993 resultados para Urban degradation


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Este trabajo lleva a cabo un análisis de la aportación que las políticas urbanas de la Unión Europea (UE), y en particular las dos fases de la Iniciativa Comunitaria URBAN2, han hecho a la práctica de la regeneración urbana en España desde la perspectiva de la Planificación Colaborativa. La adopción de la Planificación Colaborativa como marco conceptual ha provisto la base teórica, el punto de vista e hilo conductor desde el que se ha analizado la dimensión urbana de las políticas comunitarias, poniendo el foco específicamente en URBAN, a través de la realización de un estudio que ha profundizado en el contexto histórico y el debate teórico desde los que se pusieron las bases metodológicas de esta forma de incidir en la degradación urbana, propuesta por la Comisión Europea en 1994. Esto ha llevado a profundizar en el escenario británico de la regeneración urbana, en el que la investigación ha encontrado la referencia sobre la que en gran medida se gestó esta Iniciativa Comunitaria. El trabajo descrito ha permitido caracterizar URBAN como un instrumento de regeneración urbana que conlleva la asunción de un enfoque colaborativo, que en última instancia tiene como objetivo la transformación de la gobernanza. Asimismo, ha sentado las bases sobre las que se ha fundamentado el análisis de la materialización de la dimensión colaborativa de los programas URBAN y URBAN II implementados en España. Los resultados alcanzados por los programas, considerados a la luz de la profundización en la práctica de la regeneración urbana del país, han permitido llegar a conclusiones sobre la aportación que la dimensión colaborativa de URBAN ha hecho al contexto español y señalar un conjunto de líneas de investigación que suponen la continuación del camino emprendido por esta Tesis Doctoral. Summary This work analyses the contribution that the urban policy of the European Union (EU), and in particular the two rounds of the URBAN Community Initiative3, as its most especific instrument, have made to the urban regeneration practice in Spain from the perspective of Collaborative Planning. The adoption of Collaborative Planning as a conceptual framework has provided the theoretical base, the focus and the guiding principle from which to analyse the urban dimension of European policies, and particularly URBAN, through the development of a study that has delved into the historical context and the theoretical debate that laid the methodological foundations of this approach to fight urban degradation launched by the European Commission in 1994. This has included the study of the British scenario of urban regeneration, in which the research has found the reference point on which URBAN was largely conceived. The work described has allowed this Community Initiative to be characterised as a tool of urban regeneration which involved the adoption of a collaborative approach, whose ultimate aim was the transformation of governance. It has also laid the foundations on which the analysis of the implementation of the collaborative approach in the URBAN and URBAN II programmes developed in Spain has been based. The results attained by the programmes considered in light of the development of the practice of urban regeneration in the Spanish scenario, have led to conclusions about the contribution that the collaborative dimension of URBAN has made to the Spanish context and have resulted in the identification of a number of lines of research that represent the continuation of the path taken by this Thesis.


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Municipal Solid Waste is one of the biggest challenges that cities are facing: MSW is considered of the main sources of energy consumption, urban degradation and pollution. This paper defines the major negative effects of MSW on cities and proposes new solutions to guide waste policies. Most contemporary waste management efforts are focused at regional government level and based on high tech waste disposal by methods such as landfill and incineration. However, these methods are becoming increasingly expensive, energy inefficient and pollutant: waste disposal is not sustainable and will have negative implications for future generations. In this paper are proposed all the principle solutions that could be undertaken. New policy instruments are presented updating and adapting policies and encouraging innovation for less wasteful systems. Waste management plans are fundamental to increase the ability of urban areas effectively to adapt to waste challenges. These plans have to give an outline of waste streams and treatment options and provide a scenario for the following years that significantly reduce landfills and incinerators in favor of prevention, reuse and recycling. The key aim of an urban waste management plan is to set out the work towards a zero waste economy as part of the transition to a sustainable economy. Other questions remain still opened: How to change people’s behavior? What is the role of environmental education and risk perception? It is sure that the involvement of the various stakeholders and the wider public in the planning process should aim at ensuring acceptance of the waste policy.


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A análise de arquivos jornalísticos para a formação do conceito de historicidade em torno das obras Memórias de um rato de hotel (1912), de João do Rio, e Bandoleiros (1985), de João Gilberto Noll, foi a nossa primeira contribuição para a formação do objeto autobiografia de ficção, ou autoficção, como também denominamos. A partir desses arquivos de memórias, relativos a dois contextos finisseculares, o XIX e o XX respectivamente, pudemos compreender a historicidade como matriz do nosso objeto autoficção, permeada pelo que Foucault chama de efetividade cotidiana. Essa efetividade do cotidiano é costurada pelo fio da oralidade, que se refere ao elenco das atividades humanas no todo social, tendo como principal característica a ação comunicativa entre os sujeitos. Assim, ligamos a oralidade à historicidade em duas perspectivas complementares: os ditos e os escritos. A primeira diz respeito aos processos da comunicação humana e suas trocas simbólicas, que são projetadas na cultura: os ditos. A segunda se refere ao produto das representações literais do sujeito, grafadas no dorso impresso da memória: os escritos. A memória é a chave de acesso à escrita do si, que se distingue do que chamamos de autoficção, porque nessa última prevalecem as experiências do tempo presente para o futuro. Memórias de um rato de hotel é a escrita de um Eu-autor, contando do cárcere as suas experiências de gatuno no contexto da belle époque carioca. Por meio da memória, ele reconstrói o contexto finissecular, enfatizando a degradação urbana e a decadência ética da burguesia em ascensão, nos tempos da recém-inaugurada República. Na autoficção Bandoleiros, temos o relato vertiginoso de um Eu-narrador, contando do seus fracassos literários e conjugais. Ele é um escritor decadente, transitando nos espaços degradados da pós-modernidade, retirando dessa perambulação o material vivo de seu livro Sol macabro. Nessa autoficção, Noll registra as impressões sobre a realidade dos 1980, focalizando as subjetividades agônicas à margem do capitalismo tardio, num trânsito indômito entre Porto Alegre, Rio de Janeiro e os Estados Unidos. Na nossa tese, compreendemos a realidade como a matéria plástica da autobiografia de ficção. A experiência mundana do escritor é também forte aliada na composição de uma estética subjetiva, ou subjestética, que está para além do auto-retrato narcísico da autobiografia, em suas formas tradicionais


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O Homem tem privilegiado a vida no meio urbano, em detrimento do rural, por mais oportunidade de emprego e melhores condições de vida. As cidades cresceram de forma acelerada, sobretudo depois da Revolução Industrial do século XVIII, crescimento sem controlo, repercutindo-se num desajustado planeamento urbano, ambiental, humano, social e económico. De uma forma, as paisagens verdes e naturais, foram substituídas por densas manchas cinzentas de construção, criando afastamento crescente do Homem com a Natureza. Os Jardins Verticais poderão ter um papel fundamental revestindo de forma verde e natural as fachadas dos edifícios, numa tentativa de colmatar o afastamento entre ambos. Para além destes aspectos, os Jardins Verticais proporcionam inúmeras vantagens para o edifício, de que se destacam a eficiência energética e acústica, a protecção da estrutura do edificado ou a melhoria da qualidade do ar interior. Estes também importantes para a envolvente, como na redução do efeito ilha de calor, no aumento da biodiversidade, na melhoria da qualidade do ar exterior, mas sobretudo porque proporcionam ao Homem uma sensação de saúde e conforto, exclusivo da Natureza. Tendo em conta o estado de degradação do edificado nas grandes cidades, e tomando como exemplo particular a cidade do Porto, o recurso aos Jardins Verticais poderá ser uma solução viável para a reabilitação urbana, mudando a imagem de degradação, propondo uma imagem mais “verde” e contribuindo para o nível de sustentabilidade. Partindo deste pressuposto, propõe-se como aplicação do conhecimento adquirido no estudo desenvolvido e aqui apresentado, o recurso a Jardins Verticais como estratégia de reabilitação de edifícios da cidade do Porto. Inspirado na técnica e mestria de Patrick Blanc, resultou um “pormenor-tipo”, como base para a aplicação de Jardins Verticais no edificado social da cidade, experimentado em 10 estudos práticos, tirando-se partido das vantagens supra-mencionadas.


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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The fragmentation of forest habitats in urban areas has aroused increasing interest in recent years according to the growing environmental problems. The fragmentation of theses ecosystems is caused, in general, by the pressure of housing, agriculture and industry, causing losses in biodiversity and problems of soil degradation in the border areas of theses remnants. The establishment of indicators of soil degradation becomes essential for the implementation of conservation and reclamation. This study analyzes physical and chemical characteristics of soil under different forms of vegetation in the forest surrounding the Quilombo Forest, located in Campinas/SP - Brazil, and examines the possibility of using these indices as indicators of environmental degradation in urban remnants. The parameters analyzed were: specific weight natural (γn), specific weight of solids (γs) Ca, P, K, Mg, pH, organic matter, H + Al, Sum of Base (SB) Percent Base Saturation (V%), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC). The study shows that in general the different forms of land used in the study area significantly changed (or according to) the physical aspects of soil The porosity and voids of the soil stood out as the best indicators of soil physical degradation in the layer 0-20 cm deep. In relation to chemical indices, the soil under the cultivation of cane sugar had a significantly higher pH, K, Ca, Mg and sum of bases. The areas of forest showed higher levels of phosphorus, organic matter and CEC, indicating the importance of maintaining vegetation and replacement for the cycling of organic matter.


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This paper analyses the consequences of urban environmental degradation on the well-being of Spanish miners. It is based on analyses of differences in mortality and height. The first part of the paper examines new hypotheses regarding the urban penalty. We take into consideration existing works in economic theory that address market failures when analysing the higher urban death rate. We explain the reduction in height using the model recently created by Floud, Fogel, Harris and Hong for British cities. The second part of the paper presents information demonstrating that the urban areas in the two largest mining areas in Spain (Bilbao and the Cartagena-La Unión mountain range) experienced a higher death rate relative to rural areas as a consequence of market failures derived from what we term an ‘anarchic urbanisation’.


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Starting from the relationship between urban planning and mobility management, TeMA has gradually expanded the view of the covered topics, always remaining in the groove of rigorous scientific in-depth analysis. During the last two years a particular attention has been paid on the Smart Cities theme and on the different meanings that come with it. The last section of the journal is formed by the Review Pages. They have different aims: to inform on the problems, trends and evolutionary processes; to investigate on the paths by highlighting the advanced relationships among apparently distant disciplinary fields; to explore the interaction’s areas, experiences and potential applications; to underline interactions, disciplinary developments but also, if present, defeats and setbacks. Inside the journal the Review Pages have the task of stimulating as much as possible the circulation of ideas and the discovery of new points of view. For this reason the section is founded on a series of basic’s references, required for the identification of new and more advanced interactions. These references are the research, the planning acts, the actions and the applications, analysed and investigated both for their ability to give a systematic response to questions concerning the urban and territorial planning, and for their attention to aspects such as the environmental sustainability and the innovation in the practices. For this purpose the Review Pages are formed by five sections (Web Resources; Books; Laws; Urban Practices; News and Events), each of which examines a specific aspect of the broader information storage of interest for TeMA.


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In recent years, cities show increasing signs of environmental problems due to the negative impacts of urban activities. The degradation and depletion of natural resources, climate change and development pressure on green areas have become major concerns for cities. In response to these problems, urban planning policies have shifted to a sustainable focus and authorities have begun to develop new strategies for improving the quality of urban ecosystems. An extremely important function of an urban ecosystem is to provide healthy and sustainable environments for both natural systems and communities. Therefore, ecological planning is a functional requirement in the establishment of sustainable built environment. With ecological planning human needs are supplied while natural resources are used in the most effective and sustainable manner. And the maintenance of ecological balance is sustained. Protecting human and environmental health, having healthy ecosystems, reducing environmental pollution and providing green spaces are just a few of the many benefits of ecological planning. In this context, the paper briefly presents a short overview of the importance of the implementation of ecological planning into sustainable urban development. Furthermore, the paper defines the conceptual framework of a new method for developing sustainable urban ecosystems through ecological planning approach. In the future of the research, this model will be developed as a guideline for the assessment of the ecological sustainability in built environments.


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At the turn of the millennium, the Earth’s human population has reached unprecedented levels and its natural resources are being pushed to the limit. Thus, cities are focused on sustainable development and they have begun to develop new strategies for improving the built environment. Sustainable development provides the best outcomes for the human and natural environments by improving the quality of life that protects and balances the ecological, social and economic values. This brings us to the main point: to build a sustainable built environment, cities need to redesign many of their technologies and planning policies within the context of ecological principles. As an environmental sustainability index model, ASSURE is developed to investigate the present environmental situation of an urban area by assessing the impacts of development pressure on natural resources. It is an innovative approach to provide the resilience and function of urban ecosystems secure against the environmental degradation for now and the future. This paper aims to underline the importance of the model (ASSURE) in preserving biodiversity and natural ecosystems in the built environment and investigate its role in delivering long-term urban planning policies.


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Water environments are greatly valued in urban areas as ecological and aesthetic assets. However, it is the water environment that is most adversely affected by urbanisation. Urban land use coupled with anthropogenic activities alters the stream flow regime and degrade water quality with urban stormwater being a significant source of pollutants. Unfortunately, urban water pollution is difficult to evaluate in terms of conventional monetary measures. True costs extend beyond immediate human or the physical boundaries of the urban area and affect the function of surrounding ecosystems. Current approaches for handling stormwater pollution and water quality issues in urban landscapes are limited as these are primarily focused on ‘end-of-pipe’ solutions. The approaches are commonly based either on, insufficient design knowledge, faulty value judgements or inadequate consideration of full life cycle costs. It is in this context that the adoption of a triple bottom line approach is advocated to safeguard urban water quality. The problem of degradation of urban water environments can only be remedied through innovative planning, water sensitive engineering design and the foresight to implement sustainable practices. Sustainable urban landscapes must be designed to match the triple bottom line needs of the community, starting with ecosystem services first such as the water cycle, then addressing the social and immediate ecosystem health needs, and finally the economic performance of the catchment. This calls for a cultural change towards urban water resources rather than the current piecemeal and single issue focus approach. This paper discusses the challenges in safeguarding urban water environments and the limitations of current approaches. It then explores the opportunities offered by integrating innovative planning practices with water engineering concepts into a single cohesive framework to protect valuable urban ecosystem assets. Finally, a series of recommendations are proposed for protecting urban water resources within the context of a triple bottom line approach.


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In recent years, cities have shown increasing signs of environmental problems due to the negative impacts of urban activities. The degradation and depletion of natural resources, climate change, and development pressure on green areas have become major concerns for cities. In response to these problems, urban planning policies have shifted to a sustainable focus and authorities have begun to develop new strategies for improving the quality of urban ecosystems. An extremely important function of an urban ecosystem is to provide healthy and sustainable environments for both natural systems and communities. Therefore, ecological planning is a functional requirement in the establishment of sustainable built environment. With ecological planning, human needs are supplied while natural resources are used in the most effective and sustainable manner and ecological balance is sustained. Protecting human and environmental health, having healthy ecosystems, reducing environmental pollution and providing green spaces are just a few of the many benefits of ecological planning. In this context, this chapter briefly presents a short overview of the importance of the implementation of ecological planning into sustainable urban development. Furthermore, it presents a conceptual framework for a new methodology for developing sustainable urban ecosystems through ecological planning approach.