970 resultados para Umbilical Artery
Objective To determine accuracy of first trimester detection of single umbilical artery (SUA). Methods The number of vessels in the umbilical cord was examined in a prospective cohort of 779 singleton, low-risk, unselected pregnancies, in the first (11-13 weeks) and second (17-24 weeks) trimesters, using both power and color Doppler and after delivery, by placental histopathologic exam. Concordance between first and second trimester findings to postnatal diagnoses was compared by calculating kappa coefficients. Results There was medium concordance between the findings in the first trimester and the postnatal diagnoses (kappa = 0.52) and high concordance (kappa = 0.89) for the second trimester scan. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values for the findings in the first trimester were 57.1, 98.9, 50.0 and 99.2% and for the second trimester were 86.6, 99.9, 92.9 and 99.7%. Conclusion Sensitivity and positive predictive value of first trimester scan to identify an isolated SUA in a prospective unselected population was poor. Diagnosis of isolated SUA as well as a definitive judgment about the presence of associated anomalies would still require a scan in the second trimester. Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Objectives. To examine the effects of betamethasone administration on umbilical artery (UA), middle cerebral artery (MCA) and ductus venosus (DV) Doppler flow. Design. Longitudinal prospective study. Setting: Fetal Surveillance Unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Population. Thirty-two singleton pregnancies complicated by fetal growth restriction with absent end-diastolic flow in the UA. Methods. Pulsatility index (PI) of the UA, MCA and DV was measured from 26 to 34 weeks prior to and within 24 or 48 hours after starting betamethasone treatment course. Analysis of variance for repeated measures was used to determine the changes in the fetal hemodynamic Doppler flow following maternal corticosteroid administration. Main outcome measures. Improvement of UA-PI within 24 hours and DV-PIV (venous pulsatility) within 48 hours from the first betamethasone dose. Results. Mean gestational age at delivery was 29.3 (1.8) weeks and birthweight was 806.6 (228.2) g. A reduction in the UA-PI was observed in 29 (90.6%) cases, with return of end-diastolic flow in 22 (68.7%). The mean UA-PI were 2.84 (0.52) before corticosteroid administration, 2.07 (0.56) within 24 hours and 2.42 (0.75) after 48 hours, with a significant difference along the evaluations (p0.001). No significant changes in the MCA Doppler were observed. DV-PIV decreased from 1.06 (0.23) prior corticosteroids administration to 0.73 (0.16) within 24 hours and 0.70 (0.19) after 48 hours (p0.001). Conclusions. There was reduction in the umbilical artery and in the DV pulsatility indices within 24 hours from betamethasone administration that was maintained up to 48 hours.
OBJECTIVE: Absent or reverse end-diastolic flow (Doppler II/III) in umbilical artery is correlated with poor perinatal outcome, particularly in intrauterine growth restricted (IUGR) fetuses. The optimal timing of delivery is still controversial. We studied the short- and long-term morbidity and mortality among these children associated with our defined management. STUDY DESIGN: Sixty-nine IUGR fetuses with umbilical Doppler II/III were divided into three groups; Group 1, severe early IUGR, no therapeutic intervention (n = 7); Group 2, fetuses with pathological biophysical profile, immediate delivery (n = 35); Group 3, fetuses for which expectant management had been decided (n = 27). RESULTS: In Group 1, stillbirth was observed after a mean delay of 6.3 days. Group 2 delivered at an average of 31.6 weeks and two died in the neonatal period (6%). In Group 3 after a mean delay of 8 days, average gestational age at delivery was 31.7 weeks; two intra uterine and four perinatal deaths were observed (22%). Long-term follow-up revealed no sequelae in 25/31 (81%) and 15/18 (83%), and major handicap occurred in 1 (3%) and 2 patients (11%), respectively, for Groups 2 and 3. CONCLUSION: Fetal mortality was observed in 22% of this high risk group. After a mean period of follow-up of 5 years, 82% of infants showed no sequelae. According to our management, IUGR associated with umbilical Doppler II or III does not show any benefit from an expectant management in term of long-term morbidity.
Objectives: To identify potential associations between fetal surveillance tests and acidosis at birth in pregnancies with abnormal but positive end-diastolic velocity in the umbilical artery. Methods: A prospective case-control study [group 1: pH < 7.2; group 2: pH >= 7.2] including 46 fetuses with abnormal but positive end-diastolic velocity in the umbilical artery was conducted between February 2007 and March 2009. Outcome variables were evaluated by univariate analysis and compared between the two groups. Clinically relevant and statistically significant variables were analyzed by logistic regression. Results: Abnormal nonstress test, presence of deceleration, and absent fetal breathing movements were statistically significant. Logistic regression analysis revealed that fetal heart rate (FHR) deceleration in the nonstress test is the only predictor of fetal acidosis at birth (p = 0.024; OR = 8.2; 95% CI: 1.2-52). Conclusions: In fetuses with positive end-diastolic flow velocity, acute variables of the antenatal surveillance tests are correlated with acidosis at birth and FHR deceleration in the nonstress test is the only predictor of fetal acidosis.
Our purpose was to evaluate the antenatal incidence of single umbilical artery (SUA) in twin pregnancies according to chorionicity and to assess its relationship with outcome.
PURPOSE: In this study we examined the arterial-adaptive dilatation and Doppler velocimetry, especially RI values, in normal fetuses with a single umbilical artery (SUA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied 195 fetuses from 18 to 39 weeks of gestational age with a prenatally identified SUA retrospectively. They were enrolled in this study if the following information applied: > 18 weeks of gestational age, no structural or chromosomal abnormalities, and histopathological confirmation of SUA. Sonographic examination included evaluation of the umbilical artery resistance and the cross-sectional area of the umbilical cord, and its vessels were measured in all cases. Small for gestational age (SGA) was diagnosed when the birth weight was below the 10th percentile for gestational age. Fetuses with intrauterine growth restriction were defined as those with biometric data below the 5th percentile. RESULTS: There were 119 cases of prenatally identified SUA which met the inclusion criteria. RI values were below the 10th percentile in 33/119 (27.33) and below the 50th percentile in 73/119 (61.33). RI values below the 10th percentile were significantly more likely to be in the normal collective than in the growth restricted collective [31/87 (35.63%) vs. 2/32 (6.25%); p = 0.001]. Even more significant differences became apparent when comparing the RI values below the 50th percentile of both groups. An umbilical artery diameter over the 90th percentile was found in 49 (41.9%) of cases and was significantly more likely to be present in normal growing fetuses than in the growth restricted group. CONCLUSION: Normal fetuses with SUA are at higher risk to be born as SGA. With our study results we can confirm the hypothesis that Doppler flow measurements and arterial diameter in SUA are different from those found in normal fetal umbilical arteries. RI values over the 50th percentile or a cross-sectional area of the artery below 95th percentile after 26th week of gestation significantly increases the risk of SGA.
INTRODUCTION The appearance of end-diastolic flow velocities (EDF) in the umbilical artery (UA), usually between 10 and 14 weeks of gestation, has been associated with the opening of the spiral arteries and consequently of the intervillous space. OBJECTIVES The aim of our study was to compare first trimester UA pulsatility index (PI) and EDF between women who developed preeclampsia (cases) and controls. METHODS Our database was searched for cases who had UA Doppler between 10-14 weeks. UA PI and EDF were compared between cases and two gestational age (GA) matched controls. RESULTS 15 cases with severe preeclampsia (PE) were matched to 30 controls. GA with negative EDF was lower than with positive EDF (12.1±0.79 vs. 12.8±0.34; p=0.001). UA PI in cases was higher than in controls, although not significant (cases: 2.18±0.6 vs. CONTROLS 1.92±0.48; p=0.12). However, comparing groups with negative EDF, the difference became significant (PI cases: 2.45±0.57 vs. PI controls: 1.94±0.56; p=0.038), while no difference was found comparing groups with positive EDF. CONCLUSION First trimester UA PI is significantly higher in women which will develop PE than in controls. Interestingly, the timing of screening for PE by UA Doppler seems to play an important issue.
Background: The usefulness of umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry for the monitoring of diabetic pregnancies is controversial. The aim of the present study was to assess whether umbilical artery Doppler velocity waveform analysis can predict adverse perinatal outcomes for pregnancies complicated by pre-existing diabetes mellitus. Methods: All diabetic pregnancies (type 1 and 2) delivered at Mater Mothers' Hospital, Queensland, between 1 January 1995 and 31 December 1999 were included. All pregnant diabetic women were monitored with umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry at 28, 32, 36, and 38 weeks' gestation. Adverse perinatal outcome was defined as pregnancies with one or more of the following: small-for-gestational age, Caesarean section for non-reassuring cardiotocography, fetal acidaemia at delivery, 1-min Apgar of 3 or less, 5-min Apgar of less than 7, hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy or perinatal death. Abnormal umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry was defined as a pulsatility index of 95th centile or higher for gestation. Results: One hundred and four pregnancies in women with pre-existing diabetes had umbilical arterial Doppler studies carried out during the study period. Twenty-three pregnancies (22.1%) had an elevated pulsatility index. If the scans were carried out within 2 weeks of delivery, 71% of pregnancies with abnormal umbilical Doppler had adverse outcomes (P < 0.01; likelihood ratio, 4.2). However, the sensitivity was 35%; specificity was 94%; positive predictive value was 80%; and negative predictive value was 68%. Only 30% of women with adverse perinatal outcomes had abnormal umbilical arterial Doppler flow. Conclusion: Umbilical artery Doppler velocimetry is not a good predictor of adverse perinatal outcomes in diabetic pregnancies.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar as características antropométricas, a morbidade e mortalidade de recém-nascidos (RN) prematuros nascidos vivos de mães hipertensas em função da presença ou não de diástole zero (DZ) ou reversa (DR) na doplervelocimetria arterial umbilical. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, envolvendo RN prematuros nascidos vivos de gestantes hipertensas, com idade gestacional entre 25 e 33 semanas, submetidas à doplervelocimetria da artéria umbilical nos 5 dias que antecederam o parto, realizado no Hospital do Distrito Federal, entre 1º de novembro de 2009 e 31 de outubro de 2010. Os RN foram estratificados em dois grupos, conforme o resultado da doplervelocimetria da artéria umbilical: Gdz/dr=presença de diástole zero (DZ) ou diástole reversa (DR) e Gn=doplervelocimetria normal. Medidas antropométricas ao nascimento, morbidades e mortalidade neonatal foram comparadas entre os dois grupos. RESULTADOS: Foram incluídos 92 RN, assim distribuídos: Gdz/dr=52 RN e Gn=40 RN. No Gdz/dr a incidência de RN pequenos para idade gestacional foi significativamente maior, com risco relativo de 2,5 (IC95% 1,7‒3,7). No grupo Gdz/dr os RN permaneceram mais tempo em ventilação mecânica mediana 2 (0‒28) e no Gn mediana 0,5 (0‒25), p=0,03. A necessidade de oxigênio aos 28 dias de vida foi maior no Gdz/dr do que no Gn (33 versus10%; p=0,01). A mortalidade neonatal foi maior em Gdz/dr do que em Gn (36 versus 10%; p=0,03; com risco relativo de 1,6; IC95% 1,2 - 2,2). Nessa amostra a regressão logística mostrou que a cada 100 gramas a menos de peso ao nascer no Gdz/dr a chance de óbito aumentou 6,7 vezes (IC95% 2,0 - 11,3; p<0,01). CONCLUSÃO: em RN prematuros de mães hipertensas com alteração na doplervelocimetria da artéria umbilical a restrição do crescimento intrauterino é frequente e o prognóstico neonatal pior, sendo elevado o risco de óbito relacionado ao peso ao nascimento.
BACKGROUND: Vascular cells express different phenotypes in adult and fetal vessels, and the extracellular matrix they synthesize should reflect these differences. Alterations of vascular proteoglycan/glycosaminoglycan is verified in disorders such as hypertension and diabetes, and when occurring during pregnancy, they bring about structural changes to fetal vessels that often lead to impaired fetus growth. Yet there is little data about the extracellular matrix of an important human fetal vessel, the umbilical artery.EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: This study involved the biochemical characterization of the extracellular matrix of normal umbilical arteries, umbilical arteries from complicated pregnancies (maternal hypertension and diabetes and intrauterine growth retardation syndrome), and, for purpose of comparison, normal adult arteries (aorta and iliac and pulmonary arteries). Although the collagen types I:III ratio was determined in some cases, emphasis was placed on analysis of glycosaminoglycans.RESULTS: Normal umbilical arteries differ from normal adult arteries in that they contain greater concentrations of hyaluronic acid and lesser concentrations of heparan sulfate and chondroitin 4-and 6-sulfate. The umbilical artery also differs from adult arteries in the disaccharide composition of its chondroitin and heparan sulfates and in the molecular weight of this latter glycosaminoglycan. The glycosaminoglycan distribution in umbilical arteries derived from complicated pregnancies is roughly similar to that of controls. However, total glycosaminoglycan and collagen were significantly reduced, and the collagen I:III ratio was increased in the umbilical arteries from hypertension-complicated pregnancies.CONCLUSIONS: the glycosaminoglycan composition of the normal umbilical artery, a fully differentiated tissue, differs in many aspects from that of normal adult arteries. of the cases of complicated pregnancies studied, the extracellular matrix of umbilical arteries was altered only in maternal hypertension. The changes, notably a mild fibrosis, were not very pronounced and should not impair hemodynamic properties of the vessel.
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB