206 resultados para Ulva clathrata


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To investigate the ecological effect of macroalgae on de-eutrophication and depuration of mariculture seawater, the variation of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and phosphate (DIP), the amount of Vibrio anguillarum, and total heterotrophic bacteria in Ulva clathrata culture, as well as on the algal surface, were investigated by artificially adding nutrients and V. anguillarum strain 65 from February to April 2006. The results indicated that U. clathrata not only had strong DIN and DIP removal capacities, but also showed a significant inhibitory effect on V. anguillarum, although not reducing the total heterotrophic bacteria. Vibrio anguillarum 65 dropped from 5 similar to 8 x 10(7) cfu mL(-1) to 10 cfu mL(-1) (clone-forming units per mL) in 10 g L-1 of fresh U. clathrata culture within 2 days; i.e., almost all of the Vibrios were efficiently eradicated from the algal culture system. Our results also showed that the inhibitory effect of U. clathrata on V. anguillarum strain 65 was both DIN- and DIP-dependent. Addition of DIN and DIP could enhance the inhibitory effects of the algae on the Vibrio, but did not reduce the total heterotrophic bacteria. Further studies showed that the culture suspension in which U. clathrata was pre-cultured for 24 h also had an inhibitory effect on V. anguillarum strain 65. Some unknown chemical substances, either released from U. clathrata or produced by the alga associated microorganisms, inhibited the proliferation of V. anguillarum 65.


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Tesis (Doctor en Ciencias con Especialidad en Biotecnología) UANL, 2011.


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Samples of cultivated Ulva clathrata were collected from a medium scale system (MSS, 1.5 1.5 m tank), or from a large scale system (LSS, 0.8 ha earthen pond). MSS samples were dried directly while the LSS sample was washed in freshwater and pressed before drying. Crude protein content ranged 20–26%, essential amino acids accounting for 32–36% of crude protein. The main analysed monosaccharides were rhamnose (36–40%), uronic acids (27–29%), xylose (10–13%) and glucose (10–16%). Some notable variations between MSS and LSS samples were observed for total dietary fibre (26% vs 41%), saturated fatty acids (31% vs 51%), PUFAS (33% vs 13%), carotenoids (358 vs 169 mg kg1 dw) and for Ca (9 vs 19 g kg1 ), Fe (0.6 vs 4.2 g kg1 ), Cu (44 vs 14 mg kg1 ), Zn (93 vs 17 mg kg1 ) and As (2 vs 9 mg kg1 ). The chemical composition of U. clathrata indicates that it has a good potential for its use in human and animal food.


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Sulphated polysaccharides (SP) extracted from seaweeds have antiviral properties and are much less cytotoxic than conventional drugs, but little is known about their mode of action. Combination antiviral chemotherapy may offer advantages over single agent therapy, increasing efficiency, potency and delaying the emergence of resistant virus. The paramyxoviridae family includes pathogens causing morbidity and mortality worldwide in humans and animals, such as the Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) in poultry. This study aims at determining the antiviral activity and mechanism of action in vitro of an ulvan (SP from the green seaweed Ulva clathrata), and of its mixture with a fucoidan (SP from Cladosiphon okamuranus), against La Sota NDV strain. The ulvan antiviral activity was tested using syncytia formation, exhibiting an IC50 of 0.1 μg/mL; ulvan had a better anti cell-cell spread effect than that previously shown for fucoidan, and inhibited cell-cell fusion via a direct effect on the F0 protein, but did not show any virucidal effect. The mixture of ulvan and fucoidan showed a greater anti-spread effect than SPs alone, but ulvan antagonizes the effect of fucoidan on the viral attachment/entry. Both SPs may be promising antivirals against paramyxovirus infection but their mixture has no clear synergistic advantage


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沿海工农业生产的快速发展和人类活动对近海生态系统产生了很大影响,大量化肥的使用和工业污水、生活污水的排放导致近海环境污染,海水富营养化,赤潮频发。另外,由于近海养殖活动的迅猛发展以及养殖的不规范和不科学性导致近海生态系统结构和功能改变,一方面加重了海水富营养化,另一方面养殖动植物病害经常发生,严重影响了海产品的质量和效益。 大型海藻是海区重要的初级生产者,生命周期长、生长快,能通过光合作用吸收固定水体的C、N、P等营养物质来合成自身,同时增加水体溶解氧。因此,大型海藻被称为海洋环境中的生物过滤器。另外,由于大型藻类自身营养成分的复杂性和与藻共生的微生物多样性,大型海藻还可对生态系统中的浮游生物和微生物产生直接和间接影响。 在海洋环境,尤其是海水养殖水体环境存在着两个主要问题:海水富营养化和病源微生物控制,本文针对海洋环境中存在的这两个问题进行了探索研究。 以大型经济藻种长心卡帕藻(Kappaphycus alvarezzi)作为实验材料,分别在实验室内、室外藻类处理系统和海湾养殖现场三种条件下,进行藻类去除海水氮磷的一次性实验、半连续实验和连续实验,研究了其对海水中无机氮、无机磷的吸收速率和去除能力,初步评估了其生态价值。 构建了一种半封闭海域富营养化治理模式,以长心卡帕藻为实验材料,研究了其去除海水富营养化的能力,主要结果如下: (1)室内实验研究发现,长心卡帕藻对氮、磷的吸收速率随底物浓度升高而升高。在氮磷比为10:1,温度28℃条件下,氮浓度为50μmol • L-1时,藻对氮、磷的吸收速率达到最大,分别为0.93µmol • g-1(FW)• h-1和0.072µmol • g-1(FW)• h-1。 (2)人工修建的藻类养殖系统中进行的长心卡帕藻去除氮、磷的半连续实验,结果表明该藻具有连续去除海水DIN、DIP的能力。只要保持足够的底物浓度,长心卡帕藻对无机氮、无机磷的吸收速率达到最大,分别为0.3µmol • g-1(FW) • h-1和0.03µmol • g-1(FW)• h-1。但是对氮磷的吸收速率较室内实验有所降低。 (3)自然条件下,通过调查黎安海湾水质情况发现,长心卡帕藻具有较大的生态效益。在整个海湾大面积养殖卡帕藻,通过收获藻体,每年大约可以从海水中带走33吨氮素,7.5吨磷素。由于在海湾长心卡帕藻的作用,全年海湾水质保持在1-2级国家海水质量标准,产生了明显的生态效益。 另外,我们对大型藻类浒苔(Ulva clathrata)吸收氮磷和抑制鳗弧菌(Vibrio anguillarum)的效果进行了初步探索,结果表明:浒苔不仅对培养系统内无机氮和磷具有明显的去除作用,而且在异养细菌总量没有降低的情况下,对鳗弧菌有显著抑制作用,该抑制作用还受到水体中氮磷营养盐浓度的影响。在10g • L-1海藻的条件下,鳗弧菌以105-107 cfu • mL-1接入2天后,无论是否添加外源氮磷,鳗弧菌密度降到10 cfu • mL-1以下,鳗弧菌去除率几乎达到100%。实验数据还显示,添加氮磷营养盐可以增强浒苔对鳗弧菌的抑制作用,但没有降低其中的异养菌群数量,系统内异养细菌总量均维持在较高水平。进一步研究表明,培养浒苔24h后的海水,也对鳗弧菌65#产生抑制作用,这说明浒苔代谢释放到水体中某种化学成分或与藻共栖的微生物对鳗弧菌生长产生了抑制。


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This study investigates the influence of mesograzer prior exposure to toxic metabolites on palatability of the marine cyanobacterium, Lyngbya majuscula. We examined the palatability of L. majuscula crude extract obtained from a bloom in Moreton Bay, South East Queensland, Australia, containing lyngbyatoxin-a (LTA) and debromoaplysiatoxin (DAT), to two groups: (1) mesograzers of L. majuscula from Guam where LTA and DAT production is rare; and (2) macro- and mesograzers found feeding on L. majuscula blooms in Moreton Bay where LTA and DAT are often prevalent secondary metabolites. Pair-wise feeding assays using artificial diets consisting of Ulva clathrata suspended in agar (control) or coated with Moreton Bay L. majuscula crude extracts (treatment) were used to determine palatability to a variety of consumers. In Guam, the amphipods, Parhyale hawaiensis and Cymadusa imbroglio; the majid crab Menaethius monoceros; and the urchin Echinometra mathaei were significantly deterred by the Moreton Bay crude extract. The sea hares, Stylocheilus striatus, from Guam were stimulated to feed by treatment food whereas S. striatus collected from Moreton Bay showed no discrimination between food types. In Moreton Bay, the cephalaspidean Diniatys dentifer and wild caught rabbitfish Siganus fuscescens were significantly deterred by the crude extract. However, captive-bred S. fuscescens with no known experience with L. majuscula did not clearly discriminate between food choices. Lyngbya majuscula crude extract deters feeding by most mesograzers regardless of prior contact or association with blooms.


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Ulva is a common component of marine intertidal flora in Australia with many species frequently observed along the Queensland coastline. Three species of Ulva, U. lactuca, U. intestinalis and U. prolifera were found to naturally occur at the Bribie Island Research Centre (BIRC) in Southeast Queensland. Studies were undertaken to establish the most optimal conditions for growing Ulva in the BIRC laboratory. These tests were conducted in order to condition the algal material prior to the sporulation studies, offering more controlled material to assess treatment effects conclusively, and helping eliminate other potentially confounding environmental factors. Results showed that a stocking density of between 5-20 grams of Ulva per litre along with the addition of the soluble fertiliser Aquasol at a rate of 87 mg/L of seawater was ideal for achieving a desired doubling of growth per week. In the wild the formation of Ulva fragments occurs naturally in the ocean through wave and storm action. This breakage can trigger a survival response mechanism which stimulates the algae to form and release gametes. By chopping the tissue, this process could be artificially simulated in the laboratory and creating a simple and easy way to produce new individuals. Studies performed into inducing sporulation in Ulva through a combination of fragmentation and renewal of medium at BIRC showed that sporulation can be successfully induced in all three species of Ulva through these methods, however it was found to be to a degree that would not meet the demands of commercial production with on average a rate of only 33% achieved. While the current study did not find a method suitable for a commercial application the results presented here contribute to increasing our understanding about Ulva reproduction and set a platform for future work in to cultivating Ulva within Southeast Queensland.


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Mats (biomasses) of macroalgae, i.e. Ulva spp., Enteromorpha spp., Graciolaria spp., and Cladophora spp., have increased markedly over the past 50 years, and they cover much larger areas than they once did in many estuaries of the world. The increases are due to large inputs of pollutants, mainly nitrates. During the warm months, the mats lie loosely on shallow sand and mud flats mostly along shorelines. Ulva lactuca overwinters as buds attached to shells and stones, and in the spring it grows as thalli (leaf fronds). Mats eventually form that are several thalli thick. Few macroinvertebrates grow on the upper surfaces of their thalli due to toxins they produce, and few can survive beneath them. The fish, crabs, and wading birds that once used the flats to feed on the macroinvertebrates are denied these feeding grounds. The mats also grow over and kill mollusks and eelgrass, Zostera marina. An experiment was undertaken which showed that two removals of U. lactuca in a summer from a shallow flat in an estuarine cove maintained the bottom almost free of it.


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The present paper reports mass occurrence of two algal species Ulva grandis Saifullah and Nizamuddin and Enteromorpha intestinalis (Linnaeus) Link in a protected coastal area in Jeddah, heavily polluted with domestic sewage. They seem to prefer low salinity eutrophic waters for their maximum growth.


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Morphology and taxonomy of four species of Ulva i.e. U. anandii Amjad et Shameel sp. nov., U. bifrons Ardre, U. saifullahii Amjad et Shameel sp. nov. and U. taeniata (Setchell) et Gardner were described for the first time from Pakistan. Their anatomy has been investigated in detail and compared with the allied species. A taxonomic comment has been written on U. grandis Saifullah et Nizamuddin.


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Aquous extracts of 24 species of green seaweeds, 13 of Caulerpa Lamour and 11 of Ulva Linn, were collected from the coastal areas near Karachi, Pakistan and tested for haemagglutination against human erythrocytes of blood groups A,B,AB and O and compared. All the species of Caulerpa and seven of Ulva exhibited a positive activity, the former genus (a member of Bryopsidophyceae) appeared to possess more phycohaemagglutinins than the latter (a member of Ulvophyceae). The haemagglutinic activity proved to be quite helpful in the distinction of various species of both the genera.


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For the nutritional evaluation of green seaweed Ulva fasciata, a feeding trial was performed in albino rats. The results indicated that the 20% replacement of seaweed U. fasciata instead of carrot or lettuce in rad diet causes no harmful effects, as evident by a non-significant change in blood constituents and serum enzyme levels. The weight gain observed in rats with U. fasciata diet was same as that of control diet. The true digestibility ratio of U. fasciata was 80.20% with carrot and 83.4% with lettuce. The data suggest that the green seaweed U. fasciata could be used as an alternative dietary component in animal fodder.


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The lunar day differs in length from the solar day so that times of low tide vary from day to day. Thus, aerial exposure of intertidal seaweeds may be during the day or during the night. We measured photosynthetic CO, assimilation rates of the intertidal green macroalga Ulva lactuca during exposures of varied daily timings during sunny days of summer to establish how photosynthetic performance responds to emersion timing under varied CO2 levels [at ambient (360 ppmv) and 2x ambient (720 ppmv) atmospheric CO2 concentrations]. There was an increase in net photosynthetic rates following some duration of exposure when the initial timing of exposure occurred during early morning (06.30 h) and late afternoon (17.15 h). In contrast, net rates exhibited a sharp decline with exposure duration when the initial timing of exposure occurred at 09.30 h, 15.30 h and especially at noon (12.30 h), implying the occurrence of a severe photoinhibition resulting from mid-day insolation. Doubled atmospheric CO2 concentration significantly enhanced the emersed photosynthetic rates, indicating that the emersed photosynthesis is CO2-limited at ambient CO2 levels. However, increasing CO2 barely stimulates the emersed photosynthetic rates during mid-day insolation.


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Dark respiration (nonphotorespiratory mitochondrial CO2 release) in the light (R-L) of the intertidal macroalga Ulva lactuca (Chorophyta) during emersion was investigated with respect to its response to variations in temperature and desiccation. R-L was estimated by CO2 gas-exchange analysis using the Kok effect method, whereas dark respiration in darkness (R-D) was determined from CO2 release at zero light. Rates of R, were significantly and consistently lower than those of R-D in emersed U. lactuca across all the temperature and desiccation levels measured. This demonstrated that dark respiration was partially depressed in the light, with the percentage inhibition ranging from 32 to 62%. Desiccation exerted a negative effect on R-L and R-D at a high temperature, 33 degrees C, whereas it had much less effect on respiration at low and moderate temperatures, 23 and 28 degrees C. In general, R-L and R-D increased with increasing temperature in U. lactuca during all stages of emersion but responded less positively to temperature change with increasing desiccation. Additionally, the Q(10) value (i.e. the proportional increase of respiration for each 10 degrees C rise in temperature) for R-L calculated over the temperature range of 23 to 33 degrees C was significantly higher than that for R-D in U. lactuca during the initial stages of emersion. Respiratory carbon loss as a percentage of gross photosynthetic carbon gain increased with increasing temperature and/or desiccation but was significantly reduced when estimated using R-L rather than R-D. It is suggested that measurements of R-L and how it changes in a variable environment are as important as estimates of R-D and photosynthesis in determining simultaneous balance between photosynthetic carbon uptake and respiratory carbon loss and in modeling the net daily carbon gain for an intertidal macroalga.


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Intertidal macroalgae experience continual alternation of photosynthesis between aquatic state at high tide and aerial state at low tide. The comparative photosynthetic responses to inorganic carbon were investigated in the common intertidal macroalga Ulva lactuca L. along the coast of Shantou between aquatic and aerial state. The inorganic carbon dissolved in seawater at present could fully (at 10 degreesC or 20 degreesC) or nearly (at 30 degreesC) saturate the aquatic photosynthesis of U. lactuca. However, the aerial photosynthesis was limited by current ambient atmospheric CO2 level, and such a limitation was more severe at higher temperature (20degrees - 30degrees T) than at lower temperature (10 T). The carbon-saturated maximal photosynthesis of U. lactuca under aerial state was much greater than that under aquatic state at 10 degreesC and 20 degreesC, while the maximal photosynthesis under both states was similar at 30 degreesC. The aerial values of K-m (CO2) for photosynthesis were higher than the aquatic values. On the contrary, the values of apparent photosynthetic CO2 conductance under aerial state were considerably lower than that under aquatic state. It was concluded that the increase of atmospheric CO2 would enhance the primary productivity of U. lactuca through stimulating the photosynthesis under aerial state during low tide.