5 resultados para Uncinula


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Double-stranded RNA species ranging in molecular weight from 0.95 to 6.3 × 106 were detected in grapevines in New York. We recently showed that two of the species (Mr = 5.3 and 4.4 × 106) are associated with rupestris stem pitting disease. In this report, we show that the other eight detectable dsRNA species are associated with the powdery mildew fungus, Uncinula necator. These dsRNAs associated with the powdery mildew fungus were previously detected in leaves and epidermal stem tissue of grapevines infected with powdery mildew. The same dsRNA species were also detected from extracts of isolated cleistothecia and conidia of U. necator devoid of plant tissue. Isometric and rigid rodlike particles were observed in single cleistothecia preparations when examined under transmission electron microscopy.


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Uncinula tulasnei Fuckel


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Rupestris stem pitting (rSP), a graft-transmissible grapevine disease, can be identified only by its reaction (pitted wood) on inoculated Vitis rupestris ‘St. George.’ DsRNA was extracted from grapevines from California and Canada that indexed positive for rSP on St. George. Two distinct dsRNA species (B and C) (Mr = 5.3 × 106 and 4.4 × 106, respectively) were detected from the stem tissue of rSP-positive samples. Although similar dsRNA species (B and C) were detected in extracts of grapevines from New York, the association of dsRNA B and C with rSP in New York samples was not consistent. Also, eight different dsRNAs, known to be associated with the powdery mildew fungus, Uncinula necator, were detected in leaves of New York samples. In New York, the dsRNAs were not observed in leaves or stem samples collected from June through late August during the 1988 and 1989 growing seasons, suggesting that dsRNA detection in the grape tissue is variable throughout the season. We suggest that dsRNA species B and C are associated with rSP disease. The inconsistent results with New York samples are discussed.


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The objective was to analyse population structure and to determine genetic diversity of Erysiphe necator (syn. Uncinula necator) populations obtained from some vineyards located in the South-East Po valley (Italy). Powdery mildew is one of the most important fungal diseases of grapes (Vitis vinifera L.) throughout the world. The causal agent is the haploid, heterothallic ascomycete E. necator. It is an obligate biotrophic fungus and it can be found only on green organs of plants belonging to the family Vitaceae. For this pathogen, two sympatric populations (groups A and B) have been described in Europe and Australia. The two genetic groups differ at multiple genetic loci and previous studies reported a lack of interfertility among isolates of the two groups. There are now several well documented examples of plant pathogen species, such as Leptosphaeria maculans, Gaeumannomyces graminis var. tritici, Botrytis cinerea and Erysiphe syringae, which are indeed composed of genetically differentiated clades, that have led to the description of new groups or even new species. Several studies have suggested that genetic E. necator group A and B correlated with ecological features of the pathogen; some researchers proposed that group A isolates over-winter as resting mycelium within dormant buds, and in spring originate infected shoots, known as Flag shoots, while group B isolates would survive as ascospores in overwintering cleistothecia. However, the association between genetic groups and mode of over-wintering has been challenged by recent studies reporting that flag-shoot may be originated indifferently by group A or group B isolate. Previous studies observed a strong association between the levels of disease severity at the end of the growing season and the initial compositions of E. necator populations in commercial vineyards. The frequencies of E. necator genetic groups vary considerably among vineyards, and the two groups may coexist in the same vineyard. This finding suggests that we need more information on the genetics and epidemiology of E. necator for optimize the crop management In this study we monitored E. necator populations in different vineyards in Emilia – Romagna region (Italy), where the pathogen overwinters both as flagshoots and as cleistothecia. During the grape growing season, symptomatic leaves were sampled early in the growing season and both leaves and berries later during the epidemic growth of the disease. From each sample, single-conidial isolate was obtained. Each isolates was grown on V. vinifera leaf cv. Primitivo and after harvesting the mycelium, the DNA was purified and used as template for PCR amplification with SCAR primers (Sequences Characterised Amplified Region ), -tubulin, IGS sequences and Microsatellite markers (SSR). Amplified DNA from b-tubulin and IGS loci was digested with AciI and XhoI restriction enzymes, respectively, to show single-nucleotide polymorphisms specific for the two genetic groups. The results obtained indicated that SCAR primers are not useful to study the epidemiology. of E. necator conversely the b-tubulin IGS sequences and SSR. Summarize the results obtained with b-tubulin, IGS sequences, in treated vineyards we have found individuals of group B along all grape growing season, whereas in the untreated vineyard individuals of the two genetic groups A and B coexisted throughout the season, with no significant change of their frequency. DNA amplified from ascospores of single cleistothecia showed the presence of markers diagnostic for either groups A and B and were seldom observed also the coexistence of both groups within a claistothecium. These results indicate that individuals of the two groups mated in nature and were able to produced ascospores. With SSR we showed the possibility of recombination between A and B groups in field isolates. During winter, cleistothecia were collected repeatedly in the same vineyards sampling leaves fallen on ground, exfoliating bark from trunks, and from soil. From each substrate, was assess the percentage of cleistothecia containing viable ascospores. Our results confirmed that cleisthotecia contained viable ascospores, therefore they have the potential to be an additional and important source of primary inoculum in Emilia-Romagna vineyards.


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153 Nachkommen einer Kreuzung aus der pilzresistenten Rebsorte ‘Regent‘ und ‘Lemberger‘ als klassischer pilzsensitiver Sorte zeigen quantitative Merkmalsvariation bezüglich der Resistenz gegen Plasmopara viticola und Uncinula necator sowie für weitere Eigenschaften, die z.B. das Eintreten der Beerenreife betreffen. Auf dem Weg über die genetische Kartierung mit molekularen Markern und der Lokalisierung von QTL-Effekten konnten Hinweise auf weinbaulich relevante Genomregionen gewonnen werden; dies liefert z.B. die Basis für markergestützte Selektion bei Zuchtvorhaben mit dem Resistenzträger ‘Regent’ (vgl. auch FISCHER et al., 2004). Ein Major-QTL für die Resistenz gegen den Echten Mehltau Uncinula necator sowie zwei Major QTL für die Resistenz gegen den Erreger des Falschen Mehltau, Plasmopara viticola, traten mit hoher Signifikanz auf drei verschiedenen Kopplungsgruppen von ‘Regent‘ auf. Auch Regionen mit Relevanz für das Eintreten der Beerenreife wurden beschrieben. Über die Isolierung, Sequenzierung und anschließende Analyse einzelner Markerfragmente mit Methoden der Bioinformatik ist es gelungen, ein putatives T10P12.4-Ortholog der Weinrebe (ein thioredoxinähnliches Protein) in enger Kopplung zu einem Major-QTL-Maximum für Plasmopara viticola-Resistenz zu identifizieren, das als Kandidat für die Beteiligung an der Pathogenantwort in Frage kommt. Es konnte exemplarisch gezeigt werden, dass die eingesetzten Methoden der Kartierung und QTL-Analyse unter Verwendung PCR-basierter Markertypen wie SSR und AFLP und einer beschleunigten Analyse über computergestützte Kapillargelelektrophorese in vertretbarem Zeitrahmen bis zur Isolation potentieller Schlüsselgene führen können. Die grundsätzliche Eignung der QTL-Analyse als effizientes Werkzeug gezielter Züchtungsplanung für den Weinbau bestätigte sich. Ihre Anwendung im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation hat die Basis für die Nutzung von QTL-Information bei dem Vergleich etablierter und der Entwicklung neuer Sorten gelegt und zum Verständnis von Prozessen beigetragen, die den betrachteten Eigenschaften wie der Pilzresistenz möglicherweise zu Grunde liegen. Ein großer Teil der gewonnenen Daten bringt auch die Untersuchungen anderer Kultivare voran und ist intervarietal übertragbar. Darüber hinaus haben sich Chancen für vergleichende Studien zwischen der Weinrebe einerseits und der Modellpflanze Arabidopsis thaliana sowie weiteren Kulturpflanzen andererseits abgezeichnet. Die Hinweise auf die zentrale Rolle und universelle Natur des Redox-Signalling haben interessante Perspektiven zum Verständnis organismenübergreifender physiologischer Zusammenhänge eröffnet. Dies betrifft z.B. auch die Reaktion auf Verwundung oder die Pathogenantwort.