995 resultados para Underwater acoustic instrumentation


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To meet the demand of modern acoustic absorbing material for which acoustic absorbing frequency region can be readily tailored, we introduced woodpile structure into locally resonant phononic crystal (LRPC) and fabricated an underwater acoustic absorbing material, which is called locally resonant phononic woodpile (LRPW). Experimental results show that LRPW has a strong capability of absorbing sound in a wide frequency range. Further theoretical research revealed that LRPC units and woodpile structure in LRPW play an important role in realization of wide band underwater strong acoustic absorption.


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The interpenetrating network structure provides an interesting avenue to novel materials. Locally resonant phononic crystal (LRPC) exhibits excellent sound attenuation performance based on the periodical arrangement of sound wave scatters. Combining the LRPC concept and interpenetrating network glassy structure, this paper has developed a new material which can achieve a wide band underwater strong acoustic absorption. Underwater absorption coefficients of different samples were measured by the pulse tube. Measurement results show that the new material possesses excellent underwater acoustic effects in a wide frequency range. Moreover, in order to investigate impacts of locally resonant units, some defects are introduced into the sample. The experimental result and the theoretical calculation both show that locally resonant units being connected to a network structure play an important role in achieving a wide band strong acoustic absorption.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão da Água e da Costa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2009


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The analysis of seabed structure is important in a wide variety of scientific and industrial applications. In this paper, underwater acoustic data produced by bottom-penetrating sonar (Topas) are analyzed using unsupervised volumetric segmentation, based on a three dimensional Gibbs-Markov model. The result is a concise and accurate description of the seabed, in which key structures are emphasized. This description is also very well suited to further operations, such as the enhancement and automatic recognition of important structures. Experimental results demonstrating the effectiveness of this approach are shown, using Topas data gathered in the North Sea off Horten, Norway.


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Underwater acoustic networks can be quite effective to establish communication links between autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and other vehicles or control units, enabling complex vehicle applications and control scenarios. A communications and control framework to support the use of underwater acoustic networks and sample application scenarios are described for single and multi-AUV operation.


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One of the major applications of underwater acoustic sensor networks (UWASN) is ocean environment monitoring. Employing data mules is an energy efficient way of data collection from the underwater sensor nodes in such a network. A data mule node such as an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) periodically visits the stationary nodes to download data. By conserving the power required for data transmission over long distances to a remote data sink, this approach extends the network life time. In this paper we propose a new MAC protocol to support a single mobile data mule node to collect the data sensed by the sensor nodes in periodic runs through the network. In this approach, the nodes need to perform only short distance, single hop transmission to the data mule. The protocol design discussed in this paper is motivated to support such an application. The proposed protocol is a hybrid protocol, which employs a combination of schedule based access among the stationary nodes along with handshake based access to support mobile data mules. The new protocol, RMAC-M is developed as an extension to the energy efficient MAC protocol R-MAC by extending the slot time of R-MAC to include a contention part for a hand shake based data transfer. The mobile node makes use of a beacon to signal its presence to all the nearby nodes, which can then hand-shake with the mobile node for data transfer. Simulation results show that the new protocol provides efficient support for a mobile data mule node while preserving the advantages of R-MAC such as energy efficiency and fairness.


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Underwater acoustic sensor networks (UASNs) have become more and more important in ocean exploration applications, such as ocean monitoring, pollution detection, ocean resource management, underwater device maintenance, etc. In underwater acoustic sensor networks, since the routing protocol guarantees reliable and effective data transmission from the source node to the destination node, routing protocol design is an attractive topic for researchers. There are many routing algorithms have been proposed in recent years. To present the current state of development of UASN routing protocols, we review herein the UASN routing protocol designs reported in recent years. In this paper, all the routing protocols have been classified into different groups according to their characteristics and routing algorithms, such as the non-cross-layer design routing protocol, the traditional cross-layer design routing protocol, and the intelligent algorithm based routing protocol. This is also the first paper that introduces intelligent algorithm-based UASN routing protocols. In addition, in this paper, we investigate the development trends of UASN routing protocols, which can provide researchers with clear and direct insights for further research.


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The work is supported in part by NSFC (Grant no. 61172070), IRT of Shaanxi Province (2013KCT-04), EPSRC (Grant no.Ep/1032606/1).


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Communicating at a high data rate through the ocean is challenging. Such communications must be acoustic in order to travel long distances. The underwater acoustic channel has a long delay spread, which makes orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) an attractive communication scheme. However, the underwater acoustic channel is highly dynamic, which has the potential to introduce significant inter-carrier interference (ICI). This thesis explores a number of means for mitigating ICI in such communication systems. One method that is explored is directly adapted linear turbo ICI cancellation. This scheme uses linear filters in an iterative structure to cancel the interference. Also explored is on-off keyed (OOK) OFDM, which is a signal designed to avoid ICI.


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The EU-funded project UAN - Underwater Acoustic Network aims at conceiving, developing and testing at sea an innovative and operational concept for integrating in a unique communication system submerged, surface and aerial sensors with the objective of protecting off-shore and coastline critical infrastructures. A crucial aspect of the project consisted in the use of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) as mobile nodes in the underwater acoustic communication network. In particular, AUVs have the role of adapting the network geometry to the variation of the acoustic channel. This paper reports on the project concept and vision as well as on the progress of its various development phases. The recent at-sea successes that have been demonstrated within the UAN framework are detailed and results of the final UAN project demonstration, UAN11, held in the May of 2011, are reported. The UAN network was in operation for five continuous days with up to five nodes, of which three of them were mobile nodes. © IFAC.


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O Monitoramento Acústico Passivo (PAM) submarino refere-se ao uso de sistemas de escuta e gravação subaquática, com o intuito de detectar, monitorar e identificar fontes sonoras através das ondas de pressão que elas produzem. Se diz que é passivo já que tais sistemas unicamente ouvem, sem perturbam o meio ambiente acústico existente, diferentemente de ativos, como os sonares. O PAM submarino tem diversas áreas de aplicação, como em sistemas de vigilância militar, seguridade portuária, monitoramento ambiental, desenvolvimento de índices de densidade populacional de espécies, identificação de espécies, etc. Tecnologia nacional nesta área é praticamente inexistente apesar da sua importância. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho visa contribuir com o desenvolvimento de tecnologia nacional no tema através da concepção, construção e operação de equipamento autônomo de PAM e de métodos de processamento de sinais para detecção automatizada de eventos acústicos submarinos. Foi desenvolvido um equipamento, nomeado OceanPod, que possui características como baixo custo de fabrica¸c~ao, flexibilidade e facilidade de configuração e uso, voltado para a pesquisa científica, industrial e para controle ambiental. Vários protótipos desse equipamento foram construídos e utilizados em missões no mar. Essas jornadas de monitoramento permitiram iniciar a criação de um banco de dados acústico, o qual permitiu fornecer a matéria prima para o teste de detectores de eventos acústicos automatizados e em tempo real. Adicionalmente também é proposto um novo método de detecção-identificação de eventos acústicos, baseado em análise estatística da representação tempo-frequência dos sinais acústicos. Este novo método foi testado na detecção de cetáceos, presentes no banco de dados gerado pelas missões de monitoramento.


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Reflection and transmission coefficients of rubberized coir pads over the frequency band 200 kHz to 4 MHz are presented in this Paper. These results are compared with those reported for neoprene, paraffin wax, rubber car mat and plastic door mat1. The rubberized coir pads were found to possess wideband absorption characteristics. It has been experimentally found that 0.05 m thick coir pads have almost 100% absorption in the frequency range 800 kHz-3 MHz with a maximum at 2.35 MHz. We have used this material for lining the water tank for underwater acoustic studies.


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We present a new approach for creating and implementing an ad-hoc underwater acoustic sensor network based on connecting a small processor to the serial port of a commercial CDMA acoustic modem. The processor acts as a "node controller" providing the networking layer that the modems lack. The ad-hoc networking protocol is based on a modified dynamic source routing (DSR) approach and can be configured for maximising information throughput or minimising energy expenditure. The system was developed in simulation and then evaluated during field trials using a 10 node deployment. Experimental results show reliable multi-hop networking under a variety of network configurations, with the added ability to determine internode ranges to within 1.5 m for localisation.


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The fluid mechanics of water entry is studied through investigating the underwater acoustics and the supercavitation. Underwater acoustic signals in water entry are extensively measured at about 30 different positions by using a PVDF needle hydrophone. From the measurements we obtain (1) the primary shock wave caused by the impact of the blunt body on free surface; (2) the vapor pressure inside the cavity; (3) the secondary shock wave caused by pulling away of the cavity from free surface; and so on. The supercavitation induced by the blunt body is observed by using a digital high-speed video camera as well as the single shot photography. The periodic and 3 dimensional motion of the supercavitation is revealed. The experiment is carried out at room temperature.