943 resultados para USE SCREENING INVENTORY


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BACKGROUND: The Affordable Care Act encourages healthcare systems to integrate behavioral and medical healthcare, as well as to employ electronic health records (EHRs) for health information exchange and quality improvement. Pragmatic research paradigms that employ EHRs in research are needed to produce clinical evidence in real-world medical settings for informing learning healthcare systems. Adults with comorbid diabetes and substance use disorders (SUDs) tend to use costly inpatient treatments; however, there is a lack of empirical data on implementing behavioral healthcare to reduce health risk in adults with high-risk diabetes. Given the complexity of high-risk patients' medical problems and the cost of conducting randomized trials, a feasibility project is warranted to guide practical study designs. METHODS: We describe the study design, which explores the feasibility of implementing substance use Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) among adults with high-risk type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) within a home-based primary care setting. Our study includes the development of an integrated EHR datamart to identify eligible patients and collect diabetes healthcare data, and the use of a geographic health information system to understand the social context in patients' communities. Analysis will examine recruitment, proportion of patients receiving brief intervention and/or referrals, substance use, SUD treatment use, diabetes outcomes, and retention. DISCUSSION: By capitalizing on an existing T2DM project that uses home-based primary care, our study results will provide timely clinical information to inform the designs and implementation of future SBIRT studies among adults with multiple medical conditions.


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Mental health issues such as depression or anxiety and alcohol or other drug (AOD) problems often remain undiagnosed and untreated despite their prevalence in the community. This paper reports on the implementation and evaluation of an AOD and depression/anxiety screening programme within two Community Health Services (CHS) in Australia. Study 1 examined results from 5 weeks of screening (March–April 2008) using the Patient Health Questionnaire (two- and nine-item, Kroenke et al. 2001, 2003), the Conjoint Screen for Alcohol and other Drug Problems (Brown et al. 2001) and the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test (Humeniuk & Ali 2006). Of the 55 clients screened, 33% were at risk of depression or anxiety, 22% reporting moderate-severe depression. Thirteen per cent were at risk of substance use disorders. A substantial proportion of at-risk clients were not currently accessing help for these issues from the CHS and therefore screening can facilitate identification and treatment referral. However, the majority of eligible clients were not screened, limiting screening reach. A second study evaluated the screening implementation from a process perspective via thematic analysis of focus group data from six managers and 14 intake/assessment workers (April 2008). This showed that when screening occurred, it facilitated opportunities for education and intervention with at-risk clients, although cultural mores, privacy concerns and shame/stigma could affect accuracy of screen scores at times. Importantly, the evaluation revealed that most decisions not to screen were made by workers, not by clients. Reasons for non-screening related to worker discomfort in asking sensitive questions and/or managing client distress, and a reluctance to spend long periods of time screening in time-pressured environments. The evaluation suggested that these problems could be resolved by splitting screening responsibilities, enhancing worker training and expanding follow-up screening. Findings will inform any community-based health system considering introducing screening.


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Objective: To evaluate the association between gender and use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs in adolescents aged 10 to 18 years in the municipalities of Jacare and Diadema, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Methods: A total of 971 adolescents completed the Drug Use Screening Inventory (DUSI). Results: In our sample, 55% of adolescents were male, 33.8% reported having made use in the previous month of alcohol, 13.5% of cigarettes, and 6.4% of illicit drugs. There was no significant difference between genders in the use of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs in any of the analysis (p > 0.05). The use of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs was associated with the city, age, educational level, school failure, and relationship with parents (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Substance abuse among adolescents in our sample seems to follow the recent global trend towards the equalization of drug use between genders. This result should be taken into account by public health professionals in developing policies for this problem. (C) 2012 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.


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Esta pesquisa visou a avaliar a associação entre o consumo de substâncias (álcool, tabaco e drogas ilícitas) e problemas familiares numa amostra de 965 adolescentes em 50 escolas públicas de dois municípios do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, em 2007. Foi utilizado o Drug Use Screening Inventory (DUSI) para a coleta de dados. O uso de álcool, tabaco e drogas ilícitas foi associado à avaliação negativa da relação familiar, à falta de suporte/monitoramento e ao uso de substâncias por familiares (p < 0,05). Os estudantes que relataram ter feito uso de substâncias apresentaram mais problemas familiares do que aqueles que não consumiram nenhuma substância (p < 0,001). Os adolescentes que usaram álcool e tabaco (p = 0,028) e drogas ilícitas (p < 0,001) relataram ter mais problemas familiares do que aqueles que usaram apenas álcool. Os resultados apontam para a importância de se ficar atento ao consumo de álcool e tabaco entre os adolescentes, já que o relato do consumo das duas substâncias esteve associado a prejuízos familiares significativos, semelhantes ao uso de drogas ilícitas.


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BACKGROUND: Notification of hepatitis C virus (HCV) positive status is known to have short-term impacts on subsequent alcohol, drug use and injection behaviors among persons who inject drugs (PWID). It remains to be established whether post-screening behavioral changes extend over time for PWID and whether screening test notification has behavioral impacts among HCV-negative PWID. This study sought to longitudinally assess substance use and injection behaviors after HCV status notification among HCV seroconverters and HCV-negative PWID. METHODS: Initially HCV-seronegative PWID (n = 208) were followed prospectively between 2004 and 2011 in Montreal, Canada. Semi-annual screening visits included blood sampling and an interview-administered questionnaire assessing substance use and injection behaviors. Multivariable generalized estimating equation analyses were conducted to assess substance use and behavior changes over time and compare changes between HCV seroconverters and HCV-seronegative participants while adjusting for baseline characteristics. RESULTS: Of the 208 participants (83% male; mean age, 34.7 years, mean follow-up time, 39 months), 69 (33.2%) seroconverted to HCV. A linear decrease in syringe sharing behavior was observed over time after HCV and status notification, whereas a 10% decrease for each additional 3 months of follow-up was observed for injection cocaine and heroin use among HCV seroconverters but not among HCV-seronegative PWID (P < .05). No significant changes were observed in alcohol use. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that notification of HCV-positive status is associated with reduced injection drug use among seroconverters. Among PWID deemed seronegative after screening, there is no sustained trend for change in risk behavior.


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The terrestrial export of dissolved organic matter (DOM) is associated with climate, vegetation and land use, and thus is under the influence of climatic variability and human interference with terrestrial ecosystems, their soils and hydrological cycles. The present study provides an assessment of spatial variation of DOM concentrations and export, and interactions between DOM, catchment characteristics, land use and climatic factors in boreal catchments. The influence of catchment characteristics, land use and climatic drivers on the concentrations and export of total organic carbon (TOC), total organic nitrogen (TON) and dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) was estimated using stream water quality, forest inventory and climatic data from 42 Finnish pristine forested headwater catchments, and water quality monitoring, GIS land use, forest inventory and climatic data from the 36 main Finnish rivers (and their sub-catchments) flowing to the Baltic Sea. Moreover, the export of DOM in relation to land use along a European climatic gradient was studied using river water quality and land use data from four European areas. Additionally, the role of organic and minerogenic acidity in controlling pH levels in Finnish rivers and pristine streams was studied by measuring organic anion, sulphate (SO4) and base cation (Ca, Mg, K and Na) concentrations. In all study catchments, TOC was a major fraction of DOM, with much lower proportions of TON and DOP. Moreover, most of TOC and TON was in a dissolved form. The correlation between TOC and TON concentrations was strong and TOC concentrations explained 78% of the variation in TON concentrations in pristine headwater streams. In a subgroup of 20 headwater catchments with similar climatic conditions and low N deposition in eastern Finland, the proportion of peatlands in the catchment and the proportion of Norway spruce (Picea abies Karsten) of the tree stand had the strongest correlation with the TOC and TON concentrations and export. In Finnish river basins, TOC export increased with the increasing proportion of peatland in the catchment, whereas TON export increased with increasing extent of agricultural land. The highest DOP concentrations and export were recorded in river basins with a high extent of agricultural land and urban areas, reflecting the influence of human impact on DOP loads. However, the most important predictor for TOC, TON and DOP export in Finnish rivers was the proportion of upstream lakes in the catchment. The higher the upstream lake percentage, the lower the export indicating organic matter retention in lakes. Molar TOC:TON ratio decreased from headwater catchments covered by forests and peatlands to the large river basins with mixed land use, emphasising the effect of the land use gradient on the stoichiometry of rivers. This study also demonstrated that the land use of the catchments is related to both organic and minerogenic acidity in rivers and pristine headwater streams. Organic anion dominated in rivers and streams situated in northern Finland, reflecting the higher extent of peatlands in these areas, whereas SO4 dominated in southern Finland and on western coastal areas, where the extent of fertile areas, agricultural land, urban areas, acid sulphate soils, and sulphate deposition is highest. High TOC concentrations decreased pH values in the stream and river water, whereas no correlation between SO4 concentrations and pH was observed. This underlines the importance of organic acids in controlling pH levels in Finnish pristine headwater streams and main rivers. High SO4 concentrations were associated with high base cation concentrations and fertile areas, which buffered the effects of SO4 on pH.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Published as the third item of the functions assigned to the Mapping Subcommittee by the Arkansas White Red Basins Inter-Agency Committee"--p. [2] of cover.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Excessive consumption of alcohol is a serious public health problem. While intensive treatments are suitable for those who are physically dependent on alcohol, they are not cost-effective options for the vast majority of problem drinkers who are not dependent. There is good evidence that brief interventions are effective in reducing overall alcohol consumption, alcohol-related problems, and health-care utilisation among nondependent problem drinkers. Psychologists are in an ideal position to opportunistically detect people who drink excessively and to offer them brief advice to reduce their drinking. In this paper we outline the process involved in providing brief opportunistic screening and intervention for problem drinkers. We also discuss methods that psychologists can employ if a client is not ready to reduce drinking, or is ambivalent about change. Depending on the client's level of motivation to change, psychologists can engage in either an education-clarification approach, a commitment-enhancement approach, or a skills-training approach. Routine engagement in opportunistic intervention is an important public-health approach to reducing alcohol-related harm in the community.


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O Brasil é um dos maiores consumidores per capita de açúcar e estudos têm mostrado um papel específico do consumo excessivo de açúcar no ganho de peso. Com o aumento do ganho de peso observado em vários países, e também no Brasil, é importante testar quais mensagens, estratégias e propostas de intervenção seriam eficazes na prevenção dessa epidemia. Os dados reportados são referentes a um ensaio randomizado por conglomerado, controlado, conduzido em 20 escolas municipais na cidade metropolitana de Niterói no Estado de Rio de Janeiro, de março a dezembro de 2007, que testou a eficácia de orientações para merendeiras objetivando reduzir a disponibilidade de açúcar e de alimentos fontes de açúcar na alimentação escolar e no consumo delas. A intervenção consistiu em um programa de educação nutricional nas escolas usando mensagens, atividades e material educativo que encorajassem a redução da adição de açúcar na alimentação escolar pelas merendeiras e no consumo delas. A redução da disponibilidade per capita de açúcar pelas escolas foi analisada através de planilhas com dados da utilização dos itens do estoque. O consumo individual das merendeiras foi avaliado através de questionário de freqüência de consumo alimentar. As medidas antropométricas e bioquímicas foram realizadas de acordo com técnicas padronizadas. As escolas de intervenção apresentaram maior redução da disponibilidade per capita de açúcar quando comparadas às escolas controle (-6,0 kg vs. 3,4 kg), mas sem diferença estatisticamente significante. Houve redução no consumo de doces e bebidas açucaradas nas merendeiras dos dois grupos, mas o consumo de açúcar não apresentou diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre eles. Houve redução do consumo de energia total nos dois grupos, mas sem diferença entre eles, e sem modificação dos percentuais de adequação dos macronutrientes em relação ao consumo de energia. Ao final do estudo somente as merendeiras do grupo de intervenção conseguiram manter a perda de peso, porém sem diferença estatisticamente significante. A estratégia de redução da disponibilidade e do consumo de açúcar por merendeiras de escolas públicas não atingiu o principal objetivo de redução de adição de açúcar. Uma análise secundária dos dados avaliou a associação entre a auto-percepção da saúde e da qualidade da alimentação com o excesso de peso e concentração elevada de colesterol sérico das merendeiras na linha de base. As perguntas de auto-percepção foram coletadas por entrevista. Dentre as que consideraram a sua alimentação como saudável, 40% apresentavam colesterol elevado e 61% apresentavam excesso de peso vs. 68% e 74%, respectivamente, para as que consideraram a sua alimentação como não-saudável. Dentre as que consideraram a sua saúde como boa, 41% apresentavam colesterol elevado e 59% apresentavam excesso de peso vs. 71% e 81%, respectivamente, para as que consideraram a sua saúde como ruim. A maioria das mulheres que relatou ter alimentação saudável apresentou maior frequência de consumo de frutas, verduras e legumes, feijão, leite e derivados e menor freqüência de consumo de refrigerante. Conclui-se que perguntas únicas e simples como as utilizadas para a auto-avaliação da saúde podem também ter importância na avaliação da alimentação.


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Objective: To assess if screening programs and treatment of preoperative malnutrition have been implemented into surgical practice to decrease morbidity. There is strong evidence that postoperative morbidity can be minimized by early identifying and treating patients at nutritional risk before major surgery.The validated nutritional risk score (NRS) is recommended by the European Society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition for nutritional screening. It remains unclear whether routine preoperative nutritional assessment and perioperative nutrition is widely implemented.Methods: A survey was conducted in 173 Swiss and Austrian surgical departments. Implementation of nutritional screening, perioperative nutrition, and estimated impact on clinical outcome were assessed. Non-responders were repeatedly contacted by the authors.Results: The overall response rate was 55%, whereby 69% (54/78) of Swiss and 44% (42/95) of Austrian centers responded. Despite 80% and 59% of the responding centers are aware of a reduced complication rate and shortened hospital stay, respectively, only 20% of them implemented routine nutritional screening. Financial (49%) and logistic restrictions (33%) are the predominant reasons against the routine clinical use. Screening is mainly performed either in the outpatient's clinic (52%) or during admission (54%). The NRS is only used by 14%. Instead, various clinical (78%), e.g. BMI and laboratory findings (56%), e.g. albumine, are used. Indication for perioperative nutrition is based on preoperative screening in 49%.While 23% use preoperative nutrition, 68% apply nutritional support pre- and postoperatively. Preoperative nutritional treatment ranged from three days (33%), to five days (31%) and even seven days (20%).Conclusion: Despite malnutrition is well recognized as major risk factor for increased postoperative morbidity, the majority of surgeons are reluctant to implement routine screening and nutritional support. If nutritional assessment is performed, local institutional screening parameters are still preferred. It remains difficult to overcome traditions, and to change surgeon's mind.


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Purpose. To describe the prevalence of violence exposure and depression and their association among 5th grade students. ^ Methods.. Students (n=5,147) attending 5th grade (mean age 11.12) from three major metropolitan areas in the United States were surveyed on various health-related measures including experience with being a victim of violence (adapted from YRBS and Traumatic Events Screening Inventory) and depressive symptoms (from the DISC Predictive Scale). Prevalence was calculated for rates of violence exposure as well as depression defined as having five or more depressive symptoms. Logistic regression was used to examine the association between exposure to violence and depression. ^ Results. This study found that over 35% of students were exposed to some form of violence such as being threatened, hit, punched, kicked, beaten up, or threatened/injured with a gun or knife. Male students had a higher prevalence than female students on almost all exposure types. Over 7% of students also reported having 5 or more depressive symptoms. All forms of violence were significantly associated with depression. Students who had been a victim of violence were between 2.5 and 6.5 more likely to have five or more depression symptoms. Conslusion. The results of this study underscore the urgent need of collaborative prevention and treatment efforts for children exposed to violence. By preventing such exposure, serious effects including physical injury, mental health problems, and other detrimental outcomes may be mitigated.^