997 resultados para University normalization
Este trabajo forma parte de una investigación más amplia que tuvo como objetivo indagar las perspectivas y experiencias que los grupos académicos de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata desarrollaron con relación a la política de normalización universitaria entre 1983 y 1986, a fin de legitimar su posición y orientar la reforma del plan de estudios de su Carrera. A partir de un diseño metodológico cualitativo se analizaron normativas, anteproyectos y planes de estudios, documentos y publicaciones institucionales, y entrevistas semiestructuradas. Como resultado fue posible describir las características que asumió la normalización universitaria en el caso estudiado, los elementos de continuidad y ruptura que se registraron en la dinámica institucional con relación al período de la dictadura militar y la configuración social de los grupos académicos de Ciencias de la Educación que se reincorporaron a la vida universitaria. La aprobación del nuevo plan de estudios puso en evidencia la eficacia social de una trama de vínculos de contenido diverso - académicos, profesionales, político - partidarios, personalizados - en las posiciones de los actores en el gobierno universitario y, en consecuencia, en la definición de la reforma curricular
Este trabajo forma parte de una investigación más amplia que tuvo como objetivo indagar las perspectivas y experiencias que los grupos académicos de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata desarrollaron con relación a la política de normalización universitaria entre 1983 y 1986, a fin de legitimar su posición y orientar la reforma del plan de estudios de su Carrera. A partir de un diseño metodológico cualitativo se analizaron normativas, anteproyectos y planes de estudios, documentos y publicaciones institucionales, y entrevistas semiestructuradas. Como resultado fue posible describir las características que asumió la normalización universitaria en el caso estudiado, los elementos de continuidad y ruptura que se registraron en la dinámica institucional con relación al período de la dictadura militar y la configuración social de los grupos académicos de Ciencias de la Educación que se reincorporaron a la vida universitaria. La aprobación del nuevo plan de estudios puso en evidencia la eficacia social de una trama de vínculos de contenido diverso - académicos, profesionales, político - partidarios, personalizados - en las posiciones de los actores en el gobierno universitario y, en consecuencia, en la definición de la reforma curricular
Este trabajo forma parte de una investigación más amplia que tuvo como objetivo indagar las perspectivas y experiencias que los grupos académicos de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata desarrollaron con relación a la política de normalización universitaria entre 1983 y 1986, a fin de legitimar su posición y orientar la reforma del plan de estudios de su Carrera. A partir de un diseño metodológico cualitativo se analizaron normativas, anteproyectos y planes de estudios, documentos y publicaciones institucionales, y entrevistas semiestructuradas. Como resultado fue posible describir las características que asumió la normalización universitaria en el caso estudiado, los elementos de continuidad y ruptura que se registraron en la dinámica institucional con relación al período de la dictadura militar y la configuración social de los grupos académicos de Ciencias de la Educación que se reincorporaron a la vida universitaria. La aprobación del nuevo plan de estudios puso en evidencia la eficacia social de una trama de vínculos de contenido diverso - académicos, profesionales, político - partidarios, personalizados - en las posiciones de los actores en el gobierno universitario y, en consecuencia, en la definición de la reforma curricular
El presente trabajo se propone abordar los sucesos que marcaron la dinámica institucional y política de la Universidad de La Plata en los meses que van entre septiembre de 1955 y mayo de 1956, con énfasis en un actor en particular: el movimiento estudiantil. Mediante el trabajo con fuentes documentales escritas de diversa índole vamos a reconstruir los primeros meses de la UNLP posperonista, atendiendo a tres aspectos del proceso abierto: en primer lugar, el proceso de reconstrucción y desperonización de las estructuras universitarias y del cuerpo docente y administrativo. Segundo, vamos a preguntarnos cuál fue el rol del movimiento estudiantil: qué acciones llevó a cabo, cuáles eran sus diferencias internas y sus principales debates. Como es conocido, el proceso de normalización universitaria atravesó un momento disruptivo comenzando 1956: la sanción del Decreto-Ley 6.403, y en particular su artículo n°28, va a provocar masivas movilizaciones (tanto a su favor como en contra), numerosas tomas e incluso fuertes incidentes en las calles platenses. Las últimas líneas del trabajo estarán dedicadas a este tercer aspecto del período señalado.
El presente trabajo se propone abordar los sucesos que marcaron la dinámica institucional y política de la Universidad de La Plata en los meses que van entre septiembre de 1955 y mayo de 1956, con énfasis en un actor en particular: el movimiento estudiantil. Mediante el trabajo con fuentes documentales escritas de diversa índole vamos a reconstruir los primeros meses de la UNLP posperonista, atendiendo a tres aspectos del proceso abierto: en primer lugar, el proceso de reconstrucción y desperonización de las estructuras universitarias y del cuerpo docente y administrativo. Segundo, vamos a preguntarnos cuál fue el rol del movimiento estudiantil: qué acciones llevó a cabo, cuáles eran sus diferencias internas y sus principales debates. Como es conocido, el proceso de normalización universitaria atravesó un momento disruptivo comenzando 1956: la sanción del Decreto-Ley 6.403, y en particular su artículo n°28, va a provocar masivas movilizaciones (tanto a su favor como en contra), numerosas tomas e incluso fuertes incidentes en las calles platenses. Las últimas líneas del trabajo estarán dedicadas a este tercer aspecto del período señalado.
In Czechoslovakia, the occupation of 1968 denoted the beginning of normalization , a political and societal stagnation that lasted two decades. Dissident initiative Charter 77 emerged in 1977, demanding that the leaders of the country respect human rights. The Helsinki process provided a macro-level framework that influenced opposition and dissident activities throughout Eastern Europe. The study contributes a focused empirical analysis of the period of normalization and the dissident movement Charter 77. Dissent in general is seen as an existential attitude; it can be encapsulated as a morally rationalized critical stance as derived from shared experience or interpretation of injustice, which serves as a basis for a shared collective identity comprising oppositional consciousness as one unifying factor. The study suggests that normalization can be understood as a fundamentally violent process and discusses the structural and cultural manifestations of violence with relation to Charter 77. In general, the aim of the system was to passivize the society to such an extent that it would not constitute a potential threat to the hegemonic rule of the regime. Normalization caused societal stagnation and apoliticization, but it also benefited those who accepted the new political reality. The study, however, questions the image of Czechoslovakia s allegedly highly repressive rule by showing that there was also quite considerable tolerance of Charter 77 and consideration before severe repression was brought to bear against dissidents. Furthermore, the study provides understanding of the motives and impetuses behind dissent, the strategic shifts in Charter 77 activities, and the changes in the regime s policies toward Charter 77. The study also adds new perspective on the common image of Charter 77 as a non political initiative and suggests that Charter 77 was, in fact, a political entity, an actively political one in the latter half of the 1980s. Charter 77 was a de facto hybrid of a traditional dissident initiative and an oppositional actor. Charter 77 adopted a two-dimension approach: firstly, it still emphasized its role as a citizens initiative supporting human rights, but, secondly, at the same time, it was a directly political actor supporting and furthering the development of political opposition against the ruling power.
Two new notions of reduction for terms of the λ-calculus are introduced and the question of whether a λ-term is beta-strongly normalizing is reduced to the question of whether a λ-term is merely normalizing under one of the new notions of reduction. This leads to a new way to prove beta-strong normalization for typed λ-calculi. Instead of the usual semantic proof style based on Girard's "candidats de réductibilité'', termination can be proved using a decreasing metric over a well-founded ordering in a style more common in the field of term rewriting. This new proof method is applied to the simply-typed λ-calculus and the system of intersection types.
This is an addendum to our technical report BUCS TR-94-014 of December 19, 1994. It clarifies some statements, adds information on some related research, includes a comparison with research be de Groote, and fixes two minor mistakes in a proof.
Auditory signals of speech are speaker-dependent, but representations of language meaning are speaker-independent. Such a transformation enables speech to be understood from different speakers. A neural model is presented that performs speaker normalization to generate a pitchindependent representation of speech sounds, while also preserving information about speaker identity. This speaker-invariant representation is categorized into unitized speech items, which input to sequential working memories whose distributed patterns can be categorized, or chunked, into syllable and word representations. The proposed model fits into an emerging model of auditory streaming and speech categorization. The auditory streaming and speaker normalization parts of the model both use multiple strip representations and asymmetric competitive circuits, thereby suggesting that these two circuits arose from similar neural designs. The normalized speech items are rapidly categorized and stably remembered by Adaptive Resonance Theory circuits. Simulations use synthesized steady-state vowels from the Peterson and Barney [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 24, 175-184 (1952)] vowel database and achieve accuracy rates similar to those achieved by human listeners. These results are compared to behavioral data and other speaker normalization models.
A procedure that uses fuzzy ARTMAP and K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) categorizers to evaluate intrinsic and extrinsic speaker normalization methods is described. Each classifier is trained on preprocessed, or normalized, vowel tokens from about 30% of the speakers of the Peterson-Barney database, then tested on data from the remaining speakers. Intrinsic normalization methods included one nonscaled, four psychophysical scales (bark, bark with end-correction, mel, ERB), and three log scales, each tested on four different combinations of the fundamental (Fo) and the formants (F1 , F2, F3). For each scale and frequency combination, four extrinsic speaker adaptation schemes were tested: centroid subtraction across all frequencies (CS), centroid subtraction for each frequency (CSi), linear scale (LS), and linear transformation (LT). A total of 32 intrinsic and 128 extrinsic methods were thus compared. Fuzzy ARTMAP and K-NN showed similar trends, with K-NN performing somewhat better and fuzzy ARTMAP requiring about 1/10 as much memory. The optimal intrinsic normalization method was bark scale, or bark with end-correction, using the differences between all frequencies (Diff All). The order of performance for the extrinsic methods was LT, CSi, LS, and CS, with fuzzy AHTMAP performing best using bark scale with Diff All; and K-NN choosing psychophysical measures for all except CSi.
Intrinsic and extrinsic speaker normalization methods are systematically compared using a neural network (fuzzy ARTMAP) and L1 and L2 K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) categorizers trained and tested on disjoint sets of speakers of the Peterson-Barney vowel database. Intrinsic methods include one nonscaled, four psychophysical scales (bark, bark with endcorrection, mel, ERB), and three log scales, each tested on four combinations of F0 , F1, F2, F3. Extrinsic methods include four speaker adaptation schemes, each combined with the 32 intrinsic methods: centroid subtraction across all frequencies (CS), centroid subtraction for each frequency (CSi), linear scale (LS), and linear transformation (LT). ARTMAP and KNN show similar trends, with K-NN performing better, but requiring about ten times as much memory. The optimal intrinsic normalization method is bark scale, or bark with endcorrection, using the differences between all frequencies (Diff All). The order of performance for the extrinsic methods is LT, CSi, LS, and CS, with fuzzy ARTMAP performing best using bark scale with Diff All; and K-NN choosing psychophysical measures for all except CSi.
In most microarray technologies, a number of critical steps are required to convert raw intensity measurements into the data relied upon by data analysts, biologists and clinicians. These data manipulations, referred to as preprocessing, can influence the quality of the ultimate measurements. In the last few years, the high-throughput measurement of gene expression is the most popular application of microarray technology. For this application, various groups have demonstrated that the use of modern statistical methodology can substantially improve accuracy and precision of gene expression measurements, relative to ad-hoc procedures introduced by designers and manufacturers of the technology. Currently, other applications of microarrays are becoming more and more popular. In this paper we describe a preprocessing methodology for a technology designed for the identification of DNA sequence variants in specific genes or regions of the human genome that are associated with phenotypes of interest such as disease. In particular we describe methodology useful for preprocessing Affymetrix SNP chips and obtaining genotype calls with the preprocessed data. We demonstrate how our procedure improves existing approaches using data from three relatively large studies including one in which large number independent calls are available. Software implementing these ideas are avialble from the Bioconductor oligo package.
The ability to measure gene expression on a genome-wide scale is one of the most promising accomplishments in molecular biology. Microarrays, the technology that first permitted this, were riddled with problems due to unwanted sources of variability. Many of these problems are now mitigated, after a decade’s worth of statistical methodology development. The recently developed RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) technology has generated much excitement in part due to claims of reduced variability in comparison to microarrays. However, we show RNA-seq data demonstrates unwanted and obscuring variability similar to what was first observed in microarrays. In particular, we find GC-content has a strong sample specific effect on gene expression measurements that, if left uncorrected, leads to false positives in downstream results. We also report on commonly observed data distortions that demonstrate the need for data normalization. Here we describe statistical methodology that improves precision by 42% without loss of accuracy. Our resulting conditional quantile normalization (CQN) algorithm combines robust generalized regression to remove systematic bias introduced by deterministic features such as GC-content, and quantile normalization to correct for global distortions.