972 resultados para UV-visible spectrometry
A recently developed thermal lens spectrometry configuration has been used to study CdSe/ZnS core-shell quantum dots (QDs) suspended in toluene and tetrahydrofuran (THF) solvents. The special features of this configuration make it very attractive to measure fluorescence quantum yield (eta) excitation spectrum since it simplifies the measurement procedure and consequently improve the accuracy. Furthermore, the precision reached is much higher than in conventional photoluminescence (PL) technique. Two methods, called reference sample and multiwavelength have been applied to determine eta, varying excitation wavelength in the UV-visible region (between 335-543 nm). The eta and PL spectra are practically independent of the excitation wavelength. For CdSe/ZnS QDs suspended in toluene we have obtained eta=76 +/- 2%. In addition, the aging effect on eta and PL has been studied over a 200 h period for QDs suspended in THF. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3343517]
Este trabalho apresenta uma modificação dos procedimentos descritos nas Farmacopéias Francesa e Européia para a análise de flavonoides de Passiflora incarnata L., Passifloraceae, por espectrometria UV-Visível e propõe a sua aplicação na determinação dos flavonoides totais das folhas da espinheira-santa (Maytenus aquifolium Mart. e Maytenus ilicifolia (Schrad.) Planch., Celastraceae) e do maracujá (Passiflora edulis Sims. e Passiflora alata Curtis, Passifloraceae). Os resultados obtidos por espectrometria no UV-Visível foram comparados aos obtidos por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE-UV), encontrando-se resultados estatisticamente similares entre os métodos espectrométrico modificado da Farmacopéia Francesa e CLAE-UV.
In this study, the metabolomics characterization focusing on the carotenoid composition of ten cassava (Manihot esculenta) genotypes cultivated in southern Brazil by UV-visible scanning spectrophotometry and reverse phase-high performance liquid chromatography was performed. Cassava roots rich in -carotene are an important staple food for populations with risk of vitamin A deficiency. Cassava genotypes with high pro-vitamin A activity have been identified as a strategy to reduce the prevalence of deficiency of this vitamin. The data set was used for the construction of a descriptive model by chemometric analysis. The genotypes of yellow-fleshed roots were clustered by the higher concentrations of cis--carotene and lutein. Inversely, cream-fleshed roots genotypes were grouped precisely due to their lower concentrations of these pigments, as samples rich in lycopene (redfleshed) differed among the studied genotypes. The analytical approach (UV-Vis, HPLC, and chemometrics) used showed to be efficient for understanding the chemodiversity of cassava genotypes, allowing to classify them according to important features for human health and nutrition.
This paper describes the development and validation of an UV-Visible spectrophotometric method for quantitation of genistein and genistin in soy dry extracts, after reaction with aluminum chloride. The method showed to be linear (r²= 0.9999), precise (R.S.D. < 2%), accurate (recovery of 101.56%) and robust. Seven samples of soy dry extracts were analyzed by the spectrophotometric validated method and by RP-HPLC. Genistein concentrations determined by spectrophotometry (0.63% - 16.05%) were slightly higher than values obtained by HPLC analysis (0.40% - 12.79%); however, the results of both methods showed a strong correlation.
Cr-doped xerogels were obtained by sol-gel process from the acid-catalyzed and ultrasound-stimulated hydrolysis of tetraethoxysilane (TEOS) with addition of CrCl3.6H(2)O in water solution during the liquid step of the process. The gels were aged immersed in different pH solutions for about 30 days, after that they were allowed to dry. The samples were annealed at temperatures ranging from 40 to 600degreesC and analyzed by UV-visible absorption spectroscopy. Cr3+ is the preferable oxidation state of the chromium ion in the gels annealed up to 250-300degreesC, in the case of aging in solutions of pH=5 and 11. A high UV absorption below similar to320 nm, due to the host gel, and different absorption bands, depending on the temperature, due to the chromium ion were observed in the xerogels at temperatures below similar to250degreesC, in the case of aging in solutions of pH=1 and 2. These absorption bands have not been assigned. Above 300degreesC up to 600degreesC, Cr5+, and possibly Cr6+, are the preferable oxidation states of the chromium ion independent of the pH of the aging solution, so the xerogels turn to a yellowish appearance in all cases.
Accurate long-term monitoring of total ozone is one of the most important requirements for identifying possible natural or anthropogenic changes in the composition of the stratosphere. For this purpose, the NDACC (Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change) UV-visible Working Group has made recommendations for improving and homogenizing the retrieval of total ozone columns from twilight zenith-sky visible spectrometers. These instruments, deployed all over the world in about 35 stations, allow measuring total ozone twice daily with limited sensitivity to stratospheric temperature and cloud cover. The NDACC recommendations address both the DOAS spectral parameters and the calculation of air mass factors (AMF) needed for the conversion of O-3 slant column densities into vertical column amounts. The most important improvement is the use of O-3 AMF look-up tables calculated using the TOMS V8 (TV8) O-3 profile climatology, that allows accounting for the dependence of the O-3 AMF on the seasonal and latitudinal variations of the O-3 vertical distribution. To investigate their impact on the retrieved ozone columns, the recommendations have been applied to measurements from the NDACC/SAOZ (Systeme d'Analyse par Observation Zenithale) network. The revised SAOZ ozone data from eight stations deployed at all latitudes have been compared to TOMS, GOMEGDP4, SCIAMACHY-TOSOMI, SCIAMACHY-OL3, OMI-TOMS, and OMI-DOAS satellite overpass observations, as well as to those of collocated Dobson and Brewer instruments at Observatoire de Haute Provence (44 degrees N, 5.5 degrees E) and Sodankyla (67 degrees N, 27 degrees E), respectively. A significantly better agreement is obtained between SAOZ and correlative reference ground-based measurements after applying the new O-3 AMFs. However, systematic seasonal differences between SAOZ and satellite instruments remain. These are shown to mainly originate from (i) a possible problem in the satellite retrieval algorithms in dealing with the temperature dependence of the ozone cross-sections in the UV and the solar zenith angle (SZA) dependence, (ii) zonal modulations and seasonal variations of tropospheric ozone columns not accounted for in the TV8 profile climatology, and (iii) uncertainty on the stratospheric ozone profiles at high latitude in the winter in the TV8 climatology. For those measurements mostly sensitive to stratospheric temperature like TOMS, OMI-TOMS, Dobson and Brewer, or to SZA like SCIAMACHY-TOSOMI, the application of temperature and SZA corrections results in the almost complete removal of the seasonal difference with SAOZ, improving significantly the consistency between all ground-based and satellite total ozone observations.
Until mid 2006, SCIAMACHY data processors for the operational retrieval of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) column data were based on the historical version 2 of the GOME Data Processor (GDP). On top of known problems inherent to GDP 2, ground-based validations of SCIAMACHY NO2 data revealed issues specific to SCIAMACHY, like a large cloud-dependent offset occurring at Northern latitudes. In 2006, the GDOAS prototype algorithm of the improved GDP version 4 was transferred to the off-line SCIAMACHY Ground Processor (SGP) version 3.0. In parallel, the calibration of SCIAMACHY radiometric data was upgraded. Before operational switch-on of SGP 3.0 and public release of upgraded SCIAMACHY NO2 data, we have investigated the accuracy of the algorithm transfer: (a) by checking the consistency of SGP 3.0 with prototype algorithms; and (b) by comparing SGP 3.0 NO2 data with ground-based observations reported by the WMO/GAW NDACC network of UV-visible DOAS/SAOZ spectrometers. This delta-validation study concludes that SGP 3.0 is a significant improvement with respect to the previous processor IPF 5.04. For three particular SCIAMACHY states, the study reveals unexplained features in the slant columns and air mass factors, although the quantitative impact on SGP 3.0 vertical columns is not significant.
Cooperative energy-transfer upconversion luminescence in Tb 3+/Yb 3+-codoped PbGeO 3-PbF 2-CdF 2 vitroceramic and its precursor glass under resonant and off-resonance infrared excitation, is investigated. Bright UV-visible emission signals around 384, 415, 438 nm, and 473-490, 545, 587, and 623 nm, identified as due to the 5D 3( 5G 6 → 7F J(J=6,5,4) and 5D 4 → 7F J(J=6,5,4,3) transitions, respectively, were readily observed. The results indicate that cooperative energy-transfer between ytterbium and terbium ions followed by excited-state absorption are the dominant upconversion excitation mechanisms herein involved. The comparison of the upconversion process in a vitroceramic sample and its glassy precursor revealed that the former present much higher upconversion efficiency. The dependence of the upconversion emission upon pump power, temperature, and doping content is also examined.
The present study reports the spectroscopic characterization by UV-visible absorption spectroscopy, magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) of the recombinant orf10-encoded P450-camphor like protein (P450CLA)of Streptomyces clavuligerus expressed in Escherichia coli Rosetta in the native form and associated to external ligands containing the β-lactam, oxazole and alkylamine-derived (alcohol) moieties of the clavulamic acid. Considering the diversity of potential applications for the enzyme, the reactivity with tert-butylhydroperoxide (tert-BuOOH) was also characterized. P450CLA presents a covalently bound heme group and exhibited the UV-visible, CD and MCD spectral features of P450CAM including the fingerprint Soret band at 450 nm generated by the ferrous CO-complex. P450CLA was converted to high valence species by tert-BuOOH and promoted homolytic scission of the O-O bond. The radical profile of the reaction was tert-butyloxyl as primary and methyl and butylperoxyl as secondary radicals. The secondary methyl and butylperoxyl radicals resulted respectively from the β-scission of the alkoxyl radical and from the reaction of methyl radical with molecular oxygen.
Más de 12000 m3 de mucilago de cacao CCN-51 son producidos y abandonados en las fincas de cacao en el Ecuador cada año. El estudio tiene como objetivo caracterizar este residuo en la Zona 6. Las muestras se obtuvieron de 10 lugares dentro de la zona de estudio, las mismas que están geo referenciadas. Para el análisis se usó espectrofotometría UV-Visible para la identificación de azucares reductoras totales, y espectrofotometría de absorción atómica para identificar minerales. Además se determinó parámetros físicos. Los resultados de los análisis fueron los siguientes: pH 4.05±0.004, los sólidos solubles fue de 17.15±0.86 0Brix, la acidez Titulable fue 245.25±21.19 meq/L. Por otra parte las azucares reductoras totales fueron de 1228.82±178.52 g/L y los de calcio, sodio y potasio fueron de 169.21±31.04 mg/L, 161.85±40.41 mg/L, 462.9±49.96 mg/L respectivamente. Se analizó una muestra mediante espectroscopia de infrarrojo para identificar glucosa y sacarosa, los resultados de este análisis fueron 398 g/L, 800g/l, posteriormente se realizó un análisis t student con el resultado obtenido en espectrofotometría UV-Visible de las azucares reductoras totales, como resultado final se estableció que no existe diferencia significativa entre las dos técnicas instrumentales.
Pimelic acid formation for biotin biosynthesis in Bacillus subtilis has been proposed to involve a cytochrome P450 encoded by the gene biol. We have subcloned bioI and overexpressed the encoded protein, BioI. A purification protocol was developed utilizing ion exchange, gel filtration, and hydroxyapatite chromatography, Investigation of the purified BioI by UV-visible spectroscopy revealed spectral properties characteristic of a cytochrome P450 enzyme. BioI copurifies with acylated Escherichia coil acyl carrier protein (ACP), suggesting that in vivo a fatty acid substrate may be presented to BioI as an acyl-ACP. A combination of electrospray mass spectrometry of the intact acyl-ACP and GCMS indicated a range of fatty acids were bound to the ACP. A catalytically active system has been established employing E. coli flavodoxin reductase and a novel, heterologous flavodoxin as the redox partners for BioI. In this system, BioI cleaves a carbon-carbon bond of an acyl-ACP to generate a pimeloyl-ACP equivalent, from which pimelic acid is isolated after base-catalyzed saponification. A range of free fatty acids have also been explored as potential alternative substrates for BioI, with C16 binding most tightly to the enzyme. These fatty acids are also metabolized to dicarboxylic acids, but with less regiospecificity than is observed with acyl-ACPs. A possible mechanism for this transformation is discussed. These results strongly support the proposed role for BioI in biotin biosynthesis. In addition, the production of pimeloyl-ACP explains the ability of BioI to function as a pimeloyl CoA source in E. coli, which, unlike B. subtilis, is unable to utilize free pimelic acid for biotin production. (C) 2000 Academic Press.
Cytochromes P450 are members of a superfamily of hemoproteins involved in the oxidative metabolism of various physiologic and xenobiotic compounds in eukaryotes and prokaryotes. Studies on bacterial P450s, particularly those involved in monoterpene oxidation, have provided an integral contribution to our understanding of these proteins, away from the problems encountered with eukaryotic forms. We report here a novel cytochrome P450 (P450(cin), CYP176A1) purified from a strain of Citrobacter braakii that is capable of using cineole 1 as its sole source of carbon and energy. This enzyme has been purified to homogeneity and the amino acid sequences of three tryptic peptides determined. By using this information, a PCR-based cloning strategy was developed that allowed the isolation of a 4-kb DNA fragment containing the cytochrome P450(cin) gene (cinA). Sequencing revealed three open reading frames that were identified on the basis of sequence homology as a cytochrome P450, an NADPH-dependent flavodoxin/ferrodoxin reductase, and a flavodoxin. This arrangement suggests that P450(cin) may be the first isolated P450 to use a flavodoxin as its natural redox partner. Sequencing also identified the unprecedented substitution of a highly conserved, catalytically, important active site threonine with an asparagine residue. The P450 gene was subcloned and heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli at similar to2000 nmol/liter of original culture, and purification was achieved by standard protocols. Postulating the native E. coli flavodoxin/flavodoxin reductase system might mimic the natural redox partners of P450,in, it was expressed in E. coli in the presence of cineole 1. A product was formed in vivo that was tentatively identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry as 2-hydroxycineole 2. Examination of P450(cin) by UV-visible spectroscopy revealed typical spectra characteristic of P450s, a high affinity for cineole 1 (K-D = 0.7 mum), and a large spin state change of the heme iron associated with binding of cineole 1. These facts support the hypothesis that cineole 1 is the natural substrate for this enzyme and that P450(cin) catalyzes the initial monooxygenation of cineole 1 biodegradation. This constitutes the first characterization of an enzyme involved in this pathway.
Propolis is a chemically complex biomass produced by honeybees (Apis mellifera) from plant resins added of salivary enzymes, beeswax, and pollen. The biological activities described for propolis were also identified for donor plants resin, but a big challenge for the standardization of the chemical composition and biological effects of propolis remains on a better understanding of the influence of seasonality on the chemical constituents of that raw material. Since propolis quality depends, among other variables, on the local flora which is strongly influenced by (a)biotic factors over the seasons, to unravel the harvest season effect on the propolis chemical profile is an issue of recognized importance. For that, fast, cheap, and robust analytical techniques seem to be the best choice for large scale quality control processes in the most demanding markets, e.g., human health applications. For that, UV-Visible (UV-Vis) scanning spectrophotometry of hydroalcoholic extracts (HE) of seventy-three propolis samples, collected over the seasons in 2014 (summer, spring, autumn, and winter) and 2015 (summer and autumn) in Southern Brazil was adopted. Further machine learning and chemometrics techniques were applied to the UV-Vis dataset aiming to gain insights as to the seasonality effect on the claimed chemical heterogeneity of propolis samples determined by changes in the flora of the geographic region under study. Descriptive and classification models were built following a chemometric approach, i.e. principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical clustering analysis (HCA) supported by scripts written in the R language. The UV-Vis profiles associated with chemometric analysis allowed identifying a typical pattern in propolis samples collected in the summer. Importantly, the discrimination based on PCA could be improved by using the dataset of the fingerprint region of phenolic compounds ( = 280-400m), suggesting that besides the biological activities of those secondary metabolites, they also play a relevant role for the discrimination and classification of that complex matrix through bioinformatics tools. Finally, a series of machine learning approaches, e.g., partial least square-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN), and Decision Trees showed to be complementary to PCA and HCA, allowing to obtain relevant information as to the sample discrimination.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil
Aromatic amines are widely used industrial chemicals as their major sources in the environment include several chemical industry sectors such as oil refining, synthetic polymers, dyes, adhesives, rubbers, perfume, pharmaceuticals, pesticides and explosives. They result also from diesel exhaust, combustion of wood chips and rubber and tobacco smoke. Some types of aromatic amines are generated during cooking, special grilled meat and fish, as well. The intensive use and production of these compounds explains its occurrence in the environment such as in air, water and soil, thereby creating a potential for human exposure. Since aromatic amines are potential carcinogenic and toxic agents, they constitute an important class of environmental pollutants of enormous concern, which efficient removal is a crucial task for researchers, so several methods have been investigated and applied. In this chapter the types and general properties of aromatic amine compounds are reviewed. As aromatic amines are continuously entering the environment from various sources and have been designated as high priority pollutants, their presence in the environment must be monitored at concentration levels lower than 30 mg L1, compatible with the limits allowed by the regulations. Consequently, most relevant analytical methods to detect the aromatic amines composition in environmental matrices, and for monitoring their degradation, are essential and will be presented. Those include Spectroscopy, namely UV/visible and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR); Chromatography, in particular Thin Layer (TLC), High Performance Liquid (HPLC) and Gas chromatography (GC); Capillary electrophoresis (CE); Mass spectrometry (MS) and combination of different methods including GC-MS, HPLC-MS and CE-MS. Choosing the best methods depend on their availability, costs, detection limit and sample concentration, which sometimes need to be concentrate or pretreated. However, combined methods may give more complete results based on the complementary information. The environmental impact, toxicity and carcinogenicity of many aromatic amines have been reported and are emphasized in this chapter too. Lately, the conventional aromatic amines degradation and the alternative biodegradation processes are highlighted. Parameters affecting biodegradation, role of different electron acceptors in aerobic and anaerobic biodegradation and kinetics are discussed. Conventional processes including extraction, adsorption onto activated carbon, chemical oxidation, advanced oxidation, electrochemical techniques and irradiation suffer from drawbacks including high costs, formation of hazardous by-products and low efficiency. Biological processes, taking advantage of the naturally processes occurring in environment, have been developed and tested, proved as an economic, energy efficient and environmentally feasible alternative. Aerobic biodegradation is one of the most promising techniques for aromatic amines remediation, but has the drawback of aromatic amines autooxidation once they are exposed to oxygen, instead of their degradation. Higher costs, especially due to power consumption for aeration, can also limit its application. Anaerobic degradation technology is the novel path for treatment of a wide variety of aromatic amines, including industrial wastewater, and will be discussed. However, some are difficult to degrade under anaerobic conditions and, thus, other electron acceptors such as nitrate, iron, sulphate, manganese and carbonate have, alternatively, been tested.