941 resultados para Ulnar Nerve
Background: Leprosy neuropathy, despite being primarily demyelinating, frequently leads to axonal loss. Neurophysiological examination of the nerves during Type 1 (T1R) and Type 2 reactions (T2R) may give some insight into the pathophysiological mechanisms.Methods: Neurophysiological examinations were performed in 28 ulnar nerves during a clinical trial of steroid treatment effectiveness, 19 patients with T1R and nine with T2R. The nerves were monitored during a period of 6 months; there were eight assessments per nerve, for a total of 224 assessments. Nine neurophysiological parameters were assessed at three sites of the ulnar nerve. The compound motor action potential amplitudes elicited at wrist, elbow and above, as well as the conduction velocity and temporal dispersion across the elbow, were chosen to focus on the changes occurring in the parameters at the elbow tunnel.Results and Conclusion: Neurophysiological changes indicating axonal and demyelinating processes during both T1R and T2R were detected across the elbow. Changes in demyelination, i.e. a Conduction Block, as a primary event present during T2R, occurring as an acute phenomenon, were observed regularly; in T1R Temporal Dispersion, a subacute phenomenon, was seen. During treatment remyelination occurred after both types of reactions.
Objective: To evaluate the factors influencing the results of ulnar nerve neurotization at the motor branch of the brachii biceps muscle, aiming at the restoration of elbow flexion in patients with brachial plexus injury. Methods: 19 patients, with 18 men and 1 woman, mean age 28.7 years. Eight patients had injury to roots C5-C6 and 11, to roots C5-C6-C7. The average time interval between injury and surgery was 7.5 months. Four patients had cervical fractures associated with brachial plexus injury. The postoperative follow-up was 15.7 months. Results: Eight patients recovered elbow flexion strength MRC grade 4; two, MRC grade 3 and nine, MRC <3. There was no impairment of the previous ulnar nerve function. Conclusion: The surgical results of ulnar nerve neurotization at the motor branch of brachii biceps muscle are dependent on the interval between brachial plexus injury and surgical treatment, the presence of associated fractures of the cervical spine and occipital condyle, residual function of the C8-T1 roots after the injury and the involvement of the C7 root. Signs of reinnervation manifested up to 3 months after surgery showed better results in the long term. Level of Evidence: IV, Case Series.
Sulcus ulnaris syndrome is the second most common neurocompression syndrome in the upper limb after carpal tunnel syndrome. Its severity can be appreciated by the Dellon Classification. We present our experience and results after endoscopic decompression.
BACKGROUND Ulnar nerve decompression at the elbow traditionally requires regional or general anesthesia. We wished to assess the feasibility of performing ulnar nerve decompression and transposition at the elbow under local anesthesia. METHODS We examined retrospectively the charts of 50 consecutive patients having undergone ulnar nerve entrapment surgery either under general or local anesthesia. Patients were asked to estimate pain on postoperative days 1 and 7 and satisfaction was assessed at 1 year. RESULTS On day 1, pain was comparable among all groups. On day 7, pain scores were twice as high when transposition was performed under general anesthesia when compared with local anesthesia. Patient satisfaction was slightly increased in the local anesthesia group. These patients were significantly more willing to repeat the surgery. CONCLUSION Ulnar nerve decompression and transposition at the elbow can be performed under local anesthesia without added morbidity when compared with general anesthesia.
The ulnar-to-median nerve anastomosis in the forearm is a very rare occurrence, not mentioned in many anatomical text books. We found only 4 cases cited in medical literature. Here we describe 2 new cases, for which diagnosis was suspected when the compound muscle action potential of the abductor pollicis brevis muscle (APB), obtained by maximal stimulation of the median nerve at the elbow, was lower than that obtained at the wrist. The diagnosis was confirmed by stimulation of the ulnar nerve at the elbow, which evoked a compound muscle action potential of the APB with a clear negative initial deflection without volume-conducted potential.
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a padronização dos valores de referência de velocidade de condução nervosa motora dos nervos radial e ulnar em cães clinicamente sadios. Para tanto, foram utilizados 30 cães, 11 machos e 19 fêmeas, sem raça definida, com idade entre dois e seis anos. Os valores médios das medidas do potencial muscular produzidos por meio de estimulação proximal e distal do nervo radial foram, respectivamente: latência inicial, 2,46+0,72ms e 1,58+0,62ms, amplitude de pico a pico, 8,79+2,26mV e 9,52+2,42mV e duração, 2,85+0,76ms e 2,71+0,75ms. Os respectivos valores do nervo ulnar foram: latência inicial, 4,17+0,53ms e 2,67+0,38ms; amplitude de pico a pico, 10,72+2,60mV e 11,72+2,81mV e duração, 2,23+0,38ms e 2,04+0,35ms. Os valores médios das medidas de velocidade de condução nervosa motora dos nervos radial e ulnar foram, respectivamente, 66,18+7,26m/s e 60,50+7,86m/s.
In this work 3 new cases of suprascapular nerve mononeuropathy are described. ENMG diagnosis criteria were: a) normal sensory conduction studies of the ipsolateral ulnar, median and radial nerves; b) bilateral suprascapular nerve latencies with bilateral compound muscle action potential, obtained from the infraspinatus muscle with symmetrical techniques; and c) abnormal neurogenic infraspinatus muscle electromyographic findings, coexisting with normal electromyographical data of the ipsolateral deltoideus and supraspinatus muscles. These 3 cases of suprascapular mononeurpathy were found in 6,080 ENMG exams from our University Hospital. For us this mononeuropathy is rare with a 0.05% occurrence.
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
BACKGROUND: Nerve transfers or graft repairs in upper brachial plexus palsies are 2 available options for elbow flexion recovery. OBJECTIVE: To assess outcomes of biceps muscle strength when treated either by grafts or nerve transfer. METHODS: A standard supraclavicular approach was performed in all patients. When roots were available, grafts were used directed to proximal targets. Otherwise, a distal ulnar nerve fascicle was transferred to the biceps branch. Elbow flexion strength was measured with a dynamometer, and an index comparing the healthy arm and the operated-on side was developed. Statistical analysis to compare both techniques was performed. RESULTS: Thirty-five patients (34 men) were included in this series. Mean age was 28.7 years (standard deviation, 8.7). Twenty-two patients (62.8%) presented with a C5-C6 injury, whereas 13 patients (37.2%) had a C5-C6-C7 lesion. Seventeen patients received reconstruction with grafts, and 18 patients were treated with a nerve transfer from the ulnar nerve to the biceps. The trauma to surgery interval (mean, 7.6 months in both groups), strength in the healthy arm, and follow-up duration were not statistically different. On the British Medical Research Council muscle strength scale, 8 of 17 (47%) patients with a graft achieved >= M3 biceps flexion postoperatively, vs 16 of 18 (88%) post nerve transfers (P = .024). This difference persisted when a muscle strength index assessing improvement relative to the healthy limb was used (P = .031). CONCLUSION: The results obtained from ulnar nerve fascicle transfer to the biceps branch were superior to those achieved through reconstruction with grafts.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar de forma crítica os fatores que influenciam os resultados da neurotização do nervo ulnar no ramo motor do músculo bíceps braquial, visando a restauração da flexão do cotovelo em pacientes com lesão do plexo braquial. MÉTODOS: 19 pacientes, 18 homens e uma mulher, com idade média de 28,7 anos foram avaliados entre fevereiro de 2003 e maio de 2007. Oito pacientes apresentavam lesão das raízes C5-C6 e 11, das raízes C5-C6-C7. O intervalo de tempo médio entre a injúria e o tratamento cirúrgico foi 7,5 meses. Quatro pacientes apresentavam fraturas cervicais associadas à lesão do plexo braquial. O seguimento pós-operatório foi de 15,7 meses. RESULTADO: Oito pacientes recuperaram força de flexão do cotovelo MRC grau 4; dois, MRC grau 3 e nove, MRC < 3. Não houve prejuízo da função prévia do nervo ulnar. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados da cirurgia de neurotização do nervo ulnar no ramo motor no músculo bíceps braquial são dependentes: do intervalo decorrido entre a lesão do plexo e o tratamento cirúrgico, da presença de fraturas associadas da coluna cervical e côndilo occipital, da função residual das raízes de C8-T1 após o trauma e do acometimento da raiz de C7. Sinais de reinervação manifestados até 3 meses no pós cirúrgico mostram melhores resultados ao longo prazo. Nível de Evidência: IV, Série de Casos.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Nerve blocks using local anesthetics are widely used. High volumes are usually injected, which may predispose patients to associated adverse events. Introduction of ultrasound guidance facilitates the reduction of volume, but the minimal effective volume is unknown. In this study, we estimated the 50% effective dose (ED50) and 95% effective dose (ED95) volume of 1% mepivacaine relative to the cross-sectional area of the nerve for an adequate sensory block. METHODS: To reduce the number of healthy volunteers, we used a volume reduction protocol using the up-and-down procedure according to the Dixon average method. The ulnar nerve was scanned at the proximal forearm, and the cross-sectional area was measured by ultrasound. In the first volunteer, a volume of 0.4 mL/mm of nerve cross-sectional area was injected under ultrasound guidance in close proximity to and around the nerve using a multiple injection technique. The volume in the next volunteer was reduced by 0.04 mL/mm in case of complete blockade and augmented by the same amount in case of incomplete sensory blockade within 20 mins. After 3 up-and-down cycles, ED50 and ED95 were estimated. Volunteers and physicians performing the block were blinded to the volume used. RESULTS: A total 17 of volunteers were investigated. The ED50 volume was 0.08 mL/mm (SD, 0.01 mL/mm), and the ED95 volume was 0.11 mL/mm (SD, 0.03 mL/mm). The mean cross-sectional area of the nerves was 6.2 mm (1.0 mm). CONCLUSIONS: Based on the ultrasound measured cross-sectional area and using ultrasound guidance, a mean volume of 0.7 mL represents the ED95 dose of 1% mepivacaine to block the ulnar nerve at the proximal forearm.
Objective: To discuss the diagnosis and treatment of a patient with cubital tunnel syndrome and to illustrate novel treatment modalities for the ulnar nerve and its surrounding structures and target tissues. The rationale for the addition of nerve-gliding techniques will be highlighted. Clinical Features: Two months after onset, a 17-year-old female nursing student who had a traumatic onset of cubital tunnel syndrome still experienced pain around the elbow and paresthesia in the ulnar nerve distribution. Electrodiagnostic tests were negative. Segmental cervicothoracic motion dysfunctions were present which were regarded as contributing factors hindering natural recovery. Intervention and Outcomes: After 6 sessions consisting of nerve-gliding techniques and segmental joint manipulation and a home exercise program consisting of nerve gliding and light free-weight exercises, a substantial improvement was recorded on both the impairment and functional level (pain scales, clinical tests, and Northwick Park Questionnaire). Symptoms did not recur within a 10-month follow-up period, and pain and disability had completely resolved. Conclusions: Movement-based management may be beneficial in the conservative management of cubital tunnel syndrome. As this intervention is in contrast with the traditional recommendation of immobilization, comparing the effects of both interventions in a systematic way is an essential next step to determine the optimal treatment of patients with cubital tunnel syndrome.
A hanseníase, uma doença conhecida por suas lesões de pele anestésicas, é a principal causa de neuropatia periférica nos países endêmicos. Os episódios reacionais são classicamente conhecidos por promover piora da função nervosa através das chamadas neurites que variam de quadros exuberantes a assintomáticos. Estas características da neuropatia tornam o diagnóstico precoce excepcionalmente desafiador assim como a necessidade de se intervir para se prevenir lesões permanentes nos nervos. Este estudo clínico, prospectivo, foi realizado selecionando-se pacientes com hanseníase, independente da forma clínica, no Ambulatório Souza Araujo, Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, que apresentavam episódios reacionais. O objetivo foi estudar o perfil neurológico clínico, eletroneurofisiológico e por imagem do nervo antes e após o tratamento das reações. Foram avaliados vinte e cinco pacientes levando-se em conta: exame neurológico, avaliação fisioterápica, estudo de condução nervosa, avaliação de espessura e ecogenicidade nervosa pelo método ultrassonográfico, fluxometria por laser Doppler e teste quantitativo da sensibilidade durante e um ano após o tratamento da reação. Estes pacientes foram divididos em três grupos: oito pacientes com neurite aguda, nove pacientes com neurite silenciosa e oito pacientes com reação cutânea sem neurite. Nos pacientes com episódios reacionais, observou-se predomínio do sexo masculino (60%), do grupo multibacilar (80%) e da forma clínica borderline-lepromatosa (36%). A neurite isolada foi o tipo de reação mais frequente, seguida de neurite associada à reação do tipo1, seguida da neurite associada à reação do tipo 2. O nervo motor mais acometido por neurite foi o fibular seguido pelo ulnar, enquanto o nervo sensitivo mais acometido foi o sural. O padrão eletroneuromiográfico característico dos episódios reacionais foi a mononeurite múltipla. A ultrassonografia, a fluxometria por laser Doppler e o teste quantitativo de sensibilidade, associados à clínica e ao estudo da condução nervosa, foram tidos como exames úteis para avaliação inicial e para acompanhar o tratamento dos episódios reacionais. Após o tratamento, foi constatada melhora nos parâmetros referentes à função motora, mas o mesmo não ocorreu para sensibilidade. Com esse estudo, observa-se a necessidade de acompanhamento multidiciplinar com exames especializados para os pacientes com hanseníase a fim de diagnóstico de reação e tratamento precoce evitando sequelas neurológicas.