998 resultados para Urban voids


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Study and progress of urban voids. opportunities for new urban design.


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Public policies encouraging the insertion of large industrial and commercial developments near highways, associated to exclusionary housing policies, have shaped over the past decades a new urbanization phenomenon; the sprawl. This is largely characterized by discontinuous and fragmented occupation, with random population densities. This phenomenon brings environmental and social impacts to the urban and rural population, in addition to a great burden for the Government. In line with this and considering the lack of discussion about the topic, this paper discusses some of those impacts observed in Londrina - PR, Brazil. The influence of urban sprawl in this city has shown to impact traffic, waterproofing rates and green areas, in addition to underutilizing the infrastructure due to large urban voids and vacant lots. With the data presented here, it is hoped that debates emerge on the importance of rethinking the plan, so that everyone can have legal access to the city (endowed with infrastructure), as well as the importance of developing strategies to contain urban sprawl. © 2011 Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering (JUEE). All rights reserved.


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After nearly 80 years since the construction of its core, represented today by the city's central area, Londrina, located in the state of Parana, has the appearance of a new city but its features and trends of planning policies depict the bad examples of Brazilian cities. With a booming urban growth, from north to south of the county, the urban interstices represented by big voids in the middle of the city created speculation and the concept of an ideal city slowly disappeared. With a metropolitan appearance and, at the same time, with small town aspects, Londrina stands out as an automobile-oriented city, a fact that has impacted the livelihood of the population, generating environmental impacts for all social classes. This paper discusses how the form of occupation in Londrina, characterized by the sprawl phenomenon and its relation to car preference as a mode of transportation has generated urban environmental impacts. It was concluded that the choice of using cars in Londrina, as well in other medium-sized Brazilian cities studied by the comparative method, has increased and has generated bottlenecks in traffic. As a consequence, there is a constant expropriation of properties for widening roads and at the same time, the presence of various densities and urban voids that form an uneven urban space and an obstacle to efficient urban planning. © 2012 WIT Press.


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Esta pesquisa busca ampliar o debate sobre os movimentos sociais de luta por moradia no contexto da cidade capitalista. Embasados no conceito de direito à cidade, objetivamos analisar as espacialidades dos movimentos sociais de luta por moradia na primeira década do século XXI, na área central do Rio de Janeiro. A presença de terrenos e edifícios vazios públicos ou privados suscita questionamentos pelo fato de um município com elevado déficit habitacional possuir tantos espaços vazios. Contradições que resultam da negação do direito à cidade a todos os cidadãos. Assim, a expansão das lutas por moradia na nossa sociedade expressa o profundo agravamento da denominada: questão social. Na atual conjuntura e ao mesmo tempo, revela a capacidade de organização de segmentos da classe trabalhadora extremamente pauperizada. A partir do estudo do processo de luta protagonizada pelos moradores das ocupações: Chiquinha Gonzaga, Manoel Congo e Regente Feijó. Analisamos como essa prática social produz uma nova espacialidade na área central, da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Essa dinâmica não indica apenas o momento de luta pela moradia, mas também como os movimentos sociais se organizam a partir desse espaço. Movimentos sociais urbanos que, no embate da vida cotidiana, produzem espaços e relações sociais alternativos ao modelo vigente de desenvolvimento geográfico desigual. A espacialidade das ocupações simboliza uma resistência e uma ação criativa ao demonstrar ao poder público que é possível transformar os espaços vazios na cidade em moradia popular, proporcionando, dessa maneira, melhora em termos de qualidade de vida dos seus moradores. O direito à cidade significa estar na cidade e vivenciá-la na sua plenitude, ou seja, fazendo uso de todas as suas benesses, participando ativamente da sua construção e reconstrução. Porém, a ação contrária dos agentes que se beneficiam da ordem vigente é imediata, e várias são as estratégias para desmobilizar os movimentos sociais. Nesse sentido, a formação de uma rede de resistência solidária dos movimentos sociais pela moradia busca: promover o fortalecimento da luta pelo direito à cidade.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The fundamental objective of this research was analyzed the urban expansion’s process of municipality Piracicaba, it is located in the countryside of São Paulo state. The use and occupation of land by observing the social and environmental impacts related, including the Protection Permanent Area (PPA) of urban fringes according to the successive expansions of Piracicaba city in 2006, the publication year of the current city hall director planning, until 2011, when the approval of the eighth and most recent update of Piracicaba’s expanding the perimeter. The development of the study was conducted with the support of bibliographic, cartographic, considering maps and satellite images, further more field work. Thematic maps of the current urban expansion were created, urban voids and land use were developed, typifying the occupation according to the activities established thus through the analysis of land use through cartographic interpretation, as research in locus. To assist the research geotechnologies were used, both for production and for the interpretation of cartographic materials, specially in Geographic Information Systems


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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La ciudad de Córdoba no ha sido ajena a los procesos económicos-sociales de la “globalización", que implican una fuerte expansión y concentración del capital, con impactos en la esfera social y aumento de las desigualdades. La salida de la convertibilidad a fines del año 2001 y el consecuente incremento de la apertura externa del país impactó en algunos sectores económicos, agro-exportadores principalmente, que insertos en la dinámica comercial internacional logran obtener amplios márgenes de ganancias. Las ganancias se transfieren a otros sectores de la economía que continúan aumentando la rentabilidad de los agentes involucrados. Desde entonces se observa una marcada expansión de la actividad inmobiliaria y de la construcción, en barrios centrales de la misma y hacia la periferia, con la construcción de barrios privados. Esto exacerba el valor del suelo urbano y produce una revalorización inmobiliaria en las áreas mencionadas, que es demandada por grandes inversores. La configuración territorial de la ciudad de Córdoba en los últimos años ha estado comandada por el capital privado. Sin un proyecto urbano que garantice el ordenamiento de la ciudad; ha desembocado en altas densidades edificadas en detrimento de espacios públicos; en especial plazas, áreas recreativas y deportivas. A su vez se produce mayor densidad de habitantes por Km2 que demandan la utilización de estos espacios. Los vacíos urbanos que contiene la ciudad aún pueden revertir parte de esta situación y re-valorizar el “espacio verde público" como espacio de producción y reproducción socio-espacial.


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La expansión de las ciudades hacia la periferia en las últimas décadas ha generado una serie de tejidos en colisión, donde los intersticios y los espacios residuales muestran la realidad de una ciudad dispersa. A esta serie de espacios intermedios los denominaremos “vacíos urbanos” y determinaremos una serie de factores que hagan posible su identificación Los vacíos urbanos son el objeto de la Tesis. El concepto “vacío urbano” adquiere un determinado significado para la investigación y se acota formulando una serie de parámetros para su definición. Definiremos los “vacíos urbanos” como espacios que han aparecido en el extrarradio de las ciudades, fruto de una expansión sin precedentes de las áreas urbanas. Han surgido como lugares residuales condicionados por elementos naturales o por infraestructuras, ligados a una temporalidad incierta, no inmersos en la dinámicas urbanas o habiendo perdido su funcionalidad. El objetivo de esta investigación es localizar y clasificar los vacíos existentes en la ciudad partiendo de la hipótesis de que es posible establecer una metodología para su reconocimiento y comprobación de los parámetros que los definen. La investigación centra su estudio en la ciudad de Zaragoza, como un ejemplo paradigmático, confirmando que la nueva fenomenología territorial, no sólo se manifiesta en dicha ciudad y en las áreas en concreto donde se ha estudiado, sino que más bien se trata de observarla como una serie de modelos tipológicos que respondan a un proceso de análisis. La propuesta metodológica de loa tesis pasa por reconocerlos, mostrarlos y darles una visibilidad que permita su clasificación, el desarrollo de un estudio de Áreas de la ciudad donde se localizan y un análisis de cada tipología de vacío urbano. Como instrumento metodológico se ha elaborado una detallada cartografía a diferentes escalas. La realización de los planos ha sido el medio de análisis que ha permitido localizar e interpretar los vacíos, complementado con unas escogidas fotografías de estos entornos. La metodología se convierte en un modo de descubrir y analizar los vacíos, el proceso conlleva la comprobación y la clasificación en una tipología. Según se han ido analizando nuevas áreas, se confirma como un hecho repetitivo exitoso y se observa que es aplicable a otras áreas urbanas de similares características, donde se den las condiciones principales de cada tipo. En general, deberán ser espacios localizados en la periferia de núcleos urbanos donde aparezcan fenómenos ligados a una expansión discontinua. Parece probable que el futuro de la ciudad se tenga que resolver en las próximas décadas sobre su actual extensión; bajo este supuesto, es trascendente la función que los vacíos puedan desempeñar en el futuro desarrollo urbano. Toda posibilidad de intervención precisará de una necesaria reinterpretación, puestas las miras en su potencial como elementos capaces de generar una rehabilitación urbana. A su vez se hace conveniente plantear una reflexión sobre estos espacios cargados de una dimensión social y cultural, como lugares capaces de articular y dotar de identidad al medio urbano. Los vacíos deberían protagonizar un papel relevante en la estructuración urbana, abriendo posibilidades para el tramado de la ciudad desde nuevas perspectivas. Una apuesta para que estos espacios libres pasen de ser el objetivo de procesos urbanizadores tradicionales, a ser considerados como oportunos elementos vertebradores de los entornos periurbanos, colaborando en el objetivo de una ciudad contemporánea sostenible. ABSTRACT In the last decades the city periphary expansion has provoked a series of matters to collide, where interstices and waste lands show the reality of a divided city. We shall determine a number of factors allowing us to treat these “in between” spaces, also called "urban voids" as identifiable elements. We will consider them the subject of the thesis and establish them as a "concept", delimiting the meaning of the research specifically acquired, defining, and formulating a set of parameters. "Urban voids" are defined as spaces that have appeared on the outskirts of cities, the result of an unprecedented expansion of urban areas. They have emerged as waste lands, conditioned by natural elements or infrastructure, related to uncertain temporality, not immersed in the urban dynamics, or having lost their functionality. It seems likely that in the upcoming decades, the future of the city will have to resolve its current way of expanding . It is under this assumption that urban voids, as intermediate spaces, will play an important role in future urban developments. Any possible intervention will require a necessary reinterpretation, closely watching their potential as elements capable of generating an urban rehabilitation. At the same time, we wish to reflect on these spaces, in many cases loaded with a social and cultural dimension, as places able to articulate and give identity to the urban environment. Based on the hypothesis that it is possible to establish a methodology for recognition and verification, the purpose of this research is to locate and classify the existing urban voids in the city. The research focuses its study on the city of Saragossa which can be seen as a paradigmatic example. The objective is to confirm that this new territorial phenomenology, not only manifests itself in Saragossa and specific areas under study, but also, can be observed as a series of typological models that respond to a review process. The methodological proposal will recognize, demonstrate, and exhibit these urban voids, in a light that will allow us to classify them, examine the different areas where they can be found, and develop a tipology analysis of each type of urban void found. The technical tool used in this research is a detailed mapping at different scales. A realization of plans, as a mean of analysis, supplemented with a few selected pictures of these environments, will facilitate the location and interpretation of these voids. This scholarly approach to discover and analyze urban voids will involve checking and classifying them in a typology. It has been confirmed as a successful constant regulator while exploring new areas. It will be apply to other urban areas with similar characteristics, that is, spaces located on the periphery of urban areas where expansion is linked to the appearence of discontinuous phenomena. The urban voids play a fundamental role within the urban structure, providing the city a weaving scheme with opportunities of fresh perspectives. The challenge for these free spaces is to move from being the consequence of traditional urban development processes, to being considered opportune backbone elements of peri-urban environments, and to finally contribute to the objectives of a sustainable contemporary city.


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In Brazil, the discussion about the urban voids appear related to the capitalist urban expansion process, when the urban growth act the cities were expanding toward the periphery, leaving in the interstices vacant land, kept out of the market waiting for the real estate valuation. In Natal, the formation of voids was triggered by the process of fragmentation of space promoted mainly by the urban sprawl with the emergence of new neighborhoods, lots of openings, housing developments and the emergence of new lines of commercial centrality. In this sense, this study aims to understand the role played by urban voids in the real estate dynamics and the production process of the Natal city space. For this, it was adressed the concept building on the conception of different authors and were characterized four types of gaps that best explained the phenomenon in the context of the work proposal addressed, such as idle, empty expectant, empty-brownfield areas and institutional areas. For each of these events were considered an example in the general context of the city through semi-structured interviews with technicians, managers and public officials in promoting the city and /or related to management of urban voids.


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O presente relatório de estágio reflete o trabalho realizado e a experiência adquirida ao longo de seis meses na Câmara Municipal de Loures. Os trabalhos desenvolvidos correspondem, sobretudo, ao que era pretendido por parte da Câmara Municipal tendo sido aplicados, em parte, os conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo da licenciatura e do mestrado em Arquitetura Paisagista na Universidade de Évora. Este relatório incide sobre a regulamentação do mobiliário urbano em todo o Município de Loures, na caracterização e proposta de intervenção para alguns espaços abertos pertencentes ao concelho e na importância da Arquitetura Paisagista no sector público; ABSTRACT: City Council of Loures: An Experience in Landscape Architecture in the Public Sector This internship report reflects the work done and experience gained over six months at the City Council of Loures. The work developed are primarily to what was intended by the City Council having been applied in part the knowledge acquired throughout the undergraduate and master's degree in Landscape Architecture at the University of Évora. This report focuses on the regulation of street furniture throughout the Loures Municipality, characterization and proposal of intervention for some open spaces belonging to the municipality and the importance of Landscape Architecture in the public sector.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitcetura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitectura.


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Political and spatial contestation in divided cities contributes to strategies of self-defense that utilize physical and spatial settings to enable the constitution of social boundaries, borders and territories.
Urban parks that are designed to ease division through an open transitional landscape can instead facilitate further segregation through their spatial order and facility layout. This paper investigates the role of the spatial design and material landscape of integrated parks in Belfast interface areas as instruments of engagement or division. It does so by analyzing the spatial organization of the parks’ facilities and the resultant ‘social voids.’ Space, time and distance were found to be effective tools for the negotiation of privacy, the manifestation of power, and the interplay of dominance and self-confidence. In the context of a divided city, strong community-culture tends to reproduce new boundaries and territories within the shared landscape. Through user interviews and spatial analysis, this paper outlines the design principles that influence spatial behavior in the urban parks of contested urban landscapes. It argues that despite granting equal access to shared public facilities, social voids and physical gaps can instill practices of division that deepen territorial barriers, both psychologically and spatially.


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The fragmentation of forest habitats in urban areas has aroused increasing interest in recent years according to the growing environmental problems. The fragmentation of theses ecosystems is caused, in general, by the pressure of housing, agriculture and industry, causing losses in biodiversity and problems of soil degradation in the border areas of theses remnants. The establishment of indicators of soil degradation becomes essential for the implementation of conservation and reclamation. This study analyzes physical and chemical characteristics of soil under different forms of vegetation in the forest surrounding the Quilombo Forest, located in Campinas/SP - Brazil, and examines the possibility of using these indices as indicators of environmental degradation in urban remnants. The parameters analyzed were: specific weight natural (γn), specific weight of solids (γs) Ca, P, K, Mg, pH, organic matter, H + Al, Sum of Base (SB) Percent Base Saturation (V%), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC). The study shows that in general the different forms of land used in the study area significantly changed (or according to) the physical aspects of soil The porosity and voids of the soil stood out as the best indicators of soil physical degradation in the layer 0-20 cm deep. In relation to chemical indices, the soil under the cultivation of cane sugar had a significantly higher pH, K, Ca, Mg and sum of bases. The areas of forest showed higher levels of phosphorus, organic matter and CEC, indicating the importance of maintaining vegetation and replacement for the cycling of organic matter.