941 resultados para University enrollment in Library Science


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"Reprinted from the Boston Book Company's Bulletin of bibliography, v. 2, no. 10, Jan. 1902".


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La escasa demanda que la carrera de bibliotecología tendría entre la población joven, especialmente entre quienes finalizan sus estudios de nivel medio, constituye en la actualidad una de las problemáticas que enfrenta el universo social de los bibliotecarios como campo disciplinar. A partir de esta situación, en el presente artículo pretendemos, por un lado, relevar características de la matrícula de la carrera de Bibliotecología en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC) -Argentina-, tomando como fuente de información los Anuarios Estadísticos del período 2000-2014 de la mencionada universidad. Por otro, y a partir de un trabajo de campo que se hizo en once establecimientos educativos de nivel medio de la ciudad de Córdoba, abordaremos las prácticas y las percepciones que sobre la carrera de bibliotecología y la institución bibliotecaria tienen los jóvenes que cursaron en el 2015 el último año de estudios de la escuela media. La información recabada nos permite inferir que el escaso interés por estudiar bibliotecología estaría asociado a que el universo social de la bibliotecología no ocupa un lugar significativo en el horizonte perceptivo de los jóvenes de la escuela media.


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La escasa demanda que la carrera de bibliotecología tendría entre la población joven, especialmente entre quienes finalizan sus estudios de nivel medio, constituye en la actualidad una de las problemáticas que enfrenta el universo social de los bibliotecarios como campo disciplinar. A partir de esta situación, en el presente artículo pretendemos, por un lado, relevar características de la matrícula de la carrera de Bibliotecología en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC) -Argentina-, tomando como fuente de información los Anuarios Estadísticos del período 2000-2014 de la mencionada universidad. Por otro, y a partir de un trabajo de campo que se hizo en once establecimientos educativos de nivel medio de la ciudad de Córdoba, abordaremos las prácticas y las percepciones que sobre la carrera de bibliotecología y la institución bibliotecaria tienen los jóvenes que cursaron en el 2015 el último año de estudios de la escuela media. La información recabada nos permite inferir que el escaso interés por estudiar bibliotecología estaría asociado a que el universo social de la bibliotecología no ocupa un lugar significativo en el horizonte perceptivo de los jóvenes de la escuela media.


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La escasa demanda que la carrera de bibliotecología tendría entre la población joven, especialmente entre quienes finalizan sus estudios de nivel medio, constituye en la actualidad una de las problemáticas que enfrenta el universo social de los bibliotecarios como campo disciplinar. A partir de esta situación, en el presente artículo pretendemos, por un lado, relevar características de la matrícula de la carrera de Bibliotecología en la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC) -Argentina-, tomando como fuente de información los Anuarios Estadísticos del período 2000-2014 de la mencionada universidad. Por otro, y a partir de un trabajo de campo que se hizo en once establecimientos educativos de nivel medio de la ciudad de Córdoba, abordaremos las prácticas y las percepciones que sobre la carrera de bibliotecología y la institución bibliotecaria tienen los jóvenes que cursaron en el 2015 el último año de estudios de la escuela media. La información recabada nos permite inferir que el escaso interés por estudiar bibliotecología estaría asociado a que el universo social de la bibliotecología no ocupa un lugar significativo en el horizonte perceptivo de los jóvenes de la escuela media.


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Title Varies: Catalog. Announcement; Catalogue (with Announcements); Western Reserve University. Annual Catalogue. Section Vi the School of Library Science; the School of Library Science; the School of Library Science More


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A graduate destination survey can provide a snap shot in time of a graduate’s career progression and outcome. This paper will present the results of a Queensland University of Technology study exploring the employment outcomes of students who had completed a library and information science course from the Faculty of Information Technology between 2000 and 2008. Seventy-four graduates completed an online questionnaire administered in July 2009. The study found that 90% of the graduates surveyed were working and living in Queensland, with over three quarters living and working in Brisbane. Nearly 70% were working full-time, while only 1.4% indicating that they were unemployed and looking for work. Over 80% of the graduates identified themselves as working in “librarianship”. This study is the first step in understanding the progression and destination of QUT’s library and information science graduates. It is recommended that this survey becomes an ongoing initiative so that the results can be analysed and compared over time.


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The ICT revolution has permeated every profession and all areas of human endeavour. Professions such as law, medicine , engineering, and library and information science are adjusting to the ICT environment through re-tooling, retraining, and curriculum revision. The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of ICT on the student industrial work experience scheme (SIWES) of library and information science students. It traces the historical development of the scheme, the ICT development trends in LIS, and the challenges this development brings to SIWES. Strategies to absorb this shock created by ICT are offered.


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Lack of access to oral health care frequently affects those of lower socio-economic level; individuals in this group experience more dental decay, and the caries experience is more likely to be untreated. Inadequate dental care access may be attributed to exclusion that is due to income, geography, age, race or ethnicity. Objective: The present study aims were to: (1) determine how oral disease prevalence and access to dental services in four US-Mexico Border unincorporated low socioeconomic settlements identified as colonias compare to each other and Laredo, Texas, and (2) determine if insurance status affects dental care access and/or disease prevalence. Methods: A secondary analysis of data from a retrospective chart review of 672 patients attending a Mobile Dental Van Program in the Webb County colonias. Demographic information, (ethnicity, age, gender, insurance coverage and colonia site), dental visits within past year, insurance status, presence of dental sealants, prevalence of untreated dental decay (caries), and presence of gum disease (gingivitis and periodontitis) were extracted. Pearson's chi-square tests (χ2) were computed to compare the prevalence of these outcomes between colonias and Laredo and their potential association with insurance status. Results: For 6 - 11 year olds, dental visits in the past year were lower for colonias (39%), than Laredo (58.5%) (p<0.002). Caries prevalence was higher for colonias (56.6%), than Laredo (37.1%) (p<0.001). Gum disease prevalence was higher in colonias (73%), than in Laredo (21.4%) (p<0.001). No significant differences were noted for caries (χ2=1.73; p<0.188) and gum disease (χ2=0.0098; p<0.921) by patient's insurance status. For adults 36 - 64 years of age, dental visits in the past year were lower in colonias (22.4%), than Laredo (36.3%) (p<0.001). Caries prevalence was higher for colonias (78.3%), than Laredo (54.0%) (p<0.001). Gum disease prevalence was also higher among colonias (91.3%) than Laredo (61.3%) (p<0.001). No significant differences were noted for caries (χ2=0.0010; p<0.975) and gum disease (χ2=0.0607; p<0.805) by patient's insurance status. Conclusion: Colonia residents seeking dental care at a Mobile Dental Van Program in Webb County have significantly higher prevalence of oral disease regardless of insurance status.^


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Reprinted from eighteenth Annual report, Michigan academy of science, December 1916.


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This paper reports on the results of a survey of selected University of Queensland (UQ) veterinary students aimed at elucidating factors causing stress during the five undergraduate years of the program. Students from each of the five years were asked to form six- or seven-member focus groups. Each focus group was then interviewed and their opinions sought on causes of ongoing stress and the ranking of those causes into predetermined categories. They were also asked to give their opinions on counseling services available within the university and what, if any, services they would like to see in place to help students with stress-related problems. Students in the first, third, and fourth years of the program rated academic issues as the most likely causes of ongoing stress, while students in the second and fifth years of the program ranked lifestyle and financial issues as more likely to cause ongoing stress. in most cases, students coped well with these causes of stress and tended not to use counseling services available to all UQ students. When faced with stressful issues, students looked to their classmates or family members for help and not to university counseling services. Students were also happy to approach staff members in the Veterinary School when faced with a problem. The authors nevertheless conclude that mechanisms set in place at the undergraduate level to help veterinary students cope with stress should particularly benefit those students when they become new graduates and are faced with the stresses of veterinary practice.