some nuclear receptor subfamilies. These trees also suggest that extensive gene duplication occurred after the vertebrates split from invertebrate chordates. These ascidian nuclear receptor genes are expressed differentially during embryogenesis and metamorphosis.
Cephalochordates, urochordates, and vertebrates evolved from a common ancestor over 520 million years ago. To improve our understanding of chordate evolution and the origin of vertebrates, we intensively searched for particular genes, gene families, and conserved noncoding elements in the sequenced genome of the cephalochordate Branchiostoma floridae, commonly called amphioxus or lancelets. Special attention was given to homeobox genes, opsin genes, genes involved in neural crest development, nuclear receptor genes, genes encoding components of the endocrine and immune systems, and conserved cis-regulatory enhancers. The amphioxus genome contains a basic set of chordate genes involved in development and cell signaling, including a fifteenth Hox gene. This set includes many genes that were co-opted in vertebrates for new roles in neural crest development and adaptive immunity. However, where amphioxus has a single gene, vertebrates often have two, three, or four paralogs derived from two whole-genome duplication events. In addition, several transcriptional enhancers are conserved between amphioxus and vertebrates--a very wide phylogenetic distance. In contrast, urochordate genomes have lost many genes, including a diversity of homeobox families and genes involved in steroid hormone function. The amphioxus genome also exhibits derived features, including duplications of opsins and genes proposed to function in innate immunity and endocrine systems. Our results indicate that the amphioxus genome is elemental to an understanding of the biology and evolution of nonchordate deuterostomes, invertebrate chordates, and vertebrates.
Background: Non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposons have contributed to shaping the structure and function of genomes. In silico and experimental approaches have been used to identify the non-LTR elements of the urochordate Ciona intestinalis. Knowledge of the types and abundance of non-LTR elements in urochordates is a key step in understanding their contribution to the structure and function of vertebrate genomes. Results: Consensus elements phylogenetically related to the I, LINE1, LINE2, LOA and R2 elements of the 14 eukaryotic non-LTR clades are described from C. intestinalis. The ascidian elements showed conservation of both the reverse transcriptase coding sequence and the overall structural organization seen in each clade. The apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease and nucleic-acid-binding domains encoded upstream of the reverse transcriptase, and the RNase H and the restriction enzyme-like endonuclease motifs encoded downstream of the reverse transcriptase were identified in the corresponding Ciona families. Conclusions: The genome of C. intestinalis harbors representatives of at least five clades of non-LTR retrotransposons. The copy number per haploid genome of each element is low, less than 100, far below the values reported for vertebrate counterparts but within the range for protostomes. Genomic and sequence analysis shows that the ascidian non-LTR elements are unmethylated and flanked by genomic segments with a gene density lower than average for the genome. The analysis provides valuable data for understanding the evolution of early chordate genomes and enlarges the view on the distribution of the non-LTR retrotransposons in eukaryotes.
Background: Non-long terminal repeat (non-LTR) retrotransposons have contributed to shaping the structure and function of genomes. In silico and experimental approaches have been used to identify the non-LTR elements of the urochordate Ciona intestinalis. Knowledge of the types and abundance of non-LTR elements in urochordates is a key step in understanding their contribution to the structure and function of vertebrate genomes. Results: Consensus elements phylogenetically related to the I, LINE1, LINE2, LOA and R2 elements of the 14 eukaryotic non-LTR clades are described from C. intestinalis. The ascidian elements showed conservation of both the reverse transcriptase coding sequence and the overall structural organization seen in each clade. The apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease and nucleic-acid-binding domains encoded upstream of the reverse transcriptase, and the RNase H and the restriction enzyme-like endonuclease motifs encoded downstream of the reverse transcriptase were identified in the corresponding Ciona families. Conclusions: The genome of C. intestinalis harbors representatives of at least five clades of non-LTR retrotransposons. The copy number per haploid genome of each element is low, less than 100, far below the values reported for vertebrate counterparts but within the range for protostomes. Genomic and sequence analysis shows that the ascidian non-LTR elements are unmethylated and flanked by genomic segments with a gene density lower than average for the genome. The analysis provides valuable data for understanding the evolution of early chordate genomes and enlarges the view on the distribution of the non-LTR retrotransposons in eukaryotes.
As the sister group to vertebrates, amphioxus is consistently used as a model of genome evolution for understanding the invertebrate/vertebrate transition. The amphioxus genome has not undergone massive duplications like those in the vertebrates or disruptive rearrangements like in the genome of Ciona, a urochordate, making it an ideal evolutionary model. Transposable elements have been linked to many genomic evolutionary changes including increased genome size, modified gene expression, massive gene rearrangements, and possibly intron evolution. Despite their importance in genome evolution, few previous examples of transposable elements have been identified in amphioxus. We report five novel Miniature Inverted-repeat Transposable Elements (MITEs) identified by an analysis of amphioxus DNA sequence, which we have named LanceleTn-1, LanceleTn-2, LanceleTn-3a, LanceleTn-3b and LanceleTn-4. Several of the LanceleTn elements were identified in the amphioxus ParaHox cluster, and we suggest these have had important implications for the evolution of this highly conserved gene cluster. The estimated high copy numbers of these elements implies that MITEs are probably the most abundant type of mobile element in amphioxus, and are thus likely to have been of fundamental importance in shaping the evolution of the amphioxus genome.