964 resultados para Ultimate frisbee


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Brock University Frisbee Tournament


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Fil: Rojas Correal, Julio Yadilton. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Fil: Rojas Correal, Julio Yadilton. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Fil: Rojas Correal, Julio Yadilton. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación; Argentina.


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Al ser un deporte relativamente nuevo, tiene 60 a?os de historia, no se cuenta con la suficiente bibliograf?a para su ense?anza, y mucho menos en las categor?as juveniles, es por eso que se quiere brindar un documento que, a partir de la experiencia en el campo y tomando modelos pedag?gicos de diferentes ?reas que no s?lo incluyen la educaci?n f?sica, con el cual los profesores de educaci?n f?sica y deporte puedan iniciar procesos formativos en menores de 16 a?os. Para llevar a cabo lo anterior, se pretende abordar temas que van m?s all? del entrenamiento deportivo juvenil, con el fin de brindar herramientas que permitan consolidar un grupo de trabajo cooperativo que abarque, desde la convocatoria de los ni?os, el trato y la participaci?n de los padres de familia, la organizaci?n de las sesiones de entrenamiento, hasta la conducci?n de procesos de autorregulaci?n, que incluyen el dialogo y el respeto como herramientas para la soluci?n de conflictos dentro y fuera del entrenamiento. Por lo tanto el presente trabajo de investigaci?n se estructur? en tres cap?tulos fundamentales que son: Capitulo uno hace referencia al planteamiento dial?ctico y epistemol?gico de la investigaci?n en donde se puede apreciar una correcta relaci?n entre el problema y los objetivos. En el cap?tulo dos encontramos una gran variedad de estudios internacionales y nacionales que nos permiten definir las tendencias m?s importantes del ult?mate y a partir de all? se realiza un an?lisis de c?mo han evolucionado en los ?ltimos tiempos el proceso de ense?anza- aprendizaje. Y en el tercer cap?tulo presentamos fase a fase el dise?o y elaboraci?n de la metodolog?a que proponemos para guiar el proceso de ense?anza ? aprendizaje en la muestra objeto de estudio, para finalmente realizar un an?lisis y discusi?n de resultados.


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La revista digital del Servei d'Esports de la Universitat de Girona


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This paper presents the details of an investigation on the shear behaviour of a recently developed, cold-formed steel beam known as LiteSteel Beam (LSB).The LSB section has a unique shape of a channel beam with two rectangular hollow flanges and is produced by a patented manufacturing process involving simultaneous cold-forming and dual electric resistance welding. In the present investigation, a series of numerical analyses based on three-dimensional finite element modeling and an experimental study were carried out to investigate the shear behaviour of 10 different LSB sections. It was found that the current design rules in cold-formed steel structures design codes are very conservative for the shear design of LiteSteel beams. Significant improvements to web shear buckling occurred due to the presence of rectangular hollow flanges while considerable post-buckling strength was also observed. Therefore the design rules were further modified to include the available post-buckling strength. Suitable design rules were also developed under the direct strength method format. This paper presents the details of this investigation and the results including the final design rules for the shear capacity of LSBs. It also presents new shear strength formulae for lipped channel beams based on the current design equations for shear strength given in AISI (2007) using the same approach used for LSBs.


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This paper reports a practitioner/academic collaboration that sought to identify the attributes salient in the decision-making process of individuals considering a charitable bequest in Australia. Philanthropy scholars concur that bequest making behaviour is generally not well understood or researched and is fertile terrain for new enquiry. They urge scholars and practitioners to integrate learning from other relevant disciplines to reveal new insights and understandings into why so many individuals elect to make a testamentary gift to a charity in their will or other planned giving instrument. This research draws on the branding literature; and effectively trialed the use of Kelly’s (1955) Repertory Test from clinical psychology, the results of which will provide researchers and charity marketing practitioners with an enhanced understanding of bequest decision criteria.


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The railway industry has been slow to adopt limit states principles in the structural design of concrete sleepers for its tracks, despite the global take up of this form of design for almost every other type of structural element. Concrete sleeper design is still based on limiting stresses but is widely perceived by track engineers to lead to untapped reserves of strength in the sleepers. Limit design is a more rational philosophy, especially where it is based on the ultimate dynamic capacity of the concrete sleepers. The paper describes the development of equations and factors for a limit design methodology for concrete sleepers in flexure using a probabilistic evaluation of sleeper loading. The new method will also permit a cogent, defensible means of establishing the true capacity of the billions of concrete sleepers that are currently in-track around the world, leading to better utilisation of track infrastructure. The paper demonstrates how significant cost savings may be achieved by track owners.


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This paper describes a study of the theoretical and experimental behaviour of box-columns of varying b/t ratios under loadings of axial compression and torsion and their combinations. Details of the testing rigs and the testing methods, the results obtained such as the load-deflection curves and the interaction diagrams, and experimental observations regarding the behaviour of box-models and the types of local plastic mechanisms associated with each type of loading are presented. A simplified rigid-plastic analysis is carried out to study the collapse behaviour of box-columns under these loadings, based on the observed plastic mechanisms, and the results are compared with those of experiments.


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Railway is one of the most important, reliable and widely used means of transportation, carrying freight, passengers, minerals, grains, etc. Thus, research on railway tracks is extremely important for the development of railway engineering and technologies. The safe operation of a railway track is based on the railway track structure that includes rails, fasteners, pads, sleepers, ballast, subballast and formation. Sleepers are very important components of the entire structure and may be made of timber, concrete, steel or synthetic materials. Concrete sleepers were first installed around the middle of last century and currently are installed in great numbers around the world. Consequently, the design of concrete sleepers has a direct impact on the safe operation of railways. The "permissible stress" method is currently most commonly used to design sleepers. However, the permissible stress principle does not consider the ultimate strength of materials, probabilities of actual loads, and the risks associated with failure, all of which could lead to the conclusion of cost-ineffectiveness and over design of current prestressed concrete sleepers. Recently the limit states design method, which appeared in the last century and has been already applied in the design of buildings, bridges, etc, is proposed as a better method for the design of prestressed concrete sleepers. The limit states design has significant advantages compared to the permissible stress design, such as the utilisation of the full strength of the member, and a rational analysis of the probabilities related to sleeper strength and applied loads. This research aims to apply the ultimate limit states design to the prestressed concrete sleeper, namely to obtain the load factors of both static and dynamic loads for the ultimate limit states design equations. However, the sleepers in rail tracks require different safety levels for different types of tracks, which mean the different types of tracks have different load factors of limit states design equations. Therefore, the core tasks of this research are to find the load factors of the static component and dynamic component of loads on track and the strength reduction factor of the sleeper bending strength for the ultimate limit states design equations for four main types of tracks, i.e., heavy haul, freight, medium speed passenger and high speed passenger tracks. To find those factors, the multiple samples of static loads, dynamic loads and their distributions are needed. In the four types of tracks, the heavy haul track has the measured data from Braeside Line (A heavy haul line in Central Queensland), and the distributions of both static and dynamic loads can be found from these data. The other three types of tracks have no measured data from sites and the experimental data are hardly available. In order to generate the data samples and obtain their distributions, the computer based simulations were employed and assumed the wheel-track impacts as induced by different sizes of wheel flats. A valid simulation package named DTrack was firstly employed to generate the dynamic loads for the freight and medium speed passenger tracks. However, DTrack is only valid for the tracks which carry low or medium speed vehicles. Therefore, a 3-D finite element (FE) model was then established for the wheel-track impact analysis of the high speed track. This FE model has been validated by comparing its simulation results with the DTrack simulation results, and with the results from traditional theoretical calculations based on the case of heavy haul track. Furthermore, the dynamic load data of the high speed track were obtained from the FE model and the distributions of both static and dynamic loads were extracted accordingly. All derived distributions of loads were fitted by appropriate functions. Through extrapolating those distributions, the important parameters of distributions for the static load induced sleeper bending moment and the extreme wheel-rail impact force induced sleeper dynamic bending moments and finally, the load factors, were obtained. Eventually, the load factors were obtained by the limit states design calibration based on reliability analyses with the derived distributions. After that, a sensitivity analysis was performed and the reliability of the achieved limit states design equations was confirmed. It has been found that the limit states design can be effectively applied to railway concrete sleepers. This research significantly contributes to railway engineering and the track safety area. It helps to decrease the failure and risks of track structure and accidents; better determines the load range for existing sleepers in track; better rates the strength of concrete sleepers to support bigger impact and loads on railway track; increases the reliability of the concrete sleepers and hugely saves investments on railway industries. Based on this research, many other bodies of research can be promoted in the future. Firstly, it has been found that the 3-D FE model is suitable for the study of track loadings and track structure vibrations. Secondly, the equations for serviceability and damageability limit states can be developed based on the concepts of limit states design equations of concrete sleepers obtained in this research, which are for the ultimate limit states.