995 resultados para Uniaxial traction test


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background and purpose: Individual rupture risk assessment of intracranial aneurysms is a major issue in the clinical management of asymptomatic aneurysms. Aneurysm rupture occurs when wall tension exceeds the strength limit of the wall tissue. At present, aneurysmal wall mechanics are poorly understood and thus, risk assessment involving mechanical properties is inexistent. Aneurysm computational hemodynamics studies make the assumption of rigid walls, an arguable simplification. We therefore aim to assess mechanical properties of ruptured and unruptured intracranial aneurysms in order to provide the foundation for future patient-specific aneurysmal risk assessment. This work also challenges some of the currently held hypotheses in computational flow hemodynamics research. Methods: A specific conservation protocol was applied to aneurysmal tissues following clipping and resection in order to preserve their mechanical properties. Sixteen intracranial aneurysms (11 female, 5 male) underwent mechanical uniaxial stress tests under physiological conditions, temperature, and saline isotonic solution. These represented 11 unruptured and 5 ruptured aneurysms. Stress/strain curves were then obtained for each sample, and a fitting algorithm was applied following a 3-parameter (C(10), C(01), C(11)) Mooney-Rivlin hyperelastic model. Each aneurysm was classified according to its biomechanical properties and (un)rupture status.Results: Tissue testing demonstrated three main tissue classes: Soft, Rigid, and Intermediate. All unruptured aneurysms presented a more Rigid tissue than ruptured or pre-ruptured aneurysms within each gender subgroup. Wall thickness was not correlated to aneurysmal status (ruptured/unruptured). An Intermediate subgroup of unruptured aneurysms with softer tissue characteristic was identified and correlated with multiple documented risk factors of rupture. Conclusion: There is a significant modification in biomechanical properties between ruptured aneurysm, presenting a soft tissue and unruptured aneurysms, presenting a rigid material. This finding strongly supports the idea that a biomechanical risk factor based assessment should be utilized in the to improve the therapeutic decision making.


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As estruturas coladas são geralmente projetadas para que o adesivo seja essencialmente sujeito a esforços de corte, pois neste tipo de solicitação o adesivo apresenta melhores caraterísticas mecânicas. A avaliação do comportamento ao corte pode ser realizada com o adesivo no estado maciço ou como camada fina em juntas adesivas. Os métodos que permitem avaliar o comportamento ao corte, quer para o adesivo, quer para as juntas, são: o ensaio Iosipescu ou V-Notched beam shear method, o ensaio de borboleta ou Notched plate shear method (Arcan), o ensaio de torsão, o ensaio de tração numa junta de sobreposição simples e o ensaio Thick Adherend Shear Test (TAST). Os ensaios Arcan e Iosipescu, tal como o ensaio de torção, podem ser realizados em provetes de adesivo maciço ou em juntas. O ensaio de torção é pouco utilizado, porque a aplicação do esforço de corte exige dispositivos e equipamentos de ensaios complexos. Os ensaios Arcan e Iosipescu utilizam provetes com entalhes e podem introduzir alguma dificuldade na medição precisa das deformações. O ensaio de tração numa junta de sobreposição simples é um dos métodos mais usados para caraterizar uma junta adesiva, porque é um método simples, as juntas são de fácil fabrico e pode ser realizado em máquinas universais de ensaios mecânicos. Neste ensaio os aderentes estão sujeitos a uma solicitação de tração, enquanto a camada de adesivo está sujeita a esforços de corte combinados com esforços de arrancamento. Os esforços de arrancamento resultam da própria geometria da junta na qual existe um desalinhamento das forças de tração, mesmo quando são colocados calços (reguladores de espessura) nos locais de amarração. O ensaio TAST é dos mais populares para obtenção das propriedades ao corte, uma vez que tanto as ferramentas de ensaio como o fabrico dos provetes são relativamente simples. Este ensaio é realizado em junta sendo os substratos espessos e de aço que, devido à sua elevada rigidez, contribuem para um esforço de corte praticamente puro no adesivo. Neste trabalho realizou-se o projeto e a fabricação das ferramentas, gabarit e substratos necessários para a execução de provetes TAST e ensaios utilizando diferentes adesivos.


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In this research, five types of polymer repair materials were selected for investigation of the influence of sample shape, deformation rate and test temperature on the mechanical properties determined with an uniaxial tensile test. The results showed the clear effect of measurement conditions on tensile strength, elongation and modulus of elasticity. The highest tensile strength and modulus of elasticity were exhibited by epoxy resin for the filling of concrete cracks, which achieved 1% elongation. The lowest coefficient of dispersion characterized the results of tensile test carried out using dumbbell samples at a deformation rate of 50 mm/min. The effect of temperature varied with the material type.


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This research presents an approach to the addition of curauá fibers and licuri fibers in a polypropylene resin matrix, such as an alternative proposal to reinforce the polymeric composites. Fiber content of 0 %, 5 %, 10 %, and 20% were analyzed for verification of their mechanical properties comparing them, inclusive with the properties of polypropylene. The grainulated biocomposites had been prepared in an extrusora. The test bodies had been molded by injection and submitted to the mechanical essays uniaxial traction, flexion on three points, impact, in addition to thermal tests (HDT). These biocomposites had been also subjected the essay physicist-chemistry index of fluidity (IF). It was observed that the biocomposites of PP with 20% curauá, obtained bigger increase in the modulus of elasticity and a bigger reduction in the resistance to the impact. In the mechanical behavior, for all the biocomposites, these were increases in values of the limit of drainage and tension of rupture, when tested by uniaxial traction, as they added the fibers. Another important point was the increase of the resistance the flexion. It was also noted that the addition of fibers reduced the thermal degradation of the mixture natural fibers / polypropylene.


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This work aims to manufacture and characterize a hybrid plastic composite with the matrix isophthalic polyester resin base and having as reinforcing glass fiber and the dry endocarp of coconut (Coco nucifera Linn) in the form of particles as filler. The composite was made industrially in Tecniplas Industry and Trade LTDA. in the form of plate, and was manufactured process made by the manual lamination (Hand Lay Up). From the plate they were prepared test specimens for testing density, water absorption, uniaxial traction in dry and wet states, and testing of bending, as well as studies on the behavior of the generated fractures, macroscopic and microscopic, in mechanical tests through. All tests were performed in order to find the most viable applications the hybrid composite manufactured. The tensile and bending tests were analyzed last tensile properties, elasticity and deformation module. After the studies, it is observed that the percentage moisture absorbed was 3.03%. The presence of moisture in the tensile test meant a decrease of 19.77% from last stand, and 5.26% in the elastic modulus. For bending tests gave an average value of 69.13 MPa flexural strength. The results show the application of hybrid composite studied in lightweight structures, indoors, which require low / medium performance traction demands, and which involve flexural requests.


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In this work, the fracture mode I parameters of steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete (SFRSCC) were derived from the numerical simulation of indirect splitting tensile tests. The combined experimental and numerical research allowed a comparison between the stress-crack width (σ - w) relationship acquired straightforwardly from direct tensile tests, and the σ - w response derived from inverse analysis of the splitting tensile tests results. For this purpose a comprehensive nonlinear 3D finite element (FE) modeling strategy was developed. A comparison between the experimental results obtained from splitting tensile tests and the corresponding FE simulations confirmed the good accuracy of the proposed strategy to derive the σ – w for these composites. It is concluded that the post-cracking tensile laws obtained from inverse analysis provided a close relationship with the ones obtained from the experimental uniaxial tensile tests.


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Studies of soils in Environmental Protection Areas (EPAs) are of great importance, because they are an essential component of ecosystems, directly interfering in environmental sustainability. The objective of this study was to evaluate the structural quality of soil cultivated with coffee and used as pasture in the Capituva's River microbasin, which is located in the Environmental Protection Area in Coqueiral, south of the state of Minas Gerais. Uniaxial compression test (preconsolidation test) and soil resistance to penetration were used. Undisturbed samples were taken from the surface layer (0-5 cm) of the soils in the area: a typic dystrophic Red Latosol (LVd - Oxisol), a typic eutrophic Red Argisol (PVe - Ultisol), and a typic dystrophic Haplic Cambisol (CXbd - Inceptisol). A significant linear positive correlation was observed between the results of the preconsolidation test and soil resistance to penetration. Load bearing capacity of soil could be estimated accordingly by means of penetration resistance for LVd, PVe, and CXbd. Cambisol - CXbd showed lower loading support capacity and resistance to penetration than LVd and PVe, due to the better crop management in this soil that resulted in higher physical quality which accounts for higher production and environmental sustainability.


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Incongruous management techniques have been associated with some significant loss of agricultural land to degradation in many parts of the world. Land degradation results in the alteration of physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil, thereby posing a serious threat to sustainable agricultural development. In this study, our objective is to evaluate the changes in a Cambisol structure under six land use systems using the load bearing capacity model. Sampling was conducted in Amazonas Region, Brazil, in the following land use: a) young secondary forest; b) old secondary forest; c) forest; d) pasture; e) cropping, and f) agroforestry. To obtain the load bearing capacity models the undisturbed soil samples were collected in those land use systems and subjected to the uniaxial compression test. These models were used to evaluate which land use system preserved or degraded the Cambisol structure. The results of the bulk density and total porosity of the soil samples were not adequate to quantify structural degradation in Cambisol. Using the forest topsoil level (0-0.03 m) as a reference, it was observed that pasture land use system was most severe in the degradation of the soil structure while the structure were most preserved under old secondary forest, cropping system and forest. At the subsoil level (0.10-0.13 m depth), the soil structure was most degraded in the cropping land use system while it was most preserved in young secondary forest and pasture. At the 0.20-0.23 m depth, soil structure degradation was most severe in the old secondary forest system and well preserved in young secondary forest, cropping and agroforestry.


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The tire inflation pressure, among other factors, determines the efficiency in which a tractor can exert traction. It was studied the effect of using two tire inflation pressures, 110.4 kPa in the front and rear wheels, 124.2 kPa in the front wheel and 138 kPa in the rear wheels, the energetic efficiency of an agricultural tractor of 147 kW of engine power, in the displacement speed of 6.0 km.h-1, on track with firm surface, with the tractor engine speed of 2000 rpm. For each condition of the tire pressure, the tested tractor was subjected to constant forces in the drawbar of 45 kN and 50 kN, covering 30 meters. It was used a randomized complete block with a 2x2 factorial arrangement (tire pressure and drawbar power) with four replications, totaling 16 experimental units. Data were subjected to analysis of variance, using the Tukey test at 5% probability for comparison averages. The lowest hourly and specific fuel consumption, the lowest slippage of the wheelsets and the highest efficiency in the drawbar was obtained with the tire inflation pressure of 110.4 kPa in the front and rear tires of the tractor, highlighting that lower pressures improve energetic and operational performance of the tractor.


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This thesis in Thermal Flow Drilling and Flowtap in thin metal sheet and pipes of copper and copper alloys had as objectives to know the comportment of copper and copper alloys sheet metal during the Thermal Flow Drill processes with normal tools, to know the best Speed and Feed machine data for the best bushing quality, to known the best Speed for Form Tapping processes and to know the best bush long in pure copper pipes for water solar interchange equipment. Thermal Flow Drilling (TFD) and Form Tapping (FT) is one of the research lines of the Institute of Production and Logistics (IPL) at University of Kassel. At December 1995, a work meeting of IPL, Santa Catarina University, Brazil, Buenos Aires University, Argentine, Tarapacá University (UTA), Chile members and the CEO of Flowdrill B.V. was held in Brazil. The group decided that the Manufacturing Laboratory (ML) of UTA would work with pure copper and brass alloys sheet metal and pure copper pipes in order to develop a water interchange solar heater. The Flowdrill BV Company sent tools to Tarapacá University in 1996. In 1999 IPL and the ML carried out an ALECHILE research project promoted by the DAAD and CONICyT in copper sheet metal and copper pipes and sheet metal a-brass alloys. The normal tools are lobed, conical tungsten carbide tool. When rotated at high speed and pressed with high axial force into sheet metal or thin walled tube generated heat softens the metal and allows the drill to feed forward produce a hole and simultaneously form a bushing from the displacement material. In the market exist many features but in this thesis is used short and longs normal tools of TFD. For reach the objectives it was takes as references four qualities of the frayed end bushing, where the best one is the quality class I. It was used pure copper and a-brass alloys sheet metals, with different thickness. It was used different TFD drills diameter for four thread type, from M-5 to M10. Similar to the Aluminium sheet metals studies it was used the predrilling processes with HSS drills around 30% of the TFD diameter (1,5 – 3,0 mm D). In the next step is used only 2,0 mm thick metal sheet, and 9,2 mm TFD diameter for M-10 thread. For the case of pure commercial copper pipes is used for ¾” inch diameter and 12, 8 mm (3/8”) TFD drill for holes for 3/8” pipes and different normal HSS drills for predrilling processes. The chemical sheet metal characteristics were takes as reference for the material behaviour. The Chilean pure copper have 99,35% of Cu and 0,163% of Zinc and the Chilean a-brass alloys have 75,6% of Cu and 24,0% of Zinc. It is used two German a-brass alloys; Nº1 have 61,6% of Cu, 36,03 % of Zinc and 2,2% of Pb and the German a-brass alloys Nº2 have 63,1% of Cu, 36,7% of Zinc and 0% of Pb. The equipments used were a HAAS CNC milling machine centre, a Kistler dynamometer, PC Pentium II, Acquisition card, TESTPOINT and XAct software, 3D measurement machine, micro hardness, universal test machine, and metallographic microscope. During the test is obtained the feed force and momentum curves that shows the material behaviour with TFD processes. In general it is take three phases. It was possible obtain the best machining data for the different sheet of copper and a-brass alloys thick of Chilean materials and bush quality class I. In the case of a-brass alloys, the chemical components and the TFD processes temperature have big influence. The temperature reach to 400º Celsius during the TFD processes and the a-brass alloys have some percents of Zinc the bush quality is class I. But when the a-brass alloys have some percents of Lead who have 200º C melting point is not possible to obtain a bush, because the Lead gasify and the metallographic net broke. During the TFD processes the recrystallization structures occur around the Copper and a-brass alloy bush, who gives more hardness in these zones. When the threads were produce with Form Tapping processes with Flowtap tools, this hardness amount gives a high limit load of the thread when hey are tested in a special support that was developed for it. For eliminated the predrilling processes with normal HSS drills it was developed a compound tool. With this new tool it was possible obtain the best machining data for quality class I bush. For the copper pipes it is made bush without predrilling and the quality class IV was obtained. When it is was used predrilling processes, quality classes I bush were obtained. Then with different HSS drill diameter were obtained different long bush, where were soldering with four types soldering materials between pipes with 3/8” in a big one as ¾”. Those soldering unions were tested by traction test and all the 3/8” pipes broken, and the soldering zone doesn’t have any problem. Finally were developed different solar water interchange heaters and tested. As conclusions, the present Thesis shows that the Thermal Flow Drilling in thinner metal sheets of cooper and cooper alloys needs a predrilling process for frayed end quality class I bushings, similar to thinner sheets of aluminium bushes. The compound tool developed could obtain quality class I bushings and excludes predrilling processes. The bush recrystalization, product of the friction between the tool and the material, the hardness grows and it is advantageous for the Form Tapping. The methodology developed for commercial copper pipes permits to built water solar interchange heaters.


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A low cost, compact embedded design approach for actuating soft robots is presented. The complete fabrication procedure and mode of operation was demonstrated, and the performance of the complete system was also demonstrated by building a microcontroller based hardware system which was used to actuate a soft robot for bending motion. The actuation system including the electronic circuit board and actuation components was embedded in a 3D-printed casing to ensure a compact approach for actuating soft robots. Results show the viability of the system in actuating and controlling siliconebased soft robots to achieve bending motions. Qualitative measurements of uniaxial tensile test, bending distance and pressure were obtained. This electronic design is easy to reproduce and integrate into any specified soft robotic device requiring pneumatic actuation.


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As most current studies, reinforced plastics have been, in recent years, a viable alternative in building structural elements of medium and large, since the lightness accompanied by high performance possible. The design of hybrid polymer composites (combination of different types of reinforcements) may enable structural applications thereof, facing the most severe service conditions. Within this class of composite materials, reinforced the underlying tissues hybrid high performance are taking space when your application requires high load bearing and high rigidity. The objective of this research work is to study the challenges in designing these fabrics bring these materials as to its mechanical characterization and fracture mechanisms involved. Some parameters associated with the process and / or form of hybridization stand out as influential factors in the final performance of the material such as the presence of anisotropy, so the fabric weave, the process of making the same, normative geometry of the specimens, among others. This sense, four laminates were developed based hybrid reinforcement fabrics involving AS4 carbon fiber, kevlar and glass 49-E as the matrix epoxy vinyl ester resin (DERAKANE 411-350). All laminates were formed each with four layers of reinforcements. Depending on the hybrid fabric, all the influencing factors mentioned above have been studied for laminates. All laminates were manufactured industrially used being the lamination process manual (hand-lay-up). All mechanical characterization and study of the mechanism of fracture (fracture mechanics) was developed for laminates subjected to uniaxial tensile test, bending in three and uniaxial compression. The analysis of fracture mechanisms were held involving the macroscopic, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy


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The growing demand in the use of composite materials necessitates a better understanding its behavior to many conditions of loading and service, as well as under several ways of connections involved in mechanisms of structural projects. It is know that most of the structural elements are designed with presence of geometric discontinuities (holes, notches, etc) in their longitudinal sections and / or transversals, and that these discontinuities affect the mechanical response of these elements. This work has aims to analyze a study of the mechanical response, when in the presence geometric discontinuity, of polymer matrix composite laminates (orthophthalic polyester) to the uniaxial tensile test. The geometric discontinuity is characterized by the presence of a center hole in the transversal section of the composite. In this study, different kinds of stacking sequences are tested, with and without the presence of the hole, so as to provide better understanding of the mechanical properties. This sense, two laminates were studied: the first is only reinforced by with seven layers short mats of fiberglass-E (CM) and the second where the reinforcement of fiberglass-E comes in the form of bidirectional fabric (CT), with only four layers. The laminate CT has the presence of anisotropy (sense of continuous fibers with respect to the applied load) as the main parameter influencing its mechanical behavior, behavior this, not observed for the CM. In addition to the mechanical properties was also studied the fracture characteristics developed in each composite laminated. The results also showed that the presence of the hole in the transversal section decreased the ultimate strength of laminates and changed the final characteristic of fracture in all kinds of composite laminated studied