990 resultados para Universal access


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Concerns have been raised that universal availability of antiretroviral agents in resource-limited settings might lead to the emergence and spread of resistant strains. We present the largest survey on human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) resistance among treatment-naïve and experienced patients followed in small, relatively underprivileged cities in Brazil with universal availability to standard of care antiretroviral combinations. Samples were collected between 2004 and 2006 from 95 patients followed in the cities of Saquarema and Santo Antonio de Pádua, state of Rio de Janeiro. A proviral fragment encompassing protease and reverse transcriptase (RT) regions was generated and drug susceptibility level was inferred. Among 50 strains from drug-naïve subjects, one (2%) had intermediate-level resistance to RT inhibitors. Among 38 patients on therapy as of sampling, 28 (73.7%) had plasma viral load (PVL) below detection limit (26 of whom without evidence of resistance mutations) and 11 (28.9%) harbored strains with reduced susceptibility. Only two strains harbored both protease and RT inhibitor mutations. Among seven patients who were off-treatment as of sampling, two (28.5%) harbored strains with reduced susceptibility to RT inhibitors. The relatively high frequency of undetectable PVL among patients on treatment and the overall low prevalence of resistance-associated mutations are reassuring. Continued surveillance, however, is necessary.


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The privileges arising from patent protection on pharmaceutical products often prevent the full realization of the right to health, especially in developing countries with scarce resources. This thesis first identifies the international agreements that have established the right to health in international law, obligations and violations associated with it, the problems encountered in the implementation of human rights on the field, compared with the implementation and sanctions associated with economic rights from the World Trade Organization regulatory framework. A comparative study of the legislative frameworks of both developed and developing countries will reveal to what extent Canada, the United States, the European Union, Brazil, India, and South Africa conformed with patent protection exceptions arising from international patent law to protect public health. Finally, the author identifies the crucial indicators that need to be considered in order to assess the conformity of a given approach with the right to health, before he underscores the temporary character of the relevant WTO measures, and the future stakes concerning an increased access to essential medicines.


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This paper proposes a simple and powerful architecture for publication and universal access to smart transducers, through existing and established open standards. Smart transducers are put to work on standards and styles already included in the Web, exploring resources in Cloud Computing and simplifying access to data. © 2012 IEEE.


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ABSTRACT - The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act shook the foundations of the US health system, offering all Americans access to health care by changing the way the health insurance industry works. As President Obama signed the Act on 23 March 2010, he said that it stood for “the core principle that everybody should have some basic security when it comes to their health care”. Unlike the U.S., the Article 64 of the Portuguese Constitution provides, since 1976, the right to universal access to health care. However, facing a severe economic crisis, Portugal has, under the supervision of the Troika, a tight schedule to implement measures to improve the efficiency of the National Health Service. Both countries are therefore despite their different situation, in a conjuncture of reform and the use of new health management measures. The present work, using a qualitative research methodology examines the Affordable Care Act in order to describe its principles and enforcement mechanisms. In order to describe the reality in Portugal, the Portuguese health system and the measures imposed by Troika are also analyzed. The intention of this entire analysis is not only to disclose the innovative U.S. law, but to find some innovative measures that could serve health management in Portugal. Essentially we identified the Exchanges and Wellness Programs, described throughout this work, leaving also the idea of the possibility of using them in the Portuguese national health system.


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Whereas the recent UN resolution urges governments to accelerate progress towards universal access to affordable and quality health-care services, the Spanish Government, bypassing the parliamentary procedure, enacted a Royal Decree to limit access to free services at the point of delivery for all-undermining the principle of universal coverage. Spanish health and social service budgets have been subjected to large cuts (13,7% in 2012 and 16,2% in 2013) with some regions imposing additional budget cuts.


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Este artigo analisa os marcos regulatórios estaduais para o setor de saneamento básico. A pesquisa documental identificou a presença de leis estaduais em apenas cinco estados (São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande do Sul, Rio Grande do Norte e Goiás). Os marcos legais estaduais são descritos quanto a um conjunto de atributos ou funções selecionadas: universalização, instrumentos financeiros, regulação e controle social. A principal conclusão é que o desenvolvimento dessas políticas, assim como sua regulamentação, encontra-se em estágio incipiente e poderá receber impulso com aprovação de nova lei federal de dezembro de 2006.


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OBJETIVO: Compreender os sentidos que bioeticistas brasileiros atribuem aos princípios da universalidade e da integralidade no sistema público de saúde brasileiro. PROCEDIMENTOS METODOLÓGICOS: Estudo exploratório qualitativo, realizado com 20 professores universitários de bioética atuantes no campo das ciências da saúde, com funções de diretores e ex-diretores da Sociedade Brasileira de Bioética e de diretorias regionais, no período de julho de 2007 a julho de 2008. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas, com perguntas abertas, sendo realizada análise de conteúdo. ANÁLISE DE RESULTADOS: Quanto ao princípio da universalidade de acesso dos cidadãos brasileiros a um sistema público, as manifestações dos entrevistados se posicionaram majoritariamente em prol de sua manutenção. Todavia, quanto ao princípio da integralidade, as divergências foram manifestas, ensejando a maioria em restringi-lo. CONCLUSÕES: Os bioeticistas relatam pluralismo de valores morais e dificuldades em decidir moralmente sobre o que seria um sistema de saúde justo


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Objective To determine the costs and benefits of interventions for maternal and newborn health to assess the appropriateness of current strategies and guide future plans to attain the millennium development goals. Design Cost effectiveness analysis. Setting Two regions classified by the World Health Organization according to their epidemiological grouping: Afr-E, those countries in sub-Saharan Africa with very high adult and high child mortality, and Sear-D, comprising countries in South East Asia with high adult and high child mortality. Data sources Effectiveness data from several sources, including trials, observational studies, and expert opinion. For resource inputs, quantifies came from WHO guidelines, literature, and expert opinion, and prices from the WHO choosing interventions that are cost effective database. Main outcome measures Cost per disability adjusted life year (DALY) averted in year 2000 international dollars. Results The most cost effective mix of interventions was similar in Afr-E and Sear-D. These were the community based newborn care package, followed by antenatal care (tetanus toxoid, screening for pre-eclampsia, screening and treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria and syphilis); skilled attendance at birth, offering first level maternal and neonatal care around childbirth; and emergency obstetric and neonatal care around and after birth. Screening and treatment of maternal syphilis, community based management of neonatal pneumonia, and steroids given during the antenatal period were relatively less cost effective in Sear-D. Scaling up all of the included interventions to 95% coverage would halve neonatal and maternal deaths. Conclusion Preventive interventions at the community level for newborn babies and at the primary care level for mothers and newborn babies are extremely cost effective, but the millennium development goals for maternal and child health will not be achieved without universal access to clinical services as well.


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Background This article provides a summary of the current status of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Latin America, as well as an outline of the diverse responses to it. Methods A search of international databases (Pubmed and ISI-Web of Science), regional databases (Scielo and Lilacs), regional and national documents and UNAIDS reports. Data are presented according to subregion. Results In Mexico HIV remains concentrated among urban men who have sex with men (MSM), and has been growing among injecting drug users (IDU) and in rural areas in relation to migration. An increasing proportion of women among those affected is observed in all countries in Central America, the most affected region, as well as increasing the impact on other vulnerable groups, such as indigenous populations. The Andean Countries have urban epidemics concentrated among MSM. In Peru, non-traditional vulnerable populations were identified. In the Southern Cone heterosexual transmission became more relevant, probably in connection with IDU epidemics and is increasingly affecting lower income groups. Incidence rates have been declining since 2002 in Brazil, the first country to guarantee free, universal access to antiretrovirals, where one-third of drug-nave patients are still initiating treatment at an advanced stage. Generally, access to treatment has improved as a result of support from the Global Fund and other initiatives, but there are concerns regarding coverage, equity and sustainability. Conclusions HIV is still concentrated among MSM in Latin America. Non-traditional vulnerable groups such as migrants and lower income populations, usually considered part of the general population, deserve attention. Programmes confronting sexual exclusion are still needed. Access to treatment has improved over time, but inequalities persist.


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OBJECTIVE:To evaluate public health dentistry practices of two different family health models. METHODS: Qualitative study conducted with data obtained from focus groups consisting of 58 dentists working in the Family Health Strategy for at least three years between August-October, 2006. The Paideia Family Health Approach was used in the city of Campinas and the Oral Health Initiative as part of the Family Health Strategy was implemented in the city of Curitiba, Southeastern and Southern Brazil, respectively. Data was analyzed using the hermeneutic-dialectic method. Analysis indicators were employed to indicate backwardness, stagnation or progress in oral health practices effective from the implementation of the strategies referred. The indicators used were: work process; interdisciplinary approach; territorialization; capacity building of human resources; health promotion practices; and responsiveness to users' demands. RESULTS: There was progress in user access to services, humanization of health care, patient welcoming and patient-provider relationship. The results related to health promotion practices, territorialization, interdisciplinary approach and resource capacity building indicated a need for technical and operational enhancements in both cities. CONCLUSIONS: Both models have brought about important advances in terms of increased access to services and humanization of health care. Universal access to oral health at all levels of complexity was not achieved in both cities studied. Local health managers and oral health program coordinators must bring more weight to bear in the arena that defines public policy priorities.


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RESUMO - O presente estudo situa-se nas áreas gerais da Saúde Pública, dos Sistemas de Saúde e do Acesso à Prestação de Cuidados de Saúde e procura analisar o conteúdo e concretização do Direito de Acesso a Cuidados de Saúde na perspectiva de dois sistemas de saúde paradigmaticamente distintos, um sistema de acesso universal, representado pelo Serviço Nacional de Saúde português e um sistema de saúde de “não universal”, cujo paradigma é o modelo existente nos Estados Unidos da América, onde entidades gestoras de cuidados, Managed Care Organizations, são chamadas a desempenhar um papel central no acesso e prestação de cuidados de saúde. O vasto campo de investigação representado pela problemática do acesso a cuidados de saúde e a necessidade de limitar o trabalho de investigação subjazem à definição de quatro vertentes a analisar: (a) a existência ou não de uma base legal que preveja e regule o exercício do direito de acesso a cuidados de saúde; (b) o conteúdo deste direito no âmbito de cada um dos sistemas em estudo; (c) as condições de concretização do acesso a cuidados de saúde em ambos os sistemas, e, por último (d) a existência de garantias de efectivação do mesmo. Analisados os sistemas em estudo à luz das vertentes apresentadas, concluímos que a existência de um quadro normativo próprio, que explicite o conteúdo e condições de efectivação do direito, apresenta maiores garantias de concretização do exercício do Direito de Acesso a Cuidados de Saúde, entendendo-se que um sistema de acesso dependente da actuação de entidades gestoras de cuidados não beneficia o acesso a cuidados de saúde, nomeadamente por não garantir equidade no momento de procura e necessidade de cuidados. Os dados apresentados foram recolhidos através do recurso a uma metodologia qualitativa. A análise documental foi aplicada na recolha dos dados relativos à evolução e caracterização dos sistemas, bem como às condições de acesso. No âmbito do sistema de saúde de acesso universal, ou seja, o caso português, procedeu-se essencialmente à análise dos normativos aplicáveis. No que se refere ao sistema de saúde norte-americano, na ausência de base legal aplicável, recorreu-se sobretudo à análise de literatura e documentos. A participação no vi Second Biennal Seminar in Law and Bioethics1 e na 30th Annual Health Law Professors Conference2, realizados em Bóston, EUA, em Julho de 2007, permitiram uma melhor percepção da actual situação da prestação de cuidados naquele País, nomeadamente de algumas das reformas em curso, bem como um melhor entendimento das características do sistema prestador norte-americano em si mesmo. 1 Seminário organizado nos dias 30 e 31 de Maio, numa colaboração entre a Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública e o Departamento de Direito da saúde, Bioética e Direitos Humanos da Escola de Saúde Pública da Universidade de Bóston, sob o tema: “Law and ethics in rationing Access to care in a high-cost global economy”. A nossa participação deveu-se a um convite da Prof.ª Paula Lobato de Faria para colaborar na sessão sobre o sistema de saúde português. 2 Reunião realizada em Bóston nos dias 31 de Maio a 2 de Junho, sobretudo a sessão dedicada ao tema “New Models for Reform”, sobre os novos modelos de sistema de saúde em desenvolvimento nos EUA.