984 resultados para Urban segregation


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This article reviews the shortcomings of the current UK planning system to address urban inequalities and segregation of impoverished communities.


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Includes bibliography


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Three sources of urban conflicts are identified: (1) changing state-city relationships; (2) the relationship between the dynamics of capitalist development and cities and (3) the specific dynamics of urban life and the urban environment where the city itself is seen as a causal variable. Two sets of questions cross-cut all three strands. The first addresses how violent conflicts can be regulated, transformed and rendered into more constructive non-violent conflicts through the processes of urban civil society. The second concerns how, why, and where urban conflicts turn violent and with what consequences. In summary cities now rival states as arenas and stakes in political conflict and urban conflicts have increasing transnational and transcultural salience which underlines the necessity for sustained comparative analyis


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The art of choosing the right tram – A study of urban segregation, choice of school and young people’s life plans When discussing barriers to integration and young people’s choice of school, research often focuses on language skills, cultural capital, supportive environments and other more obvious, distinct and material aspects that have an impact on educational achievement. In the present study, we have instead chosen to look at how young immigrants construct their inner career landscapes and life-plans, and how this relates to their perception of ethnicity, neighbourhood and identity. The sample used here consists of altogether twenty individuals. The interviews were used to explore certain designated dimensions and processes. All interviews were conducted in the school environment, in classrooms and other locations. The students attended two different inner-city schools. A narrative-sociological approach is used in the analysis. The young people’s perceptions and narratives are analysed in relation to concepts such as: territorial stigmatization, identity, self-perception and modifications of life plans. The findings show that the feelings of otherness which originates in housing conditions, experiences of exclusion and the everyday life of many immigrants, are transposed into the school area and transformed into strategies and life plans.


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The processes of social and urban segregation have got worse during the last decades. Several studies have deepened into the analysis of the causes and consequences of these processes and have tried to define solutions that beyond eradicating some specific problems, were aimed at the consolidation of sustainable urban environments. This paper presents an approach to the problem of urban inequality based on the concept of urban vulnerability as something that goes beyond the social and economic problems. In exclusion processes it is very important to consider the urban context and the physical and structural conditions not only in each neighborhood but also in the city as a whole. The paper seeks to pose a reflection on the urban support, which is understood in all its complexity and thought to be a key to ensure access and the right to the city of the citizens most in need.


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The aim of this study is to find out how urban segregation is connected to the differentiation in educational outcomes in public schools. The connection between urban structure and educational outcomes is studied on both the primary and secondary school level. The secondary purpose of this study is to find out whether the free school choice policy introduced in the mid-1990´s has an effect on the educational outcomes in secondary schools or on the observed relationship between the urban structure and educational outcomes. The study is quantitative in nature, and the most important method used is statistical regression analysis. The educational outcome data ranging the years from 1999 to 2002 has been provided by the Finnish National Board of Education, and the data containing variables describing the social and physical structure of Helsinki has been provided by Statistics Finland and City of Helsinki Urban Facts. The central observation is that there is a clear connection between urban segregation and differences in educational outcomes in public schools. With variables describing urban structure, it is possible to statistically explain up to 70 % of the variation in educational outcomes in the primary schools and 60 % of the variation in educational oucomes in the secondary schools. The most significant variables in relation to low educational outcomes in Helsinki are abundance of public housing, low educational status of the adult population and high numbers of immigrants in the school's catchment area. The regression model has been constructed using these variables. The lower coefficient of determination in the educational outcomes of secondary schools is mostly due to the effects of secondary school choice. Studying the public school market revealed that students selecting a secondary school outside their local catchment area cause an increase in the variation of the educational outcomes between secondary schools. When the number of students selecting a school outside their local catchment area is taken into account in the regressional model, it is possible to explain up to 80 % of the variation in educational outcomes in the secondary schools in Helsinki.


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Esta tese investiga as memórias e experiências de duas gerações de moradores de uma localidade da periferia urbana de Florianópolis, cidade cujo crescimento nas últimas décadas tem sido acompanhado pelo aumento dos espaços de pobreza. A pesquisa com os atores sociais aqui investigados permitiu vislumbrar os mecanismos que operaram a mudança das relações de sociabilidade de seus moradores e em suas práticas de inserção na vida urbana, que transitaram, ao longo do período, da organização coletiva (na época em que constituíam o movimento sem-teto) para a melhoria de suas condições de vida às estratégias individuais. A premissa é que as experiências dessas duas gerações podem ser mais bem compreendidas se analisadas na articulação do nível local com a esfera pública da cidade. Para tanto são analisados o desenvolvimento urbano recente de Florianópolis, a produção de seus espaços de pobreza e a dinâmica conflitiva daí advinda, bem como a percepção deles sobre seu espaço, tomando como referência as categorias a partir das quais esse espaço foi por eles historicamente elaborado. Neste processo, construíram um idioma de ação no qual a categoria comunidade teve grande centralidade. A investigação foi desenvolvida por meio de uma metodologia baseada em entrevistas e, principalmente, a partir da observação direta, realizada ao longo de atividades de pesquisa e de extensão como professor da universidade. Com relação à primeira geração, a tese evidencia como a memória ressignifica no presente as experiências de participação política vivenciadas no passado. As análises revelam como essa ressignificação se relaciona com deslocamentos no sentido do político, os quais estão relacionados às mudanças nas condições de vida moradores e ao novo lugar simbólico ocupado pelas localidades de periferia de Florianópolis. Com relação à segunda geração, a investigação demonstra em que medida se distingue da anterior na sua forma de inserção no mundo da cidade, examinando tanto o campo de possibilidades que a eles se abre quanto seus projetos e escolhas. Enquanto a primeira geração desenvolveu no passado intensas práticas associativas, percebeu-se na nova geração a desvalorização dos espaços de articulação coletiva e o enfraquecimento dos laços de sociabilidade no plano local da comunidade. Suas trajetórias de vida, que tiveram como ponto em comum a participação em projetos socioeducativos, revelaram uma inserção diferenciada tanto no mercado de trabalho como na vida da cidade, o que fica bastante evidente quando comparados com outros jovens do bairro, que convivem com o desemprego e com a dinâmica da violência. A participação em projetos socioeducativos e o ingresso em estágios para iniciação ao trabalho, além de proporcionar outra integração com a vida da cidade, fez com que desenvolvessem novos laços na localidade. Em tal contexto, o fortalecimento de laços locais, quando ocorre, pode ser entendido como resistência a uma inserção cada vez mais individualizada no social.


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The Passo da Pátria is one of the areas of housing in the city of Natal/RN, presents characteristics of insecurity on ways to live and access to goods and services. The project of urbanization called Integrated Project Passo da Pátria implemented since 2002 by the public power wants to change this picture. In Passo da Pátria system of classifications of space operated by the villagers signals to singularities that allows the identification of four pieces: Pedra do Rosário , Passo , Areado and Pantanal . The actions of the Project of Urbanization promote a new socio-space configuration. Our objective is to examine ways of appropriation of space in Passo da Pátria , built by the residents, which included their cultural practices giving symbolic meaning to the four pieces. The methodological procedures consisted of: literature review of the themes of the City, Urban, Segregation socio-space, Space, the Public Policies in urban area and texts on the Passo da Pátria ; desk research and interviews with old residents, recent residents, and these: men, women, young, and leaders of the Passo da Pátria . The evaluation of the data indicates that residents live positively the action of the public power as regards the expansion of urban infrastructure and services. At the same time, negative value of the shares removal of residents and idea of integration for the different pieces that form the Passo da Pátria , for them, these actions desconstroem times, experiences and narratives that are expressed in their relations with the space in which live


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The article discusses the spread of closed condominiums in Jundiaí (SP). The studies about this phenomenon have predominantly focused on metropolitan areas; therefore, the relevance of research on medium-sized cities in order to identify similarities and differences among different urban scales. The main objective was to investigate the spacing phenomenon of closed condominiums as a housing pattern tendency as well as its social, urban and environmental impact. This study encloses the period from 1970 to the present.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Este artículo tiene como objetivo abordar la articulación de tres dimensiones de la desigualdad social -segregación urbana, segregación educativa y segmentación del mercado de trabajo- que configuran las posiciones desiguales de los jóvenes estudiantes del Plan FinEs2 en el espacio social. Al mismo tiempo, nos proponemos esbozar algunas líneas de análisis para el abordaje de las repercusiones de dicha experiencia en las trayectorias de los jóvenes. Para ello, desde una perspectiva cualitativa, trabajamos con entrevistas en profundidad a jóvenes estudiantes y a docentes del Plan FinEs2 en el Gran La Plata durante el período 2013-2014. Como resultado pudimos observar que la segregación urbana presenta profundas cercanías con las desigualdades en el mercado de trabajo y en el sistema educativo. Estas dimensiones de la desigualdad se encadenan, se combinan y se potencian en un proceso en el que las desventajas se acumulan y dan como resultado signos de la desigualdad social y su reproducción. Sin embargo, dimos cuenta de cuatro movimientos que el recorrido de la experiencia habilita: posiciones frente a las situaciones de aprendizaje, reconocimiento de la posibilidad de complementar actividades laborales y de formación, cambios en las posiciones en sus dinámicas familiares y en espacios de trabajo y significaciones en torno al título secundario


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Este artículo tiene como objetivo abordar la articulación de tres dimensiones de la desigualdad social -segregación urbana, segregación educativa y segmentación del mercado de trabajo- que configuran las posiciones desiguales de los jóvenes estudiantes del Plan FinEs2 en el espacio social. Al mismo tiempo, nos proponemos esbozar algunas líneas de análisis para el abordaje de las repercusiones de dicha experiencia en las trayectorias de los jóvenes. Para ello, desde una perspectiva cualitativa, trabajamos con entrevistas en profundidad a jóvenes estudiantes y a docentes del Plan FinEs2 en el Gran La Plata durante el período 2013-2014. Como resultado pudimos observar que la segregación urbana presenta profundas cercanías con las desigualdades en el mercado de trabajo y en el sistema educativo. Estas dimensiones de la desigualdad se encadenan, se combinan y se potencian en un proceso en el que las desventajas se acumulan y dan como resultado signos de la desigualdad social y su reproducción. Sin embargo, dimos cuenta de cuatro movimientos que el recorrido de la experiencia habilita: posiciones frente a las situaciones de aprendizaje, reconocimiento de la posibilidad de complementar actividades laborales y de formación, cambios en las posiciones en sus dinámicas familiares y en espacios de trabajo y significaciones en torno al título secundario