999 resultados para Ultracold quantum gases


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We propose a feasible experimental scheme to direct measure heat and work in cold atomic setups. The method is based on a recent proposal which shows that work is a positive operator valued measure (POVM). In the present contribution, we demonstrate that the interaction between the atoms and the light polarization of a probe laser allows us to implement such POVM. In this way the work done on or extracted from the atoms after a given process is encoded in the light quadrature that can be measured with a standard homodyne detection. The protocol allows one to verify fluctuation theorems and study properties of the non-unitary dynamics of a given thermodynamic process.


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This thesis presents a new imaging technique for ultracold quantum gases. Since the first observation of Bose-Einstein condensation, ultracold atoms have proven to be an interesting system to study fundamental quantum effects in many-body systems. Most of the experiments use optical imaging rnmethods to extract the information from the system and are therefore restricted to the fundamental limitation of this technique: the best achievable spatial resolution that can be achieved is comparable to the wavelength of the employed light field. Since the average atomic distance and the length scale of characteristic spatial structures in Bose-Einstein condensates such as vortices and solitons is between 100 nm and 500 nm, an imaging technique with an adequate spatial resolution is needed. This is achieved in this work by extending the method of scanning electron microscopy to ultracold quantum gases. A focused electron beam is scanned over the atom cloud and locally produces ions which are subsequently detected. The new imaging technique allows for the precise measurement of the density distribution of a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate. Furthermore, the spatial resolution is determined by imaging the atomic distribution in one-dimensional and two-dimensional optical lattices. Finally, the variety of the imaging method is demonstrated by the selective removal of single lattice site. rn


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Abelian and non-Abelian gauge theories are of central importance in many areas of physics. In condensed matter physics, AbelianU(1) lattice gauge theories arise in the description of certain quantum spin liquids. In quantum information theory, Kitaev’s toric code is a Z(2) lattice gauge theory. In particle physics, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the non-Abelian SU(3) gauge theory of the strong interactions between quarks and gluons, is nonperturbatively regularized on a lattice. Quantum link models extend the concept of lattice gauge theories beyond the Wilson formulation, and are well suited for both digital and analog quantum simulation using ultracold atomic gases in optical lattices. Since quantum simulators do not suffer from the notorious sign problem, they open the door to studies of the real-time evolution of strongly coupled quantum systems, which are impossible with classical simulation methods. A plethora of interesting lattice gauge theories suggests itself for quantum simulation, which should allow us to address very challenging problems, ranging from confinement and deconfinement, or chiral symmetry breaking and its restoration at finite baryon density, to color superconductivity and the real-time evolution of heavy-ion collisions, first in simpler model gauge theories and ultimately in QCD.


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While a great amount of attention is being given to the development of nanodevices, both through academic research and private industry, the field is still on the verge. Progress hinges upon the development of tools and components that can precisely control the interaction between light and matter, and that can be efficiently integrated into nano-devices. Nanofibers are one of the most promising candidates for such purposes. However, in order to fully exploit their potential, a more intimate knowledge of how nanofibers interact with single neutral atoms must be gained. As we learn more about the properties of nanofiber modes, and the way they interface with atoms, and as the technology develops that allows them to be prepared with more precisely known properties, they become more and more adaptable and effective. The work presented in this thesis touches on many topics, which is testament to the broad range of applications and high degree of promise that nanofibers hold. For immediate use, we need to fully grasp how they can be best implemented as sensors, filters, detectors, and switches in existing nano-technologies. Areas of interest also include how they might be best exploited for probing atom-surface interactions, single-atom detection and single photon generation. Nanofiber research is also motivated by their potential integration into fundamental cold atom quantum experiments, and the role they can play there. Combining nanofibers with existing optical and quantum technologies is a powerful strategy for advancing areas like quantum computation, quantum information processing, and quantum communication. In this thesis I present a variety of theoretical work, which explores a range of the applications listed above. The first work presented concerns the use of the evanescent fields around a nanofiber to manipulate an existing trapping geometry and therefore influence the centre-of-mass dynamics of the atom. The second work presented explores interesting trapping geometries that can be achieved in the vicinity of a fiber in which just four modes are allowed to propagate. In a third study I explore the use of a nanofiber as a detector of small numbers of photons by calculating the rate of emission into the fiber modes when the fiber is moved along next to a regularly separated array of atoms. Also included are some results from a work in progress, where I consider the scattered field that appears along the nanofiber axis when a small number of atoms trapped along that axis are illuminated orthogonally; some interesting preliminary results are outlined. Finally, in contrast with the rest of the thesis, I consider some interesting physics that can be done in one of the trapping geometries that can be created around the fiber, here I explore the ground states of a phase separated two-component superfluid Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a toroidal potential.


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In this thesis several models are treated, which are relevant for ultracold fermionic quantum gases loaded onto optical lattices. In particular, imbalanced superfluid Fermi mixtures, which are considered as the best way to realize Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) states experimentally, and antiferromagnetic states, whose experimental realization is one of the next major goals, are examined analytically and numerically with the use of appropriate versions of the Hubbard model.rnrnThe usual Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) superconductor is known to break down in a magnetic field with a strength exceeding the size of the superfluid gap. A spatially inhomogeneous spin-imbalanced superconductor with a complex order parameter known as FFLO-state is predicted to occur in translationally invariant systems. Since in ultracold quantum gases the experimental setups have a limited size and a trapping potential, we analyze the realistic situation of a non-translationally invariant finite sized Hubbard model for this purpose. We first argue analytically, why the order parameter should be real in a system with continuous coordinates, and map our statements onto the Hubbard model with discrete coordinates defined on a lattice. The relevant Hubbard model is then treated numerically within mean field theory. We show that the numerical results agree with our analytically derived statements and we simulate various experimentally relevant systems in this thesis.rnrnAnalogous calculations are presented for the situation at repulsive interaction strength where the N'eel state is expected to be realized experimentally in the near future. We map our analytical results obtained for the attractive model onto corresponding results for the repulsive model. We obtain a spatially invariant unit vector defining the direction of the order parameter as a consequence of the trapping potential, which is affirmed by our mean field numerical results for the repulsive case. Furthermore, we observe domain wall formation, antiferromagnetically induced density shifts, and we show the relevant role of spin-imbalance for antiferromagnetic states.rnrnSince the first step for understanding the physics of the examined models was the application of a mean field approximation, we analyze the effect of including the second order terms of the weak coupling perturbation expansion for the repulsive model. We show that our results survive the influence of quantum fluctuations and show that the renormalization factors for order parameters and critical temperatures lead to a weaker influence of the fluctuations on the results in finite sized systems than on the results in the thermodynamical limit. Furthermore, in the context of second order theory we address the question whether results obtained in the dynamical mean field theory (DMFT), which is meanwhile a frequently used method for describing trapped systems, survive the effect of the non-local Feynman diagrams neglected in DMFT.


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A forthcoming challenge in ultracold lattice gases is the simulation of quantum magnetism. That involves both the preparation of the lattice atomic gas in the desired spin state and the probing of the state. Here we demonstrate how a probing scheme based on atom-light interfaces gives access to the order parameters of nontrivial quantum magnetic phases, allowing us to characterize univocally strongly correlated magnetic systems produced in ultracold gases. This method, which is also nondemolishing, yields spatially resolved spin correlations and can be applied to bosons or fermions. As a proof of principle, we apply this method to detect the complete phase diagram displayed by a chain of (rotationally invariant) spin-1 bosons.


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We study quantum information flow in a model comprised of a trapped impurity qubit immersed in a Bose-Einstein-condensed reservoir. We demonstrate how information flux between the qubit and the condensate can be manipulated by engineering the ultracold reservoir within experimentally realistic limits. We show that this system undergoes a transition from Markovian to non-Markovian dynamics, which can be controlled by changing key parameters such as the condensate scattering length. In this way, one can realize a quantum simulator of both Markovian and non-Markovian open quantum systems, the latter ones being characterized by a reverse flow of information from the background gas (reservoir) to the impurity (system).


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Probing non trivial magnetic ordering in quantum magnets realized with ultracold lattice gases demands detection methods with some spatial resolution built on it. Here we demonstrate that the Faraday matter-light interface provides an experimentally feasible tool to distinguish indubitably different quantum phases of a given many-body system in a non-demolishing way. We illustrate our approach by focussing on the Heisenberg chain for spin-1 bosons in the presence of a SU(2) symmetry breaking field. We explain how using the light signal obtained via homodyne detection one can reconstruct the phase diagram of the model. Further we show that the very same technique that provides a direct experimentally measurable signal of different order parameters can be extended to detect also the presence of multipartite entanglement in such systems.


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We study the entanglement of two impurity qubits immersed in a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) reservoir. This open quantum system model allows for interpolation between a common dephasing scenario and an independent dephasing scenario by modifying the wavelength of the superlattice superposed to the BEC, and how this influences the dynamical properties of the impurities. We demonstrate the existence of rich dynamics corresponding to different values of reservoir parameters, including phenomena such as entanglement trapping, revivals of entanglement, and entanglement generation. In the spirit of reservoir engineering, we present the optimal BEC parameters for entanglement generation and trapping, showing the key role of the ultracold-gas interactions. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2013


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The precise knowledge of the temperature of an ultracold lattice gas simulating a strongly correlated
system is a question of both fundamental and technological importance. Here, we address such
question by combining tools from quantum metrology together with the study of the quantum
correlations embedded in the system at finite temperatures. Within this frame we examine the spin-
1 2 XY chain, first estimating, by means of the quantum Fisher information, the lowest attainable
bound on the temperature precision. We then address the estimation of the temperature of the sample
from the analysis of correlations using a quantum non demolishing Faraday spectroscopy method.
Remarkably, our results show that the collective quantum correlations can become optimal
observables to accurately estimate the temperature of our model in a given range of temperatures.


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In this work, we discuss some theoretical topics related to many-body physics in ultracold atomic and molecular gases. First, we present a comparison between experimental data and theoretical predictions in the context of quantum emulator of quantum field theories, finding good results which supports the efficiency of such simulators. In the second and third parts, we investigate several many-body properties of atomic and molecular gases confined in one dimension.


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We apply the truncated Wigner method to the process of three-body recombination in ultracold Bose gases. We find that within the validity regime of the Wigner truncation for two-body scattering, three-body recombination can be treated using a set of coupled stochastic differential equations that include diffusion terms, and can be simulated using known numerical methods. As an example we investigate the behavior of a simple homogeneous Bose gas, finding a very slight increase of the loss rate compared to that obtained by using the standard method.


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The study of quantum degenerate gases has many applications in topics such as condensed matter dynamics, precision measurements and quantum phase transitions. We built an apparatus to create 87Rb Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs) and generated, via optical and magnetic interactions, novel quantum systems in which we studied the contained phase transitions. For our first experiment we quenched multi-spin component BECs from a miscible to dynamically unstable immiscible state. The transition rapidly drives any spin fluctuations with a coherent growth process driving the formation of numerous spin polarized domains. At much longer times these domains coarsen as the system approaches equilibrium. For our second experiment we explored the magnetic phases present in a spin-1 spin-orbit coupled BEC and the contained quantum phase transitions. We observed ferromagnetic and unpolarized phases which are stabilized by the spin-orbit coupling’s explicit locking between spin and motion. These two phases are separated by a critical curve containing both first-order and second-order transitions joined at a critical point. The narrow first-order transition gives rise to long-lived metastable states. For our third experiment we prepared independent BECs in a double-well potential, with an artificial magnetic field between the BECs. We transitioned to a single BEC by lowering the barrier while expanding the region of artificial field to cover the resulting single BEC. We compared the vortex distribution nucleated via conventional dynamics to those produced by our procedure, showing our dynamical process populates vortices much more rapidly and in larger number than conventional nucleation.


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We study the dynamics of two strongly interacting bosons with an additional impurity atom trapped in a harmonic potential. Using exact numerical diagonalization we are able to fully explore the dynamical evolution when the interaction between the two distinct species is suddenly switched on (quenched). We examine the behavior of the densities, the entanglement, the Loschmidt echo, and the spectral function for a large range of interspecies interactions and find that even in such small systems evidence of Anderson's orthogonality catastrophe can be witnessed.


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This purely theoretical thesis covers aspects of two contemporary research fields: the non-equilibrium dynamics in quantum systems and the electronic properties of three-dimensional topological insulators. In the first part we investigate the non-equilibrium dynamics in closed quantum systems. Thanks to recent technologies, especially from the field of ultracold quantum gases, it is possible to realize such systems in the laboratory. The focus is on the influence of hydrodynamic slow modes on the thermalization process. Generic systems in equilibrium, either classical or quantum, in equilibrium are described by thermodynamics. This is characterized by an ensemble of maximal entropy, but constrained by macroscopically conserved quantities. We will show that these conservation laws slow down thermalization and the final equilibrium state can be approached only algebraically in time. When the conservation laws are violated thermalization takes place exponential in time. In a different study we calculate probability distributions of projective quantum measurements. Newly developed quantum microscopes provide the opportunity to realize new measurement protocols which go far beyond the conventional measurements of correlation functions. The second part of this thesis is dedicated to a new class of materials known as three-dimensional topological insulators. Also here new experimental techniques have made it possible to fabricate these materials to a high enough quality that their topological nature is revealed. However, their transport properties are not fully understood yet. Motivated by unusual experimental results in the optical conductivity we have investigated the formation and thermal destruction of spatially localized electron- and hole-doped regions. These are caused by charged impurities which are introduced into the material in order to make the bulk insulating. Our theoretical results are in agreement with the experiment and can explain the results semi-quantitatively. Furthermore, we study emergent lengthscales in the bulk as well as close to the conducting surface.