4 resultados para Ultracision
Tonsilectomia é a cirurgia realizada com maior frequência na clínica otorrinolaringológica. As modificações e as evoluções da técnica ocorrem no sentido de simplificar o procedimento e minimizar as complicações. O bisturi harmônico (Ultracision) começou a ser utilizado na Otorrinolaringologia em 1999 para tonsilectomia com bons resultados. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar o tempo cirúrgico, sangramento e hemostasia trans-operatórios, dor pós-operatória, aspecto cicatricial da loja tonsilar e intercorrências no trans e pós-operatório em pacientes submetidos a tonsilectomia pela técnica tradicional com lâmina fria e pela técnica utilizando lâmina cirúrgica em ganchos de coagulação Ultracision. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Coorte transversal. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODO: Vinte e seis pacientes foram submetidos a tonsilectomia: 13 pela técnica tradicional com bisturi de lâmina fria e 13 pela técnica com Ultracision, avaliando os parâmetros previamente estabelecidos através de um protocolo padrão. Os pacientes foram submetidos a uma análise da intensidade da dor através da escala analógica visual horizontal. RESULTADOS: O tempo cirúrgico foi estatisticamente menor na cirurgia realizada pela técnica com o bisturi harmônico comparada com a técnica tradicional. O percentual de pontos dados na loja tonsilar também mostrou-se mais baixo do que pela técnica tradicional. Não houve diferença significativa em relação ao padrão de dor e a evolução pós-operatória do aspecto cicatricial da loja. CONCLUSÃO: O bisturi harmônico mostrou ser um excelente recurso para a realização de cirurgias onde o tempo cirúrgico e o sangramento trans-operatório são de grande importância.
BACKGROUND: Silicone breast implants are used to a wide extent in the field of plastic surgery. However, capsular contracture remains a considerable concern. This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness and applicability of an ultracision knife for capsulectomy breast surgery. METHODS: A prospective, single-center, randomized study was performed in 2009. The inclusion criteria specified female patients 20-80 years of age with capsular contracture (Baker 3-4). Ventral capsulectomy was performed using an ultracision knife on one side and the conventional Metzenbaum-type scissors and surgical knife on the collateral side of the breast. Measurements of the resected capsular ventral fragment, operative time, remaining breast tissue, drainage time, seroma and hematoma formation, visual analog scale pain score, and sensory function of the nipple-areola complex were assessed. In addition, histologic analysis of the resected capsule was performed. RESULTS: Five patients (median age, 59.2 years) were included in this study with a mean follow-up period of 6 months. Three patients had Baker grade 3 capsular contracture, and two patients had Baker grade 4 capsular contracture. The ultracision knife was associated with a significantly lower pain score, shorter operative time, smaller drainage volume, and shorter drainage time and resulted in a larger amount of remaining breast tissue. Histologic analysis of the resected capsule showed no apoptotic cells in the study group or control group. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that ventral capsulectomy with Baker grade 3 or 4 contracture using the ultracision knife is feasible, safe, and more efficient than blunt dissection and monopolar cutting diathermy and has a short learning curve. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE II: This journal requires that authors assign a level of evidence to each article. For a full description of these Evidence-Based Medicine ratings, please refer to the Table of Contents or the online Instructions to Authors at www.springer.com/00266 .
Background: Zenker`s diverticulum (ZD) is a rare condition with a reported prevalence of 0.01% to 0.11% in the general population. Endoscopic treatment consists of the division of the septum between the diverticulum and the esophagus, within which the cricopharyngeal muscle is contained. Diathermic monopolar current, argon plasma coagulation, and laser have been used to incise the muscular septum with satisfactory results. The main limitation of endoscopic treatment is the occurrence of complications. Perforation and hemorrhage are reported in as many as 23% and 10% of patients, respectively. Objective: The aim of this study was to use the technique of endoscopic diverticulotomy by using a harmonic scalpel in patients with ZD and to demonstrate the feasibility of using flexible and rigid devices in ZD treatment. Design: Case series study. Standard protocol was used for patient management, endoscopic procedure, and data collection. Setting: Single endoscopist demonstrating preliminary results. Patients: Five patients (4 men; median standard deviation [SD] age 69.6 +/- 9.06 years, range 59-83 years) with ZD were treated with this technique. All patients reported dysphagia and halitosis. The diagnosis was based on clinical, endoscopic, and radiographic findings. Interventions: All patients received general anesthesia and were placed in the left lateral position. A standard videogastroscope (9.8 mm) and a stiff guidewire were used to insert and achieve an adequate exposure of the ZD septum. The septum was divided using a harmonic scalpel under thin endoscope (5.2 mm) visualization through a soft diverticuloscope. Main Outcome Measurement: Feasibility of an endoscopic technique by using rigid and flexible devices to treat ZD. Results: Four patients (80%) were successfully treated in 1 session. The median SD size of the diverticulum was 3.6 +/- 0.89 cm (range 3-5 cm). Median SD procedure time was 17.33 +/- 2.33 minutes (range 15-20 minutes) in 6 procedures. No hemorrhage or perforation occurred. One patient (20%) required a second session to complete dissection of the ZD septum. All patients demonstrated improvement of dysphagia score after treatment. Limitations: Small case series design. Conclusions: Endoscopic treatment of ZD by harmonic scalpel through a soft diverticuloscope was feasible and effective in this small case series. Larger studies are warranted to further evaluate this technique.
Notwithstanding non-robotic, thoracoscopic preparation of the internal mammary artery (IMA) is a difficult surgical task, an appropriate experimental training model is lacking. We evaluated the young domestic pig for this purpose. Four domestic female pigs (30-40 kg body weight) were used for this study. Bilateral thoracoscopic preparation of the IMA was carried out under continuous, pressure controlled CO(2) insufflation. A 30 degrees rigid thoracoscope was inserted through a 10-mm port in the 5th/6th intercostal space (ICS) dorsally to the posterior axillary line. The dissection instrument (Ultracision Harmonic Scalpel) was inserted (5-mm port) in the 7th ICS at the posterior axillary line and the endo-forceps (5-mm port) in the 5th ICS at the posterior axillary line. Thoracoscopic IMA preparation in pig resulted more difficult than in man. A total of seven IMAs were prepared in their full intrathoracic length. A change in the preparation technique (lateral detachment of the endothoracic muscle) improved the safety of the procedure, allowing all four respective IMAs to be prepared safely, while the initial technique ensued an injury for 2 out of 3 vessels. The described young domestic pig model is suitable for experimental training of bilateral thoracoscopic IMA preparation.