951 resultados para Unjust enrichment


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This paper was concerned with the realist critique and why it is incompatible with the modern law of unjust enrichment.


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O presente estudo tem por objetivo demonstrar que, nas hipóteses em que alguém intervém na esfera jurídica alheia e obtém benefícios econômicos sem causar danos ao titular do direito ou, causando danos, o lucro obtido pelo ofensor é superior aos danos causados, as regras da responsabilidade civil, isoladamente, não são suficientes, à luz do ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, enquanto sanção eficaz pela violação de um interesse merecedor de tutela. Isto porque, como a principal função da responsabilidade civil é remover o dano, naquelas hipóteses, não fosse a utilização de um remédio alternativo, o interventor faria seu o lucro da intervenção, no primeiro caso integralmente e, no segundo, no valor equivalente ao saldo entre o lucro obtido e a indenização que tiver que pagar à vítima. A tese pretende demonstrar que o problema do lucro da intervenção não deve ser solucionado por intermédio das regras da responsabilidade civil, devendo, portanto, ser rejeitadas as propostas de solução neste campo, como a interpretação extensiva do parágrafo único, do artigo 944, do Código Civil, as indenizações punitivas e o chamado terceiro método de cálculo da indenização. Como alternativa, propõe-se o enquadramento dogmático do lucro da intervenção no enriquecimento sem causa, outorgando ao titular do direito uma pretensão de restituição do lucro obtido pelo ofensor em razão da indevida ingerência em seus bens ou direitos. Defende-se que a transferência do lucro da intervenção para o titular do direito tem por fundamento a ponderação dos interesses em jogo à luz da Constituição Federal, com especial atenção ao princípio da solidariedade, e da teoria da destinação jurídica dos bens. A tese procura demonstrar, ainda, que o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro não exige um efetivo empobrecimento do titular do direito para a configuração do enriquecimento sem causa e que a regra da subsidiariedade não impede a cumulação de ações, de responsabilidade civil para eliminar o dano (e no limite do dano), e de enriquecimento sem causa, para forçar a restituição do saldo positivo que permanecer no patrimônio do ofensor após o pagamento da indenização, se houver. Finalmente, a tese pretende provocar a discussão acerca da quantificação do objeto da restituição, propondo alguns critérios que deverão orientar o aplicador do direito.


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Com o crescimento desordenado das cidades, surgiu a necessidade de um planejamento urbano adequado, que garantisse a dignidade da pessoa humana e o respeito aos direitos fundamentais. Em um sistema tributário inchado, com reformas desastrosas e o colapso financeiro de Municípios, alternativas de solução para o problema do crescimento das cidades são essenciais. A contribuição de melhoria, tributo pioneiramente previsto na Constituição Federal de 1934, é uma dessas alternativas, na medida em que pode representar importante e justo meio de obtenção de recursos públicos que financiem políticas urbanas. Ademais, o tributo em questão atende aos princípios jurídicos, como o da capacidade contributiva e aquele que veda o enriquecimento sem causa. A contribuição de melhoria, inspirada particularmente no special assessment do direito norte-americano e na betterment tax inglesa, também é uma expressiva forma de consagração da função social da propriedade. A depender de vontade política e de iniciativas administrativas, a contribuição de melhoria pode gerar resultados inusitados para a ordenação do crescimento das cidades no Brasil, para o atendimento da função social da propriedade e para o respeito aos direitos fundamentais, daí dever-se reconhecer seu caráter de relevante instrumento de política urbana.


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Esta dissertação tem por objetivo investigar a apuração de haveres nas sociedades limitadas a partir da análise da jurisprudência, notadamente para compreender o alcance da liberdade de contratar das partes, estabelecido, entre outras normas, no artigo 1.031 do Código Civil. Para tanto, analisaram-se os julgados do STJ, disponíveis no sítio eletrônico da corte e, da mesma forma, os do TJSP, dada a relevância econômica do estado e a existência de câmaras especializadas em direito empresarial, entre o período de 2010 a 2014. Tentou-se construir uma tipologia das questões que compõem o julgamento das cláusulas de apuração de haveres, como, por exemplo, distinção entre forma de apuração e forma de pagamento; e, igualmente, dos fundamentos usados pelos tribunais para afastar ou aplicar as cláusulas. Na segunda seção, fez-se uma análise crítica dos argumentos jurisprudenciais, sob a forma de defesa daqueles que, a nosso sentir, devem validar as cláusulas de apuração de haveres, quais sejam: boa-fé objetiva, função social e os constantes na literatura americana do capital lock in. Além disso, pontua-se sobre o emprego, a nosso sentir, inadequado do “enriquecimento sem causa”, como também da conveniência de se fazer uma aplicação ponderada dos princípios, especialmente quando contrariam uma regra jurídica positivada. Por fim, antes de concluir, comentou-se sobre a forma de apuração de haveres construída pela jurisprudência, a qual denomina-se, neste trabalho, dissolução total simulada.


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This thesis is primarily based on three core chapters, focused on the fundamental issues of trade secrets law. The goal of this thesis is to come up with policy recommendations to improve legal structure governing trade secrets. The focal points of this research are the following. What is the optimal scope of trade secrets law? How does it depend on the market characteristics such as degree of product differentiation between competing products? What factors need to be considered to balance the contradicting objectives of promoting innovation and knowledge diffusion? The second strand of this research focuses on the desirability of lost profits or unjust enrichment damage regimes in case of misappropriation of a trade secret. A comparison between these regimes is made and simple policy implications are extracted from the analysis. The last part of this research is an empirical analysis of a possible relationship between trade secrets sharing and misappropriation instances faced by firms.


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The paper argued that the basis of non-contractual claims was reliance rather than unjust enrichment, criticising the unjust enrichment explanation as being premised on a number of unnecessary legal fictions which also undermine the more general coherence of unjust enrichment.


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This article is concerned with the availability of “proprietary restitution” in cases of mistaken payments. It is argued that the mistake of the claimant is an insufficient justification for proprietary restitution, however a close analysis of the case law demonstrates that the presence of additional factors can justify the availability of proprietary restitution in specific circumstances. The basis of proprietary restitution is to be found in the breach of a duty which arises separately from the claim for unjust enrichment. The significant contribution of this article is the analysis that knowledge merely creates a duty to maintain the fund until restitution is made, and that knowledge cannot establish the breach of this duty. Importantly, breach of this duty is established by a second condition which is demonstrated by the wilful misconduct of the recipient. It is this conduct which justifies the imposition of the constructive trust. By adopting this analysis, the proprietary claim in the context of mistaken transfers can be classified as forming part of the law of wrongs, rather than the law of unjust enrichment.


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One of the unresolved issues concerning equity’s jurisdiction to set aside dispositions for mistake is the nature of the proprietary consequences that ensue. The decision in Bainbridge v Bainbridge sheds further light on this important issue, but also illustrates that some important aspects concerning the application of rescission needs further clarification. The key issue concerned the rescission of a trust, where parts of the land had been sold by the trustees who had used the proceeds of sale to buy two new plots of land. Part of the reasoning used by Master Matthews relied upon authorities, developed in the context of fraudulently induced transfers of money, which requires careful consideration of the relationship between the principle in Pitt v Holt and unjust enrichment.


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The explosive growth of the World-Wide-Web and the emergence of ecommerce are the major two factors that have led to the development of recommender systems (Resnick and Varian, 1997). The main task of recommender systems is to learn from users and recommend items (e.g. information, products or books) that match the users’ personal preferences. Recommender systems have been an active research area for more than a decade. Many different techniques and systems with distinct strengths have been developed to generate better quality recommendations. One of the main factors that affect recommenders’ recommendation quality is the amount of information resources that are available to the recommenders. The main feature of the recommender systems is their ability to make personalised recommendations for different individuals. However, for many ecommerce sites, it is difficult for them to obtain sufficient knowledge about their users. Hence, the recommendations they provided to their users are often poor and not personalised. This information insufficiency problem is commonly referred to as the cold-start problem. Most existing research on recommender systems focus on developing techniques to better utilise the available information resources to achieve better recommendation quality. However, while the amount of available data and information remains insufficient, these techniques can only provide limited improvements to the overall recommendation quality. In this thesis, a novel and intuitive approach towards improving recommendation quality and alleviating the cold-start problem is attempted. This approach is enriching the information resources. It can be easily observed that when there is sufficient information and knowledge base to support recommendation making, even the simplest recommender systems can outperform the sophisticated ones with limited information resources. Two possible strategies are suggested in this thesis to achieve the proposed information enrichment for recommenders: • The first strategy suggests that information resources can be enriched by considering other information or data facets. Specifically, a taxonomy-based recommender, Hybrid Taxonomy Recommender (HTR), is presented in this thesis. HTR exploits the relationship between users’ taxonomic preferences and item preferences from the combination of the widely available product taxonomic information and the existing user rating data, and it then utilises this taxonomic preference to item preference relation to generate high quality recommendations. • The second strategy suggests that information resources can be enriched simply by obtaining information resources from other parties. In this thesis, a distributed recommender framework, Ecommerce-oriented Distributed Recommender System (EDRS), is proposed. The proposed EDRS allows multiple recommenders from different parties (i.e. organisations or ecommerce sites) to share recommendations and information resources with each other in order to improve their recommendation quality. Based on the results obtained from the experiments conducted in this thesis, the proposed systems and techniques have achieved great improvement in both making quality recommendations and alleviating the cold-start problem.


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Sediment samples from 13 sampling sites in Deception Bay, Australia were analysed for the presence of heavy metals. Enrichment factors, modified contamination indices and Nemerow pollution indices were calculated for each sampling site to determine sediment quality. The results indicate significant pollution of most sites by lead (average enrichment factor (EF) of 13), but there is also enrichment of arsenic (average EF 2.3), zinc (average EF 2.7) and other heavy metals. The modified degree of contamination indices (average 1.0) suggests that there is little contamination. By contrast, the Nemerow pollution index (average 5.8) suggests that Deception Bay is heavily contaminated. Cluster analysis was undertaken to identify groups of elements. Strong correlation between some elements and two distinct clusters of sampling sites based on sediment type was evident. These results have implications for pollution in complex marine environments where there is significant influx of sand and sediment into an estuarine environment.


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Over 80% of women diagnosed with advanced-stage ovarian cancer die as a result of disease recurrence due to failure of chemotherapy treatment. In this study, using two distinct ovarian cancer cell lines (epithelial OVCA 433 and mesenchymal HEY) we demonstrate enrichment in a population of cells with high expression of CSC markers at the protein and mRNA levels in response to cisplatin, paclitaxel and the combination of both. We also demonstrate a significant enhancement in the sphere forming abilities of ovarian cancer cells in response to chemotherapy drugs. The results of these in vitro findings are supported by in vivo mouse xenograft models in which intraperitoneal transplantation of cisplatin or paclitaxel-treated residual HEY cells generated significantly higher tumor burden compared to control untreated cells. Both the treated and untreated cells infiltrated the organs of the abdominal cavity. In addition, immunohistochemical studies on mouse tumors injected with cisplatin or paclitaxel treated residual cells displayed higher staining for the proliferative antigen Ki67, oncogeneic CA125, epithelial E-cadherin as well as cancer stem cell markers such as Oct4 and CD117, compared to mice injected with control untreated cells. These results suggest that a short-term single treatment of chemotherapy leaves residual cells that are enriched in CSC-like traits, resulting in an increased metastatic potential. The novel findings in this study are important in understanding the early molecular mechanisms by which chemoresistance and subsequent relapse may be triggered after the first line of chemotherapy treatment.


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RATIONALE Diseases including cancer and congenital disorders of glycosylation have been associated with changes in the site-specific extent of protein glycosylation. Saliva can be non-invasively sampled and is rich in glycoproteins, giving it the potential to be a useful biofluid for the discovery and detection of disease biomarkers associated with changes in glycosylation. METHODS Saliva was collected from healthy individuals and glycoproteins were enriched using phenylboronic acid based glycoprotein enrichment resin. Proteins were deglycosylated with peptide-N-glycosidase F and digested with AspN or trypsin. Desalted peptides and deglycosylated peptides were separated by reversed-phase liquid chromatography and detected with on-line electrospray ionization quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry using a 5600 TripleTof instrument. Site-specific glycosylation occupancy was semi-quantitatively determined from the abundance of deglycosylated and nonglycosylated versions of each given peptide. RESULTS Glycoprotein enrichment identified 67 independent glycosylation sites from 24 unique proteins, a 3.9-fold increase in the number of glycosylation sites identified. Enrichment of glycoproteins rather than glycopeptides allowed detection of both deglycosylated and nonglycosylated versions of each peptide, and thereby robust measurement of site-specific occupancy at 21 asparagines. Healthy individuals showed limited biological variability in occupancy, with partially modified sites having characteristics consistent with inefficient glycosylation by oligosaccharyltransferase. Inclusion of negative controls without enzymatic deglycosylation controlled for spontaneous chemical deamidation, and identified asparagines previously incorrectly annotated as glycosylated. CONCLUSIONS We developed a sample preparation and mass spectrometry detection strategy for rapid and efficient measurement of site-specific glycosylation occupancy on diverse salivary glycoproteins suitable for biomarker discovery and detection of changes in glycosylation occupancy in human disease.